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Valenciana Onigiri: Delicious Fusion of Cultures

A Product Proposal Presented to the Department of Hospitality and Tourism Studies Cavite
State University General Trias City Campus

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subject:
Tourism in Hospitality Marketing(BSTM 3-2/TOUR 75)



Title Page
Business Model
Swot Analysis
Target Market
Marketing Strategy
Financial Projections
Business Team

Food may be essential as fuel to our body. But, good food is fuel for the soul. (Malcolm Forbes)
That is why we present to you our distinctive, deliberated, and delicious Valenciana Onigiri that
showcases the tradition of General Trias with a hint of flavorful Japanese food. In today's
globalized world the fusion of different cultures has become increasingly prevalent.

This phenomenon is not limited to art music or fashion; it has also made its way into the culinary
world. Valenciana Onigiri is a unique product that combines the flavors of traditional Japanese
ingredients of onigiri which is the nori wrapper, and with the vibrant and aromatic ingredients of
Spain's famous Valenciana paella. Nori is a dried edible seaweed made from species of the red
algae genus Pyropia, including P. yezoensis and P. tenera used in Japanese cuisines. And in
General Trias, they celebrated this food as an honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and it became
their tradition to make it a festival where people in General Trias are allowed to join and
compete in a cooking competition of making the most delicious Valenciana.

People nowadays are fond of following trends, the famous nori becomes viral in social media
because it can add a delicious flavor in any variety of foods and it is very affordable. We chose
the Valenciana to be our main dish because it is one of the city’s proudest dishes. But, we
thought of ingredients that can be added to this food to make it unique to the customers’ tastes
and thoughts, and for that, we chose the nori to make it completely different but delicious.

At Valenciana Onigiri, we are dedicated to innovate the image, add some twist, and present a
different style of Valenciana while maintaining its own traditional taste. We offer all of you a
food that is adaptable to current trends but will make you remember an old traditional taste.

Our product aims to present a comprehensive product pitch for Valenciana Onigiri highlighting
its market potential, competitive advantage and financial projection.

The growth of the food industry is very fast. One of the problems we see is the current
and future competitors. In General Trias, you will find many sellers of delicious and different
flavors of Valenciana, some are popular because of the way they are made, and some sellers are
known because they are one of the oldest people who cooked Valenciana, and ofcourse others
offer different flavors. And one of our important ingredients can be bought online at a low cost,
and because of this there is a huge possibility that people can make their own at home. It is a
possible start of our new and future competitors.

A crucial challenge is the supply and delivery transportation of our ingredients, the nori
wrapper is very easy to crack because it is thin and brittle, if the process of delivery is not stable
it can be a cause of damaged nori wrapper and in our product there is no way we can use it
because it cannot hold the Valenciana, and it cause a loss of profit for our business. In our
business, we offer different flavors of Valenciana like seafood, meat, and spicy flavor. It
becomes a problem when the suppliers become irresponsible for providing us healthy and fresh
meats and seafoods. When it comes to the price and consistency of the supply of raw foods there
is always uncertainty, because its prices increase especially if the chicken or pigs are facing

Our product is made to order, so we shouldn't run out of ingredients every day, but with
that, everything should stay fresh, and since the shelf life of Valenciana onigiri is only three
days, we can't let it not be sold within those days to achieve our goals. Our market strategy
should be effective to help us gain an expected profit.

The safety and cleanliness of our product. This product is molded and wrapped by the
worker’s hand. We should assure people that our process of making this product is safe and
follows all the rules and regulations in food security made under our government. And ofcourse,
the very challenging problem is the customer’s satisfaction. Valenciana is a General Trias
product, so many people here in our place where we chose to locate our business, tasted a lot of
different flavors of this food. But, still to be on top of the market we should maintain our
uniqueness and goals of our business.

To address the challenges outlined of our product Valenciana onigiri, we conducted a
meeting every end of the week to monitor all the aspects that needs to maintain and improve. We
did an evaluation where we tasted different Valenciana dishes near at the location where we will
build our business. With this, we had an idea on how to make our product more delicious and
different from competitors. This could help our product to outstand and have a lot of customer.
Yes, our product is easy to make at home and imitated by others, but we are dedicated to make
our brands famous, insist on having an enjoyable and instagramable ambiance to make our
customer happy and confident on sharing it to their social media, especially we are near at Cavite
State University General Trias, we expected more students as our customer. Students means gen
z, people who likes to spend their money on restaurants where they can take a good photos. And
ofcourse, we will provide the best tasteand presentation that not all of our customer can do.

