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Codebook Design and Beam Training for Extremely

Large-Scale RIS: Far-Field or Near-Field?

Xiuhong Wei1 , Linglong Dai 1,* , Yajun Zhao2 , Guanghui Yu2 , Xiangyang Duan2

Beijing National Research Center for Information Science and Technology (BNRist) as well as the Department of Electronic
Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
ZTE Corporation, Shenzhen 518038, China
The corresponding author, email:

Abstract: Reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) is codebook design; beam training

more likely to develop into extremely large-scale RIS
(XL-RIS) to efficiently boost the system capacity for I. INTRODUCTION
future 6G communications. Beam training is an effec-
tive way to acquire channel state information (CSI) for Recently, reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) has
XL-RIS. Existing beam training schemes rely on the been proposed to improve the capacity of the wire-
far-field codebook. However, due to the large aper- less communication system [1, 2]. Specifically, RIS
ture of XL-RIS, the scatters are more likely to be in consists of a large number of reconfigurable elements
the near-field region of XL-RIS. The far-field code- (e.g., 256), which can be deployed between the base
book mismatches the near-field channel model. Thus, station (BS) and the user to establish an extra reflecting
the existing far-field beam training scheme will cause link. By properly reconfiguring the RIS elements, RIS
severe performance loss in the XL-RIS assisted near- can provide high reflecting beamforming gain with
field communications. To solve this problem, we pro- low cost and low consumption [3, 4]. The reliable RIS
pose the efficient near-field beam training schemes by reflecting beamforming requires the accurate channel
designing the near-field codebook to match the near- state information (CSI) [5, 6]. However, due to a large
field channel model. Specifically, we firstly design number of RIS elements, CSI acquisition is challeng-
the near-field codebook by considering the near-field ing for the RIS assisted system [7].
cascaded array steering vector of XL-RIS. Then, the There are two typical categories of CSI acquisition
optimal codeword for XL-RIS is obtained by the ex- methods, which are respectively the explicit CSI ac-
hausted training procedure. To reduce the beam train- quisition (i.e., channel estimation) and the implicit CSI
ing overhead, we further design a hierarchical near- acquisition (i.e., beam training). For the first category,
field codebook and propose the corresponding hierar- the BS sends pilot signals to the user through the RIS,
chical near-field beam training scheme, where differ- and the user directly estimates the channel based on
ent levels of sub-codebooks are searched in turn with the received pilot signals [8]. Since each RIS element
reduced codebook size. Simulation results show the is usually passive, only the cascaded channel, i.e., the
proposed near-field beam training schemes outperform cascade of the channel from the BS to the RIS and the
the existing far-field beam training scheme. channel from the RIS to the user, can be estimated by
Keywords: extremely large-scale RIS; near-field least squares (LS) [9] or minimum mean square error
(MMSE) algorithm [10]. The high-dimensional cas-
Received: Sep. 30, 2021 caded channel estimation will lead to the unaffordable
Revised: Oct. 31, 2021 pilot overhead in RIS assisted systems. To solve this
Editor: Honggang Zhang
problem, two types of low-overhead cascaded channel

