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Honeywell Forge APC-4516

Process Controller Implementation

Visualization – Operator Station

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1 September 26, 2022
PSOS Introduction Honeywell
• Profit Suite Operator Station (PSOS) can be used to view Profit Suite
– Requires GUS or Experion Station or Windows work station
• PSOS can be categorized into three sections from the point of
– Infrastructure
– Controls
– Applications
• Other Options
– LCN Native window Graphics
– Profit Suite Web viewer
– Experion HMI web Graphics

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PSOS Infrastructure1 Honeywell
• App Menu
– Displays a list of the controllers/optimizers/toolkits that are available in
connected APC servers
– Add/remove controllers/optimizers/toolkits to the Plant workspace
– Connects/displays controllers/optimizers/toolkits.
• Application Dashboard
– For Grouping Applications and Easy Access
• Main Menu Bar
– Save/Delete themes
– Configuration changes in the Grid Viewer
– Launch Control windows such as Trends, Operator guidance, Tree Map, Event
– Online Help
• Header Bar
– Displays the list of running applications, application type, application host
– Themes list
– ON/OFF/WARM status of the application
– Application status and mode
– Countdown timer / execution counter
– Playback ON/OFF settings

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PSOS Infrastructure2 Honeywell
• Status Bar
– Displays the current log in role, provides options to change user role and
security settings
• Configuration
– Allows user to change display font and color in the Grid Viewer
• Page Configuration
– Allows user to add, copy, hide, delete Summary/My View page containers
• Saving Themes
– Save the configuration changes
– Themes can be moved to another PSOS client
• Security Configuration
– Set permissions for user roles
• Move/minimize/maximize/close windows, save Themes, add/remove
columns in Grid View, add/configure trends, and add/remove/modify
– Backup security passwords

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PSOS Controls1 Honeywell
• Grid View
– Application information displayed as tables
– Tabular screens referred to as Pages in PSOS.
– Page configuration provides options to add/copy/hide a Page in the grid
– My View combines CV/MV/DV information from Profit Controller and Profit
Optimizer applications
• Trends
– Configure/display real time, history and future value trends
• Operator Guidance
– Provides a visual display of the CV- MV Gain relations for Profit Controller
and Profit Optimizer applications.
– Provides tips, notes and additional information for CVs, MVs and DVs

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PSOS Controls2 Honeywell
• Tree Map
– Visual display of the variable status and proximity of value to the high/low
limits for Profit Controller and Profit Optimizer applications
• Event Summary
– Displays all the event messages for a particular application

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Starting Up PSOS1 Honeywell
• PSOS can be called up by
– Double click on PSOS desktop icon
– From Start menu:
– Start>Programs>Honeywell Profit Suite>PSOS icon
– Call up page PSOS.html in Experion Stations
• On launch PSOS opens with the Applications Menu page (as shown in
next slide)
• Use of command line argument can launch a specific theme
– PSOSClient.exe –t=Theme –h=Host
– Theme = Theme files (*.thm)

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Starting Up PSOS2 Honeywell

Remote connection to applications

Select server from drop down menu and
click Connect to display applications on
remote node – default is local machine
Default login is as Operator

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Application Dashboard Honeywell

Configuration Mode

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9 September 26, 2022
Viewing Applications1(App Menu) Honeywell

Click (once) on application

name and select View

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Viewing Applications2 Honeywell

Header bar Grid view

Event Summary Status bar

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Viewing Applications3 Honeywell

Application Playback Configuration

Current Application Name
Running status History

Applications Read only/
Themes and

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Real Time Performance Index Honeywell
• Part of Operator Guidance extension functionality.
• Consists of 7 predefined performance measures and 3 user defined.
– pct Maneuverability
– pct Usefulness
– pct Criticality
– pct Value
– pct Acceptance
– pct Reliability
– pct Lost Opportunity

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History Playback Honeywell

Can Change the play back speed up to 30 times faster.

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Viewing Applications4 (Grid View) Honeywell

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CV Detail Tab Honeywell

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MV Windup Handling Honeywell

• A tuning page under MV tab is dedicated to MV windup

called OP-PV tab:

Un-editable fields: OP Value, MV Ach High, MV Ach Low

Editable fields: OP Low Windup, OP Low Transition, OP High

Transition, OP High Windup, OP to PV Gain

Important: OP to PV Gain has sign, if an increase of OP leads to a

decrease of PV, then the gain should be negative.

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Viewing Applications5 Honeywell
• MyView Display
– MyView is a mingled display of the variable information.
– Option to configure and customize the page view
– Trends can be docked with MyView display (will look at trending later)

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Viewing Applications6 Honeywell
• MyView Display
– Two ways to configure MyView Display
• Select the desired variables from the summary displays and drag and
drop them into MyView
• Click on MyView Tab – select variables from drop down menu

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Change User Role/Security1 Honeywell

To change User, click on the current UserRole.

Enter the password, PSOS will promote access
level to the corresponding password.

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Change User Role/Security2 Honeywell

Note change in UserRole

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Change User Role/Security3 Honeywell

Click on Manage Passwords to change

passwords and set rights and privileges for users

To manage passwords and security:

Click on drop down arrow
Only Mngr or Engr have access

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Change User Role/Security4 Honeywell

• By selecting the User Role

passwords can be modified
and rights can be selected for
each User Role
• Note: Save is activated only
when the Password and
Confirm fields have been
• Changes to the rules of a
specific role are applicable to
all themes

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Change User Role/Security5 Honeywell
• If role does not have privileges for certain action the following message
is displayed

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Change User Role/Security6 Honeywell

• Default security settings

Action item Role

Save Theme
Configuration All Users
Page Management

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Change User Role/Security7 Honeywell

• Default security settings for Grid View

Item Role

All Users
Add\Remove Columns Adding new CV/MV/DV parameter in the grid page. Selected
parameter is available as ‘View’ only and Edit option is not
Move Columns
Change Row Position All Users
Add/Remove/Modify Page
Drag& Drop variables to
All Users
MyView page
Custom Row Hiding All Users
Allow Filtering All Users

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Change User Role/Security8 Honeywell

• Default security settings for Controls and Trends

Item Role
Add Controls Mngr
Minimize, Maximize Docked All Users
Control Window
Move, Close, Dock Control Mngr
Window Engr
Add Trend All Users
Select parameter from Optional Form Tree or
Drag and Drop the variable from the Grid
Trend Configuration All Users

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Change User Role/Security9 Honeywell
• Passwords saved in SecurityConfig.enc
– Backup this file after installation (original)
– Backup current security file with regular intervals (current)
– Restore original file if:
• Don’t remember the old password
– Restore current file if:
• Have upgraded to another version of PSOS client, and
• The installation script overwrote the security file

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PSOS - Operational Notes Honeywell

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PSOS Grid View Configuration1 Honeywell

• Only the Grid View display is configurable

• Click on configuration icon in the top right of PSOS window.

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PSOS Grid View Configuration2 Honeywell

• Font configuration parameters: These are standard

Microsoft font configuration parameters.
• Color Configuration parameters: Colors can be selected
from the tab screens:

Custom Web System

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PSOS Grid View Configuration3 Honeywell

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32 September 26, 2022
PSOS Page Configuration1 Honeywell

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PSOS Page Configuration2 Honeywell

• To add a new page right click on All Page and select Add a
New Page

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PSOS Page Configuration3 Honeywell

• The Page Type can be selected from the drop down window
in the Page Properties box.

. the Page’s display name and visibility can be changed

• Also
in the Page Properties box

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PSOS Page Configuration4 Honeywell

• Depending on the Page Type, additional properties can be

configured for each page.

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PSOS Page Configuration5 Honeywell

• A previously designed page can be copied or deleted.

Make sure the changes are

being saved at the end, by
clicking on the Save icon:

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PSOS Themes1 Honeywell
• Themes allow preferred view for each application
– Themes persists the location of controls
– Themes can be situation based – hiding or showing certain records
– Themes must be saved to be viewed on the next launch
• Mngr role can save Themes
– Themes can be saved for each role
• Roles can be given right to edit
and save themes

To save a theme, click on the More drop

down, in the top right corner of PSOS
window and select Save as Theme.

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PSOS Themes2 Honeywell
• Two possible Theme configurations
– Save Layout and Configuration
– Set as Default
• Default theme is displayed when application is launched from App Men

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PSOS Themes3 Honeywell
• Theme can be saved as default specific role

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PSOS Themes4 Honeywell
• Multiple themes can be saved for specific role.
• To see the theme tree go to App Menu and click on Theme
• The syntax for themes displayed is:

Theme Name| Application Name – Host Name

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PSOS Themes5 Honeywell
• Right click on any of the entries in the Theme Management pane to:
– Select the entry as default for different PSOS roles.
– Publish the entry to other PSOS roles.
– Delete the entry
– View the entry
– Change the Host

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PSOS Themes6 Honeywell
• Themes files can be moved/used in another PSOS configuration
– Copy theme file *.thm to respective folder
– Theme files are saved under:
• C:\ProgramData\Honeywell\Profit Suite\Themes

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Print to PDF Honeywell

• Prints all PSOS tabs into a PDF file

• Creates multiple pages if needed based on number of
• Useful for creating engineering reports, shift hand-over, etc

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PSOS Trending1 Honeywell

• PSOS Trending allows user to trend variable parameters

– Supports both historical and real time trending
• History collection must be configured and turned ON
– New Trend window can be opened only by Mngr or Engr roles
– In application window, click on View and select Trends.

