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Adaptive Combat and Surveillance Rover

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of bachelor of

Engineering By

Rahul Jadhav

Aditya Chaurasia

Asjad Khan

Abhishek Gautam

Under the guidance of


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Shree L. R. Tiwari College of Engineering, Mira Road

(Approved by AICTE, Govt. of Maharashtra & Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Adaptive Combat and Surveillance Rover
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of bachelor of engineering


Rahul Jadhav

Aditya Chaurasia

Asjad Khan

Abhishek Gautam

Under the guidance of

Prof. Aditya Prabhukhot (internal)

Prof. (external)

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Shree L. R. Tiwari College of Engineering, Mira Road

(Approved by AICTE, Govt. of Maharashtra & Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

This is to certify the project titled

Adaptive Combat and Surveillance Rover

Has been completed successfully and satisfactorily under our supervision and guidance
By the following students:

Rahul Jadhav

Aditya Chaurasia

Asjad Khan

Abhishek Gautam

Students of Mechanical Engineering, as prescribed by the University of Mumbai partial

Fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
during The Academic Year 2021 – 2022

Internal guide Project convener

HOD Principal
Certificate of approval

Project entitle

Adaptive Combat and Surveillance Rover

Submitted By

Rahul Jadhav

Aditya Chaurasia

Asjad Khan

Abhishek Gautam

In partial fulfillment of the degree of B.E in Mechanical Engineering is approved.

1) Internal

2) External

We owe a great many thanks to many people who help and supported us during the completion
of this report.

Our deepest thanks to Prof. Aditya Prabhukhot, our mentor and guide of the project, whose
expertise and experience war real asset and for providing us invaluable guidance throughout
our project report work. We are immensely grateful to him for guiding and correcting various
documents of us with attention and care, He has taken great pain to go through the project and
make necessary corrections as and when needed. We have a deep sense of gratitude for his
endless support and constant motivation to us for achieving excellence. We are also highly
indented to him for constantly encouraging us by giving his critics on our work.

We also extend thanks to HOD Prof. Manish Rane and all staff members who extended the
preparatory steps of this report. We are also thankful to our principal Dr. DEVEN N. SHAH
for their valued support and faith for us.

Rahul Jadhav
Aditya Chaurasia
Asjad Khan
Abhishek Gautam















Figure no. CAD Models Page no.

1.1 Assembled Model 11

1.2 Assembled Model with all axis 11
4.1 Rocker 16
4.2 Bogie 16
4.3 Mounted Gun 16
4.4 Central arm 16
4.5 Electronics Box 17
4.6 Motor Mount 17
4.7 Motor with shaft 17
4.8 Platform Base 17
4.9 Tie rod end 18
4.10 Ball end Tie rod 18
4.11 Tie rod 18
4.12 Wheels 18
4.13 Camera 19
4.14 Tie rod assembly 19
4.15 Assembled rover 19
Figure no. Ansys Analysis Page no.

7.1 Meshed Model 23

7.2 Material Property 23
7.3 Front Impact 24
7.3.1 Deformation 24
7.3.2 Factor of Safety 24
7.3.3 Von Mises Stress 25
7.3.4 Boundary Condition 25
7.4 Rear Impact 26
7.4.1 Total Deformation 26
7.4.2 Factor of safety 26
7.4.3 Von Mises Stress 27
7.4.4 Boundary Conditions 27
7.5 Bump Analysis 28
7.5.1 Total Deformation 28
7.5.2 Factor of safety 28
7.5.3 Von Mises Stress 29
7.5.4 Boundary Conditions 29
7.6 Impact with Gun 30
7.6.1 Total Deformation 30
7.6.2 Factor of safety 30
7.6.3 Von Mises Stress 31
7.6.4 Boundary Conditions 31

The "Adaptive Combat and Surveillance Rover" or ACSR provides the necessary
enhancements and attachments to the Rover in order to use it for surveillance and
military purposes. The Rover is designed to work on landscape surfaces where
our regular Defense Rover cannot carry on due to a few components and design
that limit its operational capabilities as a surveillance rover, thus the focus of our
research is to overcome those constraints and make it capable for the needed
outcomes, and perform various other tasks by changing a few attachments.
The Rocker bogie mechanism is used for the Rover's structure and was created
using solid works and was tested using ansys. All of the additional upgrades and
capabilities have been introduced into the Rover by using attachment modules
that stay on top of it. The project's outcome was the implementation of a
surveillance camera and a gun. Various features, such as a live-streaming camera,
a remote-control device, a rocker bogie derived framework with adequate
mechanical strength in the structure to hold the gun and camera, and mechanical
attainability, were developed under this approach
Our investigation into the Rover issue was led by our group, and it was
specifically focused on the alteration and modification of the Rover that can be
directly used for combative and surveillance situation, as well as the other issues
that were discovered through literature review and studies. As a result, research
was led on the most effective method to overcome that. The base plate was made
up of durable metal and the brackets and mounts for the gun and camera were
made up of alloys and the Rover is manufactured entirely of alloys to increase its
capacity to tolerate mechanical shock, vibrations, and mechanical failures caused
by the terrain surfaces on which it is designed to operate on.
1. Introduction

The land boundary of India is 15,207 kilometers long, including a coastal area of
7517 kilometers. Ninety-two districts make up the bordering districts, which are
scattered throughout seventeen states. A large amount of land Natural attributes
demarcate or do not demarcate India's political borders, which are contested. In
addition, there is a risk.
Traditional international issues are also exacerbated by these uncertain borders.
Unlawful immigration, smuggling, and cross-border infiltration
Migration and other sorts of criminal activity are examples of different types of
criminal behavior. As a result, human work becomes necessary. Is squandered on
ineffective surveillance. It's also possible that it's this is a fantastic tool to have
when it comes to assault and defense scenarios. The need for human interaction
is unavoidable. The surveillance robot keeps an eye on things. A low-cost security
monitoring technology that replaces human security is vital. Surveillance robots
have recently proven to be beneficial not just in a defensive setting, but also in
commercial and domestic environments.
Surveillance is the process of watching someone's behavior, actions, or
information in order to influence, manage, or steer them. This can be
accomplished by using CCTV to observe situations on the ground from afar, as
well as intercepting information sent electronically or through the mail. It can
also be done by humans who acquire intelligence data manually. Governments
utilize surveillance to obtain intelligence, deter crime, and protect a process,
person, group, or entity.
This project Rocker bogie surveillance rover can transverse in hazardous terrain
but also be useful in urban environments. It can work in real-world environment
and no conditioned scenario is required by it as the rocker bogie mechanism gives
it the ability to crawl through not just bad inclines but also aids it to climb stairs
of up to 90degrees.
The basic and cost effective method that allows user to attach a cellular device to
see the surroundings while remotely controlling the rover from a safe distance....
For demonstration purposes we will also be using an automatic gun mounted
which will also be remotely operated...which can be very useful when
incorporated with a live feed video surveillance.
By using this rover anyone can monitor a large fenced area like a port of a
warehouse easily without human intervention.
Photo of assembled model

Figure: 1.1

Figure: 1.2
2. Background

Information on Rocker-Bogie Mechanism

The rocker-bogie system is the suspension arrangement developed in 1988 for use in
NASA's Mars rover and which has since become NASA's favored design for rover.
It has been used in the 2003 Mars Exploration Rover mission robots Spirit and
Opportunity, on the 2012 Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission's rover. The
"rocker" part of the suspension comes from the rocking aspect of the larger, body-
mounted linkage on each side of the rover. These rockers are connected to each other
and the vehicle chassis through a differential. Relative to the chassis, the rockers will
rotate in opposite directions to maintain approximately equal wheel contact. The
chassis maintains the average pitch angle of both rockers. One end of a rocker is fitted
with a drive wheel, and the other end is pivoted to the bogie. The "bogie" part of the
suspension refers to the smaller linkage that pivots to the rocker in the middle and
which has a drive wheel at each end. Bogies were commonly used as load wheels in
the tracks of army tanks as idlers distributing the load over the terrain, and were also
quite commonly used in trailers of semi-trailer trucks. Both tanks and semi-trailers
now prefer trailing arm suspensions. On the Sojourner rover the front wheels attach
to the bogies, while on the MER and MSL rovers the front wheels attach to the
rockers. The rocker-bogie design has no springs or stub axles for each wheel, allowing
the rover to climb over obstacles (such as rocks) that are up to twice the wheel's
diameter in size while keeping all six wheels on the ground .As with any suspension
system, the tilt stability is limited by the height of the center of gravity. Systems using
springs tend to tip more easily as the loaded side yields. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory
states that this rocker bogie system reduces the motion of the main MER vehicle body
by half compared to other suspension systems. Each of the Curiosity rover's six
wheels has an independent motor. The two front and two rear wheels have individual
steering motors which allow the vehicle to turn in place. Each wheel also has
Grousers, providing grip for climbing in soft sand and scrambling over rocks .The
maximum speed of the robots operated in this way is limited to eliminate as many
dynamic effects as possible so that the motors can be geared down, thus enabling each
wheel to individually lift a large portion of the entire vehicle's mass. In order to go
over a vertical obstacle face, the front wheels are forced against the obstacle by the
center and rear wheels. The rotation of the front wheel then lifts the front of the vehicle
up and over the obstacle. The middle wheel is then pressed against the obstacle by the
rear wheels and pulled against the obstacle by the front until it is lifted up and over.
Finally, the rear wheel is pulled over the obstacle by the front two wheels. During
each wheel's traversal of the obstacle, forward progress of the vehicle is slowed or
completely halted. This is not an issue for the operational speeds at which these
vehicles have been operated to date.

No Axel or springs: Suspensions are what matter when you are off the road.
Eliminating the axel eliminates breakdowns. The guns are very heavy ranging from 4
ton to 12 tons and manufacturing an axel to withstand this weight as well as have a
greater factor of safety because of its off-road utility is difficult. Springs do give a
comfortable passage through the bumpy roads but they increase the pitch of the
vehicle. And increase in pitch is not desirable. The absence of spring also helps
traction of the wheels.

