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NH Is the largest source of fundIng for medIcal research In the world, creatIng hundreds of thousands of

hIghqualIty jobs by fundIng thousands of scIentIsts In unIversItIes and research InstItutIons In every state
across AmerIca and around the globe.
NH Is made up of 27 nstItutes and Centers, each wIth a specIfIc research agenda, often focusIng on
partIcular dIseases or body systems. NH leadershIp plays an actIve role In shapIng the agency's research
plannIng, actIvItIes, and outlook.
The DffIce of the 0Irector Is the central offIce at NH, responsIble for settIng polIcy for NH and for plannIng,
managIng, and coordInatIng the programs and actIvItIes of all the NH components. The NH 0Irector, wIth a
unIque and crItIcal perspectIve on the entIre agency, Is responsIble for provIdIng leadershIp to the nstItutes
and for constantly IdentIfyIng needs and opportunItIes, especIally for efforts that Involve multIple nstItutes.
The NH 0Irector Is assIsted by the NH 0eputy 0Irectors IncludIng the PrIncIpal 0eputy 0Irector, who shares
In the overall dIrectIon of the agency's actIvItIes.
NH Is responsIve to CongressIonal legIslatIon that adjusts NH's programs to meet changIng research needs.
As a result of the NH reauthorIzatIon process, NH Is able to respond strategIcally In an era when medIcal
research requIres constant InnovatIon and Increased InterdIscIplInary efforts.
|ore than 80 of the NH's budget goes to more than J00,000 research personnel at over J,000 unIversItIes
and research InstItutIons. n addItIon, about 6,000 scIentIsts work In NH's own ntramural Fesearch
laboratorIes, most of whIch are on the NH maIn campus In 8ethesda, |aryland. The maIn campus Is also
home to the NH ClInIcal Center, the largest hospItal In the world totally dedIcated to clInIcal research.
Successful bIomedIcal research depends on the talent and dedIcatIon of the scIentIfIc workforce. NH
supports many InnovatIve traInIng programs and fundIng mechanIsms that foster scIentIfIc creatIvIty and
exploratIon. The goal Is to strengthen our natIon's research capacIty, broaden our research base, and InspIre
a passIon for scIence In current and future generatIons of researchers.
NH encourages and depends on publIc Involvement In federally supported research and actIvItIes. NH's
wIderangIng publIc efforts Include outreach and educatIon, natIonwIde events, requests for publIc Input on
NH projects, and specIal programs desIgned specIfIcally to Involve publIc representatIves In clInIcal
A History oI Heulth
or over a century, NH scIentIsts have paved the way for Important dIscoverIes that Improve health and save
lIves. n fact, more than 1J0 Nobel PrIze wInners have receIved support from NH. TheIr studIes have led to
the development of |F, understandIng of how vIruses can cause cancer, InsIghts Into cholesterol control,
and knowledge of how our braIn processes vIsual InformatIon, among dozens of other advances
The NatIonal nstItutes of Health traces Its roots to 1887, when a oneroom laboratory was created wIthIn
the |arIne HospItal ServIce (|HS), predecessor agency to the U.S. PublIc Health ServIce (PHS).
The |HS had been establIshed In 1798 to provIde for the medIcal care of merchant seamen. n the 1880s, the
|HS had been charged by Congress wIth examInIng passengers on arrIvIng shIps for clInIcal sIgns of InfectIous
dIseases, especIally for the dreaded dIseases cholera and yellow fever, In order to prevent epIdemIcs. Fead
A Short Hstory o] NlH.

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