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ArL 11 Iostlfyloq
1he followlng do noL lncur any crlmlnal llablllLy
1 Anyone who acLs ln defense of hls person or rlghLs provlded LhaL
Lhe followlng clrcumsLances concur
llrsL unlawful aggresslon

Second 8easonable necesslLy of Lhe means employed Lo prevenL or
repel lL

1hlrd Lack of sufflclenL provocaLlon on Lhe parL of Lhe person
defendlng hlmself
2 Any one who acLs ln defense of Lhe person or rlghLs of hls spouse
ascendanLs descendanLs or leglLlmaLe naLural or adopLed broLhers
or slsLers or hls relaLlves by afflnlLy ln Lhe same degrees and Lhose
consangulnlLy wlLhln Lhe fourLh clvll degree provlded LhaL

llrsL unlawful aggresslon

Second 8easonable necesslLy of Lhe means employed Lo prevenL or
repel lL

1hlrd Lhe provocaLlon was glven by Lhe person aLLacked LhaL Lhe one
maklng defense had no parL Lhereln
3 Anyone who acLs ln defense of Lhe person or rlghLs of a sLranger
llrsL unlawful aggresslon

Second 8easonable necesslLy of Lhe means employed Lo prevenL or
repel lL

1hlrd LhaL Lhe person defendlng be noL lnduced by revenge
resenLmenL or oLher evll moLlve

4 Any person who ln order Lo avold an evll or ln[ury does noL acL
whlch causes damage Lo anoLher provlded LhaL Lhe followlng
requlslLes are presenL
llrsL 1haL Lhe evll soughL Lo be avolded acLually exlsLs
Second 1haL Lhe ln[ury feared be greaLer Lhan LhaL done Lo avold lL

1hlrd 1haL Lhere be no oLher pracLlcal and less harmful means of
prevenLlng lL

3 Any person who acLs ln Lhe fulflllmenL of a duLy or ln Lhe lawful
exerclse of a rlghL or offlce

Accused acLed ln Lhe performance of a duLy

1haL Lhe ln[ury caused or Lhe offense commlLLed be Lhe necessary
consequence of Lhe due performance of duLy or Lhe lawful exerclse of
such rlghL or offlce
6 Any person who acLs ln obedlence Lo an order lssued by a superlor
for some lawful purpose

1haL an order has been lssued by a superlor

1haL such order musL be for some lawful purpose

1haL Lhe means used by Lhe subordlnaLe Lo carry ouL Lhe sald order ls

1 unlawful aggresslon
2 8easonable means employed Lo prevenL or repel lL
3 Lack of sufflclenL provocaLlon on Lhe parL of Lhe person defendlng hlmself

LxempLlng ClrcumsLances
ArL 12 cltcomstooces
wblcb exempt ftom
ctlmlool lloblllty
Lhe followlng are exempL from crlmlnal llablllLy
1 An lmbeclle or an
1 An lmbeclle or an lnsane person unless Lhe laLLer has acLed durlng a
lucld lnLerval

When Lhe lmbeclle or an lnsane person has commlLLed an acL whlch
Lhe law deflnes as a felony (dellLo) Lhe courL shall order hls
conflnemenL ln one of Lhe hosplLals or asylums esLabllshed for
persons Lhus affllcLed whlch he shall noL be permlLLed Lo leave
wlLhouL flrsL obLalnlng Lhe permlsslon of Lhe same courL

2 under nlne years of
2 A person under nlne years of age

8A 9344 !uvenlle !usLlce and Welfare AcL 13 yrs old
3 A person over nlne
years of age and under
flfLeen unless he has
acLed wlLh
3 A person over nlne years of age and under flfLeen unless he has
acLed wlLh dlscernmenL ln whlch case such mlnor shall be proceeded
agalnsL ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of ArL 80 of Lhls Code

8A 9344 !uvenlle !usLlce and Welfare AcL above 13 buL below 18 yrs
When such mlnor ls ad[udged Lo be crlmlnally lrresponslble Lhe courL
ln conformably wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhls and Lhe precedlng
paragraph shall commlL hlm Lo Lhe care and cusLody of hls famlly
who shall be charged wlLh hls survelllance and educaLlon oLherwlse
he shall be commlLLed Lo Lhe care of some lnsLlLuLlon or person
menLloned ln sald ArL 80

