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# #
# East Indies Events #
# #

country_event = {
id = 95250
title = "EVTNAME95250" #The White Rajah
desc = "EVTDESC95250"
news = yes
news_desc_long = "EVTDESC95250_NEWS_LONG"
news_desc_medium = "EVTDESC95250_NEWS_MEDIUM"
news_desc_short = "EVTDESC95250_NEWS_SHORT"
picture = "white_rajah"

trigger = {
tag = BRU
war = no
part_of_sphere = no
civilized = no
owns = 1394
owns = 1395
year = 1841

fire_only_once = yes

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 6

option = {
name = "EVT95250OPTA"
prestige = -5
1394 = {
add_core = SWK
remove_core = BRU
secede_province = SWK
1395 = {
add_core = SWK
remove_core = BRU
secede_province = SWK
random_country = {
limit = {
tag = ENG
exists = yes
diplomatic_influence = {
who = SWK
value = 300
diplomatic_influence = {
who = BRU
value = 200
relation = {
who = SWK
value = 100
create_alliance = SWK
random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = yes
SWK = { civilized = yes }
random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
land_reform = yes_land_reform
SWK = { economic_reform = yes_land_reform }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
admin_reform = yes_admin_reform
SWK = { economic_reform = yes_admin_reform }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
finance_reform = yes_finance_reform
SWK = { economic_reform = yes_finance_reform }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
finance_reform = finance_reform_two
SWK = { economic_reform = finance_reform_two }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
monetary_reform = yes_monetary_reform
SWK = { economic_reform = yes_monetary_reform }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
monetary_reform = yes_monetary_reform
SWK = { economic_reform = monetary_reform_two activate_technology =
no_standard }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
education_reform = yes_education_reform
SWK = { economic_reform = yes_education_reform }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
research_reform = yes_research_reform
SWK = { economic_reform = yes_research_reform activate_technology =
late_enlightenment_philosophy }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
foreign_training = yes_foreign_training
SWK = { military_reform = yes_foreign_training }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
foreign_weapons = yes_foreign_weapons
SWK = { military_reform = yes_foreign_weapons activate_technology =
flintlock_rifles }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
foreign_officers = yes_foreign_officers
SWK = { military_reform = yes_foreign_officers activate_technology
= military_staff_system }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
army_schools = yes_army_schools
SWK = { military_reform = yes_army_schools }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
foreign_naval_officers = yes_foreign_naval_officers
SWK = { military_reform = yes_foreign_naval_officers }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
naval_schools = yes_naval_schools
SWK = { military_reform = yes_naval_schools }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
foreign_navies = yes_foreign_navies
SWK = { military_reform = yes_foreign_navies activate_technology =
clipper_design activate_technology = steamers set_country_flag =
using_foreign_ships }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
western_shipyards = yes_western_shipyards
SWK = { military_reform = yes_western_shipyards activate_technology
= post_nelsonian_thought }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
foreign_artillery = yes_foreign_artillery
SWK = { military_reform = yes_foreign_artillery activate_technology
= bronze_muzzle_loaded_artillery }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { civilized = no slavery = yes_slavery } }
SWK = { political_reform = yes_slavery }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { civilized = no slavery = freedom_of_womb } }
SWK = { political_reform = freedom_of_womb }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { civilized = no slavery = no_slavery } }
SWK = { political_reform = no_slavery }
ai_chance = {
factor = 90

option = {
name = "EVT95250OPTB"
prestige = 5
1394 = {
add_core = SWK
secede_province = SWK
1395 = {
add_core = SWK
secede_province = SWK
random_country = {
limit = {
tag = ENG
exists = yes
diplomatic_influence = {
who = SWK
value = 100

