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19/07/2023, 18:13 Stave Calculator

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Stave Calculator

Unit Measured Thickness

in 0.7500 in

Number of Segments Board Width

40 5.000 in

Shell Diameter Cost per Board Foot

12.13 in $ 11.00

Extra Diameter Crosscut Kerf

0.1250 in 0.09375 in

Shell Depth Rip Kerf

10.50 in 0.09375 in

Waste Factor

15 %

Calculate 1/3
19/07/2023, 18:13 Stave Calculator

Shell Dimensions





Decimal Inches Fraction Inches Centimeters

Rough Diameter 12.2550" 12 1/4" 31.13cm

Finished Diameter 12.0050" 12" 30.49cm

Shell Depth 10.50" 10 1/2" 26.67cm

Number of Staves 40

Joint Angle 9.00°

Bevel Angle 4.50°

Stave Outer Width 0.964" 31/32" 2.45cm

Stave Inner Width 0.846" 27/32" 2.15cm

Stave Thickness 0.750" 3/4" 1.91cm 2/3
19/07/2023, 18:13 Stave Calculator

Rounded Thickness 0.608" 19/32" 1.54cm

Board Length Required 84.656" 84 21/32" 215.03cm

Staves per Width 5

Staves per Length 8

Board Feet Required 2.54'

Cost Per Shell $27.89

©2019 Uniontown Laboratories 3/3

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