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A deficiency arises if there is a lack of one or more minerals.

Deficiencies usually develop slowly, and increase in severity if not addressed. In the early stages, symptoms can be so mild that they are not detected. When symptoms become obvious, health may have been affected for some time. Calcium Mineral Deficiency Symptoms Mineral deficiency symptoms may include :: osteoporosis, characterized by brittle, porous bones and frequent bone fractures; impaired bone mineralization which, in children, can cause rickets (bone softening) which may lead to bone deformities, fractures, or stunted growth; osteomalacia (bone softening) in adults; loss of bone mineralization in the jaw; tooth decay or periodontal disease; higher levels of lead in bones and teeth; brittle or misshapened nails; rheumatoid arthritis that leads to joint swelling and pain; heart palpitations or abnormal heart rhythms; risk of hypertension (high blood pressure); higher cholesterol levels; insomnia; lethargy or chronic fatigue; poor appetite; severe deficiency can cause excessive nerve activity that leads to spasmodic contractions of skeletal muscles, symptomized by tingling fingers, toes or lips, numbness in arms or legs, and muscle pain or severe muscular cramps or spasms. Chloride Mineral Deficiency Symptoms Mineral deficiency symptoms may include :: loss of appetite; muscle weakness; lethargy; dehydration; deficiency leads to alkalosis, a condition in which body fluids have excess base (alkali), that can result in dangerously high blood pH and excessive loss of potassium in urine (which in turn causes hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis with symptoms that include loss of control of muscle function which might lead to breathing and swallowing difficulties). Chromium Mineral Deficiency Symptoms Mineral deficiency symptoms may include :: insulin resistance or glucose intolerance, which affects the ability of insulin to regulate blood sugar; leads to high blood sugar levels that may result in type 2 diabetes in older people; elevated blood insulin levels (hyperinsulinemia); high LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol levels, and/or high triglyceride levels; high blood pressure. Copper Mineral Deficiency Symptoms Mineral deficiency symptoms may include :: among the earliest symptoms are osteoporosis, osteopenia (lower bone mineral density than normal, but not as low as for osteoporosis) and joint problems; retarded growth or abnormalities in bone development in infants and young children; anemia that is characterized by lack of improvement with iron therapy alone; loss of skin or hair color; impaired immune function that may lead to frequent infections; impaired nerve function that may lead to lower taste sensitivity and lack of physical coordination; inelastic blood vessels that rupture easily; elevated LDL (bad) cholesterol and lower HDL (good) cholesterol levels; irregular heart beat; breathing difficulties; fatigue and weakness; skin sores; hypothyroidism; Menkes disease that occurs mostly in male infants, characterized by sparse greyish or colorless twisted hair, and floppy muscle tone.

Fluoride Mineral Deficiency Symptoms Mineral deficiency symptoms may include :: badly formed or weak teeth or increase in tooth cavities; brittle or weak bones; fractured hips in the elderly. Iodine Mineral Deficiency Symptoms Mineral deficiency symptoms may include :: goiter characterized by an enlarged thyroid gland which may cause a choking feeling or difficulty with breathing and swallowing; hypothyroidism (under-production of thyroid hormones) which can lead to brittle dry hair, hair loss, brittle nails, coarse dry pale skin, anemia, intolerance to cold, fatigue or weakness, depression, irritability, poor memory, weight gain, muscle or joint pain, constipation, decreased libido, abnormal menstrual cycles; impaired immune system; hearing loss in children; severe deficiency during pregnancy, breastfeeding or infancy can lead to neuro-cognitive defects in the baby, and problems with growth, speech and hearing; a particularly severe form of it is cretinism, characterized by brain damage or major mental retardation, speech problems, hearing loss, apathy, spasticity, and stunted growth; even mild iodine deficiency during pregnancy can hamper growth of the child's brain, and lead to low intelligence; congenital hypothyroidism is the most common cause of mental retardation in children. Iron Mineral Deficiency Symptoms Mineral deficiency symptoms may include :: iron-deficiency anemia, with symptoms that may include headaches, dizziness, irritability, pale skin, cold hands and feet, lack of energy, rapid heartbeat, low immune function, brittle nails, shortness of breath, sore or inflamed tongue or mouth, lack of appetite, blood in stools, restless legs syndrome; food cravings for inedible items such as ice, paint, starch, clay, or dirt; increased intestinal inflammation or irritation; depression or apathy; insomnia or disturbed sleep; decrease in ability to concentrate; impaired mental skills that can affect memory and job performance; learning disabilities and short attention spans in children; irregular menstrual periods; brittle hair; hair loss; nails that are spoon-shaped or that have ridges running lengthwise; increased the risk of lead poisoning in children. Magnesium Mineral Deficiency Symptoms Mineral deficiency symptoms may include :: overactivation of nerve and muscle impulses, leading to tremors or hyperexcitability or irritability and nervousness; muscle weakness, twitching or spasm, cramp, fatigue; mental confusion, disorientation, or apathy; affects calcium metabolism, leading to low blood levels of calcium, and softening and weakening of bones; low blood levels of potassium; increased risk of stroke; elevated blood pressure; insulin resistance linked to blood sugar imbalances and type 2 diabetes; loss of appetite, headaches, nausea, vomiting; studies show migraine sufferers tend to have lower magnesium levels; depression; disturbed sleep or insomnia or sleepiness; poor memory and reduced learning ability; increased heartbeat or abnormal heart rhythms; severe deficiency can lead to muscle contractions, tingling or numbness; severe deficiency can also cause seizures, delirium and hallucinations; some studies showed children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) tended to

