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Choose the correct answer and circle the letter next to it.
I A flat-panel monitor is .............................. than a CRT
A slimmest B more slim C slimmer D slimmer

2 One of the......... causes of accidents in the home is badly insulated electrical apparatus in the
A commoner B more common C most common D the commonest

3 There are several equivalent circuits which may be chosen, the general practice being to choose
............. one that had the required degree of accuracy
Athe simplest B more simple C simplest D most simplest

4 Alternating current is ....................... to generate than direct current and it is .................

as a source of energy
A more cheap .... usefuler B cheaper ..... usefuler
C cheaper ..... more useful D more cheap .... more useful

5 A PDA is ...................... than a laptop

A manageabler B more manageable
C most manageable D as manageable as

6 You can type with a separate keyboard

A more easily B casilier C easiliest D most easily

7 ................................ memory you have, ...................... you'll be able to load your files
A The most.... faster B More ...... faster
C The more ........the faster D The most .... the fastest

8 The principle of resonance finds its .................. applications in radio frequency circuits
A extensiver B extensivest C more extensive D most extensive

9 Radio reception has been .... during the last six hours than at any other time in the last
two years
Abadder B baddest C worse D worst

10 Laser printers offer ............. quality than ink-jet models but ink-jet printers cost
.............. money
Ahighest .... least B higher ....... little
Chlgh .... less D higher ........ less

11 Graphitized carbon is generally considered the .............. material for the manufacture of brushes
A gooder B goodest C best 0 better

12 Laptops are running

A most fast B faster end faster C fast and fast D fastest and fastest
13 ..... you check out instructions,.... problems you will have
A The most carefully..... fewer B More carefully.... fewer
C The most carefully .... the fewest D The more carefully... the fewer

14 An atom is a ............. structure of electrons surrounding the nucleus

A loose B loosest C looser D more lose

15 The e.m.f. will be ...............when the conductor is under a pole and ................. when the
conductor is central between two poles
A greater ... littlest B greatest ... least C greatest ... littler D greater ... less

16 Which is the ............... of these three formulae:

A short B shortest C shorter D more short


Choose the correct answer and circle the letter next to it.
1 .......... CRT monitors, TFT ones are light
A Similar B Whereas C Like D Unlike

2 ..... brand name and clone computers have ..... features

A Either .... equal B Both ... similar .....
C Both .... same D Either .... equally
.. .
3 Learning to use a computer is .......... difficult .......... learning to program
A not as .... as B not much as C not many .... as D unlike ... as

4 A computer can perform ..................operations thousands of times, without becoming bored,

tired or careless
Aunlike B comparable C similar D same

5 A computer, .......... a human being, has no intuition

A unlike B like C whereas D similarly

6 This machine is .............. the other one indesign

A equal B the same to C identical D similar to

7 Light, ........... heat, is a form of radiation

A like B similar C equal D identical

8 The two machines a r e ......... in every respect

A identical with B like C alike D similar to

10 ................ desktops, the screen, keyboard and mouse of a laptop are integrated
A Similar B The same C Unlike D Like
I Put the comparative or superlative of the adjectives when necessary:

1. An atom is the (small) amount of a chemical element.

2. The ionization energy is (great) for the rare gases than for other elements.
3. Helium has a (stable) atomic structure than hydrogen.
4. The nucleus of an atom is (heavy) than an electron.
5. The conversion of mechanical power into electrical power and of electrical power into
mechanical power is one of the (important) problems of electrical engineering.
6. Graphitized carbon is generally considered the (good) material for the manufacture of
7. Alternating current is (cheap) to generate than direct current and it is (useful) as a source
of energy.
8. Since all conductors offer resistance, they become heated to a (great) or (small) extent
when they carry current.

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