GE1 - Speaking Suggested Answers

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A. Personal Information
Questions Suggested Ideas

1. Full name What’s your full name? My name’s ______.

What’s your first name? My full name is ______.
What’s your last/surname? My first name/last name is ______.

2. Major / Course What’s your major? I’m studying (law/business administration,…)

What are you studying? My major is (law/business administration,…)
I study (law/business administration,…)
Which course are you in? I’m in course (46, 47, …..).
What year are you in? I’m a/the first-year/second-year student at CTU.
I’m a freshman/ a sophomore/a junior/ a senior.

3. Department / What’s the name of your - I am studying in (the College of Rural

School / College (in Can faculty/school/college in Can Development/ College of Agriculture)
Tho University) Tho University?
- My faculty/school/college is (Agriculture/Rural

4. Reason(s) for What is the reason for - I chose this major because S + V (I like it/ It is
choosing that major choosing your major? suitable for my future career/ My father wanted
Why did you choose your me to study that major…)
major? - The reason for my choice is that S + V ( I like it/
It is suitable for my future career/ My father
wanted me to study that major/…)
- I think that S + V (I can get a better job/ …)

5. Likes and dislikes - What do you like best about - For me, this is a beautiful/wonderful/interesting
about Can Tho Can Tho University? place to study with many trees/modern
University infrastructure…
- I think that my friends are friendly and my
teachers are kind and knowledgeable…
- What do you dislike best - I don’t like the time of each period, 50 minutes
about Can Tho University? is too long.

B. Social Interaction

Unit Topic Questions Suggested Ideas

1 FAMILY 1. How many people are -My family/ (be)/ big / small.
(simple present) there in your family? -There (be)/ … (people / members) in my family.
-They (be)/ my … (grandmother / grandfather /
mother / father / brother / sister / me).
2. What’s your -She / He’s a/an …(farmer / housewife / teacher /
mother’s / father’s job? doctor / …).
-She / He works for … (company / school / factory / …)
-She / He works far from home./ at home.
3. Do you have any -Yes. I have … older / younger brother(s) / sister(s).
brothers / sisters? -My brother / sister is a/an …. (student / worker /
teacher / …)
-No, I don’t. I’m an only child in my family.
4. Are you an only child? -Yes, I am. I am an only child in my family.
_No, I’m not. I have ….. brother(s) and….. sister (s)
5. How often do you see - I often see my parents/ my father/ my mother every
your parents/ father/ day because I live /(I am living) with (them / (him/
mother? her) in Can Tho City.
travel -I often see my parents …( at weekend, once/ twice /
three times a month)
6. Who is your favorite My favorite family member is ……(my father/ mother/
family member? Why? sister/ brother) because he/ she/ takes care of me
2 HOUSE 1. Is your house big or -My house is…… big / small.
(simple present) small? -There are … bedrooms in my house.
-It’s in the countryside/ city center
2. How many rooms are -There are … rooms in my house.
there in your house? -There’s … living room / bedroom(s) / kitchen /
bathroom (s). a room where the altar is put.
3. What’s your favorite -My favorite room is … because it’s …
room in your house? comfortable / modern / quiet / large / spacious…)
4. Do you like your -Yes, I do. I like my house because it is big/ it has a
house? Why? flower garden around my house.
- No, I don’t. I don’t like my house because it is small
and uncomfortable.
5. Where is your house? My house is….( at 17 Bui Thi Xuan, Ninh Kieu District,
Can Tho City.)
At + house number
In/ on + Street
In + Area/ Commune/ Town/ District/ Province/ City

