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2, March 2022

Secure Probabilistic Prediction of Dynamic

Thermal Line Rating
N. Safari, Member, IEEE, S. M. Mazhari, Member, IEEE, C. Y. Chung, Fellow, IEEE,
and S. B. Ko, Senior Member, IEEE

—Accurate short-term prediction of overhead line spite its conservativeness in some cases, this static TLR
(OHL) transmission ampacity can directly affect the efficiency (STLR) might exceed the real OHL thermal constraint. Con‐
of power system operation and planning. Any overestimation of sequently, the OHL might be exposed to damage due to the
the dynamic thermal line rating (DTLR) can lead to the life‐
time degradation and failure of OHLs, safety hazards, etc. This lack of TLR monitoring.
paper presents a secure yet sharp probabilistic model for the To overcome the shortcomings of the STLR, dynamic
hour-ahead prediction of the DTLR. The security of the pro‐ TLR (DTLR) is proposed in which the thermal condition of
posed DTLR limits the frequency of DTLR prediction exceed‐ OHL can be monitored. Thus, DTLR unlocks the additional
ing the actual DTLR. The model is based on an augmented capacity headroom of current OHLs in a secure way, thereby
deep learning architecture that makes use of a wide range of addressing network congestion and postponing/eliminating
predictors, including historical climatology data and latent vari‐
ables obtained during DTLR calculation. Furthermore, by intro‐
the need for transmission expansion [6]. As a significant ad‐
ducing a customized cost function, the deep neural network is ditional benefit, DTLR facilitates the delivery of highly vari‐
trained to consider the DTLR security based on the required able and uncertain power from renewable energy systems
probability of exceedance while minimizing the deviations of (RESs) to the end-users due to perceptible correlation be‐
the predicted DTLRs from the actual values. The proposed tween RES generation and the additional capacity provided
probabilistic DTLR is developed and verified using recorded ex‐ by the DTLR. For such reasons, DTLR has recently grasped
perimental data. The simulation results validate the superiority
of the proposed DTLR compared with the state-of-the-art pre‐
the attention of governments and transmission companies
diction models using well-known evaluation metrics. and is considered as an enabling tool for enhancing the pene‐
tration of RESs [7]-[9]. DTLR applications and technologies
Index Terms——Deep neural network, dynamic thermal line rat‐
are comprehensively reviewed in [10], [11].
ing, overhead line, prediction, recurrent neural network.
DTLR is a function of several climatology variables such
as wind speed, wind direction, etc. [2]. Therefore, its values
I. INTRODUCTION for upcoming hours need to be predicted. The DTLR predic‐
tion can be employed in various power system problems

T HERMAL line rating (TLR) is the primary culprit limit‐

ing the current carrying capability of the overhead line
(OHL) [1]. Both IEEE [2] and CIGRE [3] have put forward
such as unit commitment, economic dispatch, optimal power
flow, etc. [5], [12]. In this respect, specialized research com‐
munities have devoted momentous efforts to develop DTLR
TLR calculation methods. Although these methods provide monitoring and prediction models [9] - [22]. As the DTLR
very similar results, the one proposed by IEEE is simpler monitoring and prediction may not be feasible through the
and easier to use [4]. The TLR of OHL is a weather-depen‐ entire OHL, critical spans are identified for this purpose. In
dent variable and conventionally calculated using the heat [23] - [25], heuristic methods are brought forward to identify
balance equation in the worst-case weather scenarios [5]. De‐ the number and locations of the monitoring stations required
to make the OHL fully observable from the TLR perspective.
Manuscript received: August 28, 2020; revised: October 26, 2020; accepted: Relying on the literature, the DTLR prediction has been
November 16, 2020. Date of CrossCheck: November 16, 2020. Date of online interpreted with two different viewpoints. Some researchers
publication: January 25, 2021. predict the maximum allowable current at the OHL thermal
The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not repre‐
sent the view of SaskPower. This paper was prepared when N. Safari was with limit [12]-[16]. In contrast, others consider DTLR prediction
the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Saskatch‐ as estimating the future value of an OHL temperature provid‐
ewan, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 5A9, Canada. The work was supported in part by ed that it carries a certain amount of current [19] - [20].
the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada
and the Saskatchewan Power Corporation (SaskPower). While both perspectives bring about intriguing advancements
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribu‐ to the field and provide insightful information about OHL
tion 4.0 International License ( thermal constraints, this paper focuses on DTLR prediction
N. Safari (corresponding anthor) is with Grid Operations Support, SaskPower,
Regina, SK, S4P 0S1, Canada (e-mail: based on the first definition.
S. M. Mazhari, C. Y. Chung, and S. B. Ko are with the Department of Electri‐ DTLR can be broadly divided into direct [12] - [18], indi‐
cal and Computer Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, rect [19], and hybrid [20]-[22] methods. In the direct meth‐
S7N 5A9, Canada (e-mail: s. m. mazhari@usask. ca; c. y. chung@usask. ca; seok‐ od, the required values are calculated based on the straight‐
DOI: 10.35833/MPCE.2020.000641 forward computation of the conductor’s maximum allowable