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estimation schemes have been proposed [8]. On the RIS assisted system is faced with the “multiplicative
one hand, some compressive sensing (CS) algorithms fading” effect [20–23], where the equivalent path loss
can be used to estimate the high-dimensional cascaded of the BS-RIS-user reflecting link is the product of (in-
channel by leveraging the sparsity of the angular cas- stead of the sum of) the path losses of the BS-RIS link
caded channel [11, 12]. On the other hand, the multi- and RIS-user link. Thanks to low cost and low power
user correlation is exploited to reduce the pilot over- consumption, more and more RIS elements are ex-
head by considering that all users communicate with pected to deploy to compensate for the severe path loss
the BS via the same RIS [13]. However, for this cate- to ensure the capacity improvement [21]. Thus, RIS is
gory of method, since RIS cannot perform the reliable more likely to develop into extremely large-scale RIS
reflecting beamforming before channel estimation, the (XL-RIS) for future 6G communications, which will
received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is usually low. It lead to the fundamental transformation of electromag-
is difficult for channel estimation to achieve the satis- netic radiation field structure [24]. The electromag-
factory channel estimation accuracy with low received netic radiation field can be divided into the far-field
SNR. region and near-field region [25], where the far-field
The second category is beam training, where CSI channel model and near-field channel model should
can be obtained by estimating the physical directions be used, respectively. The boundary of these two re-
of channel paths instead of the entire channel. This gions is determined by the Rayleigh distance [25],
beam training method has been widely considered in which is proportional to the square of the array aper-
the existing 5G system, especially for millimeter-wave ture. In the RIS assisted systems, if the array aper-
communications [14, 15]. Specifically, the BS and ture of RIS is not very large, the Rayleigh distance
the user perform the training procedure through mul- is small, so the scatters are usually assumed in the
tiple directional beams (codewords) predefined in the far-field region of RIS. Correspondingly, existing RIS
codebook to search the optimal directional beam. Af- codebook for beam training is designed based on the
ter beam training, the physical directions of channel far-field channel model [17–19]. With the increasing
paths can be effectively obtained [16]. Compared with number of RIS elements from RIS to XL-RIS (e.g.,
channel estimation, beam training can directly achieve from 256 to 1024), the array aperture of XL-RIS be-
the reliable beamforming by the training procedure, comes very large, and the Rayleigh distance increases
which can avoid the estimation of the entire channel accordingly [24]. As a result, the scatters are more
with low received SNR. Recently, the beam training likely to be in the near-field region of XL-RIS, and the
method has been extended to the RIS assisted sys- near-field channel model should be considered in the
tems for CSI acquisition [17–19]. The basic idea is XL-RIS assisted system [26]. However, the existing
that, based on the cascaded array steering vector of far-field codebook mismatches the near-field channel
the RIS cascaded channel, the codebook consisting model, and the corresponding far-field beam training
of multiple RIS directional beams is firstly designed, will cause severe performance loss in the XL-RIS as-
and then the training procedure between the RIS and sisted near-field communications. Unfortunately, this
the user is performed to search the optimal RIS di- important new problem has not been studied in the lit-
rectional beam [17]. By considering the fact that the erature.
cascaded array steering vector is mainly determined To fill in this gap, in this paper, we propose the effi-
by the angle differences at the RIS, the partial search cient near-field beam training schemes for XL-RIS by
based beam training scheme was further proposed to designing the near-field codebook to match the near-
reduce the search complexity [18]. Moreover, inspired field channel model. Our contributions are summa-
by the powerful learning ability of neural networks, rized as follows.
a deep reinforcement learning based beam training 1. We design the near-field codebook to match the
scheme was proposed to reduce the beam training near-field channel model, and then propose the
overhead [19]. corresponding near-field beam training scheme
However, the existing codebook and beam training for XL-RIS. Specifically, by considering the near-
schemes may not be applicable any more with the in- field cascaded array steering vector of the XL-
creasing number of RIS elements. Specifically, the RIS cascaded channel, the near-field codebook is

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firstly designed, where each codeword is deter-
mined by a pair of sampled points in the x-y-z
coordinate system. Then, the optimal codeword XL-RIS
for XL-RIS is obtained by the exhausted training
procedure between the XL-RIS and the user.
2. In order to reduce the beam training overhead, y
we further design a hierarchical near-field code- x
book and propose the corresponding hierarchi-
cal near-field beam training scheme for XL-RIS.
Compared with the near-field codebook, the hi-
erarchical near-field codebook consists of several user
different levels of sub-codebooks, which are de-
termined by different sampling ranges and sam-
pling steps. During the beam training process,
we search from the first level sub-codebook to BS
the last level sub-codebook in turn, where the
Figure 1. The XL-RIS assisted wireless communication sys-
sampling ranges and sampling steps gradually
become smaller. Finally, the globally optimal
codeword can be achieved in the last level sub-
codebook associated with the minimum sampling the existing far-field channel model and the far-field
ranges and sampling steps. codebook for beam training will be briefly reviewed.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sec- Finally, the near-field channel model for XL-RIS is
tion II, we firstly introduce the signal model, and then presented.
review the existing far-field channel model and far-
field codebook. The near-field channel model for the 2.1 Signal Model
XL-RIS assisted system is also presented in Section II.
As shown in Figure 1, a XL-RIS is deployed between
In Section III, the near-field codebook is designed and
the BS with M -element antenna array and a single-
the corresponding near-field beam training scheme is
antenna user to provide a reflecting link to assist com-
proposed, and then the hierarchical near-field code-
munication, where the direct link between the BS and
book based beam training is further proposed to re-
the user is blocked by obstacles [17, 27]. The XL-RIS
duce the beam training overhead. Simulation results
consisting of N = N1 × N2 elements is placed in the
and conclusions are provided in Section IV and Sec-
x-z plane, where the center of the XL-RIS is at the
tion V, respectively.
origin of the x-y-z coordinate system.
Notation: Lower-case and upper-case boldface let-
Let G ∈ CN ×M denote the channel from the BS to
ters a and A denote a vector and a matrix, respec-
the XL-RIS and hr ∈ C1×N denote the channel from
tively; a∗ and aH denote the conjugate and conjugate
the XL-RIS to the user. By considering the downlink
transpose of vector a, respectively; ∥a∥2 denotes the
transmission, the received signal r at the user can be
l2 norm of vector a; AH denotes the conjugate trans-
expressed by
pose of matrix A. CN (µ, σ) denotes the probability
density function of the circularly symmetric complex
Gaussian distribution with mean µ and variance σ 2 . r = hr diag (θ) Gvs + n, (1)
Finally, diag (a) denotes the diagonal matrix with the
vector a on its diagonal. where θ = [θ1 , · · · , θN ] ∈ CN ×1 is the reflecting
beamforming vector at the XL-RIS with θn represent-
II. SYSTEM MODEL ing the reflecting coefficient at the nth RIS element
(n = 1, · · · , N ), v ∈ CM ×1 represents the beam-
In this section, we will first introduce the signal model forming vector at the BS, s represents the symbol
of the XL-RIS assisted communication system. Then, transmitted by the BS, n ∼ CN 0, σ 2 represents

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the received noise at the user with σ 2 representing the expressed as [12]
noise power.
a (ϕ, ψ) = e−j2πϕn1 ⊗ e−j2πψn2 ,
To design the effective beamforming vectors v and (4)
θ, it is necessary to acquire the accurate CSI [5, 6].
Since there are extremely large number of RIS ele- where n1 = [0, 1, · · · , N1 − 1]T and n2 =
ments, channel estimation cannot achieve the satisfac- [0, 1, · · · , N2 − 1]T . ϕ = df sin (ϑ) cos (υ) /λ and
tory channel estimation with low pilot overhead. By ψ = df sin (υ) /λ, where ϑ and υ respectively repre-
contrast, beam training is a more effective way to ac- sent the physical angles in the azimuth and elevation,
quire CSI [17, 19]. Specifically, since the XL-RIS is λ is the carrier wavelength, and df is the element spac-
generally dominated by the main path (or a few paths), ing satisfying df = λ/2.
we only need to search the physical direction of the By considering that the beamforming vector v at the

main path by beam training instead of explicitly esti- BS has been designed, i.e., v = bM , the receiver signal
mating the entire channel. Thus, in the following de- r in (1) can be further represented by
scription, only the main path is concerned, and the cor-
responding beam training method will be investigated r =αaT (ϕr , ψr ) diag (θ) a (ϕGr , ψGr ) s̄ + n
to search the optimal directional beam to align with
=αθ T diag (a (ϕr , ψr )) a (ϕGr , ψGr ) s̄ + n
the main path. (5)
Moreover, since the BS and the XL-RIS are gener- =αθ T a (ϕGr + ϕr , ψGr + ψr ) s̄ + n
ally deployed at fixed positions, the channel G from =θ T h̄far-field s̄ + n,
the BS to the XL-RIS has a much longer channel co-
herence time than the channel hr from the XL-RIS to where h̄far-field = αa (ϕGr + ϕr , ψGr + ψr ) denotes
the user due to the user’s mobility [17]. For simplic- the far-field cascaded channel, α = αG αr denotes the
ity, we assume that the beamforming vector v at the effective gain of h̄far-field , and s̄ = bT (ϕGt , ψGt ) vs
BS has been aligned with the main path of the channel denotes the effective transmitted symbol.
G [17]. In this paper, we only focus on the beam train- For beam training, the entire procedure can be di-
ing at the XL-RIS. Next, we will briefly review the ex- vided into multiple time slots. In different time slots,
isting far-field channel model and the corresponding the reflecting beamforming vector θ is set as differ-
far-field codebook for beam training. ent codewords in the predefined codebook, which will
equivalently produce different directional beams. For
2.2 Far-Field Channel Model and Far-Filed each codeword, the user will measure the strength of
the received signal r and feedback the optimal code-
word index. Based on the far-field array steering vec-
Based on the far-field channel model, G and hr can be tor in (4), the existing far-field codebook F is generally
respectively represented by designed as [17]

Gfar-field = αG a (ϕGr , ψGr ) bT (ϕGt , ψGt ) , (2) F = [a (ϕ1 , ψ1 ) , · · · , a (ϕ1 , ψN2 ) , · · · ,

a (ϕN1 , ψ1 ) , · · · , a (ϕN1 , ψN2 )]∗ ,

hrfar-field = αr aT (ϕr , ψr ) , (3) 1 −1

where ϕn = 2n−N N1 with n = 1, 2, · · · , N1 and
2n−N2 −1
where αG and αr represent the path gains, ϕGr and ψn = N2 for n = 1, 2, · · · , N2 . Each column
ψGr represent the spatial angles at the XL-RIS for of F represents a codeword for θ.
the channel G, ϕGt and ψGt represent the spatial an- The existing beam training schemes are mainly
gles at the BS for the channel G, ϕr and ψr repre- based on the above far-field codebook [17–19]. How-
sent the spatial angles at the XL-RIS for the channel ever, when the RIS develops into XL-RIS, the far-field
hr . a(ϕ, ψ) and b(ϕ, ψ) represent the far-field array codebook and beam training may not be applicable
steering vector associated to the XL-RIS and the BS, any more, which will be explained in detail in the next
respectively. Take a(ϕ, ψ) as an example, it can be Section 2.3.

