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"Regin" is believed to be behind cyberattacks
on the European Union.

Complex malware known as Regin is the

suspected technology behind sophisticated
cyberattacks conducted by U.S. and British
intelligence agencies on the European Union
and a Belgian telecommunications company,
according to security industry sources and
technical analysis conducted by �e Intercept.

Regin was found on infected internal

computer systems and email servers at
Belgacom, a partly state-owned Belgian phone

and internet provider, following reports last
year that the company was targeted in a
top-secret surveillance operation carried out
by British spy agency Government
Communications Headquarters, industry
sources told �e Intercept.

�e malware, which steals data from infected

systems and disguises itself as legitimate
Microso� so�ware, has also been identified on
the same European Union computer systems
that were targeted for surveillance by the
National Security Agency.

�e hacking operations against Belgacom and

the European Union were first revealed last
year through documents leaked by NSA
whistleblower Edward Snowden. �e specific
malware used in the attacks has never been
disclosed, however.

�e Regin malware, whose existence was first

reported by the security firm Symantec on
Sunday, is among the most sophisticated ever
discovered by researchers. Symantec
compared Regin to Stuxnet, a state-sponsored
malware program developed by the U.S. and
Israel to sabotage computers at an Iranian
nuclear facility. Sources familiar with internal
investigations at Belgacom and the European

Union have confirmed to �e Intercept that the
Regin malware was found on their systems
a�er they were compromised, linking the spy
tool to the secret GCHQ and NSA operations.

Ronald Prins, a security expert whose company

Fox IT was hired to remove the malware from
Belgacom’s networks, told �e Intercept that it
was “the most sophisticated malware” he had
ever studied.

“Having analyzed this malware and looked at

the [previously published] Snowden
documents,” Prins said, “I’m convinced Regin is
used by British and American intelligence

A spokesman for Belgacom declined to
comment specifically about the Regin
revelations, but said that the company had
shared “every element about the attack” with
a federal prosecutor in Belgium who is
conducting a criminal investigation into the
intrusion. “It’s impossible for us to comment
on this,” said Jan Margot, a spokesman for
Belgacom. “It’s always been clear to us the
malware was highly sophisticated, but ever
since the clean-up this whole story belongs to
the past for us.”

In a hacking mission codenamed Operation

Socialist, GCHQ gained access to Belgacom’s

internal systems in 2010 by targeting
engineers at the company. �e agency secretly
installed so-called malware “implants” on the
employees’ computers by sending their
internet connection to a fake LinkedIn page.
�e malicious LinkedIn page launched a
malware attack, infecting the employees’
computers and giving the spies total control of
their systems, allowing GCHQ to get deep
inside Belgacom’s networks to steal data.

�e implants allowed GCHQ to conduct

surveillance of internal Belgacom company
communications and gave British spies the
ability to gather data from the company’s
network and customers, which include the
European Commission, the European
Parliament, and the European Council. �e

so�ware implants used in this case were part
of the suite of malware now known as Regin.

One of the keys to Regin is its stealth: To avoid

detection and frustrate analysis, malware
used in such operations frequently adhere to a
modular design. �is involves the deployment
of the malware in stages, making it more
di�cult to analyze and mitigating certain risks
of being caught.

Based on an analysis of the malware samples,

Regin appears to have been developed over
the course of more than a decade; �e
Intercept has identified traces of its
components dating back as far as 2003. Regin
was mentioned at a recent conference
in Luxembourg, and Symantec’s report on
Sunday said the firm had identified Regin on
infected systems operated by private
companies, government entities, and research
institutes in countries such as Russia, Saudi
Arabia, Mexico, Ireland, Belgium, and Iran.

�e use of hacking techniques and malware in

state-sponsored espionage has been publicly
documented over the last few years: China has
been linked to extensive cyber espionage, and
recently the Russian government was also
alleged to have been behind a cyber attack on
the White House. Regin further demonstrates
that Western intelligence agencies are also
involved in covert cyberespionage.

GCHQ declined to comment for this story. �e

agency issued its standard response to
inquiries, saying that “it is longstanding policy
that we do not comment on intelligence
matters” and “all of GCHQ’s work is carried out
in accordance with a strict legal and policy
framework, which ensures that our activities
are authorised, necessary and proportionate.”