Lighter than trucks: When it comes to higher mobility of the guns are mounted on trucks
with high weight capacity or tanks like panzers are used. The trucks do very well off-
road transportation but their low clearance limits their versatility. The trucks are
extremely heavy to be picked up by the helicopters. The tanks can climb over obstacles
but the manufacturing cost is very high than our vehicle.

Reduced manpower: Current Bofors gun needs a crew of 5 people to operate the
machinery. This number will soon reduce as the automation technologies in reloading
will improve. The vehicle which we designed is to be operated by a single operator and
the reloading by a second operator. But with as the automated vehicles increase soon
the military will find it beneficial for their purpose as no man will be harmed on the
field. Our vehicle is capable of operation from a distant operator as proved by the rovers
which we have been using to roam on other planets. Reducing manpower helps reduce
the human risk factor which is one of the major concerns of this industry
3. Overview

Adaptive Combat and Surveillance Rover

As per the research it is find that the rocker bogie system reduces the motion by
half compared to other suspension systems because each of the bogie's six wheels
has an independent mechanism for motion and in which the two front and two
rear wheels have individual steering systems which allow the vehicle to Turn in
place as 0 degree turning ratio. Every wheel also has thick cleats which provides
grip for climbing in soft sand and scrambling over rocks with ease.
In order to overcome vertical obstacle faces, the front wheels are forced against
the obstacle by the center and rear wheels which generate maximum required
The rotation of the front wheel then lifts the front of the vehicle up and over the
obstacle and obstacle overtaken. Those wheels which remain in the middle, is
then pressed against the obstacle by the rear wheels and pulled against the
obstacle by the front till the time it is lifted up and over.
At last, the rear wheel is pulled over the obstacle by the front two wheels due to
applying pull force. During each wheel's traversal of the obstacle, forward
progress of the vehicle is slowed or completely halted which finally maintain
vehicles center of gravity.
The above said methodology is being practically proved by implementing it on eight
wheel drive ATV system in order to gain maximum advantage by rocker bogie system.
4. Literature Review

 The 2019 paper published by Palash Purohit, Vishwajeet Singh Rathore,

Shreesh Agrawal, Prafful Manker, Prashant Geete explains how the rocker-
bogie suspension design has proven its capability in vehicle stability and
obstacle -climbing capability. Following several technology and research
rover implementations, the system was successfully flown as part of Mars
Pathfinder’s Sojourner rover. When the Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Project was first proposed, the use of a rocker-bogie suspension was the
first preference due to its good obstacle climbing capacity and stability.
The challenges in development of rocker bogie suspension system are
weight of the system and it is not suitable for high speed operations. This
paper has covered some important aspect regarding rocker bogie
mechanism that can be used for agriculture purpose.

 In 2016 paper Sunxin Wang and Yan Li proposed a new dynamic rocker-
bogie suspension system with two modes of operation: it can expand the
span of the rocker-bogie support polygon to increase travel rate when the
terrain is planar; and it can switch to its original configuration to move by
low speed when it is faced with rough terrain
.The analysis on dynamic stability margin and kinematical simulation on
the two operating modes of rocker-bogie are employed to analyse and
verify the rationality and effectiveness of the modification in the structure.

 D. S. Chinchkar, S. S. Gajghate, R. N. Panchal, R. M. Shetenawar, P. S.

Mulik published paper on 2017 illustrated that a Rocker bogie are
important for conducting scientific analysis of objectives that are separated
by many meters to tens of kilometers. Current mobility designs are
complex, using many wheels or legs. They are open to mechanical failure
caused by the harsh environment on Mars. This work shows how rocker
bogie system works on different surfaces. Four wheels are used because
there are few obstacles on natural terrain that require both front wheels of
the rover to climb simultaneously. A series of mobility experiments in the
agriculture land, rough roads, inclined, stairs and
obstacles surfaces concluded that rocker bogie can achieve some distance
traverses on field.

 On 2020 Para Bimal Saraiya published explained the Rocker- Bogie

Mobility System which was designed to be used at slow speeds. It is
capable of overcoming Obstacles that are on the order of side of a wheel.
However, when surmounting a sizeable obstacle, the vehicles motion
effectively stops while the front wheel climbs the obstacle. NASA’s
currently favored design, the Rocker - Bogie, uses a two wheeled rocker
arm on a passive pivot attached to a main bogie that is connected
differentially to the main bogie on the other side. This paper describes a
method of driving a Rocker - Bogie vehicle so that it can effectively step
over most obstacles rather than impacting and climbing over them. Most
of the benefits of this method can be achieved without any mechanical
modification to existing designs only a change in control strategy. Some
mechanical changes are suggested to gather maximum benefit and to
greatly increase the effective operational speed of future rovers.

 The 2018 paper published by Aayush Poudel, Yashaswi Khandelwal

Sayantan Das, K. Venkadeshwaran, Karthik N. presents the Rocker- Bogie
mechanism that is being currently used for mars exploration rovers. This
includes the comparison between the six-motor rocker bogie and eight-
wheel eight rocker bogie. The data are collected for various surface
conditions so that the rover can be used as an emergency supply vehicle in
case of road blocks during landslides or can also be used to determine the
safest route to cross the blockade. The main objective of the modified rover
is to climb an obstacle of more than twice the wheel diameter and test it
under the similar environment conditions as that of Mars in order to check
the feasibility.

