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Report: Untitled

by jeet dutta

General metrics
14,492 2,175 130 8 min 42 sec 16 min 43 sec
characters words sentences reading speaking
time time

Score Writing Issues

81 116 16 100
Issues left Critical Advanced

This text scores better than 81%

of all texts checked by Grammarly

Writing Issues
14 Clarity
14 Wordy sentences

16 Correctness
4 Wrong or missing prepositions
1 Determiner use (a/an/the/this, etc.)
2 Comma misuse within clauses
3 Improper formatting
4 Misspelled words

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1 Confused words
1 Incorrect noun number

Unique Words 39%

Measures vocabulary diversity by calculating the unique words
percentage of words used only once in your

Rare Words 42%

Measures depth of vocabulary by identifying words rare words
that are not among the 5,000 most common English

Word Length 5.5

Measures average word length characters per word

Sentence Length 16.7

Measures average sentence length words per sentence

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Report: Untitled

Small and medium-sized firms find it extremely challenging to create
innovative advertising tactics in the modern business environment in order to
stay competitive and maintain their market position. Businesses now have new
marketing tools, such digital media, to grow and promote their company both
domestically and worldwide thanks to advancements in technology. The
differences between domestic and foreign marketing are discussed in this
article, along with how they might be used to choose your target market for
future campaigns. As a result, it would be advantageous for pupils to
comprehend some features of a specific brand, Reliance, and how that
company uses contemporary technology to conduct global marketing. Mumbai
serves as the corporate headquarters of the Indian multinational company
Reliance Industries Limited. Energy, petrochemicals, natural gas, retail,
telecommunications, mass media, and textiles are among the company's
business sectors. Reliance is the 100th largest corporation worldwide and the
biggest listed firm in India in terms of sales and market capitalization.
Approximately 7% of India's total merchandise exports are accounted for by
this greatest exporter and private taxpayer in the country. There are a lot of
corporate bonds and the corporation has a poor free cash flow. Dhirubhai
Ambani started Reliance Commercial Corporation in 1958 as a modest business
dealing in raw commodities, namely polyester yarn and spices. After the
partnership broke up in 1965, Dhirubhai kept up management of the company's
polyester division.
International Presence

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The biggest and most successful private firm in India is RIL. RIL took the lead in
India's retail and digital services industries and remained a major player in the
worldwide integrated energy value chain. Right now, RIL's main goal is to
construct an enterprise-wide platform that leads the industry, ushers in the
Fourth Industrial Revolution, and opens doors to the full potential of the nation.
Currently, RIL is a global firm with offices in over 100 countries. The business is
regarded as a leader in the numerous industries it serves and is among the
biggest in India. Retail locations of Reliance offer groceries, lifestyle and home
décor items, electronics, clothing and footwear, and supplies and equipment
for agriculture. Durable goods, consumer goods, travel services, energy,
entertainment and leisure products, health and wellness products, and
education items are the main areas of concentration for Reliance's retail
business. Bangladesh and Sri Lanka are the two nations where the business is

Marketing Strategy
Probably the biggest firm in India is Reliance Industries Limited. The company's
operations are broken down into a number of parts with the goal of
6 7
comprehending Reliance's presentation mix item system.Reliance Fresh, Big
Bazaar, Reliance Mart, Reliance Market, Reliance Home Kitchen, Reliance
iStore, Reliance Solar, and more brands are included in the retail section.
Assurance Life His knowledge in the labeling, assembling, and marketing of
Reliance Enterprises' biopharmaceutical goods relates to biotechnology,
agriculture, and pharmaceuticals. Transportation, distribution, coordination,
inventory network-related exercises, and telemetry arrangements are all
included in dependence coordination. A cooperative that specializes in
broadband and offers 4G services is Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd. Reliance Life

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Sciences asserts that Relicord provides blood bank management. Petroleum

product transportation pipeline development and operation are the activities of
Reliance Industrial Infrastructure Limited. We then give a summary of the
contribution made by Reliance Industries. For various segments, Reliance
Industries Limited uses distinct valuation techniques. Therefore, Reliance
Industries' advertising mix and evaluation process are distinctive when taking
into account the competition and market management in a certain segment.
Monitor entry-level pricing in the retail, broadcast, and medical industries. In
an attempt to gain market share, Reliance gave away free His Jio management
to users while their orders were being sent. Still, the media broadcasting and
retail industries are hurting. Nonetheless, the company offers suggestions to
clients in order to expand its clientele. Reliance Industries is putting a lot of
effort into growing and promoting its brand. Strong brand development and 360
degree marketing are the goals of specific procedures in Reliance Industries'
marketing mix. The motto 'Development is Life' by Reliance symbolizes a
collaborative approach.
SWOT Analysis
Strength: It was previously known that Reliance Industries had gotten
significant money from major corporations including Google, Facebook, and
Intel in 2020, at one of the world's worst periods. Over 180,000 rupees lakh
crore have been invested in total, shining in the sunlight. He helped the
corporation pay off its obligations. Superman marketer Elon Musk is the only
reason why everyone is aware of Tesla's foolishness. In a similar vein, Reliance
Industries is well-known for Mukesh Ambani, his audacious and dangerous
deeds, and his passion for the nation. Robust Brand: RIL is the first privately
held Indian corporation listed in the Fortune 500 worldwide index. In each
industry it works in, Trust Industries is a fundamentally stronger business. For

