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Structural Analysis of Flying Wing (MH78 Aerofoil)

Tl1rougl1 Finite Element Method

Ajit Dundappa Chachadi 1

' a) Siddu Anilkumar Pujari 2

' b) and Bharatish A 3

' c)

Department of Mechanical Engineering, RV College of Engineering, RV.Vidyaniketan Post Mysore road Bangalore -
Department of Mechanical Engineering, RV College of Engineering, RV Vidyaniketan Post Mysore road Bangalore -

Department of Mechanical Engineering, R V College of Engineering, RV Vidyaniketan Post Mysore road Bangalore -

a)ajitdundappac.pdm J9(ci)rvce. edu. in
c) Co"esponding author: in


This article studies finite element model updating of a wing of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).
The lift of the aircraft is mainly provided by wing size, shape and configuration of the wing. The
configuration of the wing used is flying wing. Which is a tailless aircraft where wing is integrated
with fuselage with no definite distinction of the fuselage. Work was carried out numerically through
finite element method. The model consists of spars and ribs. The materials used for the model are
carbon fibre and balsa wood. The UAV wing model was created using Solid works and imported to
Hyper mesh for meshing. The FEM model was solved using Opti Struct and post-processing was
done in HyperView. Modal analysis and static analysis were carried out on the model. The
important results extracted from the numerical analysis are natural frequency and mode shapes. The
validation of the numerical results was carried out using compared with the standard papers. The
results of the FE analysis were obtained for free-free mode analysis. Mainly first four modes are
st nd rd
considered as they are of interest. 1 mode, 2 and 3 mode are bending modes with natural
frequencies 7.01 Hz, 26.86 Hz and 27.95 Hz respectively. 4 mode is torsion mode with
th th
frequencies 35.46 Hz. The 5 and 6 modes are bending modes with natural frequencies 62.97 Hz
and 85.35 Hz respectively. The results thus obtained were in good agreement with results obtained
in the literature papers.
KEYWORDS: Modal Analysis, Dynamic Analysis, Mode Shapes, Opti Struct.

Problem Report
concepts and Total
Detinhion Presentation

• (10) (10) (30)