 The 2020 paper published by Pradeep K Khaire, Kshitij Dwivedi, Pinak

Deshpande, Sankalp Gharmalkar, Rohan Kulkarni, Hritika Aacharya
presented an idea to develop a vehicle which could give the Bofors gun
mobility, in course versatility in discharging of the weapon. They designed
the vehicle using the rocker bogie suspension system while improving its
capabilities. The problem which they have tried to solve was that Bofors
guns were very tedious to be carried to different places and rocky terrain.
The guns are also unable to fire while in a rocky terrain. This improved
movement of the guns will help the gunmen to fire
while being in extreme geographical conditions. The design also can be
adapted into an unmanned vehicle, which the world is trying to pursue in
the future.

 The 2019 paper published by Rajat Murambikar, Vinay Omase, Vivek

Nayak, Karan Patil, Prof. Yogesh Mahulkar explains the exploration
operations which need high speed and long distance travel in a short period
due to foreign environment, climate and communication restrictions.
Several mechanisms have been invented in recent years for working of
rovers on rough terrain. Although their different applications have found a
widespread usage in mobile robotics, their low speed operation is still a
challenging problem. In this research, a new suspension mechanism has
been delineate and its kinematic scrutiny results were discussed. Standard
rocker-bogie suspension mechanism, which has been designed in the late
90’s, has excellent weight distribution for different surfaces on rough
terrain. New design, mostly related to rocker-bogie suspension system, has
a inbuilt advantage with linear bogie motion which protects the whole
system from getting rolled over during high speed implementation. This
improvement increases the strength of structure on field operations and also
allows the higher speed exploration with similar object obstruction height
capacity as rocker-bogie. In this study, new bogie mechanism consisted of
double-lambda mechanism, which has been in first presented by Pafnuty
Lvovich Chebyshev in 1869, is solved by analytics to define the positions
and singular configurations. An improved structural synthesis formula also
has been introduced for such mechanisms with lower and higher kinematic
couples. By using structural synthesis methods, a developed mechanism
has been designed with double-lambda mechanism.

 The 2020 paper published by Mr.Ishan Lade, Krishika Bhaisare, Runali

Rangari, Shabeena Tabassum, Aniket Dhokane, Hemesh Thakre
emphasizes and focuses about the “ Area under surveillance “ continuously
at extreme conditions like very low temperature ,high attitude pressure,
unique color, low power supply, long range distance coverage and
manually controlled weapon system which insure the safety. In the modal,
the device consist a cameras as a sensor for the purpose of monitoring the
area under surveillance and sending images to the screen .If the area under
surveillance is occupied by unknown person,
then a camera capture the image and forward to the screen . This model
continuously monitors the “Area under surveillance”. The motive of this
project to build a ground surveillance rover with reliable mechanism for
security and surveillance.

 The 2019 paper published by M. Vigneshwaran, R. Siddharthaa, G. Vijay

and S. Pravin Kumar have described the need to develop a highly stable
suspension system capable of operating in multi terrain surfaces while
keeping all the wheels in contact with the ground. To design a mechanism
that can traverse terrains where the left and right rockers individually climb
different obstacles. To sustain a tilt of over 50degree without tipping over
the sideways. Rocker bogie are important for conducting scientific analysis
of objectives that are separated by many meters to tens of kilometers. Six
wheels are used because there are few obstacles on natural terrain that
require both front wheels of the rover to climb simultaneously. A series of
mobility experiments in the agriculture land, rough roads, inclined, stairs
and obstacles surfaces concluded that rocker bogie can achieve some
distance traverses on field.

 The 2018 paper published by Rodrigo Uzziel Gutiérrez Castillo and José
Reyes Rosales this paper describes the design and 3d print of an explorer
robot with suspension rocker-bogie which is based in the robots sent into
space. Also, it describes of software to acquire the image in real time and
the control of robot. It should be noted that space exploration has been a
feature of governments for many years. Nowadays there are companies that
can transport loads to space; There are also companies that have made great
advances in robotics and manufacturing. These technological advances can
help in space exploration, either by making robots lighter and easier to
manufacture or even by creating pieces and tools from space.

 The 2020 paper published by Anmol Singh, PK Jain shows an ideal plan
of a rocker-bogie suspension framework so as to ensure high mobile
steadiness as well as excellent versatility of a prototype rover vehicle while
traversing through rough terrains. It is essentially a suspension
arrangement utilized in mechanical automated vehicles utilized explicitly
for space investigation.
 The 2017 paper published by Abhisek Verma, Chandrajeet Yadav,
Bandana Singh , Arpit Gupta, Jaya Mishra, Abhishek Saxena describes the
term “rocker” as the rocking aspect of the larger links present each side of
the suspension system and balance the bogie as these rockers are connected
to each other and the vehicle chassis through a modified differential. In the
system, “bogie” refers to the conjoining links that have a drive wheel
attached at each end. Bogies were commonly used to bare loading as tracks
of army tanks as idlers distributing the load over the terrain. Bogies were
also quite commonly used on the trailers of semitrailer trucks as that very
time the trucks will have to carry much heavier load.