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = yes
SWK = { civilized = yes }
random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
land_reform = yes_land_reform
SWK = { economic_reform = yes_land_reform }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
admin_reform = yes_admin_reform
SWK = { economic_reform = yes_admin_reform }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
finance_reform = yes_finance_reform
SWK = { economic_reform = yes_finance_reform }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
finance_reform = finance_reform_two
SWK = { economic_reform = finance_reform_two }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
monetary_reform = yes_monetary_reform
SWK = { economic_reform = yes_monetary_reform }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
monetary_reform = yes_monetary_reform
SWK = { economic_reform = monetary_reform_two activate_technology =
no_standard }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
education_reform = yes_education_reform
SWK = { economic_reform = yes_education_reform }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
research_reform = yes_research_reform
SWK = { economic_reform = yes_research_reform activate_technology =
late_enlightenment_philosophy }
random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
foreign_training = yes_foreign_training
SWK = { military_reform = yes_foreign_training }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
foreign_weapons = yes_foreign_weapons
SWK = { military_reform = yes_foreign_weapons activate_technology =
flintlock_rifles }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
foreign_officers = yes_foreign_officers
SWK = { military_reform = yes_foreign_officers activate_technology
= military_staff_system }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
army_schools = yes_army_schools
SWK = { military_reform = yes_army_schools }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
foreign_naval_officers = yes_foreign_naval_officers
SWK = { military_reform = yes_foreign_naval_officers }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
naval_schools = yes_naval_schools
SWK = { military_reform = yes_naval_schools }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
foreign_navies = yes_foreign_navies
SWK = { military_reform = yes_foreign_navies activate_technology =
clipper_design activate_technology = steamers set_country_flag =
using_foreign_ships }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
western_shipyards = yes_western_shipyards
SWK = { military_reform = yes_western_shipyards activate_technology
= post_nelsonian_thought }

random_country = {
limit = {
tag = BRU
civilized = no
foreign_artillery = yes_foreign_artillery
SWK = { military_reform = yes_foreign_artillery activate_technology
= bronze_muzzle_loaded_artillery }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { civilized = no slavery = yes_slavery } }
SWK = { political_reform = yes_slavery }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { civilized = no slavery = freedom_of_womb } }
SWK = { political_reform = freedom_of_womb }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { civilized = no slavery = no_slavery } }
SWK = { political_reform = no_slavery }

war = {
target = SWK
attacker_goal = {
casus_belli = civil_war

defender_goal = {
casus_belli = status_quo
ai_chance = {
factor = 10
modifier = {
factor = 0
NOT = { total_amount_of_divisions = 2 }

# Event to Inherit
country_event = {
id = 95255
title = "EVTNAME95255" #Indonesian Unification
desc = "EVTDESC95255"
picture = "Celebration"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "EVT95255OPTA"
random_country = {
limit = {
NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
is_sphere_leader_of = THIS
relation = {
who = FROM
value = -25
random_country = {
limit = { is_our_vassal = THIS }
casus_belli = {
target = FROM
type = acquire_state
months = 12
casus_belli = {
target = FROM
type = cut_down_to_size
months = 12
relation = {
who = FROM
value = -50
FROM = { badboy = 1 }
FROM = { inherit = THIS }
ai_chance = {
factor = 80
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
is_vassal = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
part_of_sphere = yes
NOT = { in_sphere = FROM }
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
NOT = {
relation = {
who = FROM
value = 100
modifier = {
factor = 1.2
alliance_with = FROM

option = {
name = "EVT95255OPTB"
prestige = 1
relation = {
who = FROM
value = -100
leave_alliance = FROM
any_pop = {
militancy = 3
consciousness = 2
ai_chance = {
factor = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
is_vassal = yes
modifier = {
factor = 2
part_of_sphere = yes
NOT = { in_sphere = FROM }
modifier = {
factor = 0
in_sphere = FROM
modifier = {
factor = 0
vassal_of = FROM

country_event = {
id = 97125
title = "EVTNAME97125" #Flores Purchase
desc = "EVTDESC97125"
picture = "treaty"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "EVT97125OPTA"
prestige = 5
relation = { who = POR value = 200 }
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = { money = 100000 }
check_variable = { which = owed_cash_money value = 9 }
owner = { change_variable = { which = owed_cash_money value = 100 } }
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = { money = 100000 }
NOT = { check_variable = { which = owed_cash_money value =
1 } }
owner = { set_variable = { which = owed_cash_money value = 100 } }
random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { money = 100000 } }
owner = { treasury = -100000 }

