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Competency-Based Rubric for 3R's Project

Criteria Excellent (4) Proficient (3) Basic (2) Below Basic (1)

1. Understanding of 3R's (Reduce, Demonstrates thorough understanding Shows clear understanding of 3R's Displays some understanding of 3R's Shows limited understanding of 3R's
Reuse, Recycle) Concepts of 3R's principles and their importance. concepts and their relevance. concepts, but lacks depth. concepts.

Provides comprehensive information on

Presents clear information on the Offers basic information on the Presents limited or inaccurate
2. Presentation of Importance of the significance of recycling in Belize,
importance of recycling in Belize with importance of recycling in Belize, information on the importance of
Recycling in Belize including relevant statistics and
supporting evidence. lacking in depth or clarity. recycling in Belize.

Offers innovative and practical

Provides alternative suggestions for Provides minimal or no alternative
alternative suggestions for waste Offers some alternative suggestions for
3. Alternative Suggestions and waste reduction and showcases a suggestions for waste reduction and
reduction and showcases a creatively waste reduction and presents a recycled
Recycled Creation recycled creation with sufficient presents a recycled creation with little
made recycled creation with detailed creation, but lacks detail in explanation.
explanation. to no explanation.


Poster design is visually appealing, well-Poster design is visually appealing and Poster design is somewhat visually Poster design is visually unappealing
4. Poster Design organized, and effectively effectively communicates the 3R's appealing but lacks organization or and does not effectively communicate
communicates the 3R's message. message. clarity. the 3R's message.

Presentation trifold board is creatively Presentation trifold board is adequately Presentation trifold board is poorly
Presentation trifold board is well-
designed, engaging, and effectively designed but lacks creativity or fails to designed and does not effectively
5. Presentation Trifold Board designed and effectively conveys the
conveys the importance of recycling in fully convey the importance of convey the importance of recycling in
importance of recycling in Belize.
Belize. recycling in Belize. Belize.

Communication is clear, concise, and Communication is mostly clear and Communication is somewhat clear but Communication is unclear and fails to
6. Clarity of Communication effectively conveys ideas to the effectively conveys ideas to the may lack conciseness or coherence at effectively convey ideas to the
audience. audience. times. audience.

Presents an eye-catching slogan or Presents a slogan or punch line, but it

Presents a catchy slogan or punch line Does not present a slogan or punch line,
7. Slogan or Punch Line punch line that effectively encapsulates may lack memorability or relevance to
that relates to the 3R's message. or it is irrelevant to the 3R's message.
the 3R's message. the 3R's message.

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