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Mildred Alvarez

CRN # 19351- C4UC-Bus Tech Academy

Resume Building Discussion
April 28, 2024

Having a professional resume and cover letter is crucial for several reasons. First
and foremost, they serve as the initial impression that a potential employer will have of
us. A well-crafted resume and cover letter can effectively convey our qualifications, skills,
and experiences in a clear and concise manner, significantly increasing our chances of
securing an interview.

Additionally, they demonstrate our attention to detail and ability to communicate

effectively, which are highly valued by employers. Employers often use these documents
to assess our professionalism and suitability for the role.

Moreover, tailoring our resume and cover letter for each job application allows us
to highlight relevant experiences and skills that align with the job requirements, showing
that we have taken the time to research the company and understand the role. This
personalized approach can impress potential employers and help us stand out from
other applicants.

Furthermore, showcasing us achievements and experiences can differentiate

ourselves and leave a lasting impression on employers. Overall, investing time and effort
into creating a professional resume and cover letter can significantly enhance our job
search success.

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