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A) In terms of sustainability, I think JQ and his leadership faced the following

considerations and trade-offs:

1) Environmental factors: One trade-off Coca-Cola faces, is trying the balance the

environmental impact they have with them trying to maintain cost effectiveness.

While they have made considerable efforts to manage their negative impact on the

environment, there is a considerable impact this would have on their costs. To manage

this trade-off, they need to ensure their efforts are reflecting on long-term benefits.

They also need to explore more innovative options such as biodegradable packaging


2) Managing the trade-off between the health impacts and high levels of sugar on their

customers and their product portfolio.

B) The pandemic affected the efforts that Coca-Cola made for sustainability. The distribution

and accessibility during the COVID-19 pandemic made it hard for Coca-Cola to manage their

plans for sustainability such as collecting and recycling plastic bottles. During the pandemic,

people also became a lot more health-conscious which would have impacted their portfolio.

Coca-Cola can accelerate progress and profitability while achieving a positive social or

environmental impact by continuing to diversify its product portfolio and focus more on

healthy options, which not only means sugar-free products but products that are good for

your health, and using substitutes like stevia instead of aspartame. They should also focus

more on innovative packaging and instead of focusing on trying to recycle, they should

ensure that their products are bio-degradable. They can also facilitate more tie-ups with

government agencies and NGOs to push forward their agenda of positive social impact.

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