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Training Certificate
Profile of the Company
Various department in the Company
 Secretarial Department
 Personnel Department
 Finance Department
 Accounts Department

Nature of work done


I am deeply thankful to Dr.R.MEGANATHAN(PRINCIPAL)for his

support and guidance

It is need with great sense of pleasure and gratitude ,I acknowledge

the help of Dr.MANICKAM.G, HOD is providing the facilities to
accomplish this project and respective department staff.

I am very thankful to all my respectable department professors for helping

me to complete this project.

Secondly I would like to thank all the officials and employees of

BASELINE LAND SURVEY for helping me and giving me the necessary
information in the data with value support and timely help.

I thank all of them who have helped me and gave me the necessary
co-operation to complete my project successfully.


The Curriculum of MBA(HR&FINANCE) course of our college

prescribes that every student should undergo institutional training in a
Private Limited company for a period of 30days. And hence I undergone
training in
BASELINE LAND SURVEY for a period of 30days from 29.06.2022 to

After the completion of training it is imperative to submit a project

report consisting details of training and analysis and interpretation of
financial statement. I have completed all the requirements to the best of my
knowledge and prepared the project as per the requirements prescribed in the

This project report gives the overview of the institutional training

right from introduction, profile of the company, nature of work done and
conclusion have been annexed with the project report.
General Information,
 Business Name : Baseline Land Survey,
 Address : 306, Kalpakkam, Chennai,
Tamilnadu-603 102,
 Phone No : 6380885010
 G Mail :
 Proprietor Name : Riyas Meeran S
Company Details,
Date Of Creation : 01-07-2019
Main Area Activities : Tamil Nadu, All Over India,
MainService : Topographical Survey, Layout
Marking, Building Marking, Contour
Survey and Levelling
Company Capacity,
Human Resources : Two Ts Team And SkilledPersons,
Technical Resources : Topcon-GM55,Sokkia-IM55(Two
Instrument Sets)
Others : we are Success in many Projects
that’s are-
BBCL-Bharat Petroleum
Corporation Ltd in Madurai(Sub)
(Topographical survey, pipeline
marking and Building set out)
Land India Properties in Chennai
(Topographical survey,
Layout marking around 50 Acer
Chennai Properties and
Investment Ltd at Chennai and
Baseline land Survey Company on last week consulting , we were
provided with the details about the project and were asked to prepare the
cost proposal for the Survey of Lucknow in India.
The project cost proposal will provide all the necessary information
regarding the Surveying and designing of the Work.

Company Introduction
Baseline land Survey is a Best Service Providing company in the
Chennai. For almost 2 years, we have Completing Many Projects on
Topographical Survey, Contour, Levelling and most Famous in Layout
Making and Building marking of Tamilnadu. Our priority is delivering a
quality product while maintaining the highest standards of safety and health.
Our highly effective team, accurate planning and resource deployment is the
key to the deliverance of high standard projects within record timeframes.
Our team comprises of skilled Surveyor and Assistant Surveyor. We provide
consultations and solutions to our client’s requirements during the projects
whenever required.

We cover all aspects of All Survey Works and contracting services
and offer feasibility studies, designing and financial opportunities for
Our specialty fields include:

 All types of Land Survey Properly done

 Oil & gas and industrial plant Marking on Total station
 FMB drawing perfectly draw in AutoCAD software
 Boundary Identify in proper government rules
 Layout Marking Done By specify plot Layout design
 Finally we are provide Topographical Drawing in Auto cad Design
 Building Marking also done here

Project Details
Employees are a company’s greatest asset and it is most important to
keep them happy and content. Work on Surveying for them is an excellent
idea and it will help enhance productivity as well as keep the work stress
level low. We have complete Set out maximum 250 points fixed in One
Day. the Drawing works Will be completing on a Day Procuress on Day To

Project phases
Our company will complete this project in Client Requirement.

Phase 1: Assessment and Planning

Our project team will visit the site and complete the site examination
thoroughly. Our architects and engineers will make a design and get
your approval.

Phase 2: Pre-Work
Ground breaking will be done by Client Side and the site will be
prepared before the beginning of the Survey.

Phase 3: Design and Modeling

At the end of the Topographical Survey, our team of engineers and
Architect designer will be confirm the design it.

Phase 4: Project Performance

Many times the project managers have to make adjustments to keep a
project on track or the client company isn’t happy with something;
this is the stage where we ask for another approval from the clients.

