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Hugo Communism
Who runs the government and makes most decisions?

The higher power class such as dictators around the world.

How do those in power get chosen ?
The highest organ of state power usually adopts a
constitution that explicitly gives the ruling communist
party leadership of the state.
What are there rules that everyone, including leaders, must obey?

One who doesn't work, doesn't get to eat. Care for the collective property, as well as the
multiplying of this property. High consciousness of the social responsibilities, and
intolerance to the violation of the social interests.
What are the major principles/ideologies of the government?

checks and balances, federalism, limited government, popular sovereignty, republicanism,

and separation of powers

Thereś is no classes the government owns everything and balanced is out to everyone and
give the money and resources to everyone.

Goal is for everybody to be equal and communist believe capitalism leads to exploits
workers and leads to inequalities.
What role do citizens play (if any) in this government?

Within a communist society, people are expected to act in the interest of the Communist
Party and the majority of society. Specifically, the individual is expected to work and act to
promote the betterment of the community.
Is there a specific type of economy that usually accompanies this
type of government? If so, identify.
Communism is often associated with a planned economy, where the state or a central
authority owns and controls the means of production, distribution, and exchange of goods
and services. In theory, this system aims to achieve economic equality by eliminating
private ownership and promoting collective ownership of resources.
Please provide at least 3 examples of countries that have/have had
this type of government. Were
● Russia
○ The Soviet Union was the world's first communist state, established after the Bolshevik Revolution in
1917. It dissolved in 1991, leading to the formation of multiple independent states.
● China
○ While China has adopted market-oriented reforms since the late 1970s, it still operates under a
one-party communist system.
● Vietnam
○ The Socialist Republic of Vietnam is governed by the Communist Party of Vietnam, which has been in
power since reunification in 1976.
● North Korea
○ The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) is a single-party state ruled by the Workers' Party
of Korea, following the ideology of Juche, which is a form of self-reliant socialism.
Communist- POSTER

Example:Communism is a system where everyone owns things together and the

government manages everything, making sure everyone gets what they need. The goal is to
have equality among people by removing differences in wealth and power, and getting rid
of social classes.

Slogan:"Workers of the world, unite!"

Propaganda examples- Newspapers,magazines,and books


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