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To engage students in researching and presenting local history through the creation of a mini museum

Materials Needed:

1. Access to library resources, internet, or local historical society for research.

2. Poster boards or cardboard for exhibit displays.
3. Art supplies such as markers, colored pencils, glue, scissors, etc.
4. Printed images or photographs of local historical sites, events, and figures.
5. Labels and descriptive texts for each exhibit.
6. Optional: artifacts or replicas representing local history.

Step 1

 Select a specific local (place, region, community).

 Research significant events, key figures, cultural practices, industries, landmarks, etc. Utilize
various resources to gather information, including books, articles, interviews, and online archives.
1. Socio Cultural Practices
2. Economic Activity/ Livelihood
3. Landmarks
 Highlight the history of the local.

Step 2

 Discuss the layout, design, and organization of the exhibit space.

 Presentation of findings, could be through timelines, maps, photographs, or interactive elements.
Significantly, incorporate visuals, text, and any artifacts or replicas. Note: You may utilize the use
of technology.
 Write descriptive texts or labels for each exhibit display. These should provide context and
information about the historical significance of the subject matter.

Step 3

 Set up your mini museum at the old function hall on May 3 at 1 p.m.

Step 4

 Each group must have 3 curators.

 The three curators will be given a maximum of 5 minutes to present the importance of preserving
and sharing their community's heritage.
Exemplary Satisfactory Unacceptable
Criteria Proficient (18) Good (15) Improvement
(20) (10) (3)

Comprehensive Substantial
research on research Basic research
socio-cultural evident but completed
Adequate No evident
practices, may rely with minimal Little research
research but research or
Research economic heavily on source variety. evident. Relies
lacks in variety relies solely on
Depth activities, and certain types Limited on very limited
or depth of unverified
landmarks. of sources. integration of sources.
sources. sources.
Uses a wide Good variety gathered
range of sources and integration information.
effectively. of information.

Findings are
presented in a
are creative Some
highly creative, Limited
and well- creativity is Presentation is
visually organization Presentation is
organized with shown in organized but
Presentation of appealing, and and minimal disorganized,
visuals and presentation lacks visual
Findings interactive visual or with little to no
text that with adequate appeal or
manner, textual visuals or text.
effectively use of visuals interactivity.
enhancing support.
communicate and text.

Innovative use
Effective use Adequate use Basic use of
of technology to No use or
of technology of technology technology; Minimal and
Use of present inappropriate
that enhances that supports may enhance ineffective use
Technology information and use of
the the aspects of the of technology.
engage the technology.
presentation. presentation. presentation.

an exceptional Demonstrates
Good Adequate
understanding substantial
understanding understanding Limited Lack of
of the understanding
Understanding of local of local understanding understanding
community's and articulates
of Local heritage with heritage but of local of local
heritage and the importance
Heritage some may lack clear heritage and its heritage and its
clearly of heritage
articulation of articulation of importance. importance.
articulates the preservation
its importance. its importance.
importance of well.

The exhibit is
exceptionally The exhibit is The exhibit
Limited The exhibit
creative and creative and Creatively shows some
creativity lacks creativity
Creativity of innovative, well-designed, designed creativity but
evident in the and fails to
the Mini significantly making exhibit with may lack
exhibit's effectively
Museum enhancing the effective use adequate use innovation or
design and convey the
learning of materials of materials. effective
execution. subject matter.
experience for and space. design.
the audience.

Presentation Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is Presentation Presentation is Presentation is

Exemplary Satisfactory Unacceptable
Criteria Proficient (18) Good (15) Improvement
(20) (10) (3)

clear and
engaging, clear,
effectively conveys incoherent,
and well-paced, unclear and
communicates mostly clear information rushed, or
with poorly paced,
ideas, with with adequate but may lack entirely
Skills exceptional use with minimal
good pacing and clarity, pacing, scripted with
of language and audience
interaction interaction. or no audience
interaction with interaction.
with the engagement. interaction.
the audience.

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