lt.0 2. 1-
- -
l. Intro duct ion
n as drone is an aircraft without human pilot
An unma nned aerial vehicle (UAV ), comm only know
on board computers or by remote by a pilot
aboar d. Its flight is contr olled eithe r autonomously by
od of an UAV are by the function of an
on the ground. The usual launch and the recovery meth
d. Historically, UAV s were simple remotely
autom atic syste m or an exter nal operator on the groun
omous control are developed for military
pilote d aircrafts. In recen t years U AVs with auton
used for the completion of tasks that are too
purpo ses, surve ying, mapp ing etc. U AVs are usually
finite element analysis has made its way to
dull, toxic or dang erous for mann ed aircraft. The use of
g applications and are improving steadily
a stage wher e they are wide ly used in various engineerin
behaviour of these elements as it would be in
over the past decad e. Engin eers are able to predict the
solved, resulting in a set of linear algebraic
the form of math emat ical mode ls whic h will then be
to better understand the concept of using
equations. Ther e are many references that can be found
rical analysis which can be used for stress
finite elem ent as an analy sis tool. It is a form of nume
ft industry, the application of finite element
predi ction and struc tural optim izatio n within the aircra
t into both detail and structural behaviour.
analysis has main ly conce ntrate d on providing an insigh
the design and qualification process, with
The testin g of struc tures still forms a large part of
analy sis provi ding addit ional information to support these
aircraft wing structure to obtain the
Thre e meth ods of analysis were performed on a typical
approach for stress analysis only, the finite
stress and defle ction values. They are the theoretical
the finite element analysis with the super-
elem ent analy sis with the conventional approach and
n various wing structure and their finite
elem ent appro ach Manm ohan et al. [1] investigated desig
forces at different altitudes. Wing structures
elem ent analy sis using abacu s unde r various dynamic
Ernie et al. [2] evaluated the influence of
made out of carbo n fibre were used for the investigation.
wing. The analytic predictions
• tat·10n on the composite laminate of NACA4415 UAV
the p Iy onen
orientation with angle-ply has a significant
show that the stress state that develops in variation fibre
er (DCVC)
D kum aret al [3] proposed double corrugate variable camb
effec t on the stren . • •
e study of three
. . fl t·on using corrugated structure and presented a comparativ .
morp hing wing con 1gura 1
and aerod ynam ic
. C d 1 Model 1 and DCVC model on the basis of structural .
mode ls Fish BA mo e , of the test was to obtain
. ed about the GVT of an aircraft. The focus . . . .
analy sis. Peter s et al [4] d tscuss and unpro v1sat ion of
. d ta f the complete aircraft structure for validation
expe rimen tal vibra tion a o ct the behaviour of
. d 1 Amo ng other things~ these models were used to predi
struc tural dyna mic mo e s.
. tr ht This article discusses r
safety-critical in- ig •
fi lly plan the tests for r£ nning GVT that are able to realize
flutter and care u technology for pe o
ts in hardware and software compromise with the accuracy of
advancemen . d cti·on without any
• time re u
important testing and ana1ys1s h detailed study on dynarruc • r£
pe onnance al\J
. 1 [5] stressed on t e . ...~
results. Neetu Merhn et a tail performance. A fimte element simuiar
t. effects to ensure adequate •~
investigation of aeroelas ic d arameters such as resonance frequencies and.
.. 3
UA v to evaluate mo a1 P 1\
of vertical stabthzer for . ossibility of using composite material (GFRP) as
. odal shapes was earned out. The p i
respecnve m . . rtical tail fin was explored. The results obtained Wert
substitute for traditional Alum1ruum for ve .
. blished works. Heichal [6] explained the general concepts~
convincing and agreed with already pu . . .
. . h th "rframe structure aerodynamic design, efficient propulsi~
unmanned aenal vehicle sue as e at ,
•ca1 Youxu yang et al [7] predicted structural dynamics characteristics~
systems and opt1 sensors. •
flutter speeds and frequencies of Equivalent plate model basing on multi-plate. Preparation timed
the equivalent plate model is shorter and calculat~on cost is lower_ ~lative to. the finite elemeq-C,
model, so it provides an efficient structural dynarmcs and aero-elasttc1ty analysts tool for compl11(
wing configurations in early design stage. W Kuntjoro et al [8] reported three methods of analyse
typical aircraft wing structure to obtain the stress and deflection values. They are the theoretical
approach for stress analysis only, the finite element analysis with the conventional approach and tll
finite element analysis with the super-element approach. Fred et al [9] investigated the effects of
several design parameters, providing many insights into the capability of using wing twist as a
control mechanism for joined wing.
. Aircraft wings are design characteristics some of the most important are performance
requirements, such as range enduran •
d" . , ce, max1mwn speed, stall speed, take-off distance, JandinB
1stance, maxunum sustained load factor m • n
(IO] Th ' aximwn load factor and payload capacity and so 0
• ose perfonnance specification d d .
aerodynamic coeffi . s epen on vanous parameters based on aircraft geornetrl'• If -
tc1ents and aircraft weight Am . •·cal
Parameter that affects th • ong these, aircraft weight is the most crtU
wing loading or thrust t
e perfonnance of the ai raft • uch as
. re m every aspect. Weight related tenns s
- O-Wetght ratio ap ears • __n111Cis
[IO]. The tenn "air aft . P m moSt of the equations in perfonnance 8D"'1.,.-
th . cr weight"' however does
t ·caUY·
e aircraft structure must be l'gh ' no represent a single particular value. recbJtl
the fore . t t enough to meet design 0 b. .
es tt experiences durin . . . ~ectives, yet strong enough to
durin g its lifetime. Dete • •
g manoeuvres, turbulence land· t'lllmation of those forces acting on the 11
Manoeuv ' mg and ground . ·s [I r
re, turbulence, landing and operations is defined as load analY51
and aerodynamic £ ground loads arise fro . •
orces, acting on the airc m the interaction between el~" .A
raft structure Thi . ·c
• s interaction of aerodynart'1 •
and inertial forces is defined as aeroelasticity [13].Aeroelasticity is a phenomenon which has been
observed since the very years of the history of aviation; in fact, it was the aeroelastic divergence
which caused Samuel Langley's aircraft crash in Potomac River earlier in 1903, even before Wright
Brothers [13].Static aeroelasticity, which deals with non-oscillatory interaction of aerodynamic and
elastic forces on the aircraft structure, however, is generally used in conjunction with static load
analysis [11, 12]. The topics of static aeroelasticity such as structural deflection and pressure
redistribution are required to be taken into account according to airworthiness and certification
standards such as CS-25 and FAR-25 [14].
In this thesis work, the term "Structural Analysis" refers to static load analysis whereas
dynamic load analysis, which deals with flutter, limit cycle oscillations, structural dynamics, etc. is
beyond the scope of this study. The inertial forces are non-oscillatory and arise from the steady state
gravitational acceleration acting on aircraft mass. The literature presents dynamic analysis, static
analysis, stress analysis and optimisation on models made up of composites and titanium. There has
been very little work on dynamic analysis of combination of composite and wood. Hence, this work
presents dynamic analysis on model made of combination of composite and the balsa wood.