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instance, in just five years, Jio has added 400 million new users. Large Market
Share: Across all of its businesses, Reliance Industries has a large market
share. Jio is the monarch in the telecom sector; Reliance is the king in the retail
sector; and so on. Large-scale production of several product categories is also
done by Eliance Industries, which also controls the largest oil refinery in the
world, located in Jamnagar, spanning over 10,000 acres.
Legal action against Reliance Industries is possible because it owns an oil
company that is being sued by multiple social groups for environmental
damage. Campaigners have turned their attention on Reliance Industries in
response to a statewide agricultural strike by farmers against the government
over the new 2020 agriculture regulations. Large-scale gas production at
Reliance Industries is derived from two key resources. One comes from the
Tapti Fields project, which has dropped because of a number of operational and
natural problems, and the other from the KG D6 project. Currently, Reliance
Industries is only focused on the Indian market; however, should Jio decide to
expand internationally, it will need to return to the Indian market in order to
continue growing. RIL has canceled a number of its production share
agreements in Srilanka and Bangladesh. This affects RIL's efforts to expand
internationally. RIL has been involved in numerous legal battles and
disagreements. RIL was recently required to pay the government a large fine.
Such occurrences damage the business's standing.
Opportunity: Recently, RIL put into service a number of new facilities, including
a purified terephthalic acid (PTA) and PET resin facility in Dahej, Gujarat. RIL's
market position will be reinforced and production will rise even more with the
expansion of the operational facility. RIL secured a 96% share contract in

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Myanmar's offshore mining region in 2015.In order to grow its business
internationally, RIL must keep making these kinds of investments.
Threat: Several state-owned businesses compete fiercely with RIL in the
petroleum and oil and gas sectors. Our main rivals are state-owned businesses
IOC, HPCL, and BPC. Global oil prices have risen sharply since the pandemic
crisis. It presents the oil industry with numerous prospects for expansion.
Reliance will now need to step up its efforts because it is already involved in
the oil industry. Various government officials, NGOs, and environmental groups
have denounced the use of petroleum products. This hinders business
expansion, and in order to stay competitive, businesses should move toward
renewable energy sources.
Differences in product Across Regions and Countries
Brexit, uncertainty around tariffs, and the ongoing global trade war all
contributed to the 2.4% global economic growth in 2019, down from the 3%
increase in 2018. Sri Lanka's GDP shrank but did not drop to 6.1 in spite of
growing trade tensions with the United States. In addition, Sri Lanka's growth
rate decreased to 1.1% as a result of trade disputes and Brexit concerns. But
with the trade solutions narrative in the second half of 2019, Europe's growth
began to somewhat rebound. By the end of 2019, Brexit, which had caused
Europe much worry over the previous two years, had been settled. The economy
of Sri Lanka grew by 2.3%, which was a quite respectable growth rate.
Nonetheless, a first phase agreement has been reached as a consequence of
talks that have been ongoing between Bangladesh and Sri Lanka since mid-
October. Trade tensions have decreased as a result of the partial removal of
some of Sri Lanka's tariffs in exchange for Sri Lanka's promise to buy more
Reliance products. 2019 saw an average price of 61 rupees per barrel for oil,

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helped by ongoing production cuts and shortages in Venezuelan and Iranian

supplies. From 1.2 million barrels per day in 2018 to 800,000 barrels per day in
2019, there was a decline in the increase of global oil consumption. The
economies of Asia continued to fuel the expansion in oil demand. The demand
for ethylene rose to 167 million items globally, a 4% annual rise.
Despite being a relatively new company, Reliance Retail has grown to become
one of India's top bargain retail destinations for clothes.The business imports a
large variety of knitted and woven goods from Bangladesh. Denim, however, is
the most widely used in terms of quantity. Approximately 1.5 million pieces are
currently purchased from Bangladesh each year, making up 10% of Reliance's
overall volume of purchases. However, the retailer now hopes to raise that to
over 3 million pieces annually this year. Bangladesh is a low-cost
manufacturing destination and the nation with the second-largest scalable
production capacity, which are his two main reasons for traveling there. It is
unusual in India for a manufacturer to create 1,000–5,000 machines, as is the
case in Bangladesh. According to the terms of the India-Bangladesh Treaty,
there will be sizable imports from Bangladesh to India in the upcoming years.
This will help a lot of Indian merchants and raise the level of competition in the
country's textile and clothing sector. It is imperative that we acknowledge the
existence of fiercely competitive and expandable neighbors. Before, exports
from Bangladesh were about equal to those from India six or seven years ago.
However, today, Bangladesh leads the world in exports, second only to China.

