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The given table illustrates the data about the proportion of household in America with their

appliance selections from 1980 to 2005.

Overall, TV sets and landline telephones were the most popular electric appliances among
Americans, whereas central air conditioning was the least used one. Additionally, there was a
sudden appearance of video recorders and mobile telephones.
On the one hand, in the first 10 years, fridges, landline telephones and TV sets were the most
used appliances in the USA. Among the three devices, landline telephones experienced a
considerable increase, starting with 76% in 1980 and then rose markedly to 87% in 1990, while
TV sets and fridges just grew slightly. Moreover, the computers as well as the central air
conditioning were less common during this period and video recorders were chosen by 5% of
households when it first appeared in 1990.
On the other hand, from 1995 to 2000, TV sets and landline telephones still keep their popularity,
however, TV sets outraced landline telephones to became the most selected electric devices with
98% of ownership in 2005. In contrast, while fridges remained stable at 86%, washing machines
increased insignificantly by 1%. Although been introduced lately, there was a sharp and rapid
growth from 5% to 94% of mobiles telephones.
The given table compares the data on underground railway system in six cities namely London,
Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto and Los Angeles.
Overall, it is obvious that London railway system is the oldest and has the longest rail route
among the remaining. By contrast, Kyoto has a fewest passengers using metro each year as well
as the shortest route.
On the one hand, London railway system was established in 186, which is the oldest
underground railway system and it has more than 390 km route which is also the largest route
among these six cities. Moreover, each year more than 700 million passengers use these
underground railway stations of London. Furthermore, Paris underground railway system was
started in 1900 and it has almost 200 km long with more than 1190 millions of passengers per
year. Tokyo underground railway system has the most passengers with more than 1900 millions
each year and it was established in 1927 that has 155 km of route.
On the other hand, Kyoto underground railway system was opened in 1981 and it has the
smallest route of 11 km and least passengers (45 millions) use this system among the mentioned
six cities. Washington Dc and Los Angeles underground railway systems were established in
1976 and 2001 relatively which both have the smaller routes and fewer passengers. Additionally,
Los Angeles railway system is the latest railway system and has the second smallest route (28
km) and passengers (50 million).
The given table illustrates the data about household incomes, newborn casualties and
government expenditure in the chosen African nations.
Overall, it is obvious that three low-income countries generally have much higher infant deaths
and focus on military rather than education. In contrast, the high-income nations are concentrate
more on education than military.
On the one hand, in four high-income household countries, Cote D'Ivoire ranked first with 2900
dollar per household, followed by Botswana with 1860 dollar per family. Although household
income in two top countries accounts for more than the half of the remaining countries,
Zimbabwe and Namibia have a significant number of newborn deaths with 72 and 89 per 10000
Regarding three low-income contries, Angola presents the majority of family incomes (620
dollar) but with an insignificant expenditures on both education and military. While Zaire has a
low figure on household incomes (535 dollar), it spends most money on military rather than
education at 48%. Furthermore, Ethiopia has the highest number of dead babies (165 per 10000)
and the least spending on education (8%), it is also clear that household incomes here is the
lowest among the countries mentioned (320 dollar).
"Many students find it difficult to concentrate or pay attention at school. What are the reasons?
What could be done to solve this problem?"

In recent years, the topic of focusing on class has raised concerns among the public.
Some students face challenges when it comes to maintaining focus and concentration during
school hours. This situation occurs for some causes then we must have a number of solutions.
On the one hand, this phenomenon has roots in two main factors. The first one is
distractions from social networking applications and its notifications. Facebook and Tiktok, for
instance, a countless entertaining contents of each person posted on these platforms and the
algorithm could bring videos related to youngsters’ interests to the top, this might be the
distractors of the lessons. Second is the monotony of classrooms. Many lectures lack relevance to
real life, repeating boring exercises and theoretical lectures while failing to create interest for
students with a huge abstract contents.
On the other hand, to solve this issue we must first address the root problems. One good
approach to decreasing inattention is that parents and teachers should promote their offspring's
healthy eating and good sleep habits, including plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to
provide their bodies with nutrition. In addition, parents can limit their screen time by turning off
devices’ notifications during their study time and providing them a place to concentrate on
In conclusion, it is clear that a lack of concentration can have a detrimental impact on
children’s education. I believe that it is essential for both parents and teachers to join hands and
put more effort into focusing and memorizing in the best way.
The given chart compares the number of Japanese tourists who travelled overseas from
1985 to 1995, while the line graph illustrates the percentages of these tourists who visited
Australia in particular between 1985 and 1994.
Overall, the number of Japanese traveling abroad skyrocketed and the same was true for
the percentage of Japanese tourists visiting Australia despite some erratic behaviors.
According to the bar graph, in 1985, about 5 million people from Japan travelled abroad.
Moreover, this figure was tripled by the end of next decade (15 million in 19995). During this
period, the trend of Japanese tourers travelling abroad increased up to the year 1990.
Subsequently, in 1991 this number was slightly reduced (9 million) and it reached nearly 16
million people until 1995.
In terms of the line graph, it shows that 2% Japanese tourists reached Australia in 1985
and with a steady increase this figure went as high as roughly 5% in 1988. The next year the ratio
steadily dipped but went higher each year in the subsequent years. Australia received more than
6% Japanese travellers in 1993, the highest, which peaked at over 6% in 1994 and exact 6% in