2. Mathematical Model Based on Eigenvalue Theory

Consider a dynamic system. In general, the equations of motion can be expressed as the function of
the system mass, stiffness, damping and applied loads:
[M]{.x(t)} + [~]{x(t)} + [K]{x(t)} = {P(t)} ....................•.•••••• ••••••••••• (1)

[M] = global mass matrix
[K] = global stiffness matrix
[C] = global damping matrix
{P} = global load vector

. ti und when there is no damping or applied loads. The

Eigenvalues or natural frequencies are o
• • • ·tten as·
equation of motion for free v1brat1on ts wn • . ............. (2)
[M]{.x(t)} + [K]{x(t)} = 0.. · · · ·· •• ••• •• •••• •••• •• ••• ••••• •••••••• ••••• ••
. 'dal 'bration where the displacement can be described by:
Assume a smusot vi ' rll}etwt
. .......................••••••••••••••••••
. ................ (3)
X ( t )} = { .......... .
. th t for a sinusoidal variation, the
•th the above and consider a ,
Then replace the {x (t)} tenn fth displacement:
• 1•s d • t1ve o e
acceleration second enva 2 foit ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .
{x(t) } = w {q,}e •••••• ••• ....•• ••••••·" •••·" ·······(!

• of motion becomes:
Thus the equation
' w2[M] + [K])[(l)]e1.wt == 0................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ (\
. ( • can be rearranged to the form of a general etgenv
iwt • never zero, the equation a1-
Since e is . .
. the natural frequency by a solving the e1genva1 •
problem. Autodesk Nastran In- CAD
. detenn1nes 11

[K] - J [ M] [ YJ
] = 0 ···••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ...

[K.] =a global linear stiffness matrix
[M] =a global mass matrix

J= the eigenvalue for each mode that yields the natural 2

frequency= 0

q,= the eigenvector for each mode that represents the natu
ral mode shape
Eigenvalue is related to the system's natural frequency:

1 -- w2i • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ...... ...... ...... .... (n
Where: w= the circular frequency (radians per second) or
in Hertz: w = 2nf Where: f= the cyclic
frequency (Hz)
One solution is trivial (0 = 0), but the other solutions for
w are interesting. w 2 Is called the
eigenvalue A, and each is accompanied by a unique {cJ,} calle
d the eigenvector. .
In solving the above eigenvalue problem, there is the
same number of eigenvalues and COlll_pariDt8

eigenvectors as there are unconstrained degrees of oppo
rtunity. Usually, however, 0 Y ted-
natural frequency is of practical importance. This
lowest frequency will be the first mode exua'b¢1
The solution of e eigenvalue problem is difficult and a
number of different approaches ha~ .:..r.
developed over the year c th .
approach ts 1avoured as 1
s. urrent1Y e Lanczos algonthm . &:. •t 1s JlJ,7'7

accurate and robust.

3. Linear Static Analysis

ge s of
a as to ho w stu rdy the de sig n is in the initial sta
an ide
Linear static analysis gives
wi th wi ng loa din g
de l of the fly ing wi ng lin ear static analysis is do ne
design. Fo r the current mo en t of the model,
wi ng are a In ord er to ev aluate stresses an d dis pla cem
applied as pressure over the Jinear static
th the dis pla cem ent an d stress values as output. In
linear static analysis is run
ning equation is solved
analysis the following gover
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . (8)
i) [K][D] = [F] ... ... ... ... ... ...
[F] is force matrix consistin
l bal stiffness matrix, [D] is displacement matrix an
Where [K] is glo
of forces applied on to the

1- -- -- Linear Behaviour


Non-linear behaviour


Fig ur e 3 Linear Stress-strain
yield point. Then on the
cu rve the ma ter ial follow s linear behaviour until the
In stress strain al load.
som e pla stic ity is induce d in the material due to extern
near i.e.
material be ha vio ur is nonli and the strain
follow s lin ear pat h irrespective of loading condition
But in lin ear analysis the cu point of the material.
mu st be tak en to ver ify if the stress is within the yield
induced. Therefore, care

4. Pr oj ec t Methodology
M based
beh avi or un der constr ained boundary condition, FE
In ord er to understand the er reinforced
on ver tic al tail fin made up of bi-woven Carbon fib
d ou t
numerical analysis is carrie sion). Finite elemental
lys is wi ll be car rie d wo rk in hyper works (student ver
polymer. Numerical ana re packages involves three
wi th the help of sof twa
ng problem
analysis of an y engineeri sh, Opti Struct and
sin g pro ces sin g and post-processing. Hyper me
• pre-proces , tively. Figure 4.1
processes viz. , sol ving and post-processing respec
for pre -pr oce ssi ng
Hy pe rV iew were used
represents the project metho