have mild magnesium deficiency; magnesium given in addition to ADHD medication appeared to decrease hyperactivity. Manganese Mineral Deficiency Symptoms Mineral deficiency symptoms may include :: nausea or dizziness; vomiting; skin rash; hearing loss; iron-deficiency anemia, due to manganese's role in iron utilization; high blood sugar levels (impaired glucose tolerance); blood cholesterol levels that are too low; impaired bone growth or skeletal abnormalities, especially in children; excessive bone loss and weak hair and nails; loss of hair colour; defective functioning of the reproductive system; severe deficiency in infants can cause convulsions, and even paralysis, blindness and deafness. Molybdenum Mineral Deficiency Symptoms Mineral deficiency symptoms may include :: increased respiratory or heart rate; night blindness; mouth and gum disorders; sexual impotence in older males; sulfite sensitivity. Phosphorus Mineral Deficiency Symptoms Mineral deficiency symptoms may include :: poor bone formation and growth; rickets (bone softening) in children; osteomalacia (bone softening) in adults; numbness and tingling in the hands and feet; difficulty walking; increased susceptibility to infection; fatigue or muscle weakness; anemia; loss of appetite and changes to weight. Potassium Mineral Deficiency Symptoms Mineral deficiency symptoms may include :: confusion or irritability; fatigue due to decrease in glycogen stored; muscle weakness or twitching or spasms; breakdown of muscle fibres; leg or other muscle cramps; muscular paralysis (in cases of severe potassium deficiency coupled with excessive thyroid hormones in the blood); shortness of breath or poor lung function, and even lung paralysis in serious cases; abnormal heart rhythms; intestinal paralysis leading to constipation. Selenium Mineral Deficiency Symptoms Mineral deficiency symptoms may include :: weaker immune system leading to susceptibility to stress and illnesses; greater incidence of cancer, especially gynaecological, gastrointestinal, esophageal, lung, and prostate cancer; rheumatoid arthritis patients tend to have low blood levels of selenium; elevated blood pressure; risk of atherosclerosis leading to heart or coronary artery disease; impaired thyroid function (a common symptom of this deficiency) leading to hypothyroidism symptomized by lethargy, fatigue, intolerance to cold, depression, constipation, weight gain, heavy menstruation, dry skin, and hair loss; loose skin; hair or skin discoloration; whitened fingernail beds; Keshan disease (heart disorder characterized by inflamed heart muscles); Kashin-Beck disease (disabling disease of bones and joints, characterized by stunted growth, bone deterioration, and deformity of joints); severe deficiency coupled with malnutrition can cause muscle breakdown characterized by pain or weakness in the muscles.

Sodium Mineral Deficiency Symptoms Mineral deficiency symptoms may include :: dehydration; low blood sugar; heart palpitations; muscle cramps; weakness or lethargy; confusion or disorientation; slurred speech; nausea; seizures, coma, or death in extreme cases if left untreated. Zinc Mineral Deficiency Symptoms Mineral deficiency symptoms may include :: impaired sense of smell and taste; impaired immune function; susceptibility to pneumonia and other infections in malnourished children and the elderly; skin ulcers; slow wound healing; retarded growth in infants and children; delayed sexual maturation; hypogonadism in males (where the body does not produce enough testosterone hormone); impotence; reduced thryoid hormone output; lowered glucose tolerance with increased risk of diabetes; decreased metabolic rate; mental lethargy; depression; lack of appetite; unexplained weight loss; diarrhea; hair loss; skin rashes or skin lesions; eye lesions; night blindness.

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