current considering the maximum permissible temperature. linear. In addition, many latent variables, e. g., convection
In this respect, the process is accomplished by employing cooling, radiated heat loss rate, etc., are acquired in the pro‐
weather data and a heat balance equation. In contrast, the cess of DTLR calculation and may provide the information
measured values such as sag position, mechanical tension, about the complex relationship between the DTLR value and
etc., are used in indirect DTLR calculation. In the hybrid meteorological variables. However, these important predic‐
method, the indirect DTLR calculation along with weather- tors have thus far not been considered in DTLR prediction.
related factors is employed. Direct methods are currently of Hence, this paper scrutinizes the impact of latent variables in
notable interest as they are less dependent on external equip‐ the DTLR prediction.
ment and lead to low-cost outcomes compared with their The remarkable advancements in deep learning and its suc‐
counterparts [7]. cessful implementation in prediction have resulted in the en‐
From the prediction output, DTLR prediction models can hancement of prediction accuracy for a range of power sys‐
be divided into deterministic [18]-[22] and probabilistic [12]- tem applications [27]-[30]. In deep neural network (DNN) ar‐
[17] methods. In the deterministic method, a single quantity chitectures, highly efficient unsupervised dimension reduc‐
associated with the most likely value of DTLR in the next tion blocks, i.e., autoencoder (AE) variants, can be employed
sample point is considered as the output. In the probabilistic to tackle the high-dimension feature space issues, posed due
method, the information of uncertainty in the DTLR predic‐ to numerous meteorological and latent variables [30], [31].
tion can be acquired. Since any overestimation of DTLR Using DNNs, more complex patterns, which cannot be iden‐
may lead to unprecedented issues, the probabilistic predic‐ tified in shallow networks, can be perceived. Compared with
tion is the most welcome by power system operators [5]. Ac‐ various building blocks of DNNs, long short-term memory
cordingly, this is the focus of this paper. The recommenda‐ (LSTM) [32], which is a recurrent neural network (RNN),
tions of IEEE and CIGRE joint task force (JTF) [4] further has demonstrated superior performance in meteorological
emphasizes the importance of probabilistic prediction of variable prediction problems [28]. The benefit of LSTM
DTLR. According to JTF’s recommendation, the conductor compared with conventional RNNs is its ability to capture
temperature of OHL should be less than the maximum allow‐ long- and short-term dependencies in a sequence while ad‐
able conductor temperature for 99% of the time [4]. There‐ dressing the vanishing and exploding gradient problems of
fore, it is critical to assess the performance of the DTLR pre‐ prevalent RNNs [33]. Despite successful applications of
diction models for extreme probability of exceedance (POE) RNNs, specifically LSTM, and the benefits of DNNs, these
values, e.g., 99%. However, this is not well-discussed in the methods have not been adapted to the DTLR prediction. In
recent literature [12], [15]-[17]. this paper, LSTM is employed to develop the DTLR predic‐
In [12] and [13], parametric distributions model the uncer‐ tion, while the stacked denoising AE (SDAE) [31] is devel‐
tainties associated with climatology variables. In [14], Taylor oped for unsupervised feature learning and extraction. Most
series expansion is employed to find the mean and variance of the DNN models developed so far have been trained de‐
of DTLR in the coming hours based on the mean and vari‐ terministically in power system applications [27]-[30]. A ma‐
ance of the forecasted values, which correspond to the mete‐ jor impediment that makes past methods incapable of offer‐
orological variables. To consider the interdependency among ing a probabilistic model in DNNs may originate from the
meteorological variables in the DTLR prediction, multivari‐ lack of a proficient probabilistic cost function. Such function
ate Gaussian distributions, resulting from different meteoro‐ should consider the reliability level and sharpness together
logical variables, are used in a Monte Carlo simulation pro‐ so that the DNN parameters are tuned according to the sys‐
cess to extract the distribution of DTLR [26]. tem operator’s preference. To address this need, inspired by
In [12] - [24], [25], a parametric representation is assumed the optimization function in QR problem, a cost function is
for the uncertainties associated with meteorological vari‐ presented. The proposed cost function can be used to train
ables. However, this assumption may be erroneous due to the model for the preferred POEs.
the high nonstationarity of the meteorological time series This paper proposes a DTLR for predicting the various
(TS). To this end, [15] proposes a non-parametric autoregres‐ POEs using accessible latent variables in addition to meteo‐
sion framework for probabilistic prediction of DTLR based rological measurements. A DTLR model is developed using
on quantile regression (QR). References [5] and [16] put for‐ the SDAE and LSTM unit in the DNN architecture. The pre‐
ward a non-parametric prediction of DTLR based on QR for‐ diction engine is trained by considering a novel cost func‐
est (QRF), in which meteorological measurements and nu‐ tion to meet the JTF recommendation, while the sharpness is
merical weather predictions (NWPs) compose the input fea‐ maximized. The performance of the proposed models is com‐
tures of the prediction model. Overall, the studies on non- pared with the state-of-the-art DTLR prediction models us‐
parametric DTLR prediction are still in their infancy. Thus, ing publicly available data. Briefly, the main contributions of
this paper is devoted to further contributing to the current lit‐ this work are three-fold.
erature. 1) For the first time, latent variables are introduced in
Weather-based DTLR prediction models mainly limit their DTLR prediction as valuable predictors.
inputs to those features obtained directly from meteorologi‐ 2) A cost function is proposed to train the deep-learning
cal measurements. However, from the DTLR formulations model for probabilistic prediction.
proposed in [2] and [3], the relations of meteorological vari‐ 3) A deep learning model is trained for the DTLR predic‐
ables with DTLR value are evidently both complex and non‐ tion.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Sec‐ Figure 1 demonstrates the overall framework of the pro‐
tion II presents the proposed framework for DTLR predic‐ posed DTLR prediction model. The suitable number of lags
tion. The proposed training framework for probabilistic deep- l to form the input vector is identified using the embedding
learning-based prediction of DTLR is explained in Section dimension method [34]. From the measurements, l lags of
III. Data, evaluation metrics, and simulations results are pre‐ meteorological TS are imported to the calculation model of
sented in Section IV, followed by discussion in Section V DTLR described in Section II-A. Using the model,
and remarkable conclusions in Section VI. [ DTLR t - l + 1 DTLR t - l + 2 DTLR t , ] [ ]
qc t - l + 1 qc t - l + 2 qc t ,


