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Louis Lemperle

Complete a rational, unbiased commentary based on
facts and your knowledge learnt in LA14 and through your wider reading
Document D-

In this article, the author addresses the incompetence of Prime Ministers that have been in

office and how England’s relationship with Scotland has deteriorated. The Bella Caledonia is

a Scottish magazine that has gain popularity during the campaign for the independence

referendum. The majority of the population voted No against independence (exactly 55%),

the author is one of these people that were disappointed that Scotland remains as part of

Great Britain, it is implied by the harsh tone and some frustration in the text.

Main body:

It seems that the author is exasperated by the behavior of Boris Jhonson, years ago Boris

Jhonson promoted the unity of all four countries, it was as if, he was wearing a mask so that

people had a good opinions of his character. “I preferred the era when Toris were ruthless

and mercenary”, is an attempt at humor by the author, some Scottish have the same

opinion as the author, they would have preferred that people in governing offices are

honest and brutal in the ways their handles “communications” with the public. The scandal

involving Dominic Cummings is the reason the journalist despises the current Tory

government where politicians like Cummings are breaking lockdown rules they helped put in

place to do whatever they pleased. Devolution matters to most Scottish people, it is an

elected assembly that represents the citizens, and it allows Scotland to be flexible when

there is a need to introduced policies that best reflects the need of the population. Such

example is a policy to reduce alcohol consumption, Hollywood introduced a minimum price

Louis Lemperle

of 50 British pence per unit of alcohol sold. The Mike Small’s resentment comes with the

fact that devolution has limitation, the “Scotland Act of 1998 Schedule 5” highlights the

powers that are reserved only to the UK parliament. A good example of a reserved power is

UK foreign policy and its relationship with Europe. As per data from Statista most Scottish

balloters wanted to remain in the European Union, 64% of vote for “remain” were casted,

again showing limitation of devolution. The author uses of aggressive words “indefensible

and stupid one”, ‘just enough to shut everybody up” illustrates intense anger and the feeling

that devolution was created to “please people”. It is believed that without devolution

Scotland would be independent, it has enough natural resources to exports and it is a

wealthy country, that is exactly what the author wants a parliament that can make decision

without approval of England. The word “Kleptocratic rule”, being used is a shock for the

readers, it is as that moment that the writer’s strong distastes for the current government

(the Ross and Jhonson party) is revealed. It is as if the writer blames Tories for how bad the

covid crises was handled. But it is not that simple, lockdowns rules were implemented to

slow down the spread of the corona virus and protect those who were at risk, and it does

not restrict “democracy “and “freedom of movement “as it is stated in the article. Mike

Small lacks of research could be interpreted as carelessness and pure ignorance, the

document enumerates his complaints. In the Bella Caledonia’s website, it is clearly stated

that the magazine is not affiliated with a political party. However, it is easy to understand

that the article is biased because it simply criticizes the Conservative party. The sentence

“we want… you do stuff”, portrays the need to have power to make concrete change and

step away from England. However, It will be difficult for Scotland to become independent;

the country formed a “political union with the Kingdom of England” in 1707, which means

that it has been part of the United Kingdom for approximately 314 years much more than
Louis Lemperle

the UK being part of European Union, it has an extremely close tie with England, Wales and

Northern Ireland. It is also the reason why Scotland is a wealthy country because it had the

strength of a Union, and it could rely on England for financial, and the UK is a large market

for Scottish goods and exports. Also, on the map the United Kingdom is small compared to

some countries in Europe such as Germany and France, so Scotland leaving the UK, it means

Great- Britain would be a smaller country. Right now, the border with England, Wales and

Northern Ireland is “frictionless”, citizens can freely move between countries, but if Scotland

has it owned borders it would be an hassle for trade and travel, it can be seen with the UK

leaving the European Union, there is some tension in term of trade and some goods are

taking longer to reach the UK.


The reason most Scottish people voted No at the referendum for Scotland independence is

because of devolution even with the UK parliament having reserved power, Scottish can still

elect representative in an assembly that can work on Laws and policies.


Scotland Act 1999 schedule 5 explained :

Scottish independence referendum Data :

Louis Lemperle

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