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In Whitefield Excavators and Plumbing, the dispute resolution process is a well-organized and

open framework that aims to solve workplace conflicts quickly and fairly, thus creating a
pleasant work atmosphere that makes employees more productive and collaborative.

Informal Resolution

The first thing to do is to try to solve the problem informally, which is about creating a peaceful
discussion and trying to find a constructive solution between the two sides. In this stage, the
people are encouraged to have face-to-face talks or mediated conversations with the help of a
neutral mediator, usually a trained HR person or a supervisor (Goldberg et al., 2021). The
purpose is to assist the parties in stating their issues, eliminate misunderstandings and seek
solutions by working together. The unofficial method of settling disputes enables early
intervention to be carried out, which, in turn, leads to the resolution of issues in a timely manner
and, as a result, prevents the escalation of problems (Goldberg et al., 2021).

Formal Mediation

The dispute goes to formal mediation when the informal resolution of the dispute is not
successful (Goldberg et al., 2021). The third stage is about a third party who is neutral, for
example, an experienced mediator or an HR professional, who is chosen to lead the organized
talks between the opposing sides. The mediation sessions are a safe and pleasant environment
where people can share their opinions, discover hidden problems and find solutions that are
suitable for both parties (Goldberg et al., 2021). The mediator is the one who helps break the
communication barriers, manage emotions, and guide the parties to a solution that is based on
their interests and concerns.

Grievance Procedure

If the mediation fails, the dispute is then taken to the grievance procedure phase. This is the way
of complaint that has to be written and then submitted to HR or management, with the details of
the dispute and the request for intervention (Benedikt, The organization investigates the matter
very carefully, collects the evidence, interviews the relevant people, and checks if the complaint
is valid. In the course of the inquiry, the principles of equality, neutrality, and secrecy are
observed to make the process open and the procedure legitimate. The investigation is over, and
the right measures are taken to solve the dispute, such as punishment, revision of the policy, or
additional support systems.

Arbitration or Litigation

It is only in very infrequent cases that the grievance procedure does not succeed in solving the
problem, and the last chance is arbitration or litigation. Arbitration is a way of appointing a
neutral arbitrator to make a binding decision based on the evidence given by both parties.
Litigation is the pathway through which legal proceedings are initiated and resolved through the
court system to settle the dispute. Even though arbitration or litigation is the last choice, it is the
way to deal with conflicts that are deeply rooted and cannot be solved by other methods.

Key Principles
The basic principles of direct decision-making and actions are the main rules that control the
whole process of dispute resolution. Such principles are fairness, impartiality, confidentiality,
timeliness, and documentation. By following these principles, Whitefield Excavators and
Plumbing not only protects the rights and the well-being of all the parties but also settles any
disputes quickly and fairly, and the working environment is then suitable for productivity and

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