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Peer Feedback Form for Nanotechnology Student Presentation

Date: 08/05/24
Name Presenter (1st presentation): Luka van der Heiden
Name Evaluator (optional):


Based on what your experience was of the presentation: What did you find clear, what did
you not find clear, what did you have trouble understanding? Do you have tips for
improving presentation?

Top (summarize your one most important positive feedback point):

Everything was pretty clear, good introduction and the video was nice to show.

Tip (summarize your one most important feedback point for how to improve):

I don’t really have one, it was a solid presentation.

Peer Feedback Form for Nanotechnology Student Presentation

Name Presenter (2nd presentation): Rana Karababa
Name Evaluator (optional):


Based on what your experience was of the presentation: What did you find clear, what did
you not find clear, what did you have trouble understanding? Do you have tips for
improving presentation?

Top (summarize your one most important positive feedback point):

Each slide is explained clearly and the motivation at the beginning is nice to have.

Tip (summarize your one most important feedback point for how to improve):

You seem a little nervous when talking at times, but it’s nothing too bad.
Peer Feedback Form for Nanotechnology Student Presentation

Name Presenter (3rd presentation): Thomas Scheepstra
Name Evaluator (optional):


Based on what your experience was of the presentation: What did you find clear, what did
you not find clear, what did you have trouble understanding? Do you have tips for
improving presentation?

Top (summarize your one most important positive feedback point):

The structure of the presentation was very good, and I could follow it well.

Tip (summarize your one most important feedback point for how to improve):

Don’t really have any. Sometimes you look at your laptop but I can’t blame you for that.

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