4 AccldenL 4 Any person who whlle performlng a lawful acL wlLh due care causes
an ln[ury by mere accldenL wlLhouL faulL or lnLenLlon of causlng lL
erson ls performlng a lawful acL
WlLh due care
L causes ln[ury Lo anoLher by mere accldenL
WlLhouL faulL or lnLenLlon of causlng lL
compulslon of lrreslsLlble force
3 Any person who acL under Lhe compulslon of lrreslsLlble force

LhaL Lhe compulslon ls by means of physlcal force
LhaL Lhe physlcal force musL be lrreslsLable
LhaL Lhe physlcal force musL come from a Lhlrd person

6 lmpulse of an
unconLrollable fear
6 Any person who acLs under Lhe lmpulse of an unconLrollable fear of
an equal or greaLer ln[ury

1haL Lhe LhreaL whlch causes Lhe fearls of an evll greaLer Lhan or aL
leasL equal Lo LhaL whlch h ls requlred Lo commlL
1haL lL promlses an evll of such gravlLy and lmmlnence LhaL Lhe
ordlnary man would have succumbed Lo lL
7 lnsuperable cause 7 Any person who falls Lo perform an acL requlred by law when
prevenLed by some lawful lnsuperable cause

1haL an acL ls requlred by law Lo be done
1haL a person falls Lo perform such acL
1haL hls fallure Lo perform such acL ls due Lo some lawful or
lnsuperable cause


ArL 14 qqtovotloq cltcomstooces 1he followlng are aggravaLlng clrcumsLances
1 1haL advanLage be Laken by Lhe offender of hls
publlc poslLlon

2 1haL Lhe crlme be commlLLed ln conLempL or wlLh
lnsulL Lo Lhe publlc auLhorlLles

1 1haL Lhe publlc auLhorlLy l engaged ln Lhe exerclse of
hls funcLlons

2 1haL Lhe publlc auLhorlLy ls noL Lhe person agalnsL
whom Lh crlme ls commlLLed

3 1he offender knows hlm Lo be a publlc auLhorlLy

4 Pls presence has noL prevenLed Lhe offender from
commlLLlng Lhe crlmlnal acL
3 1haL Lhe acL be commlLLed wlLh lnsulL or ln
dlsregard of Lhe respecL due Lhe offended parLy on
accounL of hls rank age or sex or

LhaL ls be commlLLed ln Lhe dwelllng of Lhe offended
parLy lf Lhe laLLer has noL glven provocaLlon

4 1haL Lhe acL be commlLLed wlLh abuse of
confldence or obvlous ungraLefulness

Abuse of confldence
1haL Lhe offended parLy had LrusLed Lhe offender
1haL Lhe offender 8uSLu 1PL confldence of Lhe
offended parLy
1haL Lhe abuse of confldence faclllLaLed Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe crlme
Cbvlous ungraLefulness
1haL Lhe offended parLy had LrusLed Lhe offender
Abused such LrusL by commlLLlng a crlme agalnsL Lhe
offended parLy
1haL Lhe acL be commlLLed wlLh obvlous ungraLefulness
3 1haL Lhe crlme be commlLLed ln Lhe palace of Lhe
Chlef LxecuLlve or ln hls presence or where publlc
auLhorlLles are engaged ln Lhe dlscharge of Lhelr
duLles or ln a place dedlcaLed Lo rellglous worshlp

When lL faclllLaLed Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme
When especlally soughL for by Lhe offender Lo lnsure
Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme or for Lhe purpose of
When Lhe offender Look advanLage Lhereof for Lhe
purpose of lmpunlLy
6 1haL Lhe crlme be commlLLed ln Lhe nlghL Llme or
ln an unlnhablLed place or by a band whenever such
clrcumsLances may faclllLaLe Lhe commlsslon of Lhe
Whenever more Lhan Lhree armed malefacLors shall
have acLed LogeLher ln Lhe commlsslon of an offense
lL shall be deemed Lo have been commlLLed by a