POR = {
money = 100000
any_owned = {
limit = {
OR = {
province_id = 1439
province_id = 1444
secede_province = THIS
ai_chance = { factor = 95 }

option = {
name = "EVT97125OPTB"
prestige = -5
relation = {
who = POR
value = -15
ai_chance = {
factor = 5

## Indonesian colony spread

province_event = {
id = 97130
title = "EVTNAME98800"
desc = "EVTDESC97130"
trigger = {
OR = {
region = BAL_1438 #Bali
region = NET_1398 #Djambi
region = NET_1401 #Siak
region = ATJ_1405 #Atjeh
region = NET_1426 #South Borneo
region = NET_1423 #East Borneo
region = BRU_1396 #North Borneo
region = BRU_1394 #West Borneo
region = NET_1446 #Timor
region = NET_1449 #Celebes
region = NET_1447 #Mollucas
region = NET_1451 #Western New Guinea
region = AST_2528 #Southern New Guina
region = GER_2530 #Northern New Guinea
owned_by = THIS
controlled_by = THIS
any_neighbor_province = {
is_core = INO
owner = {
civilized = yes
NOT = { is_culture_group = southeast_asian }
OR = {
AND = {
owner = { owns = 1413 }
INO = { exists = no }
INO = {
vassal_of = THIS
is_culture_group = THIS
NOT = {
is_core = INO

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 60

option = {
name = "EVT97130OPTA"
state_scope = {
any_owned = {
limit = { NOT = { is_core = INO } }
add_core = INO
any_pop = { militancy = -3 }
add_province_modifier = {
name = colonial_exploitation
duration = 1095
INO = { add_accepted_culture = malay }
state_scope = {
any_owned = {
limit = { is_core = INO NOT = { province_id = 1446 } }
remove_core = JAV
remove_core = DJA
remove_core = SAK
remove_core = ATJ
remove_core = BAL
remove_core = SLW
remove_core = MAL
remove_core = KLM
remove_core = LAN
remove_core = PNK
remove_core = KTI
remove_core = SUL
remove_core = BRU

province_event = {
id = 97131
title = "EVTNAME98800"
desc = "EVTDESC97130"

trigger = {
OR = {
region = NET_1446 #Flores
region = NET_1449 #Sulawesi
region = NET_1447 #Moluccas
owned_by = THIS
controlled_by = THIS
any_neighbor_province = {
is_core = INO
owner = {
civilized = yes
NOT = { is_culture_group = southeast_asian }
OR = {
AND = {
owner = { owns = 1413 }
INO = { exists = no }
INO = {
vassal_of = THIS
is_culture_group = THIS
NOT = {
is_core = INO

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 60

option = {
name = "EVT97130OPTA"
state_scope = {
any_owned = {
limit = {
NOT = { is_core = INO }
add_core = INO
any_pop = { militancy = -3 }
add_province_modifier = {
name = colonial_exploitation
duration = 1095
INO = { add_accepted_culture = moluccan }
state_scope = {
any_owned = {
limit = { is_core = INO NOT = { province_id = 1446 } }
remove_core = JAV
remove_core = DJA
remove_core = SAK
remove_core = ATJ
remove_core = BAL
remove_core = SLW
remove_core = MAL
remove_core = KLM
remove_core = LAN
remove_core = PNK
remove_core = KTI
remove_core = SUL
remove_core = BRU

province_event = {
id = 97132
title = "EVTNAME98800"
desc = "EVTDESC97130"

trigger = {
OR = {
region = NET_1451 #West New Guinea
region = AST_2528 #Southeast New Guinea
region = GER_2530 #Northeast New Guinea
owned_by = THIS
controlled_by = THIS
any_neighbor_province = {
is_core = INO
owner = {
civilized = yes
NOT = { is_culture_group = southeast_asian }
OR = {
AND = {
owner = { owns = 1413 }
INO = { exists = no }
INO = {
vassal_of = THIS
is_culture_group = THIS
NOT = {
is_core = INO