6. Can you describe your Yes, I can. My house is ……(small but lovely. It has one
house? living room, two bedrooms and a kitchen).
CLASSROOM 7.What building in the -I love D1 and D2 at CTU.
(simple present) university do you like? -I like B1.
Do you like your
8.What does the -It is large and blue gray.
classroom look like? -It is big and has a lot of necessary objects.
9.What are there in your -There is a board and a TV. There are lots of tables and
classroom? chairs.
-In my classroom, there are a lot of objects like…
-There are a lot of things in my classroom such as..
3 HOMETOWN / 1. Where are you from? / -I’m from … (Can Tho / Vinh Long / …)
CITY Where’s your -My hometown is …(Can Tho / Vinh Long / …)
(simple present) hometown? -It’s a … (beautiful city / peaceful countryside / noisy
2. What’s your -It’s famous for …(fruits / food / tourist attractions)
hometown famous for? such as … (oranges and durians / coconut candy and
seafood / Ninh Kieu Quay and Floating Markets)
3. Is your hometown far -I’m from Can Tho City. I live with my family on …
from Can Tho City? Street.
-Yes. It takes … minutes / hours to go to Can Tho City
by motorbike.
-Yes. It’s 40 kilometres away from Can Tho City.
4.What famous places -There are……, ......and……in my hometown.
are there in your - In my hometown, there are…….
hometown? -There are a lot of famous places in my home town,
such as…..
5.Are there any good -Yes, there are …….and …..
food and drinks in your - In my hometown, there are……and…..
hometown? - My hometown is famous for…. and….
6. Do you love your -Yes, I love my hometown because people are very
hometown? Why? friendly.
-Yes, I do. Because this place has many trees and fresh
-Yes, I love this place where I was born and grew up
with my family.
DAILY 1. What do you usually - My morning often starts at ……(o’clock).
ROUTINES do in the morning? - After getting up, I usually …………at….., ……….
(simple present) at……..and……………….
- My morning is quite busy.
2.What do you usually do - There is nothing special about my afternoon.
in the afternoon? - I usually ……….at …….. Then/ After that, I …………at…,
…………., and ……………
3. What do you usually -My evening is not very special./ My evening is quite
do in the evening? fun/ interesting.
- I often ……. at…., …………..and …….at…..
- I go to bed at………..( to end my day).
4.What do you often do -I often ... .at... and ... .at….
on weekends? -My weekend is so interesting. I often…. and….
-I often begin my weekend at coffee shops and…
5. What do you often do -I often….and….
on holiday? -My holiday is often simple, I come back to my
hometown to…and….
-Yah, I love holidays because I can…..and….
6.What do you often do -On Tet holiday, I often decorate the house, visit
on Tet holiday? pagodas and have parties.
-I often visit relatives and get lucky money.
-My Tet holiday is so fun. I often….and….
DAILY MEALS 7.How many meals do - I usually have ……… meals per day/a day.
(simple present) you usually have per - They are (breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper)
day? - I usually have breakfast at ……(o’clock), lunch at
………, and dinner at…….
8.What is your main - My main meal is …………….
meal? - I usually eat ……. and drink……. for my main meal.
- I often have my main meal (alone/ with my
9. Where do you like + I like having my main meal at home because it’s
having your main meal? (safe, cheap, healthy,….)
Why? + I like having my main meal at my school
canteen/school cafeteria because it’s (fast, time-
saving, convenient,….)
+ For the main meal, I usually eat at (Bach Thao/ Cay
Khe/…….) because it’s good/near my house (and the
food’s good/yummy/delicious….)
10. What do you usually For breakfast, I usually have ……..(a loaf of bread,
have for breakfast/ noodles or milk….)
lunch/ dinner? For lunch, I usually eat……..( rice, meat, fish……)
For dinner, I usually eat…….( fruit or vegetables….)
11. Which meal of the I think …….. is the most important because …..
day do you think is the
most important ?( why?)
12. Do you prefer to eat I prefer to eat alone/ with someone because……….
alone or with someone?
4 HOBBIES 1.What are your + My hobbies are ……..,……….., and ……….
(simple present) hobbies? = I like (listening to music, watching movies, reading
books, playing games,….) for my hobbies.
= I have many hobbies such as …...,……, and …….
