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Criteria Exceeds Mastery (4) Mastery (3) Approaching (2) Developing Mastery (1) No Evidence (0)

The product is robust, does

The product is exceptionally
not easily fall apart after The product is somewhat The product lacks There is no evidence
robust, exhibiting superior
Robustness and use, and demonstrates sturdy but may exhibit robustness and may show of the product's
craftsmanship and durability.
Durability good craftsmanship. It is some weakness in signs of instability or durability or
It is built to last and shows
well-made and exhibits construction or durability. weakness in construction. craftsmanship.
meticulous attention to detail.

The product creatively

The product demonstrates The product shows some The product's approach to
addresses environmental There is no evidence
exceptional creativity in creativity in addressing solving environmental
Creative Problem issues, showcasing of creative problem-
addressing environmental environmental concerns, but problems is limited or lacks
Solving alternative uses of PET solving in the
problems, offering innovative the solutions are somewhat creativity, offering only
bottles in a novel and product.
and thoughtful solutions. predictable or lack depth. conventional solutions.
considerate manner.

The product is meticulously

The product is well-thought- The product appears to be The product's planning and
planned and executed,
out and executed, with somewhat planned and execution are inadequate, There is no evidence
showing evidence of thorough
Planning and evidence of thoughtful executed, but there are showing signs of rushed or of planning or
thinking and foresight. It is
Execution planning. It is not rushed indications of last-minute haphazard construction. execution in the
completed with ample time
and reflects the students' work or insufficient There is limited evidence of product.
and demonstrates high-level
thinking skills. planning. critical thinking.
thinking skills.

Fails to meet the minimum

Exceeds the minimum Utilizes fewer than the
Meets the minimum requirement of 50 PET coke
requirement by a significant minimum required number There is no evidence
Quantity of PET requirement of at least 50 bottles per student,
margin, showcasing an of PET bottles per student, of PET bottle usage in
Bottles PET coke bottles per resulting in a significant
extensive use of PET bottles but still incorporates some the product.
student. shortfall in recycled material
per student. recycled materials.

The product utilizes some

The product is primarily
The product is made recyclable materials, but The product relies heavily There is no
constructed using recyclable
predominantly from there are instances of non- on non-recyclable materials, consideration for cost-
Cost-Effectiveness materials, and the overall
recyclable materials, and the recyclable or costly and the project's cost is effectiveness or
and Material project cost is minimal,
project's cost is reasonable, components. The project's significant, potentially material
Consciousness ensuring that it does not pose
considering the cost may be somewhat placing a financial strain on consciousness evident
a financial burden on group
conservation efforts. burdensome on group group members. in the product.

Some group members

All group members actively Most group members Few group members are
participate in either bottle
contribute to both bottle participate in bottle involved in bottle collection There is no evidence
collection or model
Collaboration and collection and model collection and model or model construction, of collaboration or
construction, but there are
Group Involvement construction, demonstrating construction, showing indicating poor group involvement in
instances of unequal
effective collaboration and reasonable collaboration collaboration and minimal the project.
participation or lack of
teamwork. and cooperation. teamwork.

The product fulfills its The product fulfills its The product does not
intended purpose intended purpose The product partially fulfills effectively fulfill its intended
There is no evidence
exceptionally well , effectively, demonstrating its intended purpose, purpose, lacking practicality
of the product's
Functionality and demonstrating practicality and practicality and functionality showing some practicality and functionality in real-
functionality or
Practicality functionality in real-world in real-world applications. It and functionality, but may world applications. It
practicality in real-
applications. It effectively adequately addresses the have limitations in real- inadequately addresses the
world applications.
addresses the identified identified environmental world applications. identified environmental
environmental problem. problem. problem.

The product demonstrates a The product has some

The product has minimal
significant positive The product has a positive environmental impact, but
environmental impact and
environmental impact, environmental impact, there are missed There is no
may inadvertently
Environmental minimizing energy considering factors such as opportunities to optimize consideration for the
contribute to energy
Impact consumption, reducing carbon energy efficiency, carbon energy efficiency, reduce environmental impact
consumption, carbon
footprint, and effectively footprint, and waste carbon footprint, or of the product.
emissions, or waste
contributing to waste reduction. enhance waste reduction
reduction efforts. efforts.

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