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Les Pronoms Démonstratifs

Characteristics of French demonstrative pronouns

1. Replace a demonstrative adjective + noun

2. Agree with the noun they replace in gender and number
3. Must be used in one of three specific constructions which are
as follows :
Demonstrative pronouns replace a specific noun that was mentioned previously.
In French, they must agree with the noun(s) in number and gender.
Par exemple…
1. Les montagnes d’Asie sont plus hautes que celles d’Europe.

Asia’s mountains are taller than the ones in Europe.

2. Cet arbre est mignon, mais celui-là offre beaucoup d’ombre.

This tree is cute, but that one offers more shade.

1) With a suffix
● –ci = here / nearby = "this one" or "these"
● –là = there / far away = "that one" or "those"

Par exemple…

1. J’ai acheté deux cafés ; celui-ci est I bought two coffees; this one is
décaféiné. decaffeinated.

2. Je ne peux pas décider entre cette I can’t decide between this car
voiture et celle-là. and that one.
2) Followed by a prepositional phrase
Usually starting with de
Par exemple…
1.C’est une bonne idée, et j’aime That’s a good idea, and I like Paul’s
celle de Paul aussi. too (literally, "the one of Paul")

2. J’ai trouvé le livre d’histoire, mais je I found the history book, but I’m still
cherche toujours celui de chimie. looking for the chemistry one.
3) Followed by a relative pronoun
To introduce a clause
Par exemple…

1.Voilà celui dont je t’ai Here’s the one I told you about.

2.Pour ceux qui sont dans For the needy (literally, "for those who are
le besoin in need")
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