Sentence Equivalence - 03

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Sentence Equivalence - 03

1. Known to have a silver tongue the orator easily distracted the audiences from the meaning of his words with his
_________ speech.
A. mellifluous
B. stumbling
C. euphonic
D. flowing
E. laconic
F. strident
2. When the underdogs so soundly beat the team favored to win, their victory _________ the entire sports world.
A. horrified
B. shook
C. alienated
D. electrified
E. bored
F. stunned
3. After naturally occurring small pox was eradicated, the world Health Organization chose to ________ the
remaining samples of the virus in hopes that they may be used later to combat other viruses
A. eliminate
B. preserve
C. extirpate
D. duplicate
E. retain
F. cultivate
4. Though ________ filled the streets, people seemed unconcerned with the appearance of their city.
A. detritus
B. gaudiness
C. bedlam
D. refuge
E. refuse
F. barrenness
5. Despite a long career at famous establishments, the noted croupier chose instead to join the new casino where
he felt he would be appreciated for his professional _________ and efficiency at the table.
A. articulation
B. reputation
C. mien
D. demeanor
E. history
F. dexterity
6. While he was still _________ the doctors advised Philip to remain home, lest he was contagious, even though
his symptoms had receded.
A. impaired
B. convalescing
C. enfeebled
D. ailing
E. nauseous
F. recuperating
7. Her fractured wrist made the aspiring flutist ________ about her future career; however, the doctor assured her
of a quick recovery without long term damage.
A. alarmed
B. panegyrical
C. ebullient
D. truculent
E. disquieted
F. phlegmatic
8. Forced to take an alternate road when a massive oil spill closed the highway, the two-hour detour made their
already arduous trip even more _________.
A. irksome
B. glib
C. implacable
D. facile
E. onerous
F. immutable
9. A _________ in his nature shows through her record of teaching English in Junior High School and not trying to
speak that language in public later.
A. monotony
B. split
C. bonding
D. tenacity
E. dichotomy
F. ferocity
10. It was found that the flaw had many causes and all of them were _______________ in a historical anomaly.
A. entrenched
B. confused
C. segregated
D. potted
E. rooted
F. bemused
11. Until the mid-20th century, scientists believed that the human chest cavity would _________ at a depth of
around 115 under water.
A. explode
B. cave in
C. drown
D. implode
E. saturate
F. permeate
12. At both levels of our Federal system there is the same _________ between those who have certain rights and
those who try to encroach upon them.
A. accord
B. tussle
C. tousle
D. conflagration
E. consensus
F. conflict
13. It has been used also in a more stylish sense, to mean the study of all the ways of accomplishing things with
A. panache
B. ineptitude
C. dexterity
D. flair
E. flare
F. incompetence
14. Although she is such a bad mannered child that she was sent to a boarding school; as an adult she is the very
model of __________.
A. friendliness
B. propriety
C. decorum
D. diffidence
E. reticence
F. brashness
15. Though many of her contemporaries found her odd, Ella Wilkins is now much admired for her __________ spirit,
especially her willingness to reject prevailing feminine roles and to travel to foreign lands alone.
A. forlorn
B. adventurous
C. desolate
D. magnanimous
E. bellicose
F. doughty
16. Politicians some times appear to act in a manner that is almost ___________; however, when all the information
is released after the fact, it is apparent that they were acting according to a deliberate plan.
A. pithy
B. conformist
C. flawless
D. conventional
E. whimsical
F. capricious
17. He belongs to an international panel of experts that works under the United Nations ________.
A. aura
B. aeonian
C. aegis
D. auspices
E. adytum
F. alma mater
18. To any observer, ancient or _________, the night sky appears as a hemisphere sitting on the horizon.
A. antiquated
B. modern
C. contemporary
D. perceptive
E. astute
F. archaic
19) The ____________ tone of the biography is entirely unexpected since both the biographer in her previous works and
her subject in all that he has written have valued levity over solemnity.

A. lugubrious
B. jaunty
C. jocose
D. frivolous
E. ironic
F. melancholy

20) After hours of acrimonious arguments the negotiations reached a(n) ____________; neither side was willing to

A. solution
B. impasse
c. conclusion
D. end
E. deadlock
F. resolution

21) Grandfather liked us children to learn self-discipline, and, unlike many others of his generation, seldom
_____________ us even for those actions that we felt deserved censure.

A. rewarded
B. consoled
C. upbraided
D. applauded
E. cherished
F. chided

22) To the layman, a philosopher who attempts to elucidate a complex moral dilemma by reducing it to a simple yet
apparently ridiculous test case seems rather to __________ the issue.

A. ridicule
B. obfuscate
C. over-simplify
D. denigrate
E. becloud
F. attenuate

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