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ASME 1993



Carl A. Palmer and Michael R. Erbes

Enter Software Inc., Menlo Park, California

Peter A. Pechtl
Enter Software, Graz, Austria

ABSTRACT variety of conditions, control limits exist due to phenomena such

A new breed of high-efficiency aeroderivative gas turbine as compressor surging, overspeed, and shaft torque limits.
engines has gained acceptance as the primary source of power in Performance prediction and identification of operational limits
many cogeneration plants. These high-firing-temperature, is of extreme importance when investigating the suitability of
highly-cooled, multishaft engines are often operated quite operation on a low Btu fuel gas for a particular gas turbine. The
differently than mainframe gas turbines. Therefore, the ability to use of low Btu fuel gases is a fairly new application for
model the off-design behavior of these engines is critical in aeroderivative gas turbines, hence relatively little experimental
economic, thermal and condition-monitoring studies. In data exists. Computer-based gas turbine performance simulation
addition, because of their flexible operation, these aeroderivative offers a viable and inexpensive way to generate these data at
engines are well suited for applications involving alternative reasonable accuracy. Tools such as the GateCycle computer
fuels, such as biomass and coal-derived fuels. This paper software code (Erbes, et al., 1989) help by providing an accurate
presents performance predictions for an LM2500 gas turbine analytical framework that includes all the necessary relations for
fired with a low heating value fuel. Issues relevant to this modeling gas turbine performance. This paper focuses on
fuel/turbine combination are discussed. The off-design LM2500 thermodynamic performance issues of gas turbine operation with
engine model was developed using the GateCycle analysis a biofuel synthesis gas. It will not address other critical issues
software package. The GateCycle engine model is based on relating to corrosion, emissions, combustor/fuel supply design
energy and flow matching of the turbomachinery components. It and the actual gasification process used.
includes compressor maps and turbine flow analysis procedures For a comparison to industrial units using coal derived fuel
that account for changes in gas molecular composition. gases, Starheim and Todd (1992) is a good reference source for
how an industrial engine performs with coal derived low-Btu
fuels: "Because of the lower heating value produced in a
INTRODUCTION gasification process relative to lower heating value of the
Recent advancements in gasification technology make solid gasification process relative to natural gas, approximately 6-8
fuels economically available for combustion in gas turbines, times the massflow is needed to maintain the same firing
which have traditionally use only premium fuels like natural gas temperature in the gas turbine. The additional massflow ...
and fuel oil. Biomass gasification is such a source for alternative results in a 20% increase in gas turbine output, resulting in a
fuels. Gasification derived fuels differ from natural gas in that nominal low-heating value rating of 192 MW (vs. 159 MW on
their heating value is considerably lower (medium to low Btu natural gas) for the Frame 7FA. ... Except for only minor
gases). To maintain the same firing temperature, more fuel has to hardware modifications (i.e. combustion components and fuel
enter the combustor and consequently more mass flow passes supply), the additional output is realized without any cost
through the turbine expander. This causes a gas turbine to increase in the gas turbine". Johnson (1991) provides detailed
operate away from its design point. Even though gas turbines, performance simulation results using coal derived fuel gas with
particularly aeroderivative turbines, operate well under a wide large engines.

1 Pages 69-76
fuel scenarios are investigated: two using different fuel gases, and
Combustor Power Turbine one using low Btu fuel gas as well as steam injection up to the
Compressor HP Turbine control limit. The variation in performance with fuel and
Fuel Generator compressor inlet temperature is also presented.
The LM2500 engine model used in this study was developed
using GateCycle, which includes advanced features for gas
turbine simulation. The model employs compressor map data and
incorporates the engineering principles behind gas turbine
operation in order to accurately predict variations in performance.
DP Inlet
P3, T3 Net Power
T Combust T54, P54
The GateCycle software package was developed to provide
T Rotor T Exhaust power plant designers and engineers with a powerful and flexible
tool to analyze gas-turbine-based power plant systems (Erbes and
FIGURE 1: SIMPLIFIED LM2500 ENGINE SCHEMATIC Gay, 1989). GateCycle includes several levels of gas turbine
models. Of the methods, the Advanced GT module is the
appropriate modeling method for accurate assessment of aero-
derivative engine performance. It models the off-design
Power generation biomass gasification processes utilize a performance of gas turbine engines using detailed models for
considerably smaller plant size (20-50MW range) (Becker et al., each component of the engine: up to 2 compressors, 2
1986)(Larson, 1990) than comparable coal gasification processes combustors/steam injection and 3 expander sections are allowed,
(250MW+ range), because of fuel supply considerations. So, as in the most complex engines in the electrical generation field.
whereas large engines such as the GE7FA are being installed for Examples of this "most complex engine" are the General Electric
coal IGCC service, they will not be used for biomass systems. LM5000 or the United Technologies FT8. The components are
An engine such as the GE LM2500 is well suited for biomass aerodynamically coupled along the flow and cooling paths
gasification projects because: a) it is in the right size range, and (satisfying mass continuity). They are mechanically coupled by
b) it is flexible in operation, since it is designed to allow shafts according to the configuration of the engine (energy
additional steam injection for power augmentation as well as for balance).
NOx control. The type of numerical schemes used for these "component
The LM2500 aeroderivative engine is operated differently than matching" calculations can be found in Palmer (1991),
traditional industrial units: an example of this difference is seen Cottington, (1974) Sellers and Teren, (1974), and Ismail, (1991),
in the variation in output with compressor inlet temperature. The as well as the several papers by Saravanamuttoo [e.g. (w/
control system of the usual industrial engine keeps the firing MacIsaac 1983, w/ Zhu, 1992)]. Cohen et al., (1987) is the place
temperature essentially constant at all ambient temperatures. For to learn the fundamentals of gas turbine component matching.
the LM2500-PE, at higher temperatures (>60F), the power The compressor model in the Advanced GT relies on a
turbine inlet temperature is kