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WEEK -3rd

1. To Continue Observation with Proper questionnaire showing

reliability, validity and objectivity.

Continuing observation with a proper questionnaire that shows reliability, validity, and objectivity
is an essential activity to improve teaching practices in schools. Here are some steps to
organize this activity:

● Identify the observation criteria: Identify the key areas of teaching that need to be
observed, such as classroom management, instructional strategies, student
engagement, and assessment practices. Develop a list of criteria that will be used to
assess each of these areas.

● Develop the questionnaire: Develop a questionnaire that captures the key criteria
identified in step one. The questionnaire should include both open-ended and
closed-ended questions and should be designed to be easy to use and understand.

● Pilot test the questionnaire: Before using the questionnaire on a large scale, pilot test
it with a small group of teachers to ensure that it is reliable, valid, and objective. Adjust
the questionnaire as needed based on feedback from the pilot test.

● Train the observers: Train the observers who will use the questionnaire to ensure that
they are familiar with the criteria and can accurately assess each area of teaching.

● Conduct the observations: Schedule the observations and have the observers use the
questionnaire to assess the teachers. Observers should take detailed notes during the
observation to provide specific feedback to the teachers.

● Provide feedback: After the observations, provide the teachers with feedback on their
performance, highlighting their strengths and areas for improvement. Provide concrete
suggestions for improvement that the teachers can implement in their future lessons.

● Use the data to improve teaching practices: Use the data collected from the
observations to identify areas where teachers need support and to develop professional
development workshops to address these areas. Share the data with the teachers and
administrators to encourage them to reflect on their practice and make improvements.

By continuing observation with a proper questionnaire that shows reliability, validity, and
objectivity, teachers can receive regular feedback on their performance and make improvements
to their teaching practices. This activity will help teachers to develop their skills and provide
high-quality instruction to their students. Additionally, this activity can help school administrators
to identify areas where teachers need support and to develop targeted professional
development workshops that will benefit all teachers in the school.
2. To Delivery of Twenty lessons in selected subjects or Pedagogy of
School Subject.

The delivery of twenty lessons in selected subjects or pedagogy of school subject is an

excellent school engagement activity that can help teachers improve their teaching skills and
provide students with high-quality instruction. Here are some steps to organize this activity:

● Select the subjects or pedagogy: Identify the subjects or pedagogy that will be the
focus of the twenty lessons. This could include core academic subjects such as math,
science, English, or social studies, or pedagogy topics such as classroom management,
assessment strategies, or differentiated instruction.

● Develop a lesson plan: Develop a detailed lesson plan for each of the twenty lessons.
Each lesson plan should include clear objectives, learning activities, assessment
strategies, and materials needed for the lesson.

● Deliver the lessons: Deliver the twenty lessons to a group of students or teachers.
During the lesson, use a variety of instructional strategies such as lectures, discussions,
group work, and hands-on activities to engage students and promote learning.

● Reflect on the lessons: After delivering each lesson, take time to reflect on the
experience. Consider what worked well and what could be improved for future lessons.
Use this reflection to make adjustments to the lesson plan and instructional strategies.

● Evaluate the lessons: Evaluate the effectiveness of the twenty lessons by collecting
feedback from students or teachers who participated in the lessons. Use this feedback to
identify areas where improvements can be made and to refine the lesson plans for future

● Share the lessons with others: Share the lesson plans and instructional strategies with
other teachers in the school or district. This will help to spread best practices and
improve teaching and learning across the school community.

By delivering twenty lessons in selected subjects or pedagogy of school subject, teachers can
improve their teaching skills and provide students with high-quality instruction. This activity will
help teachers to develop their pedagogical skills, experiment with new instructional strategies,
and receive feedback from students or teachers. Additionally, sharing the lessons with others
will help to spread best practices and improve teaching and learning across the school
3. To Maintain School Library Records and interaction with librarian
related their work.

Maintaining school library records and interacting with the librarian is an important school
engagement activity that can help teachers and students make the most of the resources
available in the library. Here are some steps to organize this activity:

● Meet with the librarian: Meet with the school librarian to discuss their work and learn
more about the library's collection, policies, and procedures. Ask the librarian for
guidance on how to maintain library records and interact with library users.

● Organize library records: Organize the library records by creating a system to track
borrowing and returning of books, cataloging new acquisitions, and updating the library's
online catalog. Ensure that the system is easy to use and accessible to all library users.

● Promote library use: Encourage students to use the library by creating displays of new
books, organizing book clubs, and promoting library events. Encourage teachers to
incorporate library resources into their lesson plans and provide guidance on how to use
the library effectively.

