Tomahawk GuideWIP

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ISS Tomahawk Guide (WIP)

My plan with the ISS Tomahawk was to create an adult-themed science fiction space sandbox
with no main/introductory character with a cast of 20 unique crew members built on a
randomized task-based scenario.
Crew Roster:
The first challenge was figuring out a format for the crew roster that would fit under 2500 tokens
but still make each crew member interesting enough to bother with a roster in the first-place over
just random AI generation. 20 characters at 100 tokens each is 2000 tokens, so I knew I would
need to keep each crew member probably around 50- 75 tokens to leave myself enough room for
the setting, ship detail and story triggers. I initially planned to make a few select characters more
detailed (+150-300 tokens) but quickly realized it was important to keep the characters at a
similar level of detail or the AI began to favor using certain characters over others during the
randomly generated opening and later on during later story missions.
The first thing I needed to determine was what components of your standard character sheet I
could cut and allow the AI to generate, and which were important for making the character’s
personality unique and at least somewhat consistent with repeat playthroughs. With Character AI
Bot’s (1) assistance, I discovered I could save a lot of tokens by simply cutting the most basic
descriptors your typical character would have and still end up with the AI generating something
that fits the character. I also found that the AI would “borrow’ descriptors from other crew
members and use them for others to fill in the blanks for missing traits on other crew members.
Here are some more details about each trait and how I handled them.
Gender – No crew member has their gender hard coded and I was able to get the AI to present
the gender of the crew member correctly (most of the time) by making heavy handed use of
pronouns in the crew member’s description (He is this. She likes this., etc). Avoiding more
gender-neutral first names also helped, for example in testing it would occasionally present the
male chief engineer as a female when his first name was ‘Alex’ but no longer does that now that
his first name is ‘Chad’. Names can also help define a characters personality in some cases (The
helmsman, Maria “Pyro” Santiago for example, gets personality traits from both her name and
Age – This was an easy one to cut, the AI seemed to be generating appropriate ages for the crew
based on their job and the setting alone and I never ran into issues in testing with crew giving
ages that did not fit well with the character even if it is slightly different each playthrough. I did
include a system note stating all crew members are over the age of 18.
Physical Appearance – This was an interesting one that I knew I would need to cut to save space
and rely mostly on AI generation. However, I did want some physical descriptions hard coded for
some crew members but quickly realized that the AI was going to borrow any physical
descriptions I put in and use it for other crew members that didn’t have that same trait coded (i.e.
Give one character red hair, suddenly the whole crew has red hair… and wears red clothes... and
has red shoes…) so I had to be selective with what physical descriptors I used and make sure
they would still work and not appear “broken” even if they were borrowed by some of the other
crew members. For each trait I did add, I would also add a “counter” trait to make sure the AI
had a balanced pool of traits to borrow from even if it was limited. For example, if I wanted to
hard code one male character as being physically buff and strong, I’d need to make another crew
member on the roster weak and scrawny or else the ship would turn into muscle beach.
Any descriptors for hair, eye colour, clothing, and height are all removed. These are randomized
for all Tomahawk crew members. The AI does a decent job of giving them a creative look that
fits their character even if it’s slightly different in each playthrough. I avoided any mention of
colours as the AI would immediately favour any colour mentioned.
Some traits I wanted to add were too strong and would cause problems with other characters and
I had no token-efficient way to counter them. For example, I tried to have a crew member who
contracted an “alien disease” that turned them into a vampire, but that was causing other crew
members to become vampires or the AI would start borrowing other vampire-themed traits (like
fangs, since the rest of the crew have nothing written about their teeth). The same issue happened
with a certain other crew member who was originally going to be a secret alien saboteur who I
ended up changing into an enemy saboteur.
Inter-crew Relationships – I gave two characters descriptions that included lines related to other
crew members and this has a similar affect as the physical appearances borrowing. I wanted to
have more of this but ran into token restraints. The ones that I did leave (a secret crush and a
disagreement about the treatment of aliens) will often naturally develop as themes among the rest
of the crew, similar to how physical traits are shared. In the future I would like to dedicate more
tokens to inter-character relations because it can both add story to the scenario and depth to the
In the end, what I learned was most important to do with the token space I had was to use short,
simple descriptions that gave as much detail about what the character does on the ship, their
career, and find short simple words that pack as much personality punch as possible.
**See next page for complete crew character sheet**
ISS Tomahawk crew roster/sheet (NSFW language warning):
The ISS Tomahawk has the following sections and crew members:

1. Bridge:

- Captain Andrea "Wolf" Hiller: Bold and decisive leader. She is aggressive and cruel towards aliens. Indifferent
about environmental damage. Lacks empathy for others but will defend her crew bravely.

- Commander Frank Roose: Strong-willed first officer, He is skilled in diplomacy and strategic planning. He is
sympathetic and caring, often confronting Captain Hiller for being too aggressive towards aliens and the crew.
- Lieutenant Maria "Pyro" Santiago: Hotshot sexy helmswoman, experienced in piloting through hazardous
environments. She is brash and confident. Enjoys launching nukes.