7 1haL Lhe crlme be commlLLed on Lhe occaslon of a
conflagraLlon shlpwreck earLhquake epldemlc or
oLher calamlLy or mlsforLune

8 1haL Lhe crlme be commlLLed wlLh Lhe ald of armed
men or persons who lnsure or afford lmpunlLy
1 LhaL Lhe men or persons Look parL ln Lhe
commlsslon dlrecLly or lndlrecLly
2 LhaL Lhe accuser avalled hlmself of Lhelr ald or relled
upon Lhem when Lhe crlme was commlLLed

recldlvlsL 9 1haL Lhe accused ls a recldlvlsL
A recldlvlsL ls one who aL Lhe Llme of hls Lrlal for one
crlme shall have been prevlously convlcLed by flnal
[udgmenL of anoLher crlme embraced ln Lhe same LlLle
of Lhls Code

1haL Lhe offender ls on Lrlal for an offense
1haL he was prevlously convlcLed by flnal [udgemenLof
anoLher crlme
1haL boLh Lhe flrsL and Lhe second offenses are
embraced ln Lhe same LlLle of Lhe code
1haL Lhe offender ls convlcLed of Lhe new offense
8elLeraclon or hablLuallLy 10 1haL Lhe offender has been prevlously punlshed
by an offense Lo whlch Lhe law aLLaches an equal or
greaLer penalLy or for Lwo or more crlmes Lo whlch lL
aLLaches a llghLer penalLy

1 1haL Lhe accused ls on Lrlal for an offense
2 1haL he prevlously served senLence for anoLher
offense Lo whlch Lhe law aLLaches an equal or greaLer
penalLy or 2 or more llghLer penalLles Lhan LhaL for Lhe
new offense
3 1haL he ls convlcLed of Lhe new offense
11 1haL Lhe crlme be commlLLed ln conslderaLlon of a
prlce reward or promlse

8eward musL be Lhe prlmary reason or premordlal
moLlve for Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme
12 1haL Lhe crlme be commlLLed by means of
lnundaLlon flre polson exploslon sLrandlng of a
vessel or lnLernaLlonal damage LhereLo derallmenL of
a locomoLlve or by Lhe use of any oLher arLlflce
lnvolvlng greaL wasLe and ruln

13 1haL Lhe acL be commlLLed wlLh evldence

1he Llme when Lhe offender deLermlned Lo commlL Lhe
An acL manlfesLly lndlcaLlng LhaL Lhe culprlL has clung Lo
hls deLermlnaLlon
A sufflclenL lapse of Llme beLween Lhe deLermlnaLlon
and execuLlon Lo allow hlm Lo reflecL upon Lhe
consequences of hls acL and Lo allow hls consclence Lo
overcome Lhe resoluLlon of hls wlll
14 1haL Lhe crafL fraud or dlsgulse be employed
13 1haL advanLage be Laken of superlor sLrengLh or
means be employed Lo weaken Lhe defense

alevosla 16 1haL Lhe acL be commlLLed wlLh Lreachery
1here ls Lreachery when Lhe offender commlLs any of
Lhe crlmes agalnsL Lhe person employlng means
meLhods or forms ln Lhe execuLlon Lhereof whlch
Lend dlrecLly and speclally Lo lnsure lLs execuLlon
wlLhouL rlsk Lo hlmself arlslng from Lhe defense whlch
Lhe offended parLy mlghL make

1haL aL Lhe Llme of Lhe aLLack Lhe vlcLlm was noL ln a
poslLlon Lo defend hlmself
1haL Lhe offender consclously adopLed Lhe parLlcular
means meLhod or form of aLLack employed by hlm

Consldered presenL ln
mlsLake ln personnae and
aberraLlo lcLus
17 1haL means be employed or clrcumsLances
broughL abouL whlch add lgnomlny Lo Lhe naLural
effecLs of Lhe acL

18 1haL Lhe crlme be commlLLed afLer an unlawful

19 1here ls an unlawful enLry when an enLrance of a
crlme a wall roof floor door or wlndow be broken

20 1haL Lhe crlme be commlLLed wlLh Lhe ald of
persons under flfLeen years of age or by means of
moLor vehlcles moLorlzed waLercrafL alrshlps or
oLher slmllar means (As amended by 8A 3438)

21 1haL Lhe wrong done ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe
crlme be dellberaLely augmenLed by causlng oLher
wrong noL necessary for lLs commlsslons
1 LhaL Lhe ln[ury caused be dellberaLely lncreased by
causlng oLher wrong
2 LhaL Lhe oLher wrong be unnecessary for Lhe
execuLon of Lhe purpose of Lhe offender

ArL 13 1belt coocept AlLernaLlve clrcumsLances are
Lhose whlch musL be Laken lnLo conslderaLlon as
aggravaLlng or mlLlgaLlng accordlng Lo Lhe naLure and
effecLs of Lhe crlme and Lhe oLher condlLlons aLLendlng
lLs commlsslon 1hey are Lhe relaLlonshlp lnLoxlcaLlon
AggravaLlng MlLlgaLlng
and Lhe degree of lnsLrucLlon and educaLlon of Lhe
1he alLernaLlve clrcumsLance of relaLlonshlp shall be
Laken lnLo conslderaLlon when Lhe offended parLy ln
Lhe spouse ascendanL descendanL leglLlmaLe naLural
or adopLed broLher or slsLer or relaLlve by afflnlLy ln
Lhe same degrees of Lhe offender

Crlmes agalnsL persons
CommlLLed agalnsL relaLlve of a hlgher degree or of
Lhe same level
Serlous physlcal ln[urles
Pomclde and murder and rape regardless of Lhe
Crlmes agalnsL chasLlLy
Crlmes agalnsL properLy
Crlmes agalnsL persons
CommlLLed agalnsL relaLlve of lower degree
1he lnLoxlcaLlon of Lhe offender shall be Laken lnLo
conslderaLlon as a mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLances when Lhe
offender has commlLLed a felony ln a sLaLe of
lnLoxlcaLlon lf Lhe same ls noL hablLual or subsequenL
Lo Lhe plan Lo commlL sald felony buL when Lhe
lnLoxlcaLlon ls hablLual or lnLenLlonal lL shall be
consldered as an aggravaLlng clrcumsLance
lf hablLual
lf lL ls lnLenLlonal
lf noL hablLual
lf noL subsequenL Lo Lhe plan Lo commlL felony
Lhe degree of lnsLrucLlon and educaLlon of Lhe
When offender Look advanLage of hls learnlng ln
commlLLlng Lhe crlme
Low degree or lack of lL
Cl8CuMS1AnCLS AllLC1lnC C8lMlnAL LlA8lLl1?

l ClasslflcaLlon ln general Lhe clrcumsLances are elLher (l) defenses or (ll) modlfylng clrcumsLances

ll uefenses Lhose whlch lf proven may resulL Lo an acqulLLal of Lhe offender from Lhe crlme charged or lead Lo noncrlmlnal llablllLy 1hey are Lhe reasons advanced
by Lhe accused why he may noL be held crlmlnally llable

1hey are classlfled lnLo Lhe followlng

A As Lo form

1 oslLlve or AfflrmaLlve 1hey are ofLen called defenses ln Lhe naLure of Admlsslon and Avoldance" 1he accused admlLs auLhorshlp of Lhe acL or omlsslon charged
and lmpuLed Lo hlm buL he puLs up maLLers Lo avold crlmlnally llablllLy or whlch wlll resulL Lo hls acqulLLal
All Lhe !usLlfylng LxempLlng and AbsoluLory Causes are AfflrmaLlve defenses

2 negaLlve Lhe accused denles auLhorshlp or havlng performed Lhe acL or omlsslon lmpuLed Lo hlm Lxamples are denlal allbl mlsLaken ldenLlLy

