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country_event = {

id = 9990001
title = "EVTNAME9990001"
desc = "EVTDESC9990001"
picture = "confederation"

trigger = {
tag = EIC
is_vassal = yes
OR = {
BUR = {
any_core = {
owned_by = ENG
CHI = {
any_core = {
owned_by = ENG
PNJ = {
any_core = {
owned_by = ENG

mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 1

option = {
name = "EVT9990010OPTA"
ENG = {
any_owned = {
limit = {
is_core = BUR
is_overseas = yes
secede_province = THIS
any_owned = {
limit = {
is_core = PNJ
is_overseas = yes
secede_province = THIS
any_owned = {
limit = {
is_core = CHI
is_overseas = yes
secede_province = THIS

country_event = {
id = 9990002
title = "EVTNAME9990008"
desc = "EVTDESC9990002"
picture = "deliberation"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "EVT9990008OPTA"
FROM = {
country_event = 9990003

option = {
name = "EVT9990008OPTB"
FROM = {
country_event = 9990004
ai_chance = { factor = 1 }

country_event = {
id = 9990003
title = "EVTNAME9990003"
desc = "EVTDESC9990003"
picture = "deliberation"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "EVTDESC9990003"
release_vassal = EIC
clr_global_flag = eic_spawned
war = {
target = EIC
attacker_goal = {
casus_belli = civil_war
defender_goal = {
casus_belli = status_quo
call_ally = yes
set_global_flag = war_with_EIC

country_event = {
id = 9990004
title = "EVTNAME9990004"
desc = "EVTDESC9990004"
picture = "deliberation"

is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = "EVT9990010OPTA"
clr_global_flag = eic_spawned
any_country = {
limit = { vassal_of = EIC }
neutrality = yes
EIC = { civilized = no }
inherit = EIC
treasury = 100000
1251 = { remove_core = EIC }
EIC = { all_core = { remove_core = EIC } }

country_event = {
id = 9990005
title = "EVTNAME9990005"
desc = "EVTDESC9990005"
picture = sepoy

trigger = {
tag = EIC
has_global_flag = war_with_EIC
war = no

fire_only_once = yes

mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 1

option = {
name = "EVT9990010OPTA"
any_neighbor_country = {
limit = {
is_vassal = yes
country_event = 9990006
prestige = 50
set_global_flag = EIC_independence

country_event = {
id = 9990006
title = "EVTNAME9990006"
desc = "EVTDESC9990006"
picture = sepoy

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "EVT9990007OPTA"
leave_alliance = ENG
ENG = {
release_vassal = THIS
diplomatic_influence = {
who = THIS
value = -1000

country_event = {
id = 9990007
title = "EVTNAME9990008"
desc = "EVTDESC9990007"
picture = "deliberation"

trigger = {
tag = ENG
OR = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = EIC }
NOT = { is_sphere_leader_of = EIC }
exists = EIC
NOT = { has_global_flag = EIC_independence }

fire_only_once = yes

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "EVT9990007OPTA"
EIC = {
country_event = 9990008

country_event = {
id = 9990008
title = "EVTNAME9990008"
desc = "EVTDESC9990008"
picture = "deliberation"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "EVT9990008OPTA"
FROM = {
country_event = 9990003

option = {
name = "EVT9990008OPTB"
FROM = {
country_event = 9990004
ai_chance = { factor = 100 }

country_event = {
id = 9990009
title = "EVTNAME9990010"
desc = "EVTDESC9990009"
picture = Artillery

trigger = {
tag = EIC
vassal_of = ENG
OR = {
AND = {
ENG = {
strategic_mobility = 1
NOT = {
EIC = {
strategic_mobility = 1
AND = {
ENG = {
point_defense_system = 1
NOT = {
EIC = {
point_defense_system = 1
AND = {
ENG = {
muzzle_loaded_rifles = 1
NOT = {
EIC = {
muzzle_loaded_rifles = 1
AND = {
ENG = {
breech_loaded_rifles = 1
NOT = {
EIC = {
breech_loaded_rifles = 1
AND = {
ENG = {
iron_muzzle_loaded_artillery = 1
NOT = {
EIC = {
iron_muzzle_loaded_artillery = 1
AND = {
ENG = {
iron_breech_loaded_artillery = 1
NOT = {
EIC = {
iron_breech_loaded_artillery = 1
AND = {
ENG = {
military_plans = 1
NOT = {
EIC = {
military_plans = 1
AND = {
ENG = {
military_statistics = 1
NOT = {
EIC = {
military_statistics = 1
AND = {
ENG = {
army_professionalism = 1
NOT = {
EIC = {
army_professionalism = 1
AND = {
ENG = {
army_decision_making = 1
NOT = {
EIC = {
army_decision_making = 1

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 3

option = {
name = "EVT9990010OPTA"
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = {
strategic_mobility = 1
ENG = {
strategic_mobility = 1
owner = {
activate_technology = strategic_mobility
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = {
point_defense_system = 1
ENG = {
point_defense_system = 1
owner = {
activate_technology = point_defense_system
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = {
muzzle_loaded_rifles = 1
ENG = {
muzzle_loaded_rifles = 1
owner = {
activate_technology = muzzle_loaded_rifles
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = {
breech_loaded_rifles = 1
ENG = {
breech_loaded_rifles = 1
owner = {
activate_technology = breech_loaded_rifles
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = {
iron_muzzle_loaded_artillery = 1
ENG = {
iron_muzzle_loaded_artillery = 1
owner = {
activate_technology = iron_muzzle_loaded_artillery
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = {
iron_breech_loaded_artillery = 1
ENG = {
iron_breech_loaded_artillery = 1
owner = {
activate_technology = iron_breech_loaded_artillery
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = {
military_plans = 1
ENG = {
military_plans = 1
owner = {
activate_technology = military_plans
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = {
military_statistics = 1
ENG = {
military_statistics = 1
owner = {
activate_technology = military_statistics
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = {
army_professionalism = 1
ENG = {
army_professionalism = 1
owner = {
activate_technology = army_professionalism
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = {
army_decision_making = 1
ENG = {
army_decision_making = 1
owner = {
activate_technology = army_decision_making

country_event = {
id = 9990010
title = "EVTNAME9990010"
desc = "EVTDESC9990009"
picture = Artillery

trigger = {
tag = EIC
vassal_of = ENG
OR = {
AND = {
ENG = {
high_pressure_steam_engine = 1
NOT = {
EIC = {
high_pressure_steam_engine = 1
AND = {
ENG = {
compound_steam_engines = 1
NOT = {
EIC = {
compound_steam_engines = 1
AND = {
ENG = {
steam_turbine = 1
NOT = {
EIC = {
steam_turbine = 1
AND = {
ENG = {
interchangeable_parts = 1
NOT = {
EIC = {
interchangeable_parts = 1
AND = {
ENG = {
semi_automatization = 1
NOT = {
EIC = {
semi_automatization = 1
AND = {
ENG = {
regenerative_furnaces = 1
NOT = {
EIC = {
regenerative_furnaces = 1
AND = {
ENG = {
drilling_and_blasting = 1
NOT = {
EIC = {
drilling_and_blasting = 1
AND = {
ENG = {
early_railroad = 1
NOT = {
EIC = {
early_railroad = 1
AND = {
ENG = {
iron_railroad = 1
NOT = {
EIC = {
iron_railroad = 1
AND = {
ENG = {
medicine = 1
NOT = {
EIC = {
medicine = 1
AND = {
ENG = {
inorganic_chemistry = 1
NOT = {
EIC = {
inorganic_chemistry = 1

mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 1

option = {
name = "EVT9990010OPTA"
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = {
high_pressure_steam_engine = 1
ENG = {
high_pressure_steam_engine = 1
owner = {
activate_technology = high_pressure_steam_engine
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = {
compound_steam_engines = 1
ENG = {
compound_steam_engines = 1
owner = {
activate_technology = compound_steam_engines
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = {
steam_turbine = 1
ENG = {
steam_turbine = 1
owner = {
activate_technology = steam_turbine
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = {
interchangeable_parts = 1
ENG = {
interchangeable_parts = 1
owner = {
activate_technology = interchangeable_parts
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = {
semi_automatization = 1
ENG = {
semi_automatization = 1
owner = {
activate_technology = semi_automatization
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = {
regenerative_furnaces = 1
ENG = {
regenerative_furnaces = 1
owner = {
activate_technology = regenerative_furnaces
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = {
drilling_and_blasting = 1
ENG = {
drilling_and_blasting = 1
owner = {
activate_technology = drilling_and_blasting
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = {
early_railroad = 1
ENG = {
early_railroad = 1
owner = {
activate_technology = early_railroad
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = {
iron_railroad = 1
ENG = {
iron_railroad = 1
owner = {
activate_technology = iron_railroad
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = {
medicine = 1
ENG = {
medicine = 1
owner = {
activate_technology = medicine
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = {
inorganic_chemistry = 1
ENG = {
inorganic_chemistry = 1
owner = {
activate_technology = inorganic_chemistry