 The 2018 paper published by B.BABU, N.DHAYANIDHI,

S.DHAMOTHARAN illustrates “Rocker Bogie mechanism Geosurvey
Rover” and deals with the important aspect of improving the rover from its
previous designs. The Geosurvey rover has to operate on rough and harsh
environments for which it was designed but several factors restrict its
operational capabilities, so the focus of our research is to overcome
restrictions or to decrease it to within an acceptable range for its smooth
performance. The research on the restrictions of the rover conducted by our
team focused mainly on the drive system and its drive modules which were
not efficient, the linkage, the overturning or tilt range of the rover and the
battery inefficiency from the other restrictions and problems that were
obtained from the literature review and research conducted on how to
improve that.

 The 2019 paper published by S. Muruganantham, S. Karthikeyan, P.

Karunakaran, S. Naveen, S. Nishanthan explains motive of this paper is to
understand mechanical design and its advantages of rocker – bogie
suspension system in order to find suitability to implement it in post
disaster management finally physical prototype of Rocker Bogie mobile
robot is built which can claim staircase of height 150mm and length
350mm and tested in various conditions of surfaces including vertical
obstacle, inclined surface and uneven terrain outdoor condition.

 The 2018 paper published by Pradeep Pundpal, Vaibhav Parit, Pramod

Solkar, Gangadhar Shinde, M.K. demonstrates the Rocker Bogie
Mechanism and its traction control using a microcontroller. The model
represents simplest yet effective way of Rocker Bogie traction system,
which can be used in every application dealing uneven terrain surface.

 The 2019 paper published by K.V.Jadhav, N.A.Dange, H.R.Kadu,

S.S.Dhamane presents an innovative locomotion concept of six wheel
based “Solar Rocker-Bogie Mechanism”. Even though it has many
advantages when dealing with obstacles, there is one major shortcoming
which is its low average speed of operation, making the rocker-bogie
system not suitable for situations where high speed traversal over hard- flat
surfaces is needed to cover large areas in short period of time. The purpose
is to increase the stability of the rocker-bogie system by expanding its
support polygon, making it more stable and adaptable while moving at high
speed, but keeping its original robustness against obstacles.

 The 2019 paper published by Aishwarya A R, Neelaveni Ammal Murugan,

Shubhendu Ojas Tewary, Ashish Sharma, Anoushka Shukla have proposed
to build an all-terrain mobile robot for environmental observation,
surveillance and assistance in an agricultural field. There is a need for
efficient and precise techniques of farming, enabling farmers to put
minimal inputs for high production. Image processing techniques can be
used to enhance agricultural practices by improving the accuracy and
consistency of processes while reducing farmers’ manual monitoring.

 The 2021 paper published by Arjun CP, Jithin Peter TK, C. Mohamed
Meersa, Habeeb Rahman PP explains that Rocker bogie finds a vital role
in determining the scientific analysis of objectives separated by many
distance apart. The wheeled rover which is capable of driving over the
rough terrain provided with high degree of mobility suspension system. By
implementing this mechanism the vehicle can come through any obstacles
it faces during the travel in the terrain.

 In 2015 Nitin Yadav, BalRam Bhardwaj, Suresh Bhardwaj published their

research paper in which they have explained that in a place, where the value
of gravity remain lower than earth’s own gravitational coefficient, at that
place the existing suspension system fails to fulfill desired results as the
amount and mode of shock absorbing changes. To counter anti gravity
impact, NASA and Jet Propulsion Laboratory have jointly developed a
suspension system called the rocker-bogie Suspension system. It is
basically a suspension arrangement used in mechanical robotic
vehicles used specifically for space exploration
 In 2017 Paper published by N.Suganthi, R.Arun, D.Saranya and N.Vignesh
explains how the rover can be used for patrolling borders of a nation like
india which is insanely large areas and the humans abilities are limited due
to this monitoring activity which can be utilized in something much
productive. The surveillance robot serves as a security monitoring device
which replaces the human security at less critical areas where humans are
really not necessary. The recorded evidence also hence take necessary
action with automatic alerts from the robot when unusual activity occurs.
The 2013 paper published by EVANGELINE ASHA. B shows that the rover can be
used to sense smoke, temperature, electric shock and living body and to capture audio
and video. Advancement in technology has provided different sensors for constantly
monitoring the said parameters. This rover is self powered with a rechargeable battery
and it moves on wheels. It can work continuously for hours with this in-built battery
5. Problem Statement

Vigilance is the act of monitoring someone's behavior, actions, or details in order

to control, manage, or influence them. This can be accomplished by incorporating
CCTV to actively on the field from a far, as well as intercepting data transferred
electronically or through the mail. It can also be done manually by humans who
collect intelligence data. Surveillance is used by governments to gather
information, act as a deterrent, and safeguard a process, person, company, or
And most of the available surveilling methods are very restrictive and cannot do
multiple things at once.
Hence the ACSR can do multiple thing like, surveillance, monitoring, threat
detection, threat neutralization, and many more. The ACSR gives the users the
ability to customize the rover according to the users’ needs not just for one task
but multiple uses. It can be used for a wide range applications, like gardens or
backyards, storage facilities, ports, and also for military operations.