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Near-field Far-field
to the user can be represented by [28]
Spherical Planar
hrnear-field = αr cT (xr , yr , zr ) , (7)
2D 2
l where (xr , yr , zr ) represents the coordinate of the
scatter corresponding to the main path between the
Figure 2. The near-field region and the far-field re-
XL-RIS and user. Compared with the far-field chan-
gion [24].
nel model in (3), the array steering vector c (xr , yr , zr )
for the near-field channel model is derived based on
2.3 Near-Field Channel Model the the spherical wave assumption, which can be rep-
resented by [28]
Specifically, as shown in Figure 2, the electromagnetic h r r
radiation field in wireless communications can be di- c(xr , yr , zr ) = e−j2πD (1,1) , · · · , e−j2πD (1,N2 ) ,
vided into far-field region and near-field region [25], r r
where different fields will result in different channel · · · , e−j2πD (N1 ,1) , · · · , e−j2πD (N1 ,N2 ) ,
models. The bound between these two fields is de- (8)
2 r
termined by the Rayleigh distance Z = 2D λ , where
p D (n1 , n2 ) =
D represents the array aperture. In the conventional (xr − xn1 )2 + yr2 + (zr − zn2 )2 , which repre-
RIS assisted system, since the array aperture of the sents the distance from the (n1 , n2 )-th RIS element to
RIS is not too large, the corresponding Rayleigh dis- (xr , yr , zr ).
tance is small. The scatters are in the far-field region of Similarly, the array steering vector at the RIS of
RIS [5, 17, 27], where the RIS channel can be modeled the channel G from the BS to the XL-RIS should be
under the planar wave assumption, as described in (2) also near-field. Thus, the near-field cascaded channel
and (3). With the increase of the array aperture in the h̄near-field can be represented by
XL-RIS assisted system, the corresponding Rayleigh
distance also increases. For example, we consider that h̄near-field = αc̄ ((xGr , yGr , zGr ), (xr , yr , zr )) , (9)
the carrier frequency is 30 GHz and the corresponding
carrier wavelength is λ = 0.01 meters. When the array where (xGr , yGr , zGr ) represents the coordinate of the
aperture for RIS is D = 0.1 meters, the Rayleigh dis- scatter corresponding to the main path between the
tance is only Z = 2 meters. When the array aperture BS and XL-RIS. The near-field cascaded array steer-
for XL-RIS increases to D = 1 meter, the Rayleigh ing vector c̄ ((xGr , yGr , zGr ), (xr , yr , zr )) can be rep-
distance can reach Z = 200 meters. Thus, in the resented by
XL-RIS assisted system, the scatters are more likely to
be in the near-field region, where the XL-RIS channel c̄ ((xGr , yGr , zGr ), (xr , yr , zr ))
should be modeled under the spherical wave assump- h
tion. Next, we will introduce the near-field channel = e−j2πD(1,1) , · · · , e−j2πD(1,N2 ) , · · · , (10)
model of XL-RIS. iT
e−j2πD(N1 ,1) , · · · , e−j2πD(N1 ,N2 ) ,
For convenience of description, the distances and
coordinates are normalized by the carrier wavelength
λ in the following of this paper [28]. The vertical where D(n1 , n2 ) = DGr (n1 , n2 ) +
or horizontal distance between two adjacent RIS el- Dr (n1 , n2 ), represents the effective dis-
ements is set to d. The coordinate of the RIS ele- tance
q of h̄near-field , and D (n 1 , n2 ) =
2 + (z
(xGr − xn1 )2 + yG 2
ment can be represented as (xn1 , 0, zn2 ) with xn1 = r Gr − zn2 ) . It is noted
(n1 − N12+1 )d and zn2 = (n2 − N22+1 )d in the x-y-z Gr
that (xGr , yGr , zGr ) satisfies Xmin ≤ xGr ≤ Xmax Gr
coordinate system, where n1 = 1, · · · , N1 and n2 = Gr Gr Gr
Ymin ≤ yGr ≤ Ymax , Zmin ≤ zGr ≤ Zmax , and Gr
1, · · · , N2 . r
(xr , yr , zr ) satisfies Xmin r
≤ xr ≤ Xmax r
,Ymin ≤ yr ≤
The near-field channel hrnear-field from the XL-RIS r r
Ymax , and Zmin ≤ zr ≤ Zmax . r