' I
• al Tail Fin Using Solid works
CAD Modeling of Vertie


Finite Element Simulation

Pre-processing Processing
(Hypermesh) (Hyperview)
metal) I Run the analysis
I .Import results

Geometry cleanup V

Feasibility Check
I Meshing

Quality check
I Interpretation
( Analysis setup
( export )


\ -

Figure 4.1 Schematic representation of Project Methodology

5. Flying-Wing UA V Finite Element Model . auild·

A flying-wing aircraft, named Production-plane aircraft, was designed as a model for DeSigJt- ·ts
Fly competition, which is used to demonstrate the easy assembly and dismantling of the parts.for•
portability. The Production-plane aircraft was designed using multidisciplinary design, ana)ysiS and
testing. The air foil used for the design was MH78 with the span of the wing are 755·9 !IIJll 'fhe
• 6.73. The root chord length and tip chord lengths
aspect ratio are 12.21 and 9.84 respec~df
liE=·:,a~f~~ntrll:,:.~..~,.:,.=..:.:.=-=====:=:.1trs~!imal-.t&.<- "' , i

f I ,, !


wood_.sheets. The wing

top and bottom skins at the leading edge of the wing are covered with balsa
span is divided into 10 ribs which are equally spaced.

5.1 CAD l\tlodel

is obtained by FE mode11ing
The FE model for the flying-wings aircraft is shown in fig.5.2 which
based on the detailed CAD model obtained from the R V Colleg
e of engineering. The detailed CAD
l. The mass of the adhesives
model as shown in the fig 5. I was cleaned to represent it in FE mode
was neglected since the mass of it was miniscule compared to
the total weight of the flying wing.
spars. A 6mm carbon fibre rod
The wing structure consists of 2 carbon fibre spars and 3 balsa wood
and 3 balsa wood spars runs thought out the length of the wing.

FIGURE 5.1: CAD model of production plane

Aircraft Specifications
Air foil MH78
Span (in) 75.59
Root Chord (in) 12.21
tip chord (in)
2 848.63
Area (in )
Aspect ratio
2.85 kg
Total take-off weight
- •fi ctions of production plane
TABLE 5.1 Aircraft spect ta
t Model (I FEM) 5.3 uou11
- 2 Initial Finite elemen . Altair Hyper mesh using PSHELL and PSot1 11ie wing
:,. 11· was done in b
Th finite element mode ing rt' in hypennesh.The total number of elements 14rr
e t Component Prope ies are ro ds '
• of the elemen •
properties ber of nodes 31245. arrangetll
27256 with total num

FIGURE 5.2 Finite Element model of production plane

Component ComponentProperty Dia Material

ID ffhickness(mm)
Ribs 1 PSHELL 5 Balsa Wood
Main Sparl 2 PSOLID Dia6 Carbon Fiber pay
Main Spar 2 3 PSOLID Dia 14 Carbon Fiber the
Spars 4 PSHELL 5 Balsa Wl
Upper and lower sheets 5 PSHELL 1 Balsa Wood ca

The properties for the balsa wood for upper and lower skins and Carbon rod and tube is shown in
tbe table .2. The final finite element model developed is as shown in the figure 5.2 l


Ei, GPa E2, GPa µ12 J
Carbon G12,GPa G 13,GPa p, kg/m
fiber plain
weave 70 70 t.509E+3
0.1 3.032 3.032

Balsa Wood
3.4 5.1 o.t60E+3
1 no-fl I c:c:-n I to ;1

TABLE 5,2 Material Propertires

·t· n . Th two carbon

5 3 Boundary Cond' ,o 'th the use of adhesive s. e Th.
• • d the fuselage wt
. Structure resemble is assemble to . d ·nto the fuselage structur e. JS
The Wtng . dhesve and inserte t .

rods 14mm and I6mm ' are applied with a . . th fu )age is fixed. The nodes of this
, bles cantileve r beam condition cons1den ng e se fu
arrangeront resem . h shown in the gure.
. art were constrained with SPC elements tn hypermes as
protn1dtng P

X f z

FIGURE 5.3 Finite element model of production plan

5.4 Loads
Total load acting upon the wing mainly depends on the total take-off weight of the aircraft
payload. Since the UAV for the current study uses electrical system for propulsion, the weight
over the
the aircraft is constant. The analysis considers the weight of the aircraft distributed evenly
wing area and the same load is applied as the pressure load over the wing. The wing loading
calculated as the total take-off weight divided by the total wing area of the aircraft.