As we know that in the current iteration the rovers based on the mechanism
known as Rocker bogie are capable of only a single function and focus at the
limited limited area of usage

Most of these rovers are very expensive and used for highly specialized functions
and not for a problem faced real life (eg. mars rovers).

Through our research we decided to design and analyze a rocker bogie

mechanism based rover that can be used for various applications in diverse fields
of work,

And through these studies we were designing a Rover that can be used for various
applications and defensive environments where usually precious man power is

Our goal would be to minimise the human intervention for certain activities that
can be done autonomously and seamlessly

To design and analyze the rocker bogie suspension system to be implemented
in a six wheel driven rover format that can be used for multiple purposes with
the help of some modified attachments, such a surveillance and combat uses.


1) Surveillance: It is a surveillance rover which will be used to monitor and keep

watch of areas which is not easily accessible by humans

2) Combat: The design will help the guns to travel into the rocky regions of the
Himalayas and the highlands and give us the upper hand in the battle.

3) Uneven Terrain: While traversing through uneven terrain this suspension system is
most suitable since it can easily climb most objects without rolling over.

4) Inclination/ Stair: To be able to overcome significantly rough terrain without

significant risk of flipping the vehicle or damaging the suspension, these robots move
slowly and climb over the obstacles by having wheels lift each piece of the suspension
over the obstacle one portion at a time.

5) Access to Claustrophobic Places: to help us in claustrophobic places like mines

where human lives could be endangered because of toxic gases and places where
human reach is not possible.

6) Ability to transverse through dense vegetation: In dense vegetation where

dangerous species resides and human intervention is hindered due to this reason it is
better to use the rover which can easily traverse through the area.
7. Methodology

It is a surveillance rover which will be used to monitor and keep watch of areas which
is not easily accessible by humans. Surveillance is the process of monitoring a situation,
an area or a person. It is generally practiced in a military scenario where surveillance
of borderlines and enemy territory is essential to for the country’s safety.

Human surveillance is achieved by deploying personnel near sensitive areas in order

to constantly monitor changes. But humans do have their limitations, and deployment
in inaccessible places is not always possible. There are also added risks of losing
personnel in the event of getting caught by the enemy. With advances in technology
over the years, it is now possible to remotely monitor areas of importance by using our
rovers in place of humans.

The control mechanism is provided along with video transmission facility. This rover
has a camera and gun mounted on it and the camera is for utilized to record
surroundings. The camera which will capture the scenario in front of it and transfer to
the server on which the user will be watching the live feed in the control room and if
there is something unusual happening there then we can shoot to with the help of gun
mounted on our rover.

Information on gun:
An early naval cannon, which is allowed to roll backwards slightly when fired, and
therefore must be tethered with strong ropes.
In heavier mounted guns, such as heavy machine guns or artillery pieces, recoil
momentum is transferred to the Earth's surface through the platform on which the
weapon is mounted. In order to bring the rearward moving gun to a halt, the momentum
acquired by the gun is dissipated by a forward-acting counter-recoil force applied to
the gun over a period of time after the projectile exits the muzzle. To apply this counter-
recoiling force, modern mounted guns may employ recoil buffering comprising springs
and hydraulic recoil mechanisms, similar to shock-absorbing suspension on
automobiles. Early cannons used systems of ropes along with rolling or sliding friction
to provide forces to slow the recoiling cannon to a stop. Recoil buffering allows the
maximum counter-recoil force to be lowered so that strength limitations of the gun
mount are not exceeded. Gun chamber pressures and projectile acceleration forces are
tremendous, on the order of tens of thousands of pounds per square inch and tens of
thousands of times the acceleration of gravity (g's), both necessary to launch the
projectile at useful velocity during the very short travel distance of the barrel.
However, the same pressures acting on the base of the projectile are acting on the rear
face of the gun chamber, accelerating the gun rearward during firing. Practical weight
gun mounts are typically not strong enough to withstand the maximum forces
accelerating the projectile during the short time the projectile is in the barrel, typically
only a few milliseconds. To mitigate these large recoil forces, recoil buffering
mechanisms spread out the counter-recoiling force over a longer time, typically ten to
a hundred times longer than the duration of the forces accelerating the projectile. This
results in the required counter-recoiling force being proportionally lower, and easily
absorbed by the gun mount. Modern cannons also employ muzzle brakes very
effectively to redirect some of the propellant gasses rearward after projectile exit. This
provides a counter-recoiling force to the barrel, allowing the buffering system and gun
mount to be more efficiently designed at even lower weight
8. CAD Model


