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Elementary, my dear Watson.

Attributed to Sherlock Holmes (but he never said it)

1 GRAMMAR past simple: regular b Complete the questions with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets.
and irregular
a Read this police report. Complete the sentences
with the past simple form of the verbs brackets.

Bank robbery

We 1 arrived (arrive) at the bank at

9.36 in the evening, and we 2 _ _ _ __

(park) our police car outside. The bank

_ _ _ _ _ _ (be) closed and all the
lights 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (be) off, but we INSPECTOR Where 1 were you at about 9.30 yesterday
evening? (be)
_ _ _ _ _ _ (look) through the
STEVEN POTTER I was at the cinema. The film 2 started
window. We 6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (see) a
at 9.00. (start)
person inside the bank. At first we
I What film 3 ? (see)
_______ (not can) see who it
SP I can't remember. It wasn't very good.
was, but then he 6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (open) Hmm. Very interesting. And who 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the
the door and came out - it was Steven cinema with? (go)
Potter. He 9_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not run) SP With my girlfriend.
away - he just walked slowly to his car, I the film? (like)
and then drove away. The next morning, SP Yes, she thought it was very good.

we 10 (go) to his house I What time 6 the film _ _ _ _ _ _ _?

at 6.00 a.m. We 11 (find)
SP At about 10.30.
him in bed. He 12 (not
And what 7_ _ _ _ _ _ _ after you left the cinema? (do)
want) to speak to us, but we 13_ _ _ __
SP We went to a restaurant - La Dolce Vita on the High Street.
(take) him to the police station.
La Dolce Vita? I know it. Very good spaghetti. What time
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ the restaurant? (leave)
SP At about 12.00.
That's very late. 9_ _ _ _ _ _ _ home after that? (go)
SP No, we went to a nightclub - Flanagan's. Then we went home.
I How? 10 a taxi? (get)
SP No, we got a bus.
And what time 11 to bed? (go)
SP At about 4.00 a.m. Can I go home now? I'm tired.
No, I'd like to ask you some more questions ...
2 VOCABULARY irregular verbs 4 LISTENING
a Complete the infinitive and past forms of these irregular a Listen to a radio interview with a
verbs with a, e, i, 0, or u. detective. What does he like most about his job?

Infinitive Past
1 begi n beg...fLn
2 c- me c me b Listen again and choose a, b, or c.
3 dr- nk dr- nk 1 Jeremy Downs decided he
4 dr- ve dr- ve wanted to be a detective ...
5 g- ve g- ve a when he was a child .
6 kn - w kn w b when he left school.
7 p_ t p- t c when he finished
8 s_ t s- t university.
9 sw- m sw - m
2 His first job in the police
10 w_ ke [up] w_ ke [up]
was as ...
11 w- n w_ n
a an inspector.
12 wr_ te wr_ te
b a police officer.
b Complete the sentences with the past simple form of t he c a detective.
verbs in the box. 3 Jeremy took the ... Exam
buy find break ReeF make take can lose meet think to become a detective.
a National Inspectors
1 Last night we heard a noise downstairs.
b National Detectives
2 They _ _ _ __ __ the man's daughter was the murderer.
c National Investigators
3 The policeman the money in an old bag.
4 Jeremy usually works ...
4 They their friends outside the restaurant.
a outside.
S I a detective story in the bookshop.
b in an office.
6 My girlfriend her mobile phone last night. c at the police station.
7 The man a window and went into the house.
S He sometimes feels ... when he
8 Somebody my laptop when I was out of is at work.
the room.
a bored
9 We were worried because we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ see a police
b stressed
car outside our house.
c worried
10 I was thirsty so I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a cup of tea.


a Match the verbs with the same vowel sound. AND PHRASES
drove could maee said learnt bought had lost
Learn these words and phrases.
library lalbn
1 came made
murder '1l13:d;),
2 left
nobody n~()b;'\dl
3 got
secretary sekr;ltri
4 ran
believe bl li:\
5 saw
ki II k II
6 spoke
marry 1l1i!~rI
business partner 'hllt1;lS pu:tn;l
8 heard
b Listen and check. Then listen and repeat.

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