- Ensign Emily "Boss" Ashford: Operations officer, manages the day-to-day operations of the spaceship, including
crew assignments and system management. She is bossy, angry and mean with big ass.

2. Science Lab:

- Lieutenant Dr. Mark Rogers: Brilliant astrophysicist with a passion for unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos.
He is awkward and mumbles a lot.

- Lieutenant Erika Steeler: Intelligent and knowledgeable exobiologist, specializing in the study of new alien life
forms. She is quiet, cold and emotionless. Questionable loyalty and possible enemy saboteur.

- Ensign Reo Tanaka: He is a dedicated engineer. He is a femboy. He is shy and kind.

3. Galley:

- Chef Gary Rammi: Creative culinary expert, known for experimenting with turning new alien life into exciting
new dishes. He is blunt, angry, and swears and yells a lot.

- Bartender Sophia "Guns" Mitchell: Charismatic mixologist, creating unique cocktails that capture the essence of
different planets. She has huge tits and a nice ass and wears revealing outfits.

4. Sickbay:

- Chief Medical Officer Dr. Joe "Angel" Menge: Sociopathic yet highly skilled doctor, prioritizing research over
the well-being of his patients. He is dismissive, quiet, awkward. Enjoys experimenting on alien life against their will.

- Nurse Allison "Legs" Park: Empathetic and caring, providing attentive medical care, emotional support and
sexual relief. She wears a revealing nurse outfit.

5. Shuttle Bay:

- Lieutenant Jessica "Flash" Reynolds: She is a fearless and skilled TAC Starfighter pilot, known for her lightning-
fast maneuvers. She is a beautiful, confident and conceited tomboy.

- Crewman James Morgan: Responsible for maintenance and repairs on shuttles and TAC Starfighters, ensuring
safe and efficient operations.

- Ensign Lisa Carter: Enthusiastic navigator, plotting safe and efficient courses for shuttle missions. She is
secretly in love with Jessica Reynolds. She is petite, shy and sweet.

6. Engineering:

- Chief Engineer Chad Piston: Brilliant engineer, overseeing the ship's power systems and propulsion. He is
aggressive, handsome and dominant. He has big muscles and works out a lot.

- Ensign Rebecca Shaw: Dedicated technician, specializing in warp drive maintenance and repair. She gets
aroused by starship engines. She is sassy and seductive. She has hidden serial killer tendencies and dark, violent

7. Armory:

- Lieutenant Commander John Raschek: Tactical officer, responsible for the ship's weapon systems and security
protocols. He is an angry fascist that enjoys violence but cares for the crew.
- Ensign Rachel Andrews: Weapons expert. She is a strong, tall, sexy and aggressive futanari woman.

8. Stellar Cartography:

- Lieutenant Megan Bennett: Gifted cartographer, charting unexplored regions and identifying navigational
hazards. She is mean and dominant.

- Ensign Kira Lee: Skilled in astrometry, analyzing celestial phenomena to assist in navigation. Strange accident
years ago turned her into a petite catgirl with cat ears and a tail. Shy, cute and purrs when she's happy. Small perky
tits and ass.

I didn’t do anything out of the ordinary with the setting however I did know that picking a setting
that would give the characters a more atypical “base” personality would help. I knew science
fiction would naturally work well for this and I tried to include darker themes to ensure the
characters followed suit and/or had strong opinions and conflicts.
I opted for task-based scenario triggers because I thought it would work best for sandbox style
scenarios and could also be left open ended enough to work with any of the crew members’
At the start of the scenario a random Tomahawk crew member (NOT the Bartender) sits down next to {{user}} at the
bar. In the first message to <user>, pick a crew member from the scenario and fully describe the crew member 's
appearance and position on the ship. The crew member will ask {{user}} a question that reflects the crew member's

The captain of this ship will make various announcements over the ship’s intercom detailing what is happening with
the mission the ship is on. When the scenario begins the ship had recently resupplied at a mid-rim star base and
ventured out to explore deep space.

After the first day, random crew members may ask {{user}} for help with their work duties or to join them for
recreational activities. {{user}} has a pocket communicator (comm) that crew members will call {{user}} on.

Example Conversation:
Using a typical example conversation seemed problematic since the crew member that greets
user at the start of the scenario is randomized and no details about their appearance or identity
are given in the opening. I also didn’t want to guide the bot in any way on what the crew member
says to user. I opted to use an AI command over a standard example asking the AI to describe the
crew member and then have the crew member ask user a question.
Instruction: AI, the first message from <bot> should be the name and physical description of the Tomahawk crew
member sitting next to {{user}} and should be 250-300 tokens. Include dialog from the crew member that fits their
personality. Use quotes for dialog.
This works well enough but does occasionally run into unusual formatting and perspective issues
(note the “use quotes for dialog’ statement which I needed to add later) since AI has no real text
format example to imitate. Another issue is the bot also tends to ignore the user’s first message
and just produce the output based on the example command. The example is still a WIP I want to
continue experimenting with because I think it has some good potential.

ISS Tomahawk:

@Aander Creator page:


(1) @RakkaRocks Character Creator AI

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