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PSOS Trending2 Honeywell

• Two ways to configure Trend

• First Way: Using the Trend Options:
– Trend parameter list is displayed
– Select variable and parameters and add to stack
– More than one variable can be added to a stack

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PSOS Trending3 Honeywell
• Second Way: Drag and drop
– Highlight variable and drag and drop to New Trend

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PSOS Trending4 Honeywell
• Quick Trends
- First, configure the Quick Trend.
- Click on Options, on the Trend Window.
- Select parameters to be shown for Quick Trends.
- Close Configuration.
- Second, enable the Quick Trend.
- Check the Quick Trends box in the Trend Window.

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PSOS Trending5 Honeywell

• The trends window can be docked with the Grid View.

– Mngr or Engr can change the trend window location
– Grab the trend window and move it to the desired place.
– It can be saved as a theme for alter uses.

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PSOS Trending6 Honeywell
• Trended parameter is displayed
– Configured tag parameter is displayed in the right pane
– A cursor line is available in the trend pane to read the parameter value at
any instance of time
– Time stamp in the right pane above the tag parameter corresponds to the
parameter value
– Tag details are displayed as tool tip information

Scroll Buttons allow user to

scroll back and forward on
the time scale

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PSOS Trending7 Honeywell
• Trend Configuration
– To remove a tag from the trend uncheck it
– Multiple tags can be trended in the a given stack
• Can be combination of historical and real time trends
• In example first three tags are historical and the last real time as
displayed by the icons

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PSOS Trending8 Honeywell
• Trend Configuration
– Date allows user to select date of trend
– Time allows user to select time of trend
– Time Span allows user to select the interval of the trend

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PSOS Trending9 Honeywell
• Trend Configuration
– Legends: Enable the legends by selecting the Show Legend option in Trend
– In Legends one can, change the name, color, pen style and high & low limits
of each tag.
– Also one can decide to graph the future predicted values for particular tag.

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PSOS Trending10 Honeywell

• Trend Configuration Options

– General Configuration options

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PSOS Trending11 Honeywell

• Trend Configuration Options

– Time Span Configuration Options

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PSOS Trending12 Honeywell

• Trend Configuration Options

– Stack Configuration options
• Limit
• Miscellaneous

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PSOS Trending13 Honeywell

• Trend Configuration Options

– Tags Configuration options
• Future Trend
• Limit
• Miscellaneous

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PSOS Trending14 Honeywell
• Future Trend Value
– The future value for the tag is displayed. A time line separates the history
and future values

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Operator Guidance1 Honeywell
• Only Mngr or Engr can open Operator Guidance window.
– It can be saved as a theme for operators use.
– The window can be docked to the grid view.
• Different information for MV/CV/DV.
- Consist of tips and notes and visualization for operators.

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Operator Guidance2 Honeywell
• Improves the Operator understanding of APC actions
– Operator often want to know why the controller makes certain moves
• Calculation is based on MV SS solution
• Explains why the MV is moved
– For Optimization, Control, Interaction
– What CVs contribute most to each MV move
• If MV is moved by optimization
– Why the MV cannot reach its limit
– The limiting CV
• If MV is moved by control
– The list of CVs that directly caused it to move.
– Display the most influential CVs only
• If MV is moved by interaction
– The list of CV that indirectly affected its move
– Display the most influential CVs only

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Operator Guidance3 Honeywell

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Operator Guidance4 Honeywell

• Gain Tree
– A tool to visualize the relation between CV, MV and DV

• Legend:

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Tree Map Honeywell
• Only Mngr or Engr can open Tree Map window.
– It can be saved as a theme for operators use.
– The window can be docked to the grid view.

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PSOS Grid View1 Honeywell
• Summary pages
– Options - Filter, Hide Rows, Hidden Row Status, Move/Sort Rows, and Move
– Filter
• Select Filter Drop Down Menu

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PSOS Grid View2 Honeywell
• Summary pages
– Filter
• Custom: Custom filter allows you to Hide or show a row
• All: Displays all variables
• Nearing Limits: Displays the variables whose values are nearing the
high and low limits
• Violating Limits: Displays the variables whose values are violating the
high and low limits.
• Nearing and Violating: Displays the variables whose values are
nearing or violating the high and low limits.

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PSOS Grid View3 Honeywell
• Summary pages
– Filter
• Hide and Unhide: Set the Filter to Custom and select the row to be
hidden. Then click Hide

• To show a row, click Unhide, select the variable to be displayed and

click Update.

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PSOS Grid View4 Honeywell
• CVs/MVs/DVs parameters can be added in any tab. The columns
displayed seen in PSOS tabs can be customized by clicking on:

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PSOS Grid View5 Honeywell
• Summary pages
– Adding a Parameter
• Selected parameter is added in the last column of the grid view
• Drag and drop to the required position
– Arrange Rows

Select a Row - Select rows to be added in the current page.