country_event = {

id = 9990011 # Sepoy Rebellion

title = "EVTNAME90040"
desc = "EVTDESC90040"
news = yes
news_desc_long = "EVTDESC90040_NEWS_LONG"
news_desc_medium = "EVTDESC90040_NEWS_MEDIUM"
news_desc_short = "EVTDESC90040_NEWS_SHORT"
picture = "sepoy"

trigger = {
tag = EIC
year = 1857
has_global_flag = eic_spawned
OR = {
owns = 1236 #Delhi
owns = 1251 #Calcutta
owns = 1304 #Madras
owns = 1297 #Bombay
owns = 1247 #Patna
owns = 1227 #Lahore

fire_only_once = yes

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 6

option = {
name = "EVT90040OPTA"
set_global_flag = sepoy_rebellion
set_country_flag = sepoy_rebellion
overlord = { set_country_flag = sepoy_rebellion }
any_owned = {
limit = { is_core = HND }
random_list = {
40 = {
poor_strata = {
limit = {
is_culture_group = south_asian
militancy = 6
add_province_modifier = {
name = nationalist_agitation
duration = 730
40 = {
poor_strata = {
limit = {
is_culture_group = south_asian
militancy = 3
add_province_modifier = {
name = nationalist_agitation
duration = 365
20 = {

#Mughal declare Independence

country_event = {

id = 9990012
title = "EVTNAME900041"
desc = "EVTDESC900041"
picture = "sepoy"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "EVT900041OPTA"
relation = { who = FROM value = -150 }
EIC = {
any_owned = { limit = { is_core = MUG } any_pop = { limit =
{ has_pop_religion = sunni }
militancy = 9

any_owned = { limit = { is_core = HND }

any_pop = { limit = {
OR = {
has_pop_religion = sunni
has_pop_religion = shiite
militancy = 6

any_owned = { limit = { is_core = MUG } any_pop = { limit = { NOT =

{ has_pop_religion = sunni } }
militancy = 3
casus_belli ={
target = FROM
type = establish_protectorate_casus_belli
months = 36
ai_chance = { factor = 90 }

option = {
name = "EVT900041OPTB"
prestige = -10
relation = { who = FROM value = -50 }
EIC = {
any_owned = { limit = { is_core = MUG } any_pop = { limit =
{ has_pop_religion = sunni }
militancy = 9

any_owned = { limit = { is_core = HND } any_pop = { limit =

{ has_pop_religion = sunni }
militancy = 6

any_owned = { limit = { is_core = MUG } any_pop = { limit = { NOT =

{ has_pop_religion = sunni } }
militancy = 3
casus_belli ={
target = FROM
type = establish_protectorate_casus_belli
months = 36
ai_chance = { factor = 05 }

option = {
name = "EVT900041OPTC"
prestige = -30
relation = { who = FROM value = 50 }
EIC = {
any_owned = { limit = { is_core = MUG } secede_province = MUG }
ai_chance = { factor = 05 }

country_event = {

id = 9990013
news = yes
news_desc_long = "EVTDESC36939_NEWS_LONG"
news_desc_medium = "EVTDESC36939_NEWS_MEDIUM"
news_desc_short = "EVTDESC36939_NEWS_SHORT"

trigger = {
OR = {
tag = ENG
tag = ENL
tag = EIC
has_global_flag = eic_spawned
owns = 1251 #Calcutta
year = 1853
NOT = { year = 1857 }
MUG = {
OR = {
exists = no
AND = {
exists = yes
vassal_of = THIS

fire_only_once = yes

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 5

modifier = {
factor = 0.75 #increase likelihood to happen
year = 1855

modifier = {
factor = 0.95 #increase likelihood to happen
year = 1856

title = "EVTNAME36939"
desc = "EVTDESC36939"
picture = "LordDalhousie"

option = {
name = "EVTOPTA36939"
any_pop = {
limit = {
has_pop_religion = hindu
militancy = 3
any_pop = {
limit = {
has_pop_religion = sunni
militancy = 2