[ ]
and qr t - l + 1 qr t - l + 2 qr t , which represent the DTLR, con‐
vection cooling, and radiated heat loss rate for lags of meteo‐
{WS } {WD }
Define t and t as TSs associated with rological inputs, respectively, are calculated. The features ob‐
t=1 t=1
tained from this step along with the meteorological input
wind speed and wind direction, respectively, where N is the
vector are utilized in a feature reduction and extraction stage
length of the TSs, and t is the tth sample of the TS. Also, the
as discussed in Section II-B. In Fig. 1, [ f t m- l + 1 f t m- l + 2 f t m ]
TSs of the wind speed components decomposed by a Carte‐
(m = 12M) represents a vector associated with the mth
{WSX }
sian coordinate system are denoted by t and feature resulting from the dimension reduction and feature

{WSY }
t , respectively. The TSs of ambient temperature and extraction stage, and M and l are the total number features
and number of lags, respectively. Thereafter, various trained
solar irradiance are denoted by { AT t } and { SI t }
, respec‐ models are employed to acquire the final DTLR prediction
t=1 t=1
tively. DTLR
-- --- t + 1 as elaborated in Section III.
[WStl+1, WStl+2, , WSt]
[WSXtl+1, WSXtl+2, , WSXt]
[WSYtl+1, WSYtl+2, , WSYt]
[WDtl+1, WDtl+2, , WDt]
Measure historical
[ATtl+1, ATtl+2, , ATt]
meteorological data [SItl+1, SItl+2, , SIt]
Section II-A
Calculate dynamic thermal line rating, convection
cooling, and radiated heat loss rate

[qctl+1, qctl+2, , qct]

[qrtl+1, qrtl+2, , qrt]
[DTLRtl+1, DTLRtl+2, , DTLRt] [DTLRtl+1, DTLRtl+2, , DTLRt]
Section II-B
Reduce feature dimension and extract feature
1 1
[ ftl+1 , ftl+2, , ft1]
[ ftl+1, ftl+2, , ftm]
m m

[ ftl+1
, ftl+2 , , ftM]

Section III
Conduct autoregressive prediction using Model 1

Conduct prediction using Model 2

Conduct ensemble prediction using Model 3

Output DTLRt+1

Fig. 1. Overall framework of proposed DTLR prediction model.

A. DTLR Calculation abrupt or temporary switching [21]. Studies reveal that the
In this study, the power system is assumed to be in nor‐ maximum time required to reach the steady state due to a
mal operation. Therefore, the current fluctuations and the re‐ step change in current is approximately 30 minutes [35].
sulting variations in the OHL temperature can be considered Based on these points, the transients in DTLR can be ig‐
negligible, provided that the system does not require any nored, and DTLR can be estimated for every hour.

Figure 2 schematically represents the factors influencing calculated as [2]:

the DTLR of OHLs.
( )(
é T con + 273 4
AT t + 273 ùú

qr t = 17.8 ´ D o ϵ êê - ú (8)
ë 100 100 û
Solar heat
where ϵ is the emissivity and has a value between 0.23 and
gain rate
qst 0.91, which increases with the age of conductor. As can be
seen from (8), qr t is related to the fourth power of AT t.
Therefore, it may not be adequate to consider the simple vec‐
[ ]
tor of AT t - l + 1 AT t - l + 2 AT t as the elements of the feature
set to reflect the importance of ambient temperature and radi‐
Convection cooling ative heat loss in the DTLR prediction. It is worthful to ana‐
qct lyze the influence of considering historical data of radiated
heat loss rate. For a solar irradiance at time t SI t, the rate of
Heat gain from solar heat gain qs t can be estimated by a linear function of
conductor resistance Radiated heat SI t [2]. Therefore, its consideration as a feature cannot be in‐
It R(Tcon) loss rate
qrt formative.

Fig. 2. A schematic diagram of DTLR.