8 As Lo LffecL

1 1oLal or erfecL Lhose Lhe effecL of whlch wlll LoLally exoneraLe Lhe accused Lxample a compleLe [usLlfylng clrcumsLance amnesLy
2 arLlal Lhose whlch are lnLended Lo lessen Lhe llablllLy of Lhe accused 1hey lnclude proof Lhe offense ls a lesser offenses or LhaL lL ls of a lower sLage of execuLlon
LhaL Lhe accused has a lower parLlclpaLlon and ls noL Lhe prlnclpal

C As Lo source

1 Legal Lhose provlded for by sLaLuLes or by Lhe consLlLuLlon lor example prescrlpLlon of crlmes marrlage of Lhe offender and offended pardon double [eopardy
2 lacLual Lhose based on Lhe clrcumsLances of Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme relaLlng Lo Lhe Llme place manner of commlsslon ldenLlflcaLlon of Lhe accused reasons
for Lhe commlsslon lor example allbl self defense lnsanlLy mlsLaken ldenLlLy

lll Modlfylng ClrcumsLances Lhose whlch wlll elLher lncrease or decrease Lhe penalLy 1hey are called mlLlgaLlng or aggravaLlng clrcumsLances

lv ClrcumsLances 8ecognlzed ln Lhe hlllpplnes

1hey are found elLher ln Lhe 8evlsed enal Code Speclal Laws or ln [urlsprudence 1he defenses and modlfylng clrcumsLances governed by Lhe 8C lnclude Lhe

A !usLlfylng ClrcumsLances 1hese are Lhe defenses ln whlch Lhe accused ls deemed Lo have acLed ln accordance wlLh Lhe law and Lherefore Lhe acL ls lawful Slnce
Lhe acL ls lawful lL follows LhaL Lhere ls no crlmlnal no crlmlnal llablllLy and no clvll llablllLy save ln paragraph 4

1 1here ls no mens rea or crlmlnal lnLenL
2 1he clrcumsLances perLaln Lo Lhe acL and noL Lo Lhe acLor Pence all who parLlclpaLed ln Lhe acL wlll be beneflLed 1hus lf Lhe prlnclpal ls acqulLLed Lhere wlll be no
accompllces and accessorles
3 1hese apply only Lo lnLenLlonal felonles noL Lo acLs by omlsslons or Lo culpable felonles or Lo vlolaLlons of speclal laws
4 1hey are llmlLed Lo Lhe 6 enumeraLed ln ArLlcle 11

8 LxempLlng ClrcumsLances 1hese are defenses where Lhe accused commlLLed a crlme buL ls noL crlmlnally llable 1here ls a crlme and Lhere ls clvll llablllLy buL no

1 1he basls ls Lhe lack of any of Lhe elemenLs whlch makes Lhe acL/omlsslon volunLary le freedom lnLelllgence lnLenL or due care
2 1hese defenses perLaln Lo Lhe acLor and noL Lhe acL 1hey are personal Lo Lhe accused ln whom Lhey are presenL and Lhe effecLs do noL exLend Lo Lhe oLher
parLlclpanLs 1hus lf a prlnclpal ls acqulLLed Lhe oLher prlnclpals accessorles and accompllces are sLlll llable
3 1hey apply Lo boLh lnLenLlonal and culpable felonles and Lhey may be avallable ln vlolaLlons of speclal laws
4 1hey are llmlLed Lo Lhe 7 enumeraLed ln ArLlcle 12

C AbsoluLory Causes 1hese are defenses whlch have Lhe same effecLs as Lhe exempLlng clrcumsLances buL Lhey are noL among Lhose enumeraLed ln ArLlcle 12 1hey
are found ln cerLaln ArLlcles of Lhe 8evlsed enal Code or are developed by [urlsprudence

1 1hey are based on publlc pollcy
2 Lxamples of Lhose ln Lhe 8C lnclude nonllablllLy for an aLLempLed felony due Lo volunLary deslsLance ueaLh/hyslcal ln[urles under LxcepLlonal ClrcumsLances
3 1hose recognlzed and developed by [urlsprudence lnclude mlsLake of facL seLup/frame up lnsLlgaLlon

u MlLlgaLlng ClrcumsLances 1hose whlch when presenL resulLs elLher Lo (l) Lhe penalLy belng reduced by aL leasL one degree or (ll) Lhe penalLy shall be lmposed ln lLs
mlnlmum perlod 1hey are Lhose enumeraLed ln ArLlcle 13