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 60

option = {
name = "EVT97130OPTA"
state_scope = {
any_owned = {
limit = {
NOT = { is_core = INO }
add_core = INO
any_pop = { militancy = -3 }
add_province_modifier = {
name = colonial_exploitation
duration = 1095
INO = { add_accepted_culture = melanesian }
state_scope = {
any_owned = {
limit = { is_core = INO NOT = { province_id = 1446 } }
remove_core = JAV
remove_core = DJA
remove_core = SAK
remove_core = ATJ
remove_core = BAL
remove_core = SLW
remove_core = MAL
remove_core = KLM
remove_core = LAN
remove_core = PNK
remove_core = KTI
remove_core = SUL
remove_core = BRU

# Unification of Lan Xang (Laos)

country_event = {
id = 97120
title = "EVTNAME97120"
desc = "EVTDESC97120"
picture = "Celebration"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "EVT97120OPTA"
any_owned = { limit = { is_core = THIS } add_core = LXA remove_core =
FROM = { inherit = THIS }
ai_chance = {
factor = 50
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
in_sphere = FROM
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
relation = {
who = FROM
value = 100
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
relation = {
who = FROM
value = 175
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
alliance_with = FROM
modifier = {
factor = 2
government = fascist_dictatorship
FROM = {
government = fascist_dictatorship
modifier = {
factor = 2
government = proletarian_dictatorship
FROM = {
government = proletarian_dictatorship
modifier = {
factor = 3
vassal_of = FROM

option = {
name = "EVT97120OPTB"
prestige = 1
relation = {
who = FROM
value = -100
leave_alliance = FROM
ai_chance = {
factor = 50
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
NOT = {
relation = {
who = FROM
value = -100
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
NOT = {
relation = {
who = FROM
value = -175
modifier = {
factor = 10
government = fascist_dictatorship
FROM = {
government = proletarian_dictatorship
modifier = {
factor = 10
government = proletarian_dictatorship
FROM = {
government = fascist_dictatorship

#Anglo-Siamese Treaty of 1909

country_event = {
id = 97122
title = "EVTNAME97122"
desc = "EVTDESC97122"
picture = "lan_xang"

trigger = {
owns = 2575
owns = 1390
nationalism_n_imperialism = 1
SIA = {
exists = yes
owns = 1391
owns = 1389
has_global_flag = berlin_conference
NOT = { tag = SIA }

fire_only_once = yes
mean_time_to_happen = { months = 3 }

option = {
name = "EVT97122OPTA"
SIA = { country_event = 97123 }
ai_chance = { factor = 100 }

option = {
name = "EVT97122OPTB"
ai_chance = { factor = 0 }

#Anglo-Siamese Treaty of 1909 2/2

country_event = {
id = 97123
title = "EVTNAME97123"
desc = "EVTDESC97123"
picture = "lan_xang"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "EVT97123OPTA"
any_pop = { militancy = 4 }
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = { NOT = { has_global_flag = malaya_formed } }
owner = {
1389 = { secede_province = FROM remove_core = THIS remove_core =
JOH add_core = PRK }
1388 = { remove_core = THIS remove_core = JOH add_core = PRK }
1391 = { secede_province = FROM remove_core = THIS remove_core =
JOH add_core = PHG }
1390 = { remove_core = THIS }
2575 = { remove_core = THIS }

random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = { has_global_flag = malaya_formed }
owner = {
1389 = { secede_province = FROM remove_core = THIS remove_core =
JOH add_core = MLY }
1388 = { remove_core = THIS remove_core = JOH add_core = MLY }
1391 = { secede_province = FROM remove_core = THIS remove_core =
JOH add_core = MLY }
1390 = { remove_core = THIS }
2575 = { remove_core = THIS }

relation = { who = FROM value = 150 }

FROM = { diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = 75 } }
ai_chance = {
factor = 0.9
modifier = {
factor = 0.6
NOT = { in_sphere = FROM }
part_of_sphere = yes
modifier = {
factor = 200
in_sphere = FROM

option = {
name = "EVT97123OPTB"
FROM = {
diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = -400 }
relation = { who = THIS value = -150 }
leave_alliance = THIS
release_vassal = THIS
casus_belli = {
target = THIS
type = demand_concession_BC_casus_belli
months = 60
casus_belli = {
target = THIS
type = acquire_state
months = 60
casus_belli = {
target = THIS
type = cut_down_to_size
months = 60
casus_belli = {
target = THIS
type = humiliate
months = 60
random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { is_greater_power = no civilized = no } }
FROM = {
war = {
target = THIS
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = acquire_state state_province_id =
1391 }
defender_goal = { casus_belli = status_quo }
ai_chance = {
factor = 0.05
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
civilized = yes

