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Honeywell Forge APC-4516

Process Controller Implementation

Process Controller Implementation

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Honeywell Restricted
1 September 26, 2022
Documentation Honeywell
• Profit Suite Implementation Technical Reference Guide

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Copyright © 2012 Honeywell International Inc.
Honeywell Restricted 2 September 26, 2022
Interfacing Choice Honeywell

PID Instrument DCS Type APC Server APC Client

PM Family (AM, APM, Honeywell TPS or Experion APP Node with Private PSOS or PWV over Experion Stations
HPM) Experion over TPS TPNServer (EST)
EHPM Experion over TPS Experion Application Server (EAS) PSOS or PWV over Experion Stations
C200, C300 Experion Servers Experion Application Server (EAS) PSOS or PWV over Experion Stations
Non-Honeywell DCS Purchase dedicated Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) PSOS or PWV over Windows Stations
OPC Server or check servers
with MatrikonOPC

Honeywell supports both Physical and Virtual nodes for hosting Profit Suite

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3 September 26, 2022
Flavors of Implementation Honeywell
• We will consider the following
– Four Implementation Options:
• Implement on EAS node using Experion OPC Server
• Implement on EAS node using TPN Server on AppNode
– All Experion Releases
– Mixed system implementation (TPS and Experion PKS)
• Implement on existing server grade AppNode using TPN Server
• Implement on non Honeywell DCS
– How to build the Watchdog (TPS or Experion PKS)
• TPS – Watchdog AM custom point
• Experion PKS – Watchdog Controller Module Point
• Non Honeywell DCS – No Watchdog Point

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Honeywell Restricted 4 September 26, 2022
Implement on EAS node using TPN server Honeywell
• Using interface points
– Build interface points as needed if they do not exist
– Build controller in PSRS using HW_LCNInterface… BLCs
– Make sure CL Server is installed on AppNode
– Access R300 DVD from AppNode and
• Execute \Installations\ProfitController\vcredist_x86.exe
– This install MS files needed for the R300 Proxy to execute on the
– From the AppNode execute AllowRemoteURTAccess.exe
• Needed for DCOM security reasons
– Copy URT_Proxy.exe in EAS Bin folder to:
• \HWIAC\Databases\CLFiles
• Rename to RC_Proxy.exe on AppNode
– Copy PSApplications.xml in EAS Config folder to \Users\HiSpec\Config
• Edit PSApplications.xml (see next slide)
– Recommended: Create a new user on the EAS node (TPSApp) with same
credentials as the local user on AppNode
– Activate controller from Master Controller point

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Honeywell Restricted 5 September 26, 2022
Edit PSApplications.xml Honeywell
• File is found in C:\Users\HiSpec\Config
• Use Notepad or XML Editor
• Inline instructions provided

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Honeywell Restricted 6 September 26, 2022
Implement on AppNode using TPN server Honeywell
• Using interface points
– Build interface points if they do not exist
– Build controller in PSRS using HW_LCNInterface… BLCs
– Make sure CL Server is installed on AppNode
• If interface points are not used then there is no need for the CL Server
– Copy URT_Proxy.exe in Bin folder to:
• \HWIAC\Databases\CLFiles
• Rename to RC_Proxy.exe
– Activate controller from Master Controller point

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Honeywell Restricted 7 September 26, 2022
Implement on AppNode using TPN server Honeywell
• Without the use of interface points
– Build controller in PSRS using HW_LCN… BLCs
– Activate controller from URT Explorer

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Controller scheduling – two options Honeywell
• Use Master Control point to schedule controller
– Via Proxy
– CL server must be installed
– Data item urtPeriodicExternalDemand = True
• Use of Self-scheduling:
– Set data item urtPeriodicExternalDemand = False
– Make sure urtInterval has a non negative value
• E.g. 00:00:15:000 schedules the controller every 15 seconds

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Honeywell Restricted 9 September 26, 2022
Implement on EAS node using Experion PKS OPC server Honeywell
– Build controller in PSRS using HW_EPKS… BLCs
– Activate controller from URT Explorer

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Copyright © 2012 Honeywell International Inc.
Honeywell Restricted 10 September 26, 2022
TPN Server Considerations Honeywell
• Private TPN Server
– Included in Base Software
– Use with Honeywell DCS System
– May have to install if not already installed
• Public TPN Server
– Additional cost for license

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Honeywell Restricted 11 September 26, 2022
TPS Interface Points Honeywell
• Interface points generated in R205.1
– New interface points may be added using traditional method of generating
.EB file in PDS Runtime Configuration
– Not all CDS parameters on interface points are supported
• BLC Templates connect to LCN interface points
– The following naming convention has been used to identify these templates
• e.g.. HW_LCNInterface_CV_PV_TPNServer
• These points are accessed through TPN Server (Hci.TPNServer) on an
APP node.

