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School is Great! sxz=a0zcits Complete each sentence with an object personal : Completa cada frase com um. Pronome pessoal forma complemento. a) Weare listening to Michael Jackson's CDs, Join b) She loves pop music. This CD is for. ©) Like rock music. This album is for. 4) You and Jane dance very well. Lookat ! e) I like Michael Jackson’s music. Do you like ? [J sx2=18points Fill in the gaps with the past simple. Preenche os espagos com 0 passado simples. “Michael Jackson ) _____ (be) the King of Pop. I often (2) (listen) to him when I (3) ____ (be) a kid in Hawaii. He (a) (e) one of our greatest singers. Many people (6) _____ (6) very sad when he ()_____ (die).” 1a (watch) him on TV. 1 @) (not listen) to his music very 4 often, but I 9) ____ (ike) him.” SEY [-]sx2=s5pcits ack questions. Use the words in the box. Faz perguntas. Usa as palavras da caixa. a) BEES EEE Ere Ere eeHe Michael Jackson was a great singer and dancer, DB) epee ee ree 2 He was born in 1958, ©) 2 He was born in Indiana, US. gj He was American, eee ee ee ee ee ree eee eee eee ee He invented a dance called ‘The Moonwalk’, [J] 5x3 = 15 points ® complete the sentences shout you. Use the pas’ simple, ree Completa as frases sobre ti. Usa 0 passado simples total | Jpoints’ a) Iwasborm—_____ inthe date) 70-100 ® Very good) I - (place of birth) 50-69 QoK ©) In 2005, 1 —___________ (your age) 0-49 @ try again ©) When Twas 9,1________inger you listened to) vy again e) At primary school I + (game you played) ‘Michael Jackson was born on 29th Au Gary, Indiana, US. People called him ‘The They loved his music and hit 2 ® complete the table about Michael Jackson. 6x3 =18 poms [7] 2 Completa a tabela sobre Michael Jackson. ® Answer these questions about the text. 6 x= 2upoints [_] Responde a estas perguntas sobre o texto, a) Where was Michael Jackson from? b) What did people call him? |) Why didhe die? 4) How old was he when he died? e) When did he start making music? What instruments did he play? e Read and match. Lé ¢ liga, Did you wash your hair yesterday? EINo, she didn't, Did your brother brush his teeth after junch? I Yes, they did. Did Susie comb her hair before going to bed? BB No, Ididn’t, Did you and your brother tidy your room? Ef GB Yes, tia, Did Susie and Bill finish their homework? Ei Byes, he did, Did you invite your grandpa for dinner? BB EBNo, we didn’t. ® compete the questions. Fotlow the example, Completa as Perguntas. Segue o exemplo. a) Whattime did. they__ arrive _ home? ‘They arrived at 4 o'clock. ‘b) What time school 2 It finished at half past three. ©) When you your homework? | I started my homework at five o'clock, 1) When they in the park? They cycled in the park yesterday. Where he the violin? He played the violin ina concert, > Ask questions with when and the past simple, Faz perguntas com when e 0 Passado simples. ! cen She helped her mother last weekend. ' ? He cleaned his bedroom yesterday, Ger Copr epee eee PS CECE —_____ 2 We studied for the test last weekend. ee ? He washed the car last Saturday, PERT ErT eeepc eee CEH D Answer the questions in 3 about you. Responde ag perguntas do exercicio 3 sobre ti ‘School is Great! b) °) a) e) i) h) 54 . ‘Complete the sentences with the negative form of the verb. Completa as frases com a forma negativa do verbo. Yesterday he phoned Linda, but he “édn’t phone _ paul, I watched a film on TV, but I____________ the cartoons. She listened to music in the morning, but she to music in the afternoon. Anne painted a house, but she ___a bird in the sky. ‘They danced in the school party, but they in the disco. The students played games in the playground, but they We visited our grandparents, but we We eyeled in my grandparents’ garden, but we _______in the street. My baby brother eried all morning, but he in the afternoon. tennis. our uncles. Write the sentences in the affirmative form. Escreve as frases na forma afirmativa. ‘They did't travel home by bus. They travelled home by bus. We didn’t arrive at 8 o'clock. ‘They didn’t like the weekend, —————_——_—_—_$____________— He didn’t stay at home. ———————<<_$—$_$A aa She didn’t clean her bedroom. I didn’t study last weekend. You didn't talk on the phone yesterday, —<——__—_—_______________ a i Your brother didn’t ery yesterday. — $$$ $$ Ai i a a i i fifty-four ® choose the right verb to label the pictures. “3.4 A school trip *cycle watch ¢ study | -eplay — elisten ° walk skate * travel Escolhe o verbo correto a“ legendar as casual ® ite the past simple ofthe verbs above inthe correct column. Escreve o passado simples dos verbos acima na coluna correta. listened ‘What did they do last Saturday? Use the verbs in exercise 2 to complete the sentences about the pictures. O que é que eles fizeram no sbado passado? Usa os verbos do exerefcio 2 para completar as frases sobre as imagens, Carol ___skated to Jill’s house. Ray_________ home from the gym, Julie ___________ Science in her bedroom. Frank _____________to music in the morning. Vera__ her favourite programme on TV. Dan —__________by train to Lisbon. Nick _________ to his grandparents’ house. His grandparents chess in the afternoon. School is Great! ® choose the words to label the pictures. Escolhe as palavras para legendar as imagens. water pollution (poluigdo da dgua) air pollution (poluigao do ar) land pollution (poluicdo da terra) deforestation (desflorestacao) | endangered animals | (animais em perigo) climate change j (mudanga climética) Help! I can't breathe! @ Complete the sentences with there was or there were. Completa as frases com there was ou there were, a) b) 9 4d ) i) 8) Last week Yesterday a basketball game in my school, ten girls on the court, five in each team. also some boys watching them. a football game. two teams of eleven players. only boys on the football field, some girls watching them. @ Write questions and answers. Use the words below. Escreve perguntas e respostas, Usa as palavras abaixo. a) b) ° d) 2 a) b) o da) e) go) you / in the park yesterday afternoon Were you in the park yesterday afternoon? Yes, __[was it/ sunny yesterday Yes, Jim and Jack /at the restaurant Yes, the food / good No, your classmates /at the beach last Sunday No, the weather / cold Yes, Write questions and answers about this footballer. Name: se: Mikls Feber ‘What / name Escreve perguntas e respostas sobre este jogador de futebol. ix What was his name? What / job When / born Where / born How tall ‘What / team How old/ when he died fifty His name was Mikldés Fehér, Job: Foothaller Born: 20th July 1979 School is Great! 1/He/ She /1t@B We/ You / They 1/He/ She / It (negative) 8 We/ You / They (negative) @ Fill in the gaps with was or were. Preenche os espagos com was ou were. a) Last week, David Beckham and his family in London. b) On Monday, they ___at their best friends’ house. ©) On Tuesday, David at ‘The David Beckham Academy’, The children friendly. 4) On Wednesday afternoon, they at the cinema. e) On Thursday, David in bed until midday! He tired. f) On Friday morning, they____on a plane, On Friday afternoon, they at home again. ® Complete the sentences with wasn’t or weren't, Completa as frases com wasn’t ou weren't. a) They in Los Angeles last week. » 1 at ‘The David Beckham Academy’. ) We at school last weekend. ) Hehe for dinner. ) You at the cinema with me. ) Your bike in your garden. ) She in the café yesterday afternoon. Los Angeles : forty-nine 49 8x 15= 12 points [3x2 =spoins ~] 3x 2=6points 6x2 12 points totat:{ points 70-100 ® very good 50-69 OoK 0-49 @ try again AtSchool © write at, on or in. Escreve at, on ou in. a) Thave English —— Mondays and Thursdays. b) Geography is __ 9.00 _____ Wednesdays and Fridays. ¢) Information Technology is always _____ the afternoon. ® Aste and answer. Follow the example Pergunta e responde. Segue 0 exemplo. a) Whose rubber is this? ___It's Vera’s rubber. (rubber / Vera) b) _______arethese? They're See (books / Daniel) eee eee ie Eee eee EEEEE (table / Nancy and Bob) 4) tise (pen / Mr Williams) 2) these? (felt-tip pens / the girls) 6 Replace the words in bold by a possessive pronoun. Substitui as palavras a negrito por um pronome possessivo. a) Those scissors are my scissors, b) _ Is this my pencil or your pencil? ¢) The grey car is Mr and Mrs Davis’s car, @® rutin the gaps with must or mustn't Preenche os espagas com must ou mustn't, a) At Nancy’s school students speak politely to others. b) The rooms.____be very clean, sothey________ throw things on the floor. @ Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative. Completa as frases com 0 comparativo ou superlativo, a) Nancy is than Cindy, but Carol is the girl in class. (¢all) 5) Cindy is ___ than Nancy, but Carol is the ______ (slim) ©) Your'T-shirt is than mine, but Nancy's T-shirt is the________. (expensive) @ In about 50 words, describe your favourite school day. (18 points) rtd Slee ul a) = b) 5°) @d Read the text. Lé 0 texto. My See) Day 8x3= 18polnts-[—] Answer these questions. Responde a estas perguntas. 5xu=20points [__] ‘What time does Nancy's school start? ‘What time does it finish? What subjects does she study? Why does she like Science? What does she eat at 10.40? @ Complete the table. Completa a tabela. a) b) °) @d) e) fy Cy h) old the oldest pretty young happy fat hot slim famous nice intelligent Fill in the gaps with the superlative. Preenche os espacos com o superlativo, ‘The giraffe is_the tallest (tai) animal in the 200. ‘The rhino is _ (ugly) animal. The cheetah is (fast) animal, The fox is (smart) animal, The tiger is one of (dangerous) animals. ‘The lion is — (loud) animal. ‘The monkey is_________(fumny) animal, The elephant is (big) animal. The mouse is ——— (small) animal in the zoo. Write sentences about you and your family. Use superlatives, Escreve frases sobre tie a tua familia. Usa superlativos. (tall) My father is the tallest in my family, — BEEEEEEEeeC=HeeEerEEEEEEEEE (short) eee eee eeaeee eee reeeeeeeeeeeee (young) (old) ae. (fanny) misses aes (good singer) ze _ forty-three 43 At Schoo! ® Finn the gaps with the comparative of superiority. Preenche os espagos com o comparativo de superioridade, Diana is__younger __ (young) than her sister Carol. a) b) ° d) e) ) 9) h) Carol is Carol is. Diana’s hair is Diana is Carol is Ralph is Gilis Ralph is Gils’ hair is Ralph is Gilis (pretty) than Diana. (heavy) than Diana. (short) than her sister's. (good) at Science than her sister. (generous) than her sister. (tall) than his brother Gil. (thin) than Ralph. (strong) than Gil. (long) than his brother's. (bad) at Music than his brother. (hardworking) than his brother. 42 Asterix is as friendly as Obelix. forty-two

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