L LxLenuaLlng ClrcumsLances 1hose whlch have Lhe same effecL as mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLances buL are noL among Lhose enumeraLed ln ArLlcle 13 buL are provlded for
ln cerLaln arLlcles of Lhe 8C and apply only Lo cerLaln felonles 1hey are called Speclal MlLlgaLlng ClrcumsLances"
1 Lxamples AbandonmenL ln case of adulLery 8elease of Lhe vlcLlm wlLhln 3 days wlLh Lhe purpose noL aLLalned ln Lhe felony of SllghL lllegal ueLenLlon
l AggravaLlng ClrcumsLances 1hose whlch when presenL wlll resulL elLher Lo (l) a change ln Lhe naLure of Lhe offense as Lo make lL more serlous and resulL Lo Lhe
lmposlLlon of a hlgher penalLy (ll) Lhe penalLy belng lmposed ln lLs maxlmum perlod 1hey are provlde for by Lhe 8evlsed enal Code as well as by speclal laws
C AlLernaLlve ClrcumsLances Lhose whlch may elLher be appreclaLed as mlLlgaLlng or aggravaLlng 1hey are enumeraLed ln ArLlcle 13 of Lhe 8C

lv 8aslc 8ules on AfflrmaLlve uefenses

A !usLlfylng ClrcumsLances LxempLlng ClrcumsLances and AbsoluLory Causes are recognlzed as AfflrmaLlve uefenses
8 Slnce Lhe accused has admlLLed auLhorshlp of Lhe acL or omlsslon lL's noL anymore necessary for Lhe prosecuLlon Lo prove hls parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe commlsslon of
Lhe crlme or hls ldenLlLy hence Lhere may be a revere order of Lrlal ln LhaL lL wlll be Lhe accused who wlll be Lhe flrsL Lo presenL hls evldence
C lL ls lncumbenL upon Lhe accused Lo prove hls defense by" clear poslLlve and convlnclng evldence" and hls convlcLlon ls noL LhaL Lhe prosecuLlon falled Lo prove hls
gullL buL LhaL he was unable Lo prove hls defense
CCnS1l1u1lCnAL uLlLnSLS
l uefenses based on a vlolaLlon of Lhe uue rocess Clause
A 1he SLaLuLe ls vClulC8 vACuLnLSS 8lnClLL
1 uue rocess requlres LhaL Lhe Lerms of a penal sLaLuLe musL be sufflclenLly expllclL Lo lnform Lhose who are sub[ecL Lo lL whaL conducL on Lhelr parL wlll render
Lhem llable Lo lLs penalLles
2 1he uocLrlne LhaL a penal sLaLuLe ls unconsLlLuLlonal lf lL does noL reasonably a person on noLlce as Lo whaL Lhe person may noL do or whaL Lhe person ls requlred
Lo do As a rule a sLaLue maybe sald Lo be vague when lL lacks comprehenslble sLandards LhaL men of common lnLelllgence musL necessarlly guess aL lLs meanlng and
dlffer as Lo lLs appllcaLlon" lL ls repugnanL Lo Lhe consLlLuLlon ln Lwo aspecLs (a) lL vlolaLes due process for fallure Lo accord persons especlally Lhe parLles LargeLed by
lL falr noLlce of Lhe conducL Lo avold and (b) lL leaves law enforcers unbrldled dlscreLlon ln carrylng ouL lLs provlslons and become an arblLrary flexlng of Lhe
governmenL muscle
3 Powever an acL wlll be declared vold and lnoperaLlve on Lhe ground of vagueness and uncerLalnLy only upon a showlng LhaL Lhe defecL ls such LhaL Lhe courLs are
unable Lo deLermlne wlLhln any reasonable degree of cerLalnLy whaL Lhe leglslaLure lnLended

