Workato Connector SDK Cheat Sheet

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Workato Connector SDK Connector Structure: Sending Requests:

{ get ( " ur l " , par amet er s)

t i t l e: " . . . " , post ( " ur l " , payl oad)

Cheat connect i on: {

f i el ds: [ ] ,
put ( " ur l " , payl oad)
pat c h( " ur l " , payl oad)
aut hor i zat i on: { } del et e( " ur l " , . . . )

Sheet },
base_ur i : l ambda opt i ons( " ur l " , par amet er s)

t est : l ambda, Formatting & Customizing

act i ons: { Requests:
Developer Program
Introduction name: { } . header s( . . . )
}, . payl oad( . . . )
Quick start guide about leveraging basic
t r i gger s: { . r equest _body( . . . )
functionalities of the platform.
name: { } . r equest _f or mat _mul t i par t _
f or m( )

Debugger Console to test various portions

of your custom connector. . par ams( . . . )
obj ect _def i ni t i ons: {
name: { } Handling Responses:
Automation Institute Course
on Building Connectors },
pi ck_l i st s: { . af t er _r esponse do | . . . |
How-to guides from building your first name: { } end
connectors, to creating actions and . af t er _er r or _r esponse do
}, |...|
triggers, advanced connector planning &
code architectures met hods: { end
name: l ambda,
} r ef r esh_on: [ . . . ]
Comprehensive Training } det ect _on: [ . . . ]
Video (60 minutes)
Common Ruby Methods:
Frequently Asked Questions about
versioning, releasing and sharing ' ' . bl ank? Returns true if value is null or an
connectors empty string, otherwise false

Community Library { . . } . compact Returns a hash or array with non nil

(250+ connectors) values

Example Connectors { . . } . di g( ' <key>' , Extracts the nested value specified by

(open source) <i ndex>, the sequence of <keys> and/or
..) <indexes>
SDK reference covering authentication
[ . . ] . each do | . . | Loop over items in array
methods, actions, triggers, etc. including end
real-life example
[ . . ] . f i r st Returns the first item in a list
Automation Pros User
Community Forums ' . . ' . gsub( / . . / , ' . . ' ) Substitute a pattern with value

[ . . ] . map do | . . | Returns a new array after invoking

end block on each element
How-to guide on implementing Dynamic
Actions & Triggers now Returns timestamp of the moment
that the formula was executed
Connector Planning & Code Architecture
put s ' . . ' Any outputs using the puts method
SDK CLI guides shows up in the console log
and references for

running, building Convert to integer. Decimals are

' . . ' . t o_i always rounded down.
and testing
connectors locally,
and building CICD Transforms a string to a human
' . . ' . l abel i ze readable string
Invoke a method defined in the
cal l ( ' . . ' , . . ) methods key
Comprehensive list of Development Best
{ } . t ap do { . . } Transform data in a method chain

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