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Have you ever heard of the "Teacher"? Yeah, I don’t think
so. Probably because a lot of people say it doesn’t even exist.
You see, the teacher he was of mathematics he was tall, he
had no emotion, although some say, that his face is angry and
gave a shiver when you looked at him but some students of 11
murdered him for unknown reasons and now he seeks revenge
of those students and walks around the school to look for
them. Nowadays, if you ever find him running, because in
most cases he kills students, even people don’t know what’s
going on there. The real legitimate copies that, according to
them, a young man of 11 in his day present a return to the
school this same student was in the night he saw a shadow
but said it was a bat and left there but instantly a student
screamed ! AAAAHHH and I call the police because he found
his partner dead. Although some say this is simply dismissed
as an urban myth. The peculiar thing about this myth is that
this school passed and there is a very high paranormal
activity in the abandoned halls next to the kiosk.
Initially, abandoned classrooms are known for their paranormal
activity, there’s a part that sixth and seventh grade students
say has seen a tall and ugly teacher in the bathrooms, the
teachers tell the students that there is no tall and ugly
teacher in the school but a physics teacher he was a student
of this same school said that he knew who the Teacher was
that his classmates who had murdered the teacher was Mr.
James he dictated the math are, in the classrooms that are
now abandoned, one day about 5 students of 10 grade, who
liked the paranormal went at night to the abandoned classrooms
and started a ritual, the ritual was formed by 10 candles
formed a star and each person in a star candle, when they said
the teacher’s name aloud three times SR. JAMES MORARTE,
suddenly appeared and thought those were the students who
killed him then the students started running around the school
and the physics teacher found them and told them what they
are doing in school at this time of night and the students told
him told the truth to the Teacher, the teacher takes on the
responsibility of speaking with the spirit of the math teacher
and shouts SR. JAMES MORARTE I’M HERE the spirit of the
math teacher appears and told them who he is, the physics
teacher tells him that he was his student and knew who had
killed him and that they are now paying their sentence in jail
the math teacher’s spirit suddenly expresses his feeling
laughing and thanking him the physics teacher.
Suddenly a light comes out in the sky and the spirit of the
teacher flies out and the students and the physics teacher
didn’t tell anyone anything and kept that secret forever and
the school is now very happy with nothing paranormal.


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