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Compared with the far-field cascaded array steering h̄near-field is determined by the sum of the distance
vector only associated with the angles in (4), the near- from (xGr , yGr , zGr ) to the XL-RIS and the distance
field cascaded array steering vector is determined by from (xr , yr , zr ) to the XL-RIS, each codeword for
a pair of points in the x-y-z coordinate system, i.e., XL-RIS should be related to a pair of sampled points
(xGr , yGr , zGr ) and (xr , yr , zr ). The existing far-field in the x-y-z coordinate system, instead of only one
codebook mismatches the near-field channel model. sampled point [28]. Next, we will introduce the de-
Thus, the corresponding far-field beam training will signed near-field codebook based on the near-field cas-
cause severe performance loss in the XL-RIS assisted caded array steering vector.
near-field communications. In this paper, we design
the near-field codebook to match the near-field chan- 3.1.1 Near-Field Codebook Design
nel model, and then propose the corresponding near-
Let ΞGr and Ξr denote the two collections of sam-
field beam training for XL-RIS, which will be intro-
pled points corresponding to (xGr , yGr , zGr ) and
duced in the next Section III.
(xr , yr , zr ), which can be represented as


s , ys , zs )|


s = Xmin , Xmin + ∆x , · · · , Xmax ;


ysGr = Ymin , Ymin + ∆y Gr , · · · , Ymax
Gr Gr
In this section, we will introduce the proposed near- zsGr = Zmin , Zmin + ∆z Gr , · · · , Zmax
field codebook and the corresponding near-field beam
training. Then, a hierarchical near-field codebook and Ξr = {(xrs , ysr , zsr )|
the corresponding beam training will be further pro-
xrs = Xmin
r r
, Xmin + ∆xr , · · · , Xmax
posed to reduce the beam training overhead. (12)
ysr = Ymin
r r
, Ymin + ∆y r , · · · , Ymax
3.1 Proposed Near-Field Codebook Design zsr = Zmin
r r
, Zmin + ∆z r , · · · , Zmax
and Beam Training where ∆xGr , ∆y Gr and ∆z Gr represent the sampling
step on the x-axis, y-axis and z-axis for ΞGr , respec-
Inspired by the near-field dictionary matrix design for tively. ∆xr , ∆y r and ∆z r represent the sampling step
the XL-MIMO channel estimation [28], we design a on the x-axis, y-axis and z-axis for Ξr , respectively.
near-field codebook for the XL-RIS beam training. In Let ∆ = [∆xGr , ∆y Gr , ∆z Gr , ∆xr , ∆y r , ∆z r ] de-
the near-field dictionary matrix proposed in [28] for note all sampling steps. Given a pair of sampled points
the extremely large-scale linear antenna array, the con- (xG Gr Gr r r r
s , ys , zs ) and (xs , ys , zs ), the effective sampled

sidered entire two-dimensional (2D) plane is divided distance Ds (n1 , n2 ) can be presented by
by several sampled points in the x-y coordinate sys-
tem. Each column of the dictionary matrix is the cor-
Ds (n1 , n2 ) = DsGr (n1 , n2 ) + Dsr (n1 , n2 ), (13)
responding near-field array steering vector for the lin-
ear array associated with one sampled point. If the
where DsGr (n1 , n2 ) =
near-field codebook for the planar array is required to q
Gr G G
design in the XL-MIMO system, we only need to ex- (xs − xn1 )2 + ys r + (zs r − zn2 )2 and
tend the 2D plane to the three-dimensional (3D) space, Dsr (n1 , n2 ) = (xrs − xn1 )2 + ysr 2 + (zsr − zn2 )2 .
where each codeword can be generated based on the Algorithm 1 shows the specific near-field code-
near-field array steering vector for the planar array as- book design procedure. From Step 3, we can find
sociated with one sampled point in the x-y-z coordi- that the near-field codeword is generated based on the
nate system. However, the near-field cascaded channel near-field cascaded array steering vector, which is re-
brings new challenges to the codebook design for XL- lated to a pair of sampled points (xG Gr Gr
s , ys , zs ) and

RIS. r r r
(xs , ys , zs ). It is noted that different pairs of sampled
Specifically, since the near-field cascaded array points may produce the same effective sampled dis-
steering vector c̄ of the near-field cascaded channel tance, which will result in the same codeword. In order