This given line graph illustrates the number of visits to Australia by foreigners per year
while the table compares the vistors from 6 different countries that took place in the year 1975
and 2005.
Overall, the number of foreign travellers to Australia has gradually increased during the
whole period and tripled by the year 2005. Additionally, the most notable growth in the number
of foreigners attended Australia had shown by Japan, South Korea and Europe.
According to the line graph, there was a steady raise from 1975 to 1985 (10 to 15 million)
while the number doubled from 1985 to 1995 as seen on the chart (15 to 25 million). However,
compared to 1975, in 2005 the number of foreign visitors has increased dramatically.
In terms of the bar chart, an interesting fact is that among the six countries given, South
Korea and Japan had the most number of foreign visitors to Australia in 2005 compared to 1975
(South Korea: 2.9 in 1975 and 9.1 in 2005; Japan: 3.2 in 1975 and 12.0 in 2005). Meanwhile,
China had 0.3 million people visiting Australia in 1975 and 0.8 million in 2005 which is quite
less changes that took place over the years compared to other countries over the period.
Practice 5: The graphs below show the types of music
albums purchased by people in Britain according to sex and
age. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the
information shown below.

The bar charts compare the different music genre

albums expended by British in terms of their gender and
Overall, it is obvious that rock music is the most
popular among the three music types and people purchasing
classical music album are mostly over 45 years.
Additionally, female’s figures be outraced by male ones in
all cases.
On the one hand, from the first graph, it is clearly
that interest in pop music appears to be stable among the
population who aged from 16 to 44 which is 20% to 30%.
Moreover, in the age group 16 to 24, there was a gradual
decrease in the percentage from again 30% in pop and rock
as well as 2% in art music albums. The percentage of 35 to
44 years old who brought the music between rock from
classic was 28 % to 4%.
On the other hand, after getting 45 years old, people
continue to buy pop music albums with exact 10%.
Furthermore, rock and pop music are favored among younger audiences while classical among
the people over 45 years. The market of rock music is mainly listened by men with a purchase
rate of 30% compared to 17% for women.
" Some people feel that manufacturers and supermarkets should have the responsibility to
reduce the amount of packaging of goods, while others argue that customers should avoid buying
goods with a lot of packaging. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion."

In recent years, the topic of packaging when shopping has raised concerns among the
public. Some people argued that producers and shops should eliminate the use of packaging of
goods in order to protect nature while others argue that customers should not buy items with
plastic packaging. In my perspective, I will discuss both views along with my personal beliefs
and evidence that both sides are responsible and not just one side.
On the one hand, there are various of reasons why manufacturers and supermarkets have
the responsibility to reduce the amount of packaging of goods. Firstly, the main cause is
manufacturers and supermarkets use a large number of packaging of goods that can lead to
pollutes the environment. Moreover, some plastic packaging is thrown away every year, creating
piles of waste that are difficult to decompose. Secondly, producing a large number of nylon
packaging makes a waste of resources. For instance, a large number of packaging garbage every
year was discharged without being recycle, while plastic bags contain petroleum – a limited
natural resource.
On the other hand, I am maintain that customers should avoid buying goods with a lot of
packaging. People have this opinion because avoiding a bulk of packaging then the
manufacturers and supermarkets might stop producing packaging of goods as well as no longer
using a lot of natural resources. Instead we should use reusable bags when shopping.
In conclusion, I am convinced that plastic bags must be eliminated and it is the
manufacturer's responsibility for environmental purposes. We should only buy groceries with
reusable packaging, which also dictates the fact of less packaging.

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