The calculated DTLR, DTLR t - l + 1 DTLR t - l + 2 DTLR t , ]
as well as the latent variables obtained during the DTLR cal‐
culation, is used in a feature reduction and feature learning
As per IEEE Std 738-2012, in the steady state, the heat stage as elucidated below.
balance equation for an OHL at the tth sample can be written
as follows [2]: B. Feature Reduction and Extraction in DTLR Prediction
qc t + qr t = qs t + I t2 R(T con ) (1) As detailed in Section II-A, several climatic variables
where qc t and qr t are the convection cooling and radiated strongly influence the DTLR value including wind speed,
heat loss rates per unit length, respectively; qs t is the heat wind direction, wind speed Cartesian components, ambient
gain rate from the sun; R(T con ) is the alternating current temperature, and solar irradiance. A tensor, formed by a se‐
(AC) resistance associated with the conductor temperature ries of lags associated with these variables, contains the po‐
T con; and I t is the allowable conductor current at T con, which tential informative predictors for DTLR. Moreover, the latent
can be simply obtained as: variables, i.e., convection cooling and radiated heat loss rate,
may also contain valuable information about the complex re‐
qc t + qr t - qs t lationship between climatic variables and DTLR. Historical
It = (2)
R(T con ) DTLR values could also contain useful information.
From (1) and (2), one can observe that qc t and qr t are the 1) Feature Reduction
cooling elements in the heat-balance equation, and that their It is a principal stage in the DTLR prediction to properly
increase helps obtain more OHL ampacity. qs t is a heating optimize the input features of the prediction engine by elimi‐
component and is a culprit of ampacity reduction. qc t is a nating the non-informative and redundant features and identi‐
function of WS t, WD t, and AT t. qc t is calculated as [2]: fying the features, which can demonstrate the DTLR pattern
more efficiently. To this end, we first employ a feature reduc‐
qc t = max(qc f1t qc f2t qc nt ) (3) tion stage based on minimal-redundancy and maximal-rele‐
qc f1t = K a[ 1.01 + 1.35 ´(N Ret )0.52 ] k f (T con - AT t ) (4) vance (mRMR) [36]. mRMR is a mutual information (MI) -
based method employed in various power system problems
qc = K a ´ 0.754 ´(N ) k f (T con - AT t )
t 0.6
Re (5) to identify the subset of features providing the most informa‐
qc = 3.645 ´ ρ D
n 0.5 0.75
(T con - AT t ) (6) tion of the observation (target variable) [37]. MI is widely
t f o
used in the feature selection literature to evaluate the degree
D o ρ fWS t of uncertainty that a predictor can alleviate from an observa‐
N Ret = (7)
μf tion by measuring the mutual relevancy of predictor and tar‐
where qc f1t , qc f2t , qc nt, and N Ret are intermediate variables; K a is get variable. For two random variables with domains A and
the wind direction factor; ρ f, μ f, k f are the air density, abso‐ B, MI is defined as follows [33]:
MI(AB) = ∑∑P(ab)ln
lute air viscosity, and coefficient of thermal conductivity of P(ab)
air, respectively; and D o is the outside diameter of the con‐ aÎAbÎB P(a)P(b)
ductor. As can be seen from (3) - (7), qc t is a nonlinear and where P(ab) is the joint probability density function; and
complicated function of meteorological variables while the P(a) and P(b) are the individual probability density functions
relationship between qc t and I t is simple as shown in (2). of a and b random variables, respectively, which are the dis‐
Therefore, it can be beneficial to consider cretized format of continuous predictor and target variables.
[ ]
qc t - l + 1 qc t - l + 2 qc t as the elements of the predictor set Based on (9), the iterative mRMR algorithm is carried out
for predicting DTLR t + 1. Moreover, qr t in (1) and (2) can be by the following optimization problem [33]:

ì üï [30], [31]. An AE is composed of two fragments: the encod‐

ïï ï er and decoder. The input of the encoder is the original fea‐
∑ t-q ï
max í MI(a tj - p ; DTLR t + 1 ) - MI(a t-p
; a ) ý ture tensor, which is mapped to a different space in the out‐
aj Î A - Ωn - 1
ï n - 1 a ti - q Î Ω n - 1
j i
j = {129} ï ïï put of the encoder, while the decoder uses the mapped fea‐
p = {01l - 1} ï
ï i = {129}
î q = {01l - 1} tures as the input and reconstructs the original feature space.
(10) The output of the encoder part of the AE can be used as the
input features of the following hidden layers. In the conven‐
A ={a t1- l + 1 = WS t - l + 1 a t1- l + 2 = WS t - l + 2a t1 = WS t 
tional AE, in the case that the number of hidden layer nodes
a t2- l + 1 = WD t - l + 1 a t2- l + 2 = WD t - l + 2a t2 = WD t 
is higher than the input feature, the AE can potentially find
a t3- l + 1 = AT t - l + 1 a t3- l + 2 = AT t - l + 2a t3 = AT t  the identity map. As a result, the AE can become inefficient.
a t4- l + 1 = SI t - l + 1 a t4- l + 2 = SI t - l + 2a t4 = SI t  To circumvent this issue, denoising AE (DAE) is proposed
a t5- l + 1 = WSX t - l + 1 a t5- l + 2 = WSX t - l + 2a t5 = WSX t  [30], [31], where the original input features are reconstructed
a t6- l + 1 = WSX t - l + 1 a t6- l + 2 = WSX t - l + 2a t6 = WSX t  from the corrupted ones. In this way, the number of nodes in
a t7- l + 1 = qc t - l + 1 a t7- l + 2 = qc t - l + 2a t7 = qc t  the DAE hidden layers can be larger than that of input fea‐
a t8- l + 1 = qr t - l + 1 a t8- l + 2 = qr t - l + 2a t8 = qr t  tures without identity mapping risk. Therefore, this overcom‐
a t9- l + 1 = DTLR t - l + 1 a t9- l + 2 = DTLR t - l + 2a t9 = DTLR t } (11) plete DAE may disclose some informative features from the
interactions among the input features. In the following text,
where Ω n - 1 is the subset containing selected features at the
the DAE is briefly described, while a detailed description of
(n - 1)th iteration; a tj - p is the random variable describing the
DAE can be found in [31].
pth lag of the jth feature; and A is a set consisting of the ran‐
At time t, all features that remain after the feature reduc‐
dom variables associated with feature candidates. In the first
tion stage, which are described in Section II-B-1), are used
iteration of solving (10), n = 1, Ω 0 = Æ. In this paper, the opti‐
mization problem in (10) is iteratively solved until the MI of to construct the input vector of the DAE x t, a three-dimen‐
the last component selected from solving (10) with sional tensor (1 ´ l ´ m), where m is the number of feature
DTLR t + 1 is negligible. variants. To capture the sequential correlation of the TS,
After conducting mRMR, the feature types that are not LSTM is used as the building blocks of the DAEs in this pa‐
among the selected features in Ω n or constitute a negligible per. An RNN-based DAE can be formulated as:
portion of Ω n are removed from the feature pool. The select‐ min L DAE (xz) (12)
ed features, along with their corresponding l lags, are then
used to build the tensor input of the deep-learning-based fea‐ x͂ ~q D (x t ) (13)
ture extraction described in Section II-B-3).
y t = f θ (x͂ t m t - 1 ) (14)
LSTM is a unit of RNNs in which the temporal dependen‐ z t = g θ' (y t m't - 1 ) (15)
cy among the elements of the TS can be captured. An where L DAE (×) is the loss function that employs the mean-
LSTM block consists of a memory cell, an input gate, an
square error (MSE); x (n ´ l ´ m) is the tensor that contains
output gate, and a forgetting gate. The memory cell stores
all tensors x t t = 12n, n is the number of available
the values for arbitrary time intervals. In LSTM, the three
gates are neurons with activation functions. Figure 3 repre‐ points in the validation set; z is the tensor that consists of all
sents an LSTM unit, where c t - 1 and h t - 1 denote the cell tensors z t, t = 12n, which are the outputs of a DAE cor‐
memory state and hidden state at the previous time, respec‐ responding to input x; θ and θ' encapsulate the unknown pa‐
tively. The input vector x t, c t - 1, and h t - 1 are used to update rameters of encoder and decoder blocks, respectively; y t and
the memory state ct, and attain the output h t corresponding to z t are the outputs of encoder and decoder blocks, respective‐
xt. In Fig. 3, the blocks labelled by σ refer to sigmoid layers. ly; m t - 1 and m't - 1 are the information passed from the calcu‐
The LSTM has been used in the proposed DTLR prediction lation of y t - 1 and z t - 1, respectively, as the result of recurrent
as described in the next sections. units; and f θ (×) and g θ' (×) are the functions associated with en‐
ct1 × ct
coder and decoder blocks, respectively.
× + +
× + tanh In (13), some elements of input vector x t are destroyed in
× × × ×
× a stochastic process, i.e., q D (×), in order to form the corrupt‐
Forget Input Output
× ed input x͂ .
σ σ tanh σ
Stacking several DAE forms an SDAE, in which more in‐
formative features can be extracted. Using the ADAM sto‐
xt chastic optimization [38], the SDAE is trained layer-wise to
Fig. 3. Schematic of LSTM unit. find the initial parameters of all DAEs. Thereafter, a fine-tun‐
ing process is conducted to further tune the SDAE, as elabo‐
3) RNN-based SDAE rated in Section III. The output of the encoder portion of the
AE is a type of neural network mainly employed for unsu‐ SDAE is used as the input of Model 2 in the proposed
pervised feature learning in a wide range of applications DTLR prediction, as discussed in Section III.

III. PROPOSED TRAINING FRAMEWORK FOR PROBABILISTIC POE. In (16), the term associated with ϵ 1 penalizes the pre‐
DEEP-LEARNING-BASED PREDICTION OF DTLR diction model when the prediction model results in - DTLR
--- t + 1
The training of the proposed DTLR is conducted in sever‐ values above DTLR t + 1. The more - DTLR
-- --
--- t + 1
value is higher
al steps according to the scheme presented in Fig. 4. First, than DTLR t + 1, the more the cost function penalizes the mod‐
the data are divided into three datasets: training, validation, el. On the other hand, when - --- t + 1 < DTLR t + 1, the term re‐
and test datasets. The training dataset is used to tune the lated to ϵ 1 in the cost function becomes zero. However, the
model parameters, while the validation dataset is used to as‐ term corresponding to ϵ 2 penalizes the prediction model if
sess the performance of the model during training. The test
dataset is used to evaluate the trained model. The redundant ------ t + 1 is deviated from the DTLR t + 1.
or non-informative features are removed as described in Sec‐ Equation (16) is non-differentiable at ϵ i = 0 due to sign(×).
tion II-B-1). Next, the SDAE is formed and trained as dis‐ This can cause an issue in the backpropagation process dur‐
cussed in Section II-B-3). The autoregressive prediction mod‐ ing the training phase. In this regard, sign(×) is approximated
el, named Model 1, is then trained using a series of DTLR by tanh(×), and (16) can be rewritten as follows:

--- t + 1 ) = ∑a i (tanh(λϵ i ) + 1)ϵ i

TS lags, and simultaneously, a many-to-one prediction mod‐ 2
C(DTLR t + 1 -
---- (21)
el, named Model 2, is trained using the feature tensor ob‐ i=1
tained from the encoder portion of the SDAE. Models 1 and
where λ is a large constant number so that tanh(λϵ i )® 1 for
2 are both based on RNNs and trained using MSE as the
ϵ i > 0, tanh(λϵ i )® -1 for ϵ i < 0, and tanh(λϵ i ) = 0 for ϵ i = 0.
cost function, while the weights of the SDAE are frozen.
Then, the final model (Model 3) that employs the predic‐ Using tanh(×) results in a differentiable function that can use
tions of Models 1 and 2 as the input to provide a final pre‐ the off-the-shelf DNN optimizers for training the model.
diction of the DTLR is trained deterministically using MSE The proposed cost function enables to fine-tune the DTLR
as the cost function. model so that the DTLR prediction model provides the low‐
er bound of DTLR values with the minimum deviations
Start from the actual DTLR values.
Form the training, validation, and test datasets
Perform feature reduction

Form and train the SDAE A. Descriptions of Data, Simulation Tools, and Proposed
Model Settings
Freeze SDAE layers and train autoregressive model
(Model 1) and a many-to-one prediction model We have performed the analysis based on a 5-year dataset
(Model 2) using the MSE loss function, separately (from January 1, 2010 to January 1, 2015), recorded from
the M2 met tower at the National Wind Energy Center
Train Models 1-3 using the MSE loss function
(NWEC) located in Denver, USA [39]. Linear interpolation
Fine-tune Models 1-3 using the proposed cost function is employed to fill the missing points in the dataset. It is as‐
sumed that the measurements correspond to an OHL con‐
Unfreeze SDAE layers and fine-tune the whole model
using the proposed cost function structed from 400 mm 2 Drake 26/7 ACSR conductor at the
elevation of 1861 m from the sea level.
End Based on [2], the specification of this conductor is summa‐
Fig. 4. General training scheme of proposed probabilistic prediction of rized in Table I, where the STLR is calculated based on the
DTLR. low-speed perpendicular wind (0.6 m/s), high ambient tem‐
perature (40 °C), and full solar heating (1000 W/m2) [40].
Afterwards, Models 1-3 are further trained using the pro‐ TABLE I
posed cost function (16) - (20). Once Models 1-3 are tuned SPECIFICATIONS OF CONDUCTOR
considering the proposed cost function, SDAE layers are un‐
frozen to tune the model further using the proposed cost Specification Value
function. STLR (A) 685
Inspired by QR formulation, the proposed cost function Outside diameter of conductor (mm) 28.12
for training DNN for a preferred POE is defined as: Minimum conductor temperature (°C) 25

--- t + 1 ) = ∑a i (sign(ϵ i ) + 1)ϵ i

Maximum conductor temperature (°C) 75
C(DTLR t + 1 -
---- (16)
i=1 Conductor resistance at the minimum temperature (Ω/km) 0.07284
Conductor resistance at the maximum temperature (Ω/km) 0.08689
ϵ1 = -
-- --- t + 1 - DTLR t + 1
-- (17)
Solar absorptivity and emissivity 0.5
ϵ 2 = DTLR t + 1 - -
--- t + 1 (18)
a 1 = POE * (19) The proposed model has been implemented in Python 3.7
on a Windows 10 PC with a 1.6 GHz Intel Core i5 CPU and
a 2 = 1 - POE * (20) 8 GB of memory. Based on the grid search, three DAE lay‐
where sign(×) is the sign function; and POE is the preferred
ers are selected as the suitable architecture for SDAE, re‐

spectively. The numbers of hidden layers for Models 1 and 2 ate historical DTLR t, qc t, and qr t TS, using the procedure de‐
are one and three, respectively. Model 3 is a single-layer scribed in Section II-A.
model which provides the final prediction by using the out‐ Figure 5 represents the dispersion of DTLR with respect
puts from Models 1 and 2. The training is conducted using to some of the feature types in the upper triangle.
the process described in Section III. The Kendall τ rank coefficient is widely employed as a
non-parametric statistical test in hypothesis testing to identi‐
B. Analysis of Feature Candidates
fy the statistical dependency between two random vari‐
To evaluate the dependency of DTLR on different feature ables [41].
candidates, a 5-year meteorological dataset is used to gener‐
0.54 0.25 1.0
DTLRt (A) 1 0.25 0.09 0.61 0.22 0.36
0.92 0.9
WSt (m/s) 0.1759 1 0.07 0.07 0.11 0.62 0.56 0.14
0.59 0.8
0.19 0.19 0.02 0.67 0.24 0.38
qct (W/m) 0.7502 0.2134 1 0.7
0.24 0.13 0.02 0.07
ATt (℃) 0.07531 0.001235 0.04839 1 1 0.6
qrt (W/m) 0.07531 0.001235 0.04839 1 1 0.24 0.13 0.02 0.07 0.5
SIt (W/m2) 0.08 0.13 0.03 0.4
0.00716 0.01446 0.0007712 0.03109 0.03109 1
0.18 0.52 0.3
WSXt (m/s) 0.2272 0.2297 0.2882 0.01121 0.01121 0.005243 1
0.30 0.2
WSYt (m/s) 0.03418 0.2549 0.04068 9.4×10-5 9.4×10-5 0.01211 0.0225 1
WDt (rad) 0.0807 0.01056 0.09198 0.002833 0.002833 0.001107 0.1985 0.06443 1
DTLRt (A) WSt (m/s) qct (W/m) ATt (℃) qrt (W/m) SIt (W/m2) WSXt (m/s) WSYt (m/s) WDt (rad)

Fig. 5. Dispersion of DTLR with respect to different feature types and Kendall τ rank coefficient and mutual information of different features and DTLR.