�e NSA said in a statement, “We are not going

to comment on �e Intercept’s speculation.”

�e Intercept has obtained samples of the

malware from sources in the security
community and is making it available for
public download in an e�ort to encourage
further research and analysis. (To download
the malware, click here. �e file is encrypted; to
access it on your machine use the password
“infected.”) What follows is a brief technical
analysis of Regin conducted by �e Intercept’s
computer security sta�. Regin is an extremely
complex, multi-faceted piece of work and this
is by no means a definitive analysis.

In the coming weeks, �e Intercept will publish

more details about Regin and the infiltration of
Belgacom as part of an investigation in
partnership with Belgian and Dutch
newspapers De Standaard and NRC

Origin of Regin
In Nordic mythology, the name Regin is
associated with a violent dwarf who is
corrupted by greed. It is unclear how the Regin
malware first got its name, but the name
appeared for the first time on the VirusTotal
website on March 9th 2011.

Der Spiegel reported that, according to

Snowden documents, the computer networks
of the European Union were infiltrated by the
NSA in the months before the first discovery of
Industry sources familiar with the European
Parliament intrusion told �e Intercept that
such attacks were conducted through the use
of Regin and provided samples of its code. �is
discovery, the sources said, may have been
what brought Regin to the wider attention of
security vendors.

Also on March 9th 2011, Microso� added

related entries to its Malware Encyclopedia:

Alert level: Severe

First detected by definition: 1.99.894.0

Latest detected by definition: 1.173.2181.0 and


First detected on: Mar 2011 ,09

�is entry was first published on: Mar 2011 ,09

�is entry was updated on: Not available

Two more variants of Regin have been added

to the Encyclopedia, Regin.B and Regin.C.
Microso� appears to detect the 64-bit variants
of Regin as Prax.A and Prax.B. None of the
Regin/Prax entries are provided with any sort
of summary or technical information.

�e following Regin components have been


�e first stage are drivers which act as loaders
for a second stage. �ey have an encrypted
block which points to the location of the 2nd
stage payload. On NTFS, that is an Extended
Attribute Stream; on FAT, they use the registry
to store the body. When started, this stage
simply loads and executes Stage 2.

�e Regin loaders that are disguised as

Microso� drivers with names such as:



Mimicking Microso� drivers allows the loaders

to better disguise their presence on the system
and appear less suspicious to host intrusion
detection systems.

Second stage loader

When launched, it cleans traces of the initial
loader, loads the next part of the toolkit and
monitors its execution. On failure, Stage 2 is
able to disinfect the compromised device. �e
malware zeroes out its PE (Portable
Executable, the Windows executable format)
headers in memory, replacing “MZ” with its
own magic marker 0xfedcbafe.

�is component consists of a service
orchestrator working in Windows’ kernel. It
initializes the core components of the
architecture and loads the next parts of the

Information Harvesters
�is stage is composed of a service
orchestrator located in user land, provided
with many modules which are loaded
dynamically as needed. �ese modules can
include data collectors, a self-defense engine
which detects if attempts to detect the toolkit
occur, functionality for encrypted

communications, network capture programs,
and remote controllers of di�erent kinds.

Stealth Implant
�e Intercept’s investigation revealed a sample
uploaded on VirusTotal on March 14th 2012
that presents the unique 0xfedcbafe header,
which is a sign that it might have been loaded
by a Regin driver and it appears to provide
stealth functionality for the tool kit.

�is picture shows the very first bytes of the
sample in question, showing the unique
0xfedcbafe header at the beginning.

In order to access information stored in the

computer’s memory, programs use objects
that reference specific locations in memory
called pointers. �is binary file contains some
of such pointers initialized, which corroborates
the hypothesis that the file was dumped from
memory during a forensic analysis of a
compromised system.

�e sample has the following SHA256 hash:


�is sample gives a sense of the sophistication

of the actors and the length of the precautions
they have been taking in order to operate as
stealthily as possible.