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Honeywell Restricted 12 September 26, 2022
Non Honeywell Interface DCS Points Honeywell
• For non-Honeywell systems we were required to implement all the
following functions:
– MV Mode shedding - This is to put the MV in shed mode, when the
controller or individual MV is turned OFF and vice versa.
– Watchdog - This is for communication check
– MV SP tracking - For bump less data transfer
– The DCS graphics

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Copyright © 2012 Honeywell International Inc.
13 September 26, 2022
TPS Watchdog Point1 Honeywell
– Watchdog point is an AM Custom point – (ControllerName_WD)
• PSRS generates .EB & .EL file for the watchdog point
• Point should reside in APP Node where TPN Server is running
• CDS Package WD_CDS attached to point
• Compile parameter list WD_PL
• RMPC_WD.AO is linked to the point
– Platform writes to CDS parameters
• Platform enables the CL to execute by setting the ENABLED parameter
• Broadcasts a pulse to the PULSE parameter to indicate that the platform
is alive

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Copyright © 2012 Honeywell International Inc.
Honeywell Restricted 14 September 26, 2022
TPS Watchdog Point2 Honeywell
– If the platform quits broadcasting for a time period longer then the value
stored in the DELAYTIM parameter
• CL execution will shed the downstream controllers listed in the
DSC_PTS array
• Shedding execution will set the controllers to the shed modes defined in
the SHED_MA (mode attribute) and SHED_MD (mode) arrays
• Values in the CTRL_MA and CTRL_MD CDS arrays are used to
determine if the controllers are controllable
– If the controller is not controllable (in RMPCT control), the controller will not
be shed since it is probably under operator control already

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Honeywell Restricted 15 September 26, 2022
TPS Watchdog Point3 Honeywell
• Watchdog Point Parameters
– OPC Server: OPC server the watchdog connects to.
– Watchdog Point: ControllerName_WD+WatchdogIndex
• Mixed mode
– Pulse Param: URT platform broadcasts a pulse to the LCN watchdog point -
– Delay Time Param – shed all downstream controllers
• Should watchdog point lose the connection with the platform for longer
than a period of time DELAYTIME - DELAYTIM

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Honeywell Restricted 16 September 26, 2022
TPS Watchdog Point4 Honeywell
– Interval/Interval Offset – watchdog in the platform is individually scheduled
and sends out a pulse at every interval
• Interval is the scheduler’s execution interval.
• Watchdog point will wait for “interval + intervalOffset” for the next pulse
to come.
• Watchdog interval default is 0.8 * controller’s execution interval, and is
clamped between 1 second and 2000 seconds.
• Watchdog interval offset default is 3 * watchdog interval and is clamped
between 3 seconds and 6000 seconds.
• In the example shown, the controller execution interval is 60 seconds
and thus default watchdog interval and default watchdog interval offset
are 48 seconds and 144 seconds.
• Watchdog interval cannot be greater than 0.8 * controller’s execution
interval and must be between 1 and 2000 seconds. Watchdog interval
offset must be between 3 and 6000 seconds.

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Copyright © 2012 Honeywell International Inc.
Honeywell Restricted 17 September 26, 2022
TPS Watchdog Point5 Honeywell
• TDC3000 Watchdog installation procedure
– Use the Profit Controller Watchdog.lcn file on the installation disk to mount
the Emulated Bernoulli disk, in order to copy the files on the HM
• Create the following directories on the LCN side if not existing already:
– Transfer the following files to the HM:
• RMPC_WD.AO to the NET>AO directory
• WD_CDS.CL NET>CDSG directory
• PL>BLC_PL.CL to the NET>PL directory

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Copyright © 2012 Honeywell International Inc.
Honeywell Restricted 18 September 26, 2022
TPS Watchdog Point6 Honeywell
• Compile the following files:
• From the command prompt run:
– Build the watchdog point from the ControllerName_WD.EB file.
– Link the CL code to the watchdog point
• From the command prompt run:
• EC NET>WDIR>ControllerName_WD.EC NET
– Activate the watchdog point ControllerName_WD

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Copyright © 2012 Honeywell International Inc.
Honeywell Restricted 19 September 26, 2022
TPS Watchdog Point7 Honeywell
• LCN Message Summary
– Messages generated when then controller is shed by the watchdog

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Copyright © 2012 Honeywell International Inc.
Honeywell Restricted 20 September 26, 2022
Building a TPS Controller6 Honeywell
• Dialog box indicating a new Controller platform has been created
– Clicking OK will open up PSRS to complete the controller configuration
• Remainder of the controller configuration is the same as the EPKS

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Copyright © 2012 Honeywell International Inc.
Honeywell Restricted 21 September 26, 2022

Honeywell Confidential
Copyright © 2012 Honeywell International Inc.
Honeywell Restricted 22 September 26, 2022

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