We will make sure to present all of the certificates that a business needs to gain the
customer’s trust. Like the BIR permit that will assure people that we continuously pay our taxes,
FDA permit to make sure that we offer the quality and safe Valenciana Onigiri, and ofcourse the
Mayor’s permit, it will serves as our evidence that we are stable to build our business and that we
undergo all the legal requirements.For our supplies and and delivery transportation, we decided
to find the nearest and safe suppliers of chicken and seafoods to make sure its quality, and for
nori, we find a suppliers who assured us that they will give us a refund if the wrapper arrived
with a huge damage.

Promoting our product Valenciana Onigiri, we are prepared to create an facebookmpage

and other online platforms to helps us reach our target from different places. It will boost our
brand name by posting everyday, sharing the pictures of our customer’ s experience, and tagging
our social media accounts. To gain the customer’s satisfaction, accepting their suggestion will
help us to be on top. Hiring employees with the right characteristics that is fit to their
responsibilities are one of our priority to provide a excellent quality services. Like waiter’s with
long patience, excellent communication skills,and approachable personality.

In conclusion, our Valenciana Onigiri success will depends on how we planned our
strategy to work effectively. We will work as a team, build a ways with constant improvements
while maintaining the stability of our business. By making our products, sustaining supply chain
and effective excellence services should be our top-tier. To make it successful, we dedicate all
out love and generosity to make the best product to fuel the soul of our customers.


The target market for Valenciana Onigiri would be individuals who are interested in
Japanese cuisine, particularly Onigiri (rice balls). Since we are located at Vibora Malabon, we
are expecting a lot of people that are also familiar with our main dish which is the Valenciana
Onigiri. We come up to this idea because of our chosen place, so we are confident that this
product will become in demand in our market. We are also targeting student customers both
children to adults because we are also near at some Universities and schools like Cavite State
University General Trias and some highschool and elementary schools. We stated that we will
make our ambiance come up with current trends like what they called “aesthetic” to gain a lot of
customers. Since, most of it are students aging 15-24 we want to make sure that the money they
spend for our products will be worth it. This product appeals to both vegetarians and non-
vegetarians as it can be customized with various fillings.
Our food are has no age limit as long as they want it. We are targeting families, group of
friends, and anyone and any number of people as long as we can accommodate all of them. Local
community members are another vital, they are the one who will help us to improve our business
because they are familiar with, they tasted differend kinds of Valenciana especially older people
who lives for a long time here in General Trias.
In summary, everyone outside or inside General trias are all welcome to taste the newly
presented food that we made to surprise their taste buds. We attract a wide range of people to
make this business popular and gain more profit. Competitors are also welcome as long as their
visualize our business as some inspiration.


Mang Mike’s, Oshima Sushi, and Onigiri located in 7/11 have become culinary spot in
traditional valenciana food and Japanese food, just as mang mike’s ohima sushi and onigiri in
7/11 dominate in general trias city, cavite, this establishments have solidified their presence,
satisfying local cravings for Spanish Filipino food and Japanese food.

Figure 1. Mang Mike’s

Figure 2. Oshima Sushi

Figure 3. 7/Eleven

Common Strengths

In the realm of General Trias, Cavite, Mang Mike’s Valencina, Oshima Sushi, and the
onigiri offerings at 7/11 stand as formidable competitors in the valencina onigiri market. These
contenders thrive by actively engaging with the local community, aligning their products with
the preferences of residents, and strategically participating in community events. Moreover, their
pricing models cater to the affordability expectations of the community, establishing a proximity
advantage that fosters customer loyalty. To stay competitive, our Valencina Onigiri business
aims to emulate this successful strategy by actively engaging with the local community, tailoring
our offerings to meet local preferences, and ensuring competitive pricing that aligns with the
affordability expectations of General Trias residents.

Competitors’ Weaknesses

While Mang Mike’s Valencina, Oshima Sushi, and 7/11’s onigiri offerings have
flourished in General Trias, there are areas where their businesses may show vulnerabilities.
Some weaknesses include occasional inconsistencies in product quality, potential lapses in
customer service, and a reliance on established recipes that may limit adaptation to evolving
local tastes. Additionally, competitors may face challenges in maintaining pricing strategies that
align with community affordability, risking a potential disconnect with their target market’s
financial expectations. By addressing these weaknesses, our Valencina Onigiri business aims to
provide a more consistent, customer-focused, and adaptable alternative to meet the evolving
needs of General Trias residents.