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Algorithm 1. Near-field codebook design. Algorithm 2. Near-field beam training.
Gr Inputs: The designed near-field XL-RIS codebook
Inputs: The two collections of sampled points Ξ
and Ξr , the number of RIS elements N1 and N2 . W, and the effective transmitted symbol s̄.
Initialization: W = ∅, L = 0. Initialization: l = 0, |r|opt = 0, lopt = 0.
1. for (xG Gr Gr
s , ys , zs ) ∈ Ξ
r Gr
do 1. for c̄s ∈ W do
r r r
2. for (xs ,ys , zs ) ∈ Ξ do r 2. l = l + 1
3. c̄s = e−j2πDs (1,1) , · · · , e−j2πDs (1,N2 ) , · · · , 3. rl = θlT h̄near-field s̄ + nl , where θl = c̄s
e−j2πDs (N1 ,1) , · · · , e−j2πDs (N1 ,N2 )
H 4. if |rl | > |r|opt then
4. if c̄s ∈
/ W then 5. lopt = l
5. W = [W, c̄s ] 6. |r|opt = |rl |
6. L=L+1 7. end if
7. end if 8. end for
8. end for Output: The feedback optimal codeword index lopt
9. end for from the user.
Output: The designed near-field XL-RIS codebook
W, and the codebook size L.
for XL-RIS is jointly determined by a pair of sampled
points, the codebook size L is usually large. This ex-
to solve this problem, we need to ensure that each new hausted training procedure will lead to huge beaming
codeword is different from all previous codewords, as training overhead. In order to reduce the beam training
shown in Steps 4-7. Finally, the designed near-field overhead, we further design a hierarchical near-field
codebook W is obtained, where each column repre- codebook and propose the corresponding hierarchical
sents one codeword for the reflecting beamforming beam training scheme.
vector θ at the XL-RIS. The corresponding codebook
size L is also obtained.
After designing the near-field codebook for XL-
RIS, the beam training procedure between the XL-RIS
3.2 Proposed Hierarchical Near-Field Code-
and the user can be performed to search the optimal
book Design and Beam Training
codeword for the reflecting beamforming vector θ at
the XL-RIS. Next, we will introduce the correspond-
ing near-field beam training scheme. To reduce the beam training overhead, one effective
way is to reduce the codebook size. By referring
to (11) and (12), we can find the codebook size for
3.1.2 Near-Field Beam Training the entire sampling space is mainly determined by the
The specific near-field beam training procedure is sampling steps on the x-axis, y-axis and z-axis. If the
summarized in Algorithm 2, where all the codewords sampling steps are increased, the codebook size will
in the designed near-field codebook W need to be tra- be reduced. But the performance of the beam train-
versed. The entire training procedure can be divided ing will be also degraded accordingly, since it is dif-
into L time slots. In l-th time slots, the BS transmits ficult to accurately locate the scatters corresponding
the effective symbol s̄ to the user, where the reflecting to the main paths with the reduced codebook. In or-
beamforming vector θl is set as the l-th codeword in der to solve this problem, we design a hierarchical
the designed near-field codebook W at the XL-RIS, near-field codebook, which consists of several differ-
as shown in Step 3. After L time slots, the user can ent levels of sub-codebooks. These different levels of
obtain the optimal codeword based on all received sig- sub-codebooks are determined by different sampling
nals {rl }L ranges and sampling steps.
l=1 with the help of Steps 4-7. Finally, the
optimal codeword index lopt is fed back from the user Specifically, let K denote the number of different
to XL-RIS. levels of sub-codebooks. In the k-th sub-codebook
Since the near-field cascaded array steering vector (k = 1, 2, · · · , K), the corresponding collections of

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Near-field Algorithm 3. Hierarchical near-field beam training.
Inputs: The number of different levels of sub-
1-st level
sampling range
codebooks K, the initial sampling ranges R1 , the ini-
2-nd level sampling step tial sampling steps ∆1 , the step control parameter δ,
near-field codebook … and the effective transmitted symbol s̄, the number of
K-th level
RIS elements N1 and N2 .
Initialization: lk = 0, |r|k,opt = 0 and lk,opt = 0 for
Figure 3. Comparison between the near-field codebook and ∀k
the hierarchical near-field codebook.
1. for k = 1, 2, · · · , K do
2. generate ΞG r k
k and Ξk based on R and ∆ by (14)
r k

sampled points ΞG r
k and Ξk can be defined as
and (15)
3. generate Wk based on ΞG r
k and Ξk by Algorithm