option = {
name = "EVTOPTB36939"
officers = {
consciousness = 1
capitalists = {
consciousness = 1
any_pop = {
limit = {
has_pop_religion = hindu
militancy = -1
any_pop = {
limit = {
has_pop_religion = sunni
militancy = -1

country_event = {
id = 9990014
title = "EVTNAME36955" #Conflict with Burma
desc = "EVTDESC36955"
news = yes
news_title = "EVTNAME36955_NEWS_TITLE"
news_desc_long = "EVTDESC36955_NEWS_LONG"
news_desc_medium = "EVTDESC36955_NEWS_MEDIUM"
news_desc_short = "EVTDESC36955_NEWS_SHORT"
picture = "Opiumwar"

trigger = {
tag = ENG
is_greater_power = yes
nationalism_n_imperialism = 1
NOT = { has_global_flag = berlin_conference }
has_global_flag = eic_spawned
BUR = {
war = no
civilized = no
is_vassal = no
exists = yes
OR = {
AND = {
neighbour = EIC
is_our_vassal = EIC
neighbour = ENG
number_of_states = 2
any_owned_province = { port = yes }
NOT = { truce_with = ENG }
OR = {
war_policy = jingoism
war_policy = pro_military

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 12

option = {
name = "EVT36955OPTA"
prestige = 5
badboy = 2
relation = { who = BUR value = -200 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = BUR value = -200 }
casus_belli = {
target = BUR
type = demand_concession_NI_casus_belli
months = 60
ai_chance = {
factor = 95

option = {
name = "EVT36955OPTB"
prestige = -25
relation = { who = BUR value = 25 }
any_pop = {
limit = { is_primary_culture = yes }
dominant_issue = {
factor = 0.05
value = pacifism
any_pop = {
limit = {
location = { is_core = HND }
is_primary_culture = no
militancy = 2
ai_chance = {
factor = 5

#Doctrine of Lapse 1/2

country_event = {
id = 9990015
title = "EVTNAME13357"
desc = "EVTDESC13357"

picture = "Rebellion"

trigger = {
OR = {
vassal_of = EIC
vassal_of = ENG
ai = yes
civilized = no
NOT = { tag = PAK }
NOT = { has_country_flag = no_british_doctrine }
has_global_flag = eic_spawned
OR = {
EIC = { ideological_thought = 1 exists = yes }
ENG = { ideological_thought = 1 exists = yes }
OR = {
primary_culture = assamese
primary_culture = baluchi
primary_culture = bengali
primary_culture = bihari
primary_culture = manipuri
primary_culture = nepali
primary_culture = oriya
primary_culture = sinhala
primary_culture = avadhi
primary_culture = kanauji
primary_culture = kashmiri
primary_culture = panjabi
primary_culture = gujarati
primary_culture = marathi
primary_culture = sindi
primary_culture = rajput
primary_culture = kannada
primary_culture = malayalam
primary_culture = tamil
primary_culture = telegu
tag = CRL

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 500
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
NOT = { average_militancy = 1 }
modifier = {
factor = 1.2
NOT = { average_militancy = 2 }
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
NOT = { average_militancy = 3 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
average_militancy = 4
modifier = {
factor = 0.8
average_militancy = 5
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
num_of_revolts = 1
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
NOT = {
prestige = 10
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
NOT = {
prestige = 5
modifier = {
factor = 0.1
OR = {
tag = BHP
tag = CRL
NOT = {
government = absolute_monarchy
government = prussian_constitutionalism
government = hms_government

option = {
name = "EVTOPTA13357"
any_pop = {
limit = { is_primary_culture = yes }
militancy = 4
consciousness = 1
EIC = { country_event = 13358 }
political_reform = peonage
any_owned = {
limit = {
has_pop_type = labourers
has_pop_type = serfs
any_pop = { limit = { type = serfs } pop_type = labourers }
any_owned = {
limit = {
has_pop_type = farmers
has_pop_type = serfs
any_pop = { limit = { type = serfs } pop_type = farmers }

#EIC Setup
country_event = {
id = 9990016
title = "EVTNAME9990016"
desc = "EVTDESC9990016"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "EVTOPTA9990016"
any_owned = {
limit = { is_core = HND }
secede_province = EIC
create_vassal = EIC
relation = { who = EIC value = 400 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = EIC value = 400 }
create_alliance = EIC
EIC = { set_country_flag = unreleasable_country capital = 1251 }
any_country = {
limit = { NOT = { tag = ENG } }
relation = { who = EIC value = -400 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = EIC value = -400 }

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