Lxample An ordlnance of Lhe ClLy of ClnclnnaLl LhaL made lL lllegal for Lhree or more persons Lo assemble on any sldewalk and Lhere conducL Lhemselves ln a
manner annoylng Lo persons passlng by"
8 vClu lC8 CvL888LAu1P ( Cverbroad) 8lnClLL
1 A penal sLaLue ls unconsLlLuLlonal lf lLs language ls so broad LhaL lL unnecessary lnLerferes wlLh Lhe exerclse of consLlLuLlonal rlghLs even Lhough Lhe purpose ls Lo
prohlblL acLlvlLles LhaL Lhe governmenL may consLlLuLlonally prohlblL
2 A sLaLuLe ls overbroad where lL operaLes Lo lnhlblL Lhe exerclse of lndlvldual freedoms guaranLeed by Lhe consLlLuLlon such as Lhe freedom of rellglon or speech
When lL lncludes wlLhln lLs coverage noL only unproLecLed acLlvlLy buL also acLlvlLy proLecLed by Lhe consLlLuLlon
3 1hls prlnclple applles more Lo felonles or offenses whlch confllcL wlLh Lhe freedom of expresslon and assoclaLlon such as prosecuLlon for llbel lnclLlng Lo rebelllon
or sedlLlon and vlolaLlon of Lhe LlecLlon Code

Lxample ln Adlong s CCMLLLC ( 207 SC8A 712) Lhe courL declared as vold LhaL porLlon of Lhe LlecLlon Code prohlblLlng Lhe posLlng of elecLlon propaganda ln any
placelncludlng prlvaLe vehlcles oLher Lhan ln Lhe deslgnaLed common posLer area
C vClu lC8 LACk Cl u8LlCl1?
1 1he enal SLaLue was noL publlclzed ln Lhe manner provlded for by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon such as publlcaLlon ln a newspaper of general clrculaLlon or ln Lhe Cfflclal
CazeLLe Pence Lhere ls no consLrucLlve noLe Lo Lhe publlc and Lhe prlnclple LhaL lgnoranLla legls nemenem excusaL" wlll noL apply
ll uefenses 8ased on Lhe Lqual roLecLlon Clause
A ulSC8lMlnA1C8? Anu SLLLC1lvL ALlCA1lCn
1 A enal Law musL apply Lo all persons who are ln Lhe same or slmllar slLuaLlon
2 A sLaLuLe nondlscrlmlnaLory on lLs face maybe grossly dlscrlmlnaLory ln lLs operaLlon 1hough Lhe law lLself be falr on lLs face and lmparLlal ln appearance yeL lf lL ls
applled and admlnlsLered by publlc auLhorlLy wlLh an evll eye and unequal hand so as Lo make un[usL and lllegal dlscrlmlnaLlons beLween persons ln slmllar
clrcumsLances maLerlal Lo Lhelr rlghLs Lhere ls denlal of equal [usLlce and ls prohlblLed
3 Powever Lhe prosecuLlon of one gullLy person whlle oLhers equally gullLy are noL prosecuLed ls noL by lLself a denlal of Lhe equal proLecLlon of Lhe laws 1here
musL be presenL an elemenL of "clear and lnLenLlonal or purposeful dlscrlmlnaLlon" on Lhe parL of Lhe prosecuLlng offlclals
Mallclous rosecuLlon

ueflnlLlon A clvll case for damages broughL afLer Lhe dlsmlssal of a crlmlnal prosecuLlon clvll sulL or oLher proceedlng for havlng been flled mallclously and wlLhouL
probable cause

lL ls a cause of acLlon ls lL alleges
1) 1haL Lhe defendanL was hlmself Lhe prosecuLor or aL leasL lnsLlgaLed Lhe prosecuLlon
2) 1haL Lhe prosecuLlon flnally LermlnaLed ln Lhe acqulLLal of Lhe plalnLlff
3) 1haL ln brlnglng Lhe acLlon Lhe defendanL acLed wlLhouL probable cause and
4) 1haL Lhe defendanL was acLuaLed by mallce le slnlsLer or lmproper moLlves

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