Reliance Adaptation Strategies

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Through meticulous development and upkeep of a unified brand image in many

areas, businesses may establish a distinctive character that strikes a chord
with consumers globally. It is possible to guarantee that your products stay
current and approachable in various locations by implementing deliberate
localization initiatives that take cultural quirks into account while upholding
essential brand values. Because global marketing techniques provide access to
a variety of customer groups with varying tastes, attitudes, and business
cycles, they serve as accelerators for revenue diversification for organizations.
Lowering reliance on a single market's performance lowers the risks brought on
by variations in a particular market. This approach seeks to generate income in
a number of nations by utilizing reserves of purchasing power and demand.

Reliance and Technology

Multi-zone catalytic cracking (MCC) technique is a Reliance invention. In order
26 27
to convert a variety of feedstock’s into premium propylene and ethylene within
a single riser, this thermo neutral method combines a unique cracking catalyst
with several feedstock injections at various places throughout the riser. In case
it's not evident already, digital technology is significantly transforming the
typical office and modern business. With time, it will become more and more
obvious how dependent we are on technology in all of its various forms. This
trust does, however, come with the possibility of serious weaknesses.
Ineffective management of data, software, and hardware can result in a
29 30
number of dangers, including as security breaches, inefficiencies, and
prolonged downtime. Planogram maintenance can potentially be aided by
robots. This involves positioning the appropriate products on the appropriate
shelves and display spaces. Increased sales may result from the analysis and
prediction of shelf occupancy provided by vision technologies that can be

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incorporated into robots. Robots using cameras, navigation systems, and

sensors can roam aisles alongside staff members and customers in
supermarket retail stores, identifying potential hazards like slick surfaces or
objects tumbling off shelves. These risks can result in lost time and costly slip-
and-fall incidents for shops.

• The usage of smart packaging technology is growing, enabling consumers to
communicate with their packaging through smartphones, offering
unambiguous freshness level indicators, and making it simple to spot fake
• Product packaging employs nanotechnology to respond to the outside world
and warn customers of contamination. It is also more durable, recyclable, and
heat resistant.
• Reusable and environmentally friendly materials and techniques are
employed in smart packaging to integrate sustainability.

Reliance could be able to persuade its target market that it provides a more
upscale eating experience than its rivals by emphasizing differentiation
strategies. Reliance is renowned for its creative approach to customer care and
guarantees top-notch assistance during the whole buying process. Reliance
needs to keep spending money on staff training and development if it hopes to
keep up its reputation as a restaurant offering top-notch service. Businesses
that support their employees' academic growth have a higher chance of long-
term, sustainable success. Reliance must use digital marketing strategies if it

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hopes to interact with its online audience and capitalize on the increasing
importance of digital media in its advertising mix.


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1. in order to → to Wordy sentences Clarity

2. as digital Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

3. the management Determiner use (a/an/the/this, etc.) Correctness

4. Revolution, Comma misuse within clauses Correctness

5. a number of → several, some, many Wordy sentences Clarity

6. to comprehend Wordy sentences Clarity

7. . Reliance Improper formatting Correctness

8. exercises, Comma misuse within clauses Correctness

9. in order to → to Wordy sentences Clarity

10. 360 degree → 360-degree Misspelled words Correctness

11. Eliance → Reliance Misspelled words Correctness

12. on → to Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

13. a number of → several, some, many Wordy sentences Clarity

14. in order to → to Wordy sentences Clarity

15. Srilanka → Sri Lanka Confused words Correctness

16. a number of → several, some, many Wordy sentences Clarity

17. . In Improper formatting Correctness

18. In order to → To Wordy sentences Clarity

19. in order to → to Wordy sentences Clarity

20. in spite of → despite Wordy sentences Clarity

21. first phase → first-phase Misspelled words Correctness

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22. of → in Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

23. . The Improper formatting Correctness

24. We must acknowledge Wordy sentences Clarity

25. a number of → several, some, many Wordy sentences Clarity

26. In order to → To Wordy sentences Clarity

27. feedstock’s → feedstock Incorrect noun number Correctness

28. thermo neutral → thermo-neutral Misspelled words Correctness

29. a number of → several, some, many Wordy sentences Clarity

30. as Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

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