#End of the Padri War

country_event = {
id = 971204
title = "EVTNAME971204"
desc = "EVTDESC971204"
picture = "aceh_jihad"

trigger = {
tag = NET
truce_with = ATJ
NOT = { year = 1845 }
ATJ = { has_recently_lost_war = yes }

fire_only_once = yes
mean_time_to_happen = { months = 1 }

option = {
name = "EVT971204OPTA"
prestige = -5
1408 = { secede_province = NET remove_core = ATJ }
1411 = { secede_province = NET remove_core = ATJ }

#Integration of the Malay Minors 1/2

country_event = {
id = 971205
title = "EVTNAME971205"
desc = "EVTDESC971205"
picture = "malay_sultan"

trigger = {
ai = yes
exists = yes
OR = {
part_of_sphere = yes
any_neighbor_country = {
is_greater_power = yes
relation = { who = THIS value = 25 }
OR = {
tag = JOH
tag = PHG
tag = PRK
tag = SLG
OR = {
year = 1860
AND = {
tag = JOH
NOT = { has_leader = "Sultan Ali Iskandar" }
AND = {
tag = PRK
NOT = { has_leader = "Sultan Shahabuddin Riayat" }
AND = {
tag = PHG
NOT = { has_leader = "Sultan Tun Ali Bendahara" }
AND = {
tag = SLG
NOT = { has_leader = "Sultan Muhammad Shah" }
NOT = { has_country_flag = malay_will_not_be_integrated }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 60

modifier = {
factor = 0.8
OR = {
AND = {
tag = JOH
has_leader = "Sultan Ali Iskandar"
AND = {
tag = PRK
has_leader = "Sultan Shahabuddin Riayat"
AND = {
tag = PHG
has_leader = "Sultan Tun Ali Bendahara"
AND = {
tag = SLG
has_leader = "Sultan Muhammad Shah"

modifier = {
factor = 0.5
sphere_owner = { revolution_n_counterrevolution = 1 }

modifier = {
factor = 0.8
sphere_owner = { nationalism_n_imperialism = 1 }

modifier = {
factor = 0.9
average_militancy = 2
modifier = {
factor = 0.8
average_militancy = 3

modifier = {
factor = 0.7
average_militancy = 4

modifier = {
factor = 0.6
average_militancy = 5

modifier = {
factor = 0.5
average_militancy = 6

modifier = {
factor = 0.4
average_militancy = 7

modifier = {
factor = 0.3
average_militancy = 8

modifier = {
factor = 0.2
average_militancy = 9

option = {
name = "EVT971205OPTA"
random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { part_of_sphere = yes } }
owner = { sphere_owner = { country_event = 971206 } }

random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
part_of_sphere = no
any_neighbor_country = {
is_greater_power = yes
relation = { who = THIS value = 25 }
owner = {
random_country = {
limit = {
is_greater_power = yes
neighbour = THIS
country_event = 971206

#Integration of the Malay Minors 2/2

country_event = {
id = 971206
title = "EVTNAME971206"
desc = "EVTDESC971206"
picture = "malay_sultan"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "EVT971206OPTA"
badboy = 0.5
inherit = FROM

ai_chance = {
factor = 90
modifier = { factor = 0 badboy = 0.96 }

option = {
name = "EVT971206OPTB"
prestige = -1
badboy = -0.25
FROM = { set_country_flag = malay_will_not_be_integrated }

ai_chance = {
factor = 10
modifier = {
factor = 0
NOT = { badboy = 0.75 }

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