We Specialize in valenciana onigiri

Specializing in Valenciana Onigiri, our business distinguishes itself from competitors by
providing a customizable approach to satisfy individual tastes. Unlike competitors with fixed
menus, we prioritize a personalized dining experience for our customers, allowing them to tailor
their Valenciana Onigiri orders according to their specific preferences. At the core of our
business is the commitment to maintaining affordability without compromising on quality. Our
pricing strategy is thoughtfully crafted to resonate with the local demographic, ensuring that our
Valenciana Onigiri stands out as an appealing and accessible choice for the residents of General

Marketing Strategy

We offer General Trias specialty with a touch of Japanese famous snack that we make as a
simple meal that everyone can have, and it’s reflects our pride and dedication to offering it
perfectly. Additionally, rice is a versatile ingredient that can be prepared in various ways,
making it a popular choice for meals. Cultural and historical factors, as well as the practicality
and nutritional value of rice, contribute to the widespread love for rice in Filipino cuisine.

We ensure that our stall is accessible and visible to major consumers. Understanding the
Filipino love for gatherings mixed with wonderful food, our goal goes beyond just meals; it
aspires to provide excellent food and experience our special Valenciana Onigiri, yet they can
stay with refreshments.

We recognize the importance of cost, especially as Filipinos love rice with every meal.
This knowledge affects not only our strategy but also the influences of our operations, so that we
maintain a competitive price policy, making our exquisite offers available to a large consumer

Our main method of promotion is through social media, utilizing popular platforms such as
TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook. In addition to our online presence, our team will actively
engage with the community by participating in local events and partnering with nearby
businesses. Building personal and public relationships will be crucial to establishing our brand.
We also place a strong emphasis on word-of-mouth marketing, encouraging customers to share
their positive experiences through testimonials. These testimonials will be shared on social
media, further amplifying the impact and effectiveness of our marketing approach.

Our personnel is well trained, pleasant, and passionate about providing outstanding culinary
experiences; they show our concept, which prioritizes client happiness and not only providing
efficient service, but also in cultivating an environment that reflects the Filipino culture of

Physical Evidence
Valenciana Onigiri does not only concentrate on the food we serve but also on creating a
complete and enjoyable experience. Our stall is designed to be visually unique and to match the
scent of our dishes.

Our recipe for Valenciana Onigiri obtains high-quality ingredients, uses strict cooking
procedures, and stresses quality control at all stages. Thus, each dishes is assured to meet the
satisfaction of our customers. We tend to seek surveys and innovation in our procedures to create
a continuously pleasurable experience.

Financial Projection

Business Team
The following organizational chart shows the members of Valenciana Onigiri and their
respective positions for the operation, workflow, and outcome of the business.

Mariel Joy Lagbawan

General Manager

Lyka Ombao
Operations Manager

Queen Princess Naul

Finance Manager
Abegael Ganancial &
Jocelyn Ann Diocton
Marketing Manager

James Columna,
Rochelle Mejica &
Shane Wincet P.

Mariel Lagbawan: General Manager. With her great administrative skills and constant
reliability, she has the unique ability to direct the team toward their goals. As the acclaimed
general manager, she occupies the position of the organization's top leader, exercising her
authority. Tasked with managing all corporate activities, she also faces the burden of making
critical choices quickly, especially during times of crisis, all in the quest of assuring the
enterprise’s resounding success.

Lyka Ombao: Operations Manager. She demonstrates a commendable sense of responsibility

as she diligently examines the various requirements across different domains. She oversees a
company’s organizational processes and operations to ensure productivity and quality. She
include overseeing the recruiting and hiring process, improving productivity and efficiency and
managing quality standards, and she is exceptionally well-suited for this crucial role within the
organization, overseeing the smooth functioning of our business’s physical infrastructure, work
processes, equipment, and product quality.

Queen Princess Naul: Finance Manager. She demonstrates a steadfast sense of responsibility,
as she consistently ensures that all necessary requirements are met across various domains. In
light of this, she is more than qualified to assume a pivotal role in our organization, as she
diligently supervises the functioning of our company’s physical premises, work processes,
equipment, and inventory with the utmost dedication to safeguard the company’s prosperity.
Moreover, she possesses an impressive skill set encompassing strategic analysis, streamlining
operational procedures, astute resource allocation, and adept interpersonal communication.