● Collaborate with the librarian: Collaborate with the librarian to develop programs that
promote reading and literacy. This could include author visits, reading challenges, or
book fairs.

● Evaluate library use: Evaluate the library use by collecting feedback from students and
teachers. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and to make adjustments
to the library's collection, policies, and procedures.

By maintaining school library records and interacting with the librarian, teachers and students
can make the most of the resources available in the library. This activity will help teachers to
promote library use and develop programs that promote reading and literacy. Additionally,
evaluating library use will help to identify areas for improvement and make adjustments to the
library's collection, policies, and procedures.
4. To aware students about physical Fitness, Exercise, Yoga etc.

To raise awareness among students about physical fitness, exercise, yoga, and other related
topics, here are some school engagement activities that can be organized:

● Organize fitness sessions: Arrange fitness sessions in the school, led by trained
professionals, to teach students about different exercises and techniques to stay
physically fit. These sessions could include yoga, aerobics, strength training, and other
types of workouts.

● Encourage sports participation: Encourage students to participate in sports activities

such as football, basketball, cricket, volleyball, and other games that promote physical
fitness. Create a sports culture in the school by organizing inter-school and intra-school
sports tournaments, which will provide students with opportunities to showcase their

● Conduct fitness assessments: Conduct fitness assessments of students to evaluate

their fitness levels and track their progress over time. Use tools such as BMI, endurance
tests, and flexibility tests to assess their fitness levels.

● Organize health-related workshops: Conduct workshops for students that cover topics
such as nutrition, healthy eating habits, and lifestyle changes that can promote good
health. Invite health professionals, nutritionists, and fitness experts to speak to the

● Promote healthy lifestyle habits: Educate students about the importance of leading a
healthy lifestyle by promoting habits such as drinking plenty of water, getting enough
sleep, avoiding junk food, and reducing screen time.

By organizing these school engagement activities, teachers can help raise awareness among
students about physical fitness, exercise, yoga, and other related topics. This will encourage
students to lead a healthy lifestyle and promote their overall well-being.
5. To Know about different labs in School (Maintenance, Structure of
Labs, Equipment/apparatus available in labs etc.)

To help students become familiar with the different labs in the school, here are some
engagement activities that can be organized:

● Lab tours: Conduct a lab tour for the students to give them an idea of the different labs
in the school. This can include the science lab, computer lab, language lab, and other
specialized labs such as physics, chemistry, and biology.

● Lab equipment showcase: Set up a display of lab equipment and apparatus used in
the different labs of the school. This can be a hands-on activity where students can
touch and feel the equipment and learn about their uses.

● Maintenance and structure of labs: Explain to the students the importance of

maintaining the labs and the measures taken to keep the labs in good condition. Show
them the equipment used for maintenance, such as cleaning supplies and how they are

● Interactive lab sessions: Conduct interactive sessions in the labs where students can
perform small experiments, solve puzzles, or conduct simple simulations. This will give
them a chance to use the equipment and understand the concepts taught in class.

● Guest lectures: Invite experts to give guest lectures on various topics related to labs,
such as lab safety, lab techniques, and career opportunities in the field of science and

By organizing these school engagement activities, teachers can help students become more
familiar with the different labs in the school and develop an interest in science and technology.
This will encourage them to explore further and pursue careers in these fields.
6. To organise Sports / Indigenous Sports (Kho-kho, kabaddi etc.)

Organizing sports and indigenous games can be a great way to engage students and promote
physical fitness. Here are some engagement activities that can be organized:

● Sports tournaments: Organize tournaments for popular sports such as football,

basketball, volleyball, and cricket. Students can form teams and compete against each
other. The winning team can be awarded prizes.

● Indigenous sports events: Organize events for indigenous sports such as Kho-Kho,
Kabaddi, and Langdi. These games promote teamwork, strategy, and physical fitness.

● Sports day: Organize a sports day where students can participate in various athletic
events such as sprints, long jumps, high jumps, and relays. This can be a fun-filled day
with music, food, and prizes.

● Yoga and meditation: Organize yoga and meditation sessions to promote physical and
mental well-being. These sessions can be conducted by trained professionals who can
guide students through various yoga poses and meditation techniques.

● Health and nutrition workshops: Conduct workshops on health and nutrition to

educate students on the importance of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. These
workshops can be conducted by nutritionists and health experts.

By organizing these school engagement activities, teachers can promote physical fitness,
teamwork, and healthy lifestyle habits among students. These activities also provide a platform
for students to showcase their talents and develop their leadership and organizational skills.

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