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Analyst Archetype Precise Analysis

By power of the arcane, understanding of nature, or Your eye for detail and conflicting information grants
through pure instincts and awareness, you can take you unique insight. As a result, whenever you make a
control of any chaotic scenario with a calm mind and Intelligence check, you gain a bonus to the check equal
steady analysis of the situation. to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of +1).
Analyst Magic In addition, you gain proficiency in one of the
following skills of your choice: Arcana, History, or
Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when Investigation.
you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Reactive Senses
Analyst Spells table. The spell counts as a ranger spell
for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of At 7th level, your reactive speed improves. You gain an
ranger spells you know. additional reaction that refreshes at the start of your
turn. This reaction can only be used to make an attack
Analyst Spells with the Overwatch feature. A creature can only be
Ranger Level Spells targeted by Overwatch once per turn.
3rd Identify
5th See Invisibility Knowledge Hunter
9th Clairvoyance At 11 level your breadth of knowledge allows you to
13th Arcane Eye analyse and strike perfectly. When you hit with an
17th Scrying Overwatch attack, cast a spell with the word “mark” in
its name, or use the Favored Foe feature, you learn one
Overwatch of the following facts about the targeted creature:
You excel in pre-emptive attacks at enemies traversing The creature’s saving throw proficiencies.
the battlefield. As a bonus action, you designate a 10- Two of the creature’s ability score totals (can be
foot radius centred on a point you can see within 150 chosen multiple times).
feet of you. If a creature enters this space, or moves The creature’s AC.
more than 5 feet in it, you may take a reaction to make The creature’s damage resistances and immunities.
an attack at them with a weapon you are holding. If the The creature’s condition immunities.
attack hits, it deals an extra 1d6 damage and you inflict The creature’s damage vulnerabilities.
one of the following effects against the creature:
Their speed is halved until the end of the turn. Additionally, for every fact (from above) you know
about a creature, you gain a +1 to damage rolls with
The creatures next attack has disadvantage, until the weapons against them, up to a maximum of your
end of their next turn. proficiency bonus. If you learn of a fact through study or
The next attack at the creature has advantage, until a feature unrelated to this one, you still get the damage
the end of your next turn. bonus.
If concentrating on a spell, the creature has
disadvantage on the concentration saving throw. Prime Target
This area remains until you designate a new one. If Finally at 15th, you’ve learned to pick out a creatures
you are holding a melee weapon, you may instead vulnerabilities perfectly. Once per turn when you hit a
designate yourself as the point, affecting a radius equal creature with an attack, you can inflict one of the
to your weapons reach instead. following effects:
Choose one ability score. The creature has
disadvantage on the next saving throw it makes with
that ability score, until the end of your next turn.
All melee weapon attacks against the creature deal
an additional 1d8 weapon damage on a hit until the
end of your next turn.
All ranged weapon attacks against the creature
receive a 1d6 bonus to hit until the end of your next
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended
uses when you finish a long rest.

Training Start 1
Spells Pack Leader’s Mark
Some additional spells targeted at the Analyst ranger, 2nd-level divination
but still balanced and intended for general use. Classes: Ranger
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Bouncing Mark Range: 90 feet
2nd-level divination Components: V
Classes: Ranger Duration: Up to 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 bonus action You choose a creature you can see within range and
Range: 120 feet mark them. The next time you hit the creature, you deal
Components: V an additional 1d10 damage and the creature must make
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute a charisma saving throw. On a failure, all attacks
You choose a creature you can see within range and against the creature gain a bonus to hit equal to the
mystically mark it as your quarry. Until the spell ends, damage you rolled for this spell until the end of your
you deal an extra 1d6 damage to the target whenever next turn. Afterwards, the spell ends.
you hit it with a weapon attack.
Additionally, when you hit the creature with a weapon
attack or as a bonus action on subsequent turns, you
can move the mark to a new creature. Whenever you
move the mark to a creature that has not yet been
marked the damage increases, first to 1d8, then 1d10,
next 1d12, and finally 2d6.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 3rd or 4th level, you can maintain your
concentration on the spell for up to 8 hours. When you
use a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can maintain
your concentration on the spell for up to 24 hours.
Death’s Mark
3rd-level divination
Classes: Ranger
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V
Duration: Up to 1 minute
You choose a creature you can see within range and
mark it for death. The creature feels a sense of
impeding doom and makes a Wisdom (Insight) check
against your spell save DC, recognizing it is in imminent
danger on a success.
The next time you hit this creature with a weapon
attack, you deal an extra 1d8 damage and the spell
ends. Every time this creature ends it’s turn while
affected by this spell, increase this damage by 1d8.

2 Mihail Gard
Trapper’s Mark Watcher’s Vision
1st-level divination 3rd-level divination (ritual)
Classes: Ranger Classes: Druid, Ranger, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 bonus action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet Range: Self
Components: V Components: V, S, M (a flumph eyestalk)
Duration: Up to 1 minute Duration: Concentration, 1 hour
You choose a creature you can see within range and For the duration you have advantage on checks to track,
mark it’s weak spot. The next time you hit the creature investigate, or spot relevant information to your cause.
with a weapon attack, you deal an additional 1d6 Evidence and clues you find are highlighted in your
damage and the creature’s speed is reduced by 20 feet vision, allowing you to chain their relations to each
until the end of their next turn. Afterwards, the spell other with ease.
ends. Additionally, if you have sufficient evidence, you may
use an action to focus in on a set of clues and visualise
Warrior’s Bond the scene, granting you an ethereal replay of the actions
4th-level divination that occured. Specific details such as a creatures face
Classes: Paladin, Ranger are blurry and cannot be parsed, but their proportions
Casting Time: 1 action and build can be. Also, if a creature has a telepathic
Range: 60 feet connection to you, they can see this replay as you
Components: V, S, M (two straw effigies tied by vines) picture it.
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 hour
You choose a willing creature within range to create a
mental link with. Until this spell ends you both gain the
following benefits:
You can speak telepathically in any languages you
know, and you are aware of each other’s location,
conditions, and health if you are on the same plane
of existence.
When you are subjected to a saving throw, your
bonded ally can roll the same type of saving throw to
assist. You use the highest result.
When you hit a creature with an attack, your bonded
ally has advantage on attack rolls against the
creature until the start of your next turn.
When your bonded ally walks within 5 feet of you,
you may take a reaction to either move up to your
movement speed in any direction, or make an attack
with a weapon you are holding at a creature within

Art p1: Wafferscotch
Art p2: Mihail Gard
Homebrewer: Lou-Brew

Made With

The Homebrewery

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