Move Up – Select a row, and click the first button. The selected row
moves up by a row

Move Down – Select a row, and click the second button. The selected
row moves down by a row

Move Top – Select a row, and click the third button. The selected row
moves to the top of the row

Re-Arrange – Click the third button. The changes in the row positions
are undone

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Event Summary1 Honeywell

• Event Summary displays all the events related to a particular application

• Three Event Types
– Condition
• The software will automatically remove the condition from the display
when the condition clears
• If AckRequired set to YES, then the message will only be cleared from
the display when both the condition clears and the message is
acknowledged by the user
– Simple
• The user is responsible for removing these events from the display
– Tracking
• The user is responsible for removing these events from the display

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Event Summary2 Honeywell
• All events are logged in the Events Log,
– Event Log lists all messages that have been raised and cleared.
• The Event Summary Pane shows only current conditions and NOT the
conditions that have cleared
– If enabled the Event Summary Pane is display in the bottom pane of PSOS

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Event Summary3 Honeywell
• Event Summary Columns
– Source
• The issuer of the message. Generally this will be
ControllerName.ProfCon; if the message is issued by a toolkit, it could
be ControllerName.ToolkitName, for example: FCCU.AsyncCV
– Time
• Displays the date/time when the message was raised
– Message
• Displays the message text.
• If the message text is cut off, to see the complete message text, move
the cursor over the required message in Message column. The ToolTip
displays complete file path
– Severity
– Condition
– AckRequired

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Event Summary4 Honeywell
• Event Summary Columns
– Severity
• Displays the group and severity of the message. It can have following
– Group Severity
– Severe Emergency
– Error High
– Warning Medium
– Info Low
– Trace
– Verbose
– Condition
• Indicates the condition represented by the message (defaults to
Message handle)

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Event Summary5 Honeywell
• Event Summary Columns
– AckRequired
• Displays if Acknowledge is required or not, only used for CONDITION
• To acknowledge events displaying ACKReqd as YES, right click and in
the popup menu, select Acknowledge
• For events displaying ACKReqd as NO, user doesn’t need to
acknowledge as message will clear when condition clears

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Event Summary6 Honeywell

• Event Color Codes and Symbols

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Event Summary7 Honeywell
• Acknowledging Conditions
– Condition events are not cleared by the user
• Automatically cleared by the software.
• If the AckRequired is YES for the condition, then the event is removed
from the display only after the condition is cleared and the message is
• If AckRequired is NO, then the message will be removed from the
display when the message clears; no acknowledge is required
– Simple and Tracking events are not automatically cleared and need
to be cleared by the user

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Event Summary8 Honeywell
• Clearing Single and Tracking Events:

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PSOS Reports1 Honeywell
• PSOS can generate reports as Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet
– Formats
• .xls file – excel workbook
• .txt file – text file
• .htm, .html – hypertext markup file, typically a web page
– As with earlier releases default Reports provided
• Summary.xls
• Tuning.xls
• Performance.xls
– Requires Embedded PHD and Uniformance Desktop and the
Uniformance Companion for Excel Addin
– Note: Excel must be installed prior to installing the Uniformance
Desktop. If it is installed afterwards then Uniformance Desktop must
uninstalled and reinstalled

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PSOS Reports2 Honeywell

• To display a Report:
– From the Grid View, select Control/Report tab
– From the Reports Display
• Display a list of defined reports
• Add new reports and Remove reports
• View reports
• Print reports

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PSOS Event Log1 Honeywell
• Event Log displays application events as well as software errors and
informational messages for the application

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PSOS Event Log2 Honeywell
• From the Event Log Display the user can:

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FAQ tab Honeywell
• Add custom FAQs in this tab by clicking on + sign. This is helpful for
operators guidance.

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Sub Controller Tab1 Honeywell
• Each sub controller defined in PSRS has its own dedicated tab in PSOS.

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Sub Controller Tab2 Honeywell
• If sub-controllers are defined in PSRS, an additional Sub Controller Tab
is added under the Controller Tab

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Process Change Log1 Honeywell

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Process Change Log2 Honeywell

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Plant Workspace Honeywell

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CV Initialization with History Simulation Example Honeywell

Responding with feedback

Measured disturbance at ~10:45

Controller restarted at ~10:50
Setpoint change applied immediately

Initialization with history

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Start and Stop Platforms Honeywell
• To start a Platform • To stop a Platform
• Right click and select Start • Right click and select Terminate

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To start a scheduler Honeywell

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Automatic Checkpoint Honeywell

• Checkpoints every 2 hours

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To start a function block Honeywell

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