Cost Allocation
We will allocate the following amount to each Days of the project.
S Unit Qty Rate Amount
No Particulars Rs.
Charges of All Survey Works.
Survey Done By Electronic Digital Per 1 6000 6000
1 total Station With Skilled Team. Day
(Total Six thousand Two Hundred 6000
Terms and Conditions
 Baseline land Survey will be responsible for providing transportation
for the equipment to and from the site.
 The payment shall be made at the time The Month End.
 Food and Accommodation our Company providing I will reduce the
 During the contract term, our company will provide commercial
insurance of all the equipment.
Contact us
You can contact us in any of the following ways:
Baseline Land Survey,
Phone: 6380885010

Functions of the Department:

Department may be defined as the process of grouping jobs into
departments. It involves grouping of activities and employees in to
department. So as to facilitate the accomplishments of organization
objectives once the total works of an enterprise is divided into individuals
function and sub function, these functions are grouped together into work
units on a particular basis:
Types of Department:

1) Secretarial Department

2) Personnel Department

3) Finance Department

4) Accounts Department

For every company there will be secretarial department. Secretarial
work has achieved as an important in conduct of business organization.
Function at corporate office looks after the interest of the shareholder.
Secretarial department is responsible for the company’s board of directors
as well as the general and extra ordinary general meeting of shareholders. It
plays a vital role in any company and it acts as a link between board of
directors and shareholders. Company secretary is a head of secretarial
department. Secretary on behalf of the board looks after the corporate office
of the company and conveys decision of the board to respective users.
Company secretary undertakes responsibility of sending reports to members.

Personnel department deals with the employees of the organizations.
All the matters regarding the employees are recorded in this department.
From time to time employee’s performance is measured. If the performance
of the employee is below the standard level remedial actions like training is
given to employees there by bringing them into standard level fixed by the
company. Another important function of this department is recruitment. This
function deals with the selection of candidate. The department takes
necessary steps for providing recreational facilities of the employees.
All the details of the employees such as medical history nominees,
stipend details and extra - curricular are maintained. Service details such as
promotion, date of joining, retirement, date of training periods are also
maintained, other information such as transfer details. Awards/recognition is
also maintained.

One of the prominent functions of the finance department is to assess
the working capital requirements and its control. The finance department
helps in forecasting and ascertaining the financial requirements by ways of
fund flow, cash flow and ration analysis.
The finance department and the accounts department are closely
interrelated with each other. The finance department sends the necessary
information and financial statements to the accounts department in order to
record these transactions at the appropriate books and to prepare the balance
sheet, profit and loss statement. The finance department also helps in
ascertaining the sources and application of cash fund of the company paying
transport freights and charger, receiving bills for payment form the suppliers
of material etc., are some of the retinue duties of the finance department the
statutory activities include payment of income- tax, sales tax property tax,
service tax and statutory borrowed are also a part of finance department

Finance is line of the organization. The accounts department deals
with all day to day activities like funds management, maintaining banks
accounts, transfer of funds, managing working capital, arranging funds for
the company, credit monetary agency report statement to the bank particular
The accounts department maintains the accounts of the company and
recording the day to day transaction of the company. It collects various
vouchers from various departments and audit the voucher and grants
permission for the allocation of funds for day to day expenses.

The curriculum of the MBA(HR&FINANCE) course prescribes

every student must undergo institutional training for a period of 30 days in
any private limited company. On behalf of that I have gone institutional
training in

After my interaction with the staff and officials of the company they
said to work . I really felt comfortable while I was communicating with
staffs of the company. At last they gave opportunity to work on their
registered office.

It was a wonderful experience in the corporate world and I was

delighted to work in such an organization. I will discuss my experience that
what I have done for the past 30 days of my training.

It gave me a pleasure to work on their accounting process. The work

given for me is to file the vouchers of the company and to check it. I
concluded my training with sense of statisfaction that I became familiar with
the practical aspects relating to a corporate undertaking. I am sure that
the training program will help me in all my future aspects.
The staff of the company gave me the documents and literature which will
facilitated considerably in the completion of the project. Memorandum of
association. The annual reports helped me considerably in analysis
interpreting the financial position of the company.

They allotted me work related to checking insurance claims and I was

directed to feed all the date which I had checked in the computer. This
activity helped me to get an apt perspective with regard an actual
functioning of a corporate undertaking.

My Learning Experience;

During The Summer Internship I gained a lot of Information and

Experience on Baseline Land Survey. The Plan of The Internship Is Given


1 1 29.06.22 Learn how to make interpersonal relationship

2 2 05.07.22 Raising bills for employees and GST Invoice For Clients .

Meeting and discussion managers for

3 3 12.07.22
employees improvement

4 4 19.07.22 Did the given task submitted


Job satisfaction is the indicator of how much an employee is satisfied

with the job. Job satisfaction requires a good remuneration excellent work
environment expects to be offered by the company. The next important
factor, which will make an employee satisfied with his job is, friendly
relationship of superiors with their lower employees. However there are few
other factors which make Employees feel satisfied with the job are
recreation facility, holidays between long terms of work, boarding facilities
etc. An employee always tends to look for better jobs where they are
provided his/her basic needs. If these facilities are provided properly to
employees, it may make them feel satisfied with their present job.

In an overall view, it is been found out the majority of the employee

are feeling satisfied about their job, it can be conducted that this organization
has a commendable job satisfactory its employees.

To conclude , the training that I have got from BASELINE LAND

SURVEY will be useful for my future, academic and environmental

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