When a Windows kernel driver needs to

allocate memory to store some type of data, it
creates so called kernel pools. Such memory
allocations have specific headers and tags that
are used to identify the type of objects
contained within the block. For example such
tags could be Proc, �rd or File, which
respectively indicate that the given block
would contain a process, thread or file object
When performing forensic analysis of a
computer’s memory, it is common to use a
technique called pool scanning to parse the
kernel memory, enumerate such kernel pools,
identify the type of content and extract it.
Just like Regin loader drivers, this driver
repeatedly uses the generic “Ddk “ tag with
ExAllocatePoolWithTag() when allocating all
kernel pools:

�is picture shows the use of the “ddk “ tag

when allocating memory with the Windows
ExAllocatePoolWIthTag() function.

�e generic tag which is used throughout the

operating system when a proper tag is not
specified. �is makes it more di�cult for
forensic analysts to find any useful
information when doing pool scanning, since
all its memory allocations will mix with many
generic others.

In addition, when freeing memory using

ExFreePool(), the driver zeroes the content,
probably to avoid leaving traces in pool

�e driver also contains routines to check for

specific builds of the Windows kernel in use,
including very old versions such as for
Windows NT4 Terminal Server and Windows
2000, and then adapts its behavior

Windows kernel drivers operate on di�erent

levels of priority, from the lowest
�is level is used by the processor to know
what service give execution priority to and to
make sure that the system doesn’t try to
allocate used resources which could result in a.
�is Regin driver recurrently checks that the
current IRQL (Interrupt Request Level) is set to
PASSIVE_LEVEL using the KeGetCurrentIrql()
function in many parts of the code, probably in
order to operate as silently as possible and to
prevent possible IRQL confusion. �is
technique is another example of the level of
precaution the developers took while
designing this malware framework.

Upon execution of the unload routine (located

at 0xFDEFA04A), the driver performs a long
sequence of steps to remove remaining traces
and artifacts.

Belgacom Sample
In an interview given to the Belgian magazine
MondiaalNiews, Fabrice Clément, head of
security of Belgacom, said that the company
first identified the attack on June 2013 ,21.

In the same interview Clément says that the
computers targeted by the attackers included
sta� workstations as well as email servers.

�ese statements confirm the timing and

techniques used in the attack.

From previously identified Regin samples, �e

Intercept developed unique signatures which
could identify this toolkit. A zip archive with a
sample identified as Regin/Prax was found in
VirusTotal, a free, online website which allows
people to submit files to be scanned by several
anti-virus products. �e zip archive was
submitted on 07:58:37 21-06-2013 UTC from
Belgium, the date identified by Clément.
Sources familiar with the Belgacom intrusion
told �e Intercept that this sample was
uploaded by a systems administrator at the
company, who discovered the malware and
uploaded it in an attempt to research what
type of malware it was.

�e archive contains:

Along with other files �e Intercept found the

output of a forensic tool, Get�is, which is
being run on target systems looking for

malware. From the content of the Get�is.log
file, we can see that a sample called
“svcsstat.exe” and located in
C:\Windows\System32\ was collected and a
copy of it was stored.

�e malware in question is
“0001000000000C1C_svcsstat.exe_sample ”.
�is is a 64bit variant of the first stage Regin
loader aforementioned.

�e archive also contains the output of

ProcMon, “Process Monitor”, a system
monitoring tool distributed by Microso� and
commonly used in forensics and intrusion

�is file identifies the infected system and
provides a variety of interesting information
about the network. For instance:





�e following environment variable shows

that the system was provided with a Microso�

SQL server and a Microso� Exchange server,
indicating that it might one of the
compromised corporate mail server Fabrice
Clément mentioned to Mondiaal News:

P a t h = C : \ P r o g r a m
erShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Microso�
Network Monitor 3\;C:
\Program Files\System Center Operations
Manager 2007\;c:\Program Files
(x86)\Microso� SQL Server
\ 9 0 \ To o l s \ bi n n \ ; D : \ P r o g r a m
Files\Microso�\Exchange Server\bin

Below is a list of hashes for the files �e

Intercept is making available for download.

Given that that it has been over a year since the
Belgacom operation was publicly outed, �e
Intercept considers it likely that the
GCHQ/NSA has replaced their toolkit and no
current operations will be a�ected by the
publication of these samples.

Regin Samples
32-bit Loaders

32-bit Rootkit

32-bit Orchestrator

64-bit Loader (Belgacom)


Photo credit: Winfried Rothermel/AP

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