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Part 1: Inductive Reasoning

1. Carla has had a quiz in science every Friday for the last
two months. Today is Friday.

Conclusion: Carla will have a science quiz today.

2. All tests for the first six chapters had 20-30 questions. The
chapter 7 test will be given tomorrow.

Conclusion: The chapter 7 test will likely have 20-30


3. Walton’s football team has won their first 6 football games.

They have a game Friday night.

Conclusion: Walton's football team will probably win the

game on Friday night.

Part 2: Deductive Reasoning

4. Maximillian is a shelter dog. All shelter dogs are happy.

Conclusion: Maximillian is happy.

5. All three angles of a triangle must always add up to equal

180 degrees. In triangle ABC, angle A is 35 degrees, and
angle B is 95 degrees.

Conclusion: The measure of angle C is 50 degrees (180 -

35 - 95 = 50).

6. My mother is Irish. Everyone from Ireland has blonde hair.

Conclusion: My mother has a blonde hair.


Answer: Watermelon is 12, orange is 8, and banana is 5.

Because, 12+12+12=36, 12+8+8=28, and 8-5=3.


Answer: The sad face’s value is 7, and the happy face is 6.


Answer: 87, the sequence will be revealed once you flip the
image upside down.


How tall is the table?

Answer: 150 cm, if table+cat-turtle=170 cm, and table+turtle-

cat=130 cm, then adding both equations will give us
2(tables)=300 cm. Therefore, the table is 150 cm tall.

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