Abegael Ganancial & Jocelyn Ann Diocton: Marketing Managers. They possess exceptional
communication skills and a warm demeanor, both of which are highly advantageous for their
role as Marketing managers. Their ability to effortlessly generate imaginative solutions and
adeptly handle unforeseen circumstances is truly remarkable. Moreover, their extensive network
of connections allows them to effortlessly disseminate information about our company’s
products and contributions. By leveraging diverse social media platforms, they have the potential
to effectively advertise and aid in the seamless execution of our business strategies.

James Columna, Shane Wincet P. Maturan & Rochelle Mejica: Procurement Managers.
They are an excellent choice for this role since they are in charge of purchasing raw materials
and other business supplies. They possessed a broad variety of contacts for supplies needed in
the firm and were knowledgeable about selecting the greatest resources for the product’s
wellbeing. The freshness of the items is determined by the raw materials purchased, which
affects the flavor of the finished product.

Rules and Responsibilities

The General Manager assumes a pivotal role in the effective functioning of a business,
responsible for leadership, strategic planning, and overall success. Team management involves
overseeing various departments and fostering a positive work culture. Financial oversight,
including budgeting, is crucial to maintaining operational parameters. Effective communication
is vital, ensuring clarity with employees and maintaining positive external relationships.
Problem-solving skills are essential, addressing challenges and mitigating risks for smooth
operations. Regular performance evaluation and corrective measures drive continual
improvement. Emphasis on compliance with legal and ethical standards ensures ethical business
practices. A strong customer-centric approach, with attentiveness to feedback, is prioritized.
Adaptability is crucial, given the dynamic nature of business environments. The General
Manager’s multifaceted responsibilities contribute significantly to the business’s success.
Leadership in strategic planning, team management, and financial oversight is key. Overall,
effective management by the General Manager ensures the success and sustainability of the

The Operations Manager is a linchpin in organizational efficiency, overseeing daily

activities and coordinating departments to meet objectives. Strategic planning aligns operational
goals with the company's overall vision, while effective team management ensures a positive
work environment. Financial oversight includes budgeting and resource allocation for optimal
results. Process improvements are identified and implemented to enhance operational efficiency.
The Operations Manager plays a pivotal role in risk management, identifying and mitigating
potential operational risks. Continuous performance evaluation and corrective measures drive
operational excellence. Effective communication, both internal and external, is crucial for
seamless operations. The Operations Manager adapts to changing business environments,
providing leadership through market fluctuations. Ultimately, their responsibilities significantly
contribute to the organization’s operational success and sustainability.

The Finance Manager is a key figure in the organization, overseeing financial planning,
budgeting, and analysis to ensure the company’s financial health. Their responsibilities include
managing financial transactions, maintaining accurate records, and ensuring compliance with
accounting standards. Financial reporting is a crucial aspect, providing leadership with insights
for strategic decision-making. Risk management is inherent in their role, involving the
identification and mitigation of potential financial risks. Collaboration with other departments,
especially in budget adherence, is essential to provide valuable financial insights. The Finance
Manager is responsible for implementing and maintaining internal controls to safeguard financial
assets. Staying informed about economic trends and market conditions, they offer
recommendations for strategic financial adjustments. Effective communication with
stakeholders, both financial and non-financial, is a priority to foster a shared understanding of
financial goals. Ultimately, the Finance Manager’s expertise contributes significantly to the
organization’s financial stability and success.

The Marketing Manager is instrumental in guiding the company’s market presence,

developing and executing strategies aligned with overall objectives. Their role encompasses
market research, targeting specific audiences, and staying attuned to market trends. Brand
development and maintenance of a consistent brand image are central to their responsibilities.
Effective communication is vital, both internally for team alignment and externally to engage the
target audience. Digital marketing strategies, including online campaigns and social media, are
overseen to maximize reach and impact.

Analyzing campaign performance, the Marketing Manager utilizes data-driven insights to refine
strategies and optimize results. Collaboration with sales teams ensures alignment between
marketing and sales objectives. Budget management is a critical aspect, requiring resource
allocation for maximum impact. The Marketing Manager adapts strategies to evolving market
conditions, staying current with industry trends. Their efforts significantly contribute to brand
awareness, customer acquisition, and the overall success of the company.

The Procurement Manager is vital for overseeing sourcing and purchasing, developing
strategies aligned with organizational goals. Vendor management involves evaluation and
negotiation to secure favorable terms. Timely procurement of goods and services is ensured to
maintain an efficient supply chain. Risk assessment and mitigation strategies are implemented to
address potential supply chain issues. Compliance with procurement policies and regulations is a
priority, requiring ongoing awareness of industry standards


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