2.What is your favorite + My favorite hobby is ……………because it’s fun &
hobby? Why? relaxing.
= I like ……………..most because it helps me relax and
reduce stress.
= The hobby I enjoy most is ………..because it’s very
interesting & relaxing.
3.Where do you want to + I want to enjoy my hobbies outdoors because it’s
enjoy your hobbies? good for my health (and I like to be in nature/ with
Why? other people)
+ I want to enjoy my hobbies indoors because I like to
be alone/I can do whatever I like.
+ I want to enjoy my hobbies both indoors and
outdoors because they are good for me: I can spend
time for myself and with others.
4. Do you have any +Yes/ like /play football/ fly kites
hobbies? +Yes/ read books/ my free time.
+ Yes/ stamp collecting /be/ my hobby.
5. Why do people need +this/ be/ the best way / enjoy/ free time.
to have hobbies? + need time / reduce stress/ relax.
+ forget worries / soon.
6.What hobbies are +surfing the net/ be/ common/ Vietnam
popular in Vietnam? +the Vietnamese/ love / listen to music/ sing folk
+ watching TV /be/ very popular/ the country
FREE TIME 1. Do you love spending - family/ because/ love my family.
ACTIVITIES your free time with your - friends/ because/ share everything.
(simple present) family or friends?
2.What do you go when hang out with friends/ go travelling/ go shopping/ go
you have a day off from to coffeeshop
3. What do you usually chat with my friends/ check my assignments/ buy
do during your short some drinks
break at school?
4. What do you often do In my free time, I often like/ love……(cooking or
in your free time? hanging out with my friends)
5. What do you often do At weekends, I often…..(visit my parents in the
at weekend(s)? countryside/ play sports/ go to the cafe with my
6. Do you prefer going I prefer…….V-ing (staying at home to read books or
out or staying at home watch TV on weekends).
on weekends?
SUMMER 1. What do you often do During my summer holidays, I often…..( go traveling
HOLIDAY during your summer with my family./ I often take part time jobs).
ACTIVITIES holidays?
(simple present) 2. Do you like your Yes, I do. I like my summer holidays because …..(it
summer holidays? helps me relax and reduce stress after a hard
3. Do you like spending I like spending time alone because I can do some
time during summer activities I like such as …..(V-ing) (travelling/ reading
holiday alone or with books/ cooking/ hanging out….)
your friends?
4. Do you think having a Yes, I do. Having a long holiday is good for students
long holiday is good for because they can V-inf
students? Why or why + have / time / relax.
not? + travel / other places.
+ take / part-time jobs / earn / money
+ go back / their home
+ take care / their families
5. How do you enjoy In summer holidays, I V-inf
your summer holidays? + go back / hometown
+ do / daily chores / with my family
+ travel / new places / with my family
6. Whom do you like to - I like to spend my summer holidays with my ….
spend your summer (friends/family/classmates/sisters)
holidays with? What do - We / do / daily activities such as V-ing (having meals,
you do with them? watching TV, doing the gardening, or cleaning our
- Sometimes, we / travel / beautiful places.
TET HOLIDAY 1. What do you often do I help my mother clean and decorate the house ( go
ACTIVITIES before Tet holiday? shopping / buy new clothes, flowers…..)
(simple present) 2. What do you often do I have big dinner with my family ( visit relatives; give or
with your family on Tet receive lucky money; go to the pagoda…)
3. Is Tet holiday Yes, it is / No, it isn’t.
important to you? Why? Because I can spend more time with my family / relax
or Why not? after work….
5 FOOD AND 1.What is your favorite My favorite food is(…… fried chicken because it is
DRINK food/ drink? Why? delicious and nutritious).
(simple present) 2.How often do you I often enjoy fried chicken at home once a month.
enjoy your favorite food/
3. Which food do you I often eat …….(eggs, meat, fish, vegetable and fruit to
often eat to stay heathy? stay healthy).
4. How often do you eat I often/ sometimes/rarely.., eat out
5. Do you like fast food? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t because I……..
Why (not)?
6. Who does the cooking - My mother / father / sister … cook meals for family
in your family?

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