 Gr ,k Gr ,k Gr ,k
k = (xs , ys , zs )|
xG r ,k Gr ,k
= Xmin Gr ,k
, Xmin + ∆xGr ,k , · · · , Xmax
Gr ,k
; 4. for c̄s,k ∈ Wk do
Gr ,k Gr ,k
5. lk = lk + 1
ysGr ,k = Ymin , Ymin + ∆y Gr ,k , · · · , Ymax
Gr ,k
; 6. rl,k = θl,kT
h̄near-field s̄ + nl,k , where θl,k = c̄s,k
Gr ,k Gr ,k if |rl,k | > |r|k,opt then
zsGr ,k = Zmin , Zmin + ∆z Gr ,k , · · · , Zmax
Gr ,k
, 7.
(14) 8. lk,opt = lk
r 9. |r|k,opt = |rl,k |
 r,k r,k r,k
Ξk = (xs , ys , zs )|
r,k r,k 10. end if
xr,k r,k r,k
s = Xmin , Xmin + ∆x , · · · , Xmax ;
(15) 11. end for
r,k r,k
ysr,k = Ymin , Ymin + ∆y r,k , · · · , Ymax
; 12. generate Rk+1 based on lk,opt by (16)
13. ∆k+1 = δ∆k
r,k r,k
zsr,k = Zmin , Zmin + ∆z r,k , · · · , Zmax
14.end for
Take the sampling on the x-axis for ΞG k
Output: The feedback optimal codeword index lK,opt
Gr ,k Gr ,k Gr ,k
as an example, [Xmin , Xmax ] and ∆x from the user.
represent the sampling range and sam-
pling step, respectively. Further, let Rk =
 Gr ,k Gr ,k G ,k Gr ,k Gr ,k Gr ,k in turn, where the sampling ranges of the latter level
[Xmin , Xmax ], [Yminr , Ymax ], [Zmin , Zmax ],
r,k r,k r,k sub-codebook is determined by the optimal code-
[Xmin , Xmax ], [Ymin , Ymax ], [Zmin , Zmax ] and ∆k =
r,k r,k r,k
word searched and the sampling steps by the for-
{∆xGr ,k , ∆y Gr ,k , ∆z Gr ,k , ∆xr,k , ∆y r,k , ∆z r,k } re- mer level sub-codebook, as shown in Figure 3. By
spectively denote all sampling ranges and all sampling assuming that the searched optimal codeword for
steps for the k-th level sub-codebook. In this way, the k-th level sub-codebook is c̄s,k,opt with the cor-
ΞG r r
k and Ξk can be completely determined by R and
responding sampled points (xG Gr Gr
s,k,opt , ys,k,opt , zs,k,opt )
k Gr r
∆ . Given Ξk and Ξk , the k-th level sub-codebook r r r
and (xs,k,opt , ys,k,opt , zs,k,opt ), the sampling ranges of
Wk and the corresponding codebook size Lk can the (k + 1)-th level sub-codebook can be determined
be further obtained by referring to Algorithm 1. accordingly. Take [Xmin Gr ,k+1 Gr ,k+1
, Xmax ] as an example,
Figure 3 shows the comparison between the near-field it can be represented by
codebook and the hierarchical near-field codebook.
In the hierarchical near-field codebook, from the 1-st Gr ,k+1 Gr ,k+1
level sub-codebook to the K-th level sub-codebook, [Xmin , Xmax ]=
both the corresponding sampling ranges and sampling ∆xGr ,k Gr ∆xGr ,k (16)
s,k,opt −
, xs,k,opt + ].
steps gradually become smaller. Thus, the codebook 2 2
size of each level of sub-codeboook is not large.
Based on the hierarchical near-field codebook, we For the 1-st level sub-codebook, the corre-
further propose the hierarchical near-field beam train- sponding
 Gr sampling ranges can be set as R1 =
Gr Gr Gr Gr Gr
ing scheme. The basic idea is to search from the 1- [Xmin , Xmax ], [Ymin , Ymax ], [Zmin , Zmax ],
r r r r r,k r,k
st level sub-codebook to the K-th level sub-codebook [Xmin , Xmax ], [Ymin , Ymax ], [Zmin , Zmax ] . The initial

200 © China Communications Magazine Co., Ltd. · June 2022

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sampling steps ∆1 should be set as bigger values to 19
reduce the codebook size. In this paper, we set ∆1 = Far-field beam training [17]
Proposed near-field beam training
Proposed hierarchical near-field beam training
A∆, where ∆ is the sampling steps for the designed Perfect CSI based beamforming
near-field codebook in Section 3.1, and A is a scalar

Achievable Rate (bit/s/Hz)

greater than 1. Moreover, we define a step control pa-
rameter δ (0 < δ < 1) to gradually decrease the sam- 15

pling steps of the sub-codebooks.

The specific hierarchical near-field beam training 13

procedure is summarized in Algorithm 3, where the

entire beam training procedure is divided into K
stages. In the k-th stage, the k-th level sub-codebook -5 -3 -1 1 3 5
SNR (dB)
Wk is firstly generated by Steps 2-3. Then, Steps 4-
11 are performed to search the optimal codeword in Figure 4. Achievable rate performance comparison against
Wk . It is noted that the searched optimal codeword in- the SNR.
dex lk,opt should be fed back from the user to the XL-
RIS to generate the sampling ranges Rk+1 and sam-
beam training schemes.
pling steps ∆k+1 for the (k+1)-th level sub-codebook,
as shown in Steps 12-13. Finally, the optimal code- For simulations, we consider that the number of an-
word for the K-th level sub-codebook is regarded as tennas at the BS is M = 64, and the number of RIS
the searched globally optimal codeword in the hier- elements at the XL-RIS is N = 512 (N1 = 128
archical near-field codebook. It is noted that when and N2 = 4). The path gains are generated by
the user’s mobility is considered, the proposed beam αG ∼ CN (0, 1) and αr ∼ CN (0, 1). The vertical
training scheme can be extended to the beam track- or horizontal distance between two adjacent RIS el-
ing scheme, where the proposed near-field codebook ements is set as d = 1/2 [28]. The distance from the
Gr r
is still effective. XL-RIS to the scatter is limited to Xmin = Xmin =
Gr r G r
Compared with the beam training overhead L of −1200d, Xmax = Xmax = 1200d, Ymin = Ymin = r