Total weight of the aircraft

Wing Loading =
Total Span of the Wing

for the
For the static analysis , 3g loading condition is taken along with the factor of safety as 1.5
design purposes.Hence the total load acting upon the wing is 2.33 e-4 N/mm .
6. Results and Discussions
important modes and mode s:h">-._
wing mo de I under study. first four
For the fl)'ing
d th 1- ar static analysis was done. The
modes. displacement and -
considered an e ine ...

... d numerically.
shapes were obtained from finite
Modal parameters such as frequency and mode
.I mod e and 4 mode are ¾
st th
recorded and are give n in the follo wing table
analysis were
modes with natural frequencies 7.5 Hz and 421 Hz
respectively. The seco nd and third
4th. modes are t\visting mo des ~
are same as seen from the figures below. The 3 and \\1th ~ I
frequencies, 214.2 Hz and 286.8 Hz respectively


F,gure 6.1 Mode shape~ off] . .
)'Ing \Vlllg

T ~.
Frequency (Hz)
8 2
L 286.8
6.1 Frequency values for th
e correspo d. fonnation of modes
• n ing
t-tl - Cf l I -, •
-- ,. '
nr- • -
' 1 - (7

l 111 case
of linear static analysis,
show s di sp
displacement and stresses ar
la ce m ent and stresses act.
e taken as tnain output resui .
d figure 6.3 mg
ts. Figure
upon the aircraft . ng struc
6.2 an 5 m m is observ ed Wl
. urn deflection of 7.8 at the node n0 2 46 I 2 and the . ture.

tnaxim um stress
ed is N/ m m 2 at element I 0875.
. 30.31

.. .
' cond1tt
ear stat·IC 1oadm
isp la ce m en t under lin g on
Figure 6.2 D

re ss acting under linear static loading conditi
Figure 6.3 St
with the
va rio us m ate rials. Results were comparing
The literature works co
ntain models with in the
th e resu lts ob tai ne d. Wht1e the material used
eck the validity of
literature work [7] to ch m , th is pa per presents use of comb
ination of
Al um in iu
etely made out of
researcb paper was compl Th e resu lts thus obtained were
in can be
an d ro ds .
rbon fibre tubes
botb Balsa WOOd and ca re pa pe rs. The following
tah1 e shows tbe
e literatu
comJ>ared With the resu
lts obtained in th
comparison be een the two.
: = i ~
od uction~plane~ (in Hz~)
- ~ ~ - n
(. H z)
_ _7 7.5 ~ - - - -
-- -- -- -
Modes~., - - -
p~a~p~ er ~[ ~7 ~)~• :n _: :-:_ _ _
Moc1e I 21.68 214.2
Mode 2 75.14 286.8

Mode3 98.22 421

. e in Hz)
Moct 106.22 . Hz ) and production plan (
4 -
TABLE 6 2 Elsevier literature work
• Comparison shows

that the displacement at the wing tip is
. th rt rature [ 8] shows
Static Analysis results in e e
2 t 21 17 N/mm • Similarly,
2 for current
I vary from 0 N/mm o •
stress resu ts f N/mni2 is obtained. Though both
found to be and 30 31
value o •
studY, the maximum stress and displacement values for current
wing structure under 1
the models are made of different materials, the stress va ues
·thin the limits and design is acceptable.
modeIs proves to be Wl
8 Conclusion . .
• . . . static analysis by up-datin g firute element models
This paper presents dynanuc analysis and hnear . .
. b" t"on• of carbon fibre reinforc ed plastic and Balsa
for the Flying wing of an UA V made using com ina t .
d d The evaluation was done numencally
wood. The mass and stiffness related parameters are up ate •
• Only the fi1rst 4 modes
· were of interest and. only.these modes
through FEM using Opti struct solver.
were studied during the analysis. The linear static analysis was done applymg wmg loads

uniform pressure actmg • area. The displacement under given static loading is found to
• over the wing

be within limits and is structurally stiff.

9. Ackno wledge ments

The authors would like to acknowledge R V College of engineering for providing the necessar
infrastructure and the support. The authors thank Dr. M Krishna for their invaluable suggesti
and comments. Finally, we are thankful to the reviewers for their constructive comments.
model does not encounter any vibrations that fall within the resonant frequency of any modes.

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tngs of the lOT International Conference 2014.
Aerospac . 270 Narvik, NorWaY ,
e And Sciences: Icnpaa 2014, pp. 261- ,

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