The detailed explanations of the Kendall τ rank coefficient that is widely used for short-term prediction of meteorologi‐
can be found in [38]. The presented quantities in the sub‐ cal-related variables including DTLR [12]. The simplicity of
plots, forming the upper triangle, represent the Kendall τ PM can facilitate the comparison of the proposed model
rank coefficient of different features vis-à-vis each other and with other prediction models. QR has recently been pro‐
DTLR t. Based on the calculated Kendall τ rank coefficients, posed for the non-parametric probabilistic prediction of
it can be concluded that there is a strong relation between DTLR, which is the focus of this paper. Therefore, compar‐
DTLR t and latent variables as well as meteorological vari‐ ing the efficacy of the proposed model with QR provides
ables. some insights about the superiority of the proposed model
Furthermore, Fig. 5 shows that qc t is the most influential with respect to other non-parametric probabilistic prediction
factor in DTLR t compared with all other features. This models of DTLR. As the last benchmark model, the state-of-
strong relation can also be found from the MI values present‐ the-art QRF-based probabilistic prediction model of DTLR
ed in the diagonal subplots and lower triangle of Fig. 5. The is employed [5], [16]. Optimal hyperparameters of the QRF
MI values testify to the high dependency of DTLR t on qc t. are found using the Bayesian optimization. To carry out a
As shown in Fig. 5, among the meteorological variables, WS fair comparison, the proposed model and benchmark models
demonstrates the strongest correlation with DTLR, while utilize similar input variables, as elaborated in Section II-A,
MI(WS t DTLR t ) is significantly lower than MI(qc t DTLR t ). but a notable exception is PM, for which the mean and vari‐
On the other hand, qr t and AT t are fully correlated based on ance of the latest DTLR values form a Gaussian distribution
Kendall τ rank coefficient as well as MI values. Therefore, representing the uncertainty of upcoming samples.
considering only one of them could be adequate in the D. Evaluation Metrics
DTLR prediction. Moreover, from MI(DTLR t SI t ), it can be
Three evaluation metrics are used to appraise the perfor‐
recognized that SI t can provide the minimum information in mance of the different DTLR models. The POE of the pre‐
the DTLR prediction. To this end, this feature species are diction model is the most imperative evaluation criterion for
eliminated in the feature reduction stage described in Section a secure probabilistic DTLR prediction and is defined as:
II-B. It is worth noting that the data are discretized with re‐
POE = ∑δ n ´ 100%
1 N
spect to the median values of different features to calculate (22)
the MI values. This type of discretization is widely used for N n=l
calculating MI values among continuous variables [42]. ì1 DTLR
δ n = í --- --- t + 1 £ DTLR t + 1
-- (23)
C. Description of Benchmark Models î 0 otherwise
Three benchmark models are utilized in this paper: persis‐ where N is the number of points in the training, validation,
tence [12], QR [15], and QRF [16] prediction models. The or test datasets. Any deviation of the POE from the preferred
persistence model (PM) is a conventional prediction model POE * can lead to unprecedented issues. As a measure of

sharpness of the predicted POEs, normalized mean absolute and RMSE, for POE * = 90%, the performance of QR, QRF,
error (NMAE) is used, which is defined as: and the proposed model are closely comparable. For POE * =

95%, based on NMAE and RMSE, the proposed model

t+1 --
--- t + 1 slightly outperforms the benchmark models while POE * is
NMAE = t=1
´ 100% satisfied, i. e., POE ³ POE *. For POE * = 99%, the case study
N × Range
demonstrates that the proposed model can facilitate the se‐
where Range is the range of DTLR values. In a perfect pre‐ cure employment of DTLR, while NMAE and RMSE are re‐
diction of DTLR, POE = POE * while NMAE ® 0. Root-mean- duced compared with the benchmark models. It is noted
squared-error (RMSE), which is a valuable measure and sig‐ from Table III that for POE * = 99%, the proposed model re‐
nifies large deviations of DTLR prediction from its actual sults in reductions in NMAE and RMSE by at least 6.33%
value, is also employed as another evaluation metric, and ((18.51 - 19.76)/19.76 ´ 100%) and 5.78% ((309.16 -
can be calculated as: 291.30)/309.16 ´ 100%), respectively.

RMSE = (DTLR t + 1 - -
-- --- t + 1 )

E. Numerical Studies POE * (%) Prediction model POE (%) NMAE (%) RMSE
PM 83.42 13.80 251.10
As an instance, the performance of the prediction model
QR 92.20 11.90 202.55
on a two-year dataset (from January 1, 2010 to January 1, 90
QRF 92.64 12.00 203.38
2012) is used for numerical comparisons. 85% of the data
are used for training and validation, while the remainder are Proposed model 91.90 11.91 203.60
employed for testing. In this section, the effectiveness of PM 89.57 16.40 290.41
considering latent predictors, i.e., convection cooling and ra‐ 95
QR 96.60 15.01 242.21
diated heat loss rate, is first investigated. Thereafter, the pro‐ QRF 95.56 14.73 241.27
posed DTLR is compared with the benchmark models for Proposed model 95.14 14.50 236.61
different CL preferences using various evaluation metrics. PM 95.75 22.12 372.52
1) Impact of Latent Predictors QR 99.80 19.96 311.80
Section IV-B shows that in comparison to directly ob‐ QRF 99.31 19.76 309.16
served meteorological variables, the radiated heat loss rate Proposed model 99.01 18.51 291.30
has a more pretentious relation with DTLR. To empirically
investigate the efficacy of considering a series of lags associ‐
ated with the mentioned latent variables as predictors, a case To further investigate the performance of the proposed
study is conducted using the proposed DTLR prediction with model compared with the benchmark models, the histograms
of various prediction models of DTLR for POE * = 99% is
and without the latent predictor. Table II summarizes the
presented in Fig. 6. It is worth noting that the histograms are
case study conducted for POE * = 99%. The table shows that
driven by considering only the predicted values that are
the experiential results are in line with the theoretically ex‐
equal to or less than the miximum actual ampacity. Thus,
pected outcome, and that considering latent variables can re‐
the performance of the different prediction models in terms
duce NMAE and RMSE while satisfying the POE criterion.
of unlocking the OHL capacity can be compared.
Therefore, using the proposed prediction method unlocks the
OHL ampacity further, while the POE is satisfied. As a re‐ 4 6
sult, more power can be transferred through the transmission 2 2
0 600 700 800 900 0
Relative frequency (%)

systems. Therefore, it can be concluded that the latent vari‐ 50 1300 1400 1500 1600
ables can provide further information about the DTLR pat‐ 40 PM
tern, and the prediction can be performed more precisely. 30 QR
TABLE II 20 Proposed model
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700
With or without latent variables POE (%) NMAE (%) RMSE Ampacity (A)
Without 98.95 19.21 300.20
Fig. 6. Distribution of predicted DTLR for POE * = 99% with predicted val‐
With 99.01 18.51 291.30 ues equal or less than the maximum actual ampacity.

2) Numerical Comparisons of Different Prediction Models As can be observed from Fig. 6, for several points in the
The performance evaluations of different prediction mod‐ test dataset, the benchmark models result in ampacity predic‐
els for POE * = 90%, 95%, and 99% are presented in Table tions, which are equal to or less than 900 A, while the pro‐
III. The table shows that the PM is incompetent in providing posed model leads to the limited number of prediction val‐
secure prediction of DTLR for any of the POE * values. Oth‐ ues of DTLR which are smaller than 900 A. On the other
er benchmark models along with the proposed model can ful‐ hand, for more than about 10% of the times, the proposed
fill the POE * requirements. From the perspectives of NMAE model results in the DTLR prediction greater than 1200 A,

while the POE * criterion is met. The frequency of predicting ods, are adapted, respectively. Despite the extensive research
DTLR higher than 1200 A by using the benchmark models on the development of the advanced feature selection and ex‐
is reduced. traction techniques in various power-system-related predic‐
Figure 7 depicts DTLR prediction using proposed model tion applications [45], the development of these machine
and QRF for POE * = 99%, which is the best benchmark mod‐ learning building blocks in the literature of DTLR is scarce.
el for POE * = 99%. The figure covers the prediction for three To this end, extensive research on feature selection and ex‐
successive days, i. e., 72 one-hour samples, to provide the traction in DTLR forecasting can be considered as an impor‐
view of high volatility in the DTLR values and the efficacy tant future research direction.
of the proposed model to track this volatile pattern. As can The proposed prediction framework of DTLR is validated
be observed, the DTLR can vary substantially within an for a direct prediction application of DTLR, in which only
hour, which mainly stems from the chaotic behaviour of its meteorological variables and the DTLR formulations are em‐
influential factors, e.g., wind speed, wind direction, etc. It is ployed. However, considering the generality of the frame‐
discerning from Fig. 7 that the proposed model can result in work, other features such as OHL sag/tension as well as
prediction values of DTLR that are 100 A higher than those NWP can be incorporated in the framework to improve the
obtained from QRF. Besides, comparing the STLR in Table I performance of DTLR forecasting further. Furthermore, us‐
with the predictions values of DTLR shown in Fig. 7, it can ing the NWP can also facilitate extending the prediction hori‐
be concluded that with minimal risk, a significant amount of zon, which is beneficial for day-ahead unit commitment and
OHL ampacity headroom can be unlocked. economic dispatching.
Actual value
Proposed model VI. CONCLUSION
1800 QRF
This paper has proposed a deep-learning-based probabilis‐
Ampacity (A)

tic prediction model of DTLR for hour-ahead power system
1400 operation problems. The latent variables, obtained in the pro‐
1200 cess of calculating the DTLR values, are considered as new
1000 predictors of the proposed model, while SDAE is employed
800 for feature learning and extraction. A training strategy is de‐
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 72
Sample number vised to train the DNN, and a cost function is put forward to
train the prediction model in a probabilistic manner. The pro‐
Fig. 7. DTLR prediction using proposed model and QRF for POE * = 99%.
posed prediction framework considers no hypothesis about
the uncertainty of the DTLR. Simulation results confirm the
V. DISCUSSION efficacy of the proposed model and its superiority compared
As the case studies elucidate, the proposed prediction with the benchmark models.
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