Gr r Gr r
the near-field beam training scheme, the beam train- 10d, Ymax = Ymax = 200d, Zmin = Zmin = −400d,
Gr r
ing overhead of the hierarchical near-field beam train- Zmax = Zmax = 400d. The symbol transmitted by the
PK BS is set as s = 1, and the beamforming vector at the
ing scheme is k=1 Lk . Specifically, L is deter- ∗
 (Xmax Gr 
−Xmin )   (YmaxGr Gr 
−Ymin ) BS is set as v = bM . Thus, the effective transmitted
mined by +1 · +
Gr  r r
∆y Gr symbol is s̄ = 1. The SNR is defined as 1/σ 2 .
  (Zmax −Zmin )   (Xmax −Xmin )  
1 · ∆z Gr
+ 1 · ∆xr  + 1 · We compare the proposed near-field beam train-
 (Ymax r
−Ymin )   r
(Zmax −Zminr )
∆y r +1 · ∆z r + 1 , where ⌊x⌋ ing scheme and the hierarchical near-field beam train-
denotes the maximum integer not greater than x. L1 is ing scheme with the existing far-field beam training
Gr Gr  Gr Gr 
 (Xmax −Xmin )   (Ymax −Ymin ) scheme [17]. In the near-field beam training scheme,
determined by A∆xGr
+1 · A∆y Gr
  (Zmax Gr Gr 
−Zmin )   r r
(Xmax −Xmin )   the sampling steps on all x-axis, y-axis and z-axis are
1 · + 1 · + 1 ·
 (Ymax A∆z
−Ymin )
  r r
(Zmax −Zmin
 set to the same, i.e., ∆xGr = ∆y Gr = ∆z Gr =
A∆y r +1 · A∆z r + 1 , and Lk ∆xr = ∆y r = ∆z r = ∆s . That is to say ∆ =
is determined by (⌊ 1δ ⌋ + 1) for k > 1. It is noted [∆s , ∆s , ∆s , ∆s , ∆s , ∆s ]. In the hierarchical near-
that A > 1 and 0 < δ < 1. By carefully designing field beam training scheme, we set A = 4, and the
the sampling steps controlled by A and δ for the hi- initial sampling steps ∆1 = A∆. The step control pa-
erarchical near-field codebook, K
k=1 Lk can be much rameter is set as δ = 0.25. The number of different
smaller than L. levels of sub-codebooks is set as K = 2. In the far-
field beam training scheme, the far-field codebook F
IV. SIMULATION RESULTS defined in (6) is adopted. Moreover, we provide the
beamforming scheme with perfect CSI as the upper
In this section, we provide the simulation results to bound of performance, i.e., θ = c̄∗ .
verify the performance of the two proposed near-field Figure 4 shows the achievable rate performance

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105 the hierarchical near-field beam training scheme can
Proposed near-field beam training
Proposed hierarchical near-field beam training
reduce the beam training overhead by about 90% with
10 about 95% achievable rate performance. For future
Beamtraining Training Overhead

works, the multi-beam training method can be used for

the near-field XL-RIS beam training to further reduce
6 the beam training overhead.


This work was supported in part by the National
80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Sampling Step Key Research and Development Program of China
(Grant No. 2020YFB1807205), in part by the Na-
Figure 5. Beam training overhead comparison against the
tional Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.
sampling step ∆s .
62031019), and in part by the European Commission
through the H2020-MSCA-ITN META WIRELESS
comparison against the SNR, where ∆s = 100d. Research Project under Grant 956256.
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Guanghui Yu received the Master and Xiangyang Duan received his B.E. and
Ph.D. degrees in automatic control from M.E. degrees in mechanical engineering
Beijing Institute of Technology, China, in and material processing engineering from
1998 and 2003, respectively. Since 2003, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in
he has acted as a radio expert in the Wire- 1999. He works at ZTE Corporation,
less Advanced Research Department of Shenzhen, China, where he researches the
ZTE Corporation. His research interests universal mobile telecommunications sys-
include Wimax, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G and 6G tem, baseband units, and wireless system
design in RAN, especially involved in multiplexing and access, architecture. His research interests include 5G technology and mo-
MIMO, interference management, and channel modeling, as well bile edge computing as well as novel services and applications for
as network architecture. He is also involved as one of the main future mobile networks.
researchers in the link and system simulation platform and takes
part in all kinds of 3GPP RAN1activities.

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