Figure: 4.1 Figure: 4.2

Length- 501mm Length- 261mm

Breadth- 60mm Breadth-60mm
Thickness- 10.5mm Thickness-10.5mm


Figure: 4.3 Figure: 4.4

Length- 281mm Length- 282mm

Breadth- 130mm Breadth- 20.6mm
Thickness- 42.2mm Thickness-10.5mm

Figure 4.5 Figure: 4.5

Length- 1801mm Length- 114mm

Breadth- 180mm Breadth-65mm
Height- 70mm Thickness-8.2mm



Length- 75mm Length- 343mm

Shaft Length- 75mm Breadth- 60.3mm
Diameter - 60mm Thickness- 10.5mm

Figure: 4.9 Figure: 4.10

Length- 51mm Length- 60.5mm

Breadth- 10.4mm Breadth- 9mm
Diameter- 18mm Thickness- 25 mm


Figure: 4.11 Figure: 4.12

Length- 180mm Diameter- 120mm

Diameter 1- 6mm Width-52mm
Diameter 2- 12mm

Figure: 4.13 Figure: 4.14

Length- 78mm Length- 180mm

Breadth- 91mm Breadth- 60.5 mm
Width- 62mm Thickness-12mm


Figure: 4.15

Length- 720mm
Breadth- 430mm
Height- 473mm

1. Ball end tie rod.

The top and bottom of the spindle are connected by a ball joint, while the tie
rod end connects to the spindle and controls its pivot, allowing the vehicle to
be steered.

2. Bogie
Bogies are useful for a variety of reasons: The vehicle's body is supported. On
both straight and curved tracks, there is stability. Improve ride quality by
absorbing vibration and reducing the impact of centrifugal forces when driving
at high speeds around curves.

3. Central Arm
The central arm works as a brace that keeps the left and the right side attached
to the body, aiding in support to the rover while on rough terrain.

4. Electronic And Battery

A battery box is a container (usually plastic), with a lid, that you place a heavy-
duty deep cycle battery inside of, that keeps the battery safe for transportation
and provides ports to both draw current from the battery (cigarette plug/USB,
etc.), and ports to feed charge into the battery.

5. Motor Mounting bracket

The motor mounting bracket is the bracket designed specifically for the motors
used in the rover for added support while no the move.

6. Motor Without Shaft

Here the motor used has 150rpm, which helps propel this rover in any
direction with the speed of 6.6 kmph.

7. Platform Base
The platform base is the part that is responsible for the union of the rocker and
bogie from either side of the rover.

8. Rocker
The rocker is an extension for the bogie which in tandem make the wheel
articulation possible.

9. Tie Rod End and Tie Rod

These parts help in dampening and smoothening out the erratic motion of the
rover while not on smooth surface on the ground.

10. Wheel
A wheel is a circular component that is intended to rotate on an axle bearing.
The wheel is one of the key components of the rover as it felicitates the vehicle
to transverse through tough and unknown environment. . Wheels on the rocker
bogie help in ease of mobility through obstacles and also carry load of the gun
and camera. .
10. Ansys Analysis and Calculations

Meshed Model Material Property

Figure: 7.1 Figure: 7.2

Calculation :

Rover speed =u
= 6.6 km/hr
=1.83 m/s
Let final velocity v =0
Density of steel = 7900 kg/m^3
mass ( from software) = 6.7455623 e^-2 ton = 67.45 kg
Keeping the impact timing = 0.4 sec
For acceleration,
v = u + at
0 =1.83+a (0.4)
a = 4.575 m/s^2
Force = mass × acceleration
Force = 67.45 × 4.575
Force = 308.58 N
Front/ Rear Impact = 2 × F = 308.58 × 2 = 617 N
Bump Analysis = 3 × G = 3 × 308.58 = 924 N
Front Impact:

Figure: 7.3.1 Deformation

By conducting the Ansys analysis on the rover for the front impact we found out that
the rover will experience the maximum of 0.54665 mm of total deformation

Figure: 7.3.2 Factor of Safety

On the Ansys we found out that our rover will be have minimum factor of safety of 2
and maximum factor of safety of 15.
Figure: 7.3.3 Von mises Stress

Through the analysis we successfully concluded that the maximum stress induced on
rover will be 116.74 Mpa and minimum stress will be 4.943 e-6.

Figure: 7.3.4 Boundary Conditions

In order to find the forces acting during front impact we took point A as fixed point as
shown in fig. And found the forces acting on point B and C as 617N on both points
Rear Impact:

Figure: 7.4.1 Total Deformation

By conducting the Ansys analysis on the rover for the rear impact we found out that
the rover will experience the maximum of 0.5033 mm of total deformation .

Figure: 7.4.2 Factor of Safety

On the Ansys we found out that our rover will be have minimum factor of safety of
and maximum factor of safety of 15
Figure: 7.4.3 Von mises Stress

Through the analysis we successfully concluded that the maximum stress induced on
rover will be 118.73 Mpa and minimum stress will be 4.4969 e-6.

Figure: 7.4.4 Boundary Conditions

In order to find the forces acting during rear impact we took point A as fixed point as
shown in fig. And found the forces acting on point B and C as 617N on both points

Figure 7.5.1 Total Deformation

During bump analysis of rover the total deformation acting on the rover came out to be
0.13943mm on the bogie part as shown in the figure above.

Figure: 7.5.2 Safety Factor

During bump analysis of rover the total deformation acting on the rover came out to be
0.13943mm on the bogie part as shown in the figure above.
Figure: 7.5.3 Von mises Stress

The stress induced on the rover during Bump analysis was found to be 30.307MPa
which is maximum and the minimum value is 0.0001MPa.

Figure: 7.5.4 Boundary Conditions

To find the static structural analysis of the rover we took the 2 points D and C as fixed
support and the forces acting on point A and B is 462N on both points upwards as
shown in figure above.
Impact with Gun:

Figure: 7.6.1 Total Deformation

By conducting the Ansys analysis on the rover for the impact with gun we found out
that the rover will experience the maximum of 0.41339 mm of total deformation

Figure: 7.6.2 Safety Factor

On the Ansys we found out that our rover will be have minimum factor of safety of
and maximum factor of safety of 15
Figure 7.6.3 Von mises Stress

Through the analysis we successfully concluded that the maximum stress induced on
rover will be 91.003 Mpa and minimum stress will be 5.1693 e-6.

Figure: 7.6.4 Boundary Conditions

In order to find the forces acting during impact with gun we took point A as fixed
point as shown in fig. And found the forces acting on point B, C and D as 617N, 617N
and 146N respectively.
11. Working Procedure

The general working procedure of the rover will be as the following.

Through this points we will be able to look at the working procedure of the adaptive
combat surveillance Rover.
The first step will be to connect the battery and connections properly, with this we
have to ensure that there are no loose connections to the power supply of the rover as
it would cause the rover to lose its ability to move in an unknown location.
Then the rover will be connected to the operating console via satellite and GPS.
On the operating console there can be passwords or any other procedure that enables
only the people of a certain organizations to be able to use control the rover. This will
be done through satellite and GPS as with these we will be able to have the needed
longer range and we will be able to have an operational connection with the rover
where there is no network available.
Rover will be operated through a control panel available on the console, i.e. the
control panel will have different parts that will be responsible for various other
applications of the rover. It will also act as screen where we can see all the vital signs
and information of the rover with which we can take further decisions regarding the
rovers operations.
The location of the rover will be visible through what the time with the help of GPS
and satellite. This is important because when the rover will be used for patrolling
anywhere then the operator should exactly know the location of the rover for making
any further strategies.

This surroundings of the rover will be constantly monitored and projected on the
screen available on the console with the help of attached camera which will be
wirelessly transmitted through satellite and will be saved to a drive online. This will
help us review ant footage again for any further investigation.
The control joystick for the camera gun and various other attachments will be
available on a separate console. The joystick or controller will be a medium to operate
the attachments available on the rover and it will have haptic feedback for more
When the rover reaches half of the available range that is 50% of the available battery
it will notify us. This will be calculated onboard and will be sent to the console of the
operator so we can easily bring back the rover without any problems. The rover can
also trace its path back to the starting position with the help of satellite and GPS.
The rover will be able to use only 90% of the battery available and it will keep 10%of
the battery for emergency uses only. This will be one of the safety mechanism for the
long term reliability of the rover.
The rover will also have a feature that it can track itself back to the area from where it
was deployed wirelessly through satellite and GPS tracking of its existing path.
In an event of vandalism the rover will also have a feature that will allow it to corrupt
all the components on board and render it useless to the assailants. this will be helpful
as to not letting the enemy have any information about anything.

After the realized simulation, the results has been generated and analyzed which
compared the disturbances in the rovers Center of Gravity. Position in each of the two
operating modes, contrasting the response of these two distinctive configurations of
the rocker-bogie suspension against upcoming obstacles that can be present along the
system generated obstacles and roadblocks.

Pre-processing: Pre-processing refers to "preparation" of samples / images to introduce

them into the algorithm for a particular task: target tracking, recognition, feature
extraction, etc. Data dispensation is a data removal technique that involves converting
raw statistics into an understandable format. Actual data is often partial, inconsistent
and / or lacking certain behaviors or trends and may hold many data.

The rover is designed with the intention of having a factor of safety 2. Through the test
performed in ansys software the results came out to be better than the predicted factor
of safety. As the test concluded the factor of safety came out to be 15 which is more
than 7 times the predicted factor of safety. Through von mises stress test the result
came out to be 91.003 Mpa max and minimum von mises stress 5.169 Mpa.

The maximum deformation after impact from the gun and the force generated by
sudden impact from the obstacles is 0.41339mm.

Along with the factor of safety the rover can also carry the whole weight of camera
and gun at the speed of 6.6 km/hr. Even if the rover encounters any obstacles even at
the maximum speed, the factor of safety still remains 5 times the predicted factor of
safety i.e 10.

Rocker-bogie suspension system can be implemented in exploration rovers and

various other combinations for the following purposes: -
1- It can be used in rovers designed for assisting astronauts in space operations
and it can act as a path finder.
2- It could be useful for implementation in rovers for space missions too as
recently it was used in NASA’s Mars Rover Curiosity and ISRO’s Lunar Rover
Pragyan .The following mechanism takes into consideration the roughness of the
surface it is driven on.
3- The rovers with rocker bogie generally have larger wheels as compared to
objects; therefore, it can easily function over maximum of the Martian rocks.
4- It can be used in rovers made for excavation purposes in coal mines.
5- It can be used in rovers that act as spy robots and for military operations too
due to capability of working in off-road conditions.
6- It can be used in heavy machinery cranes and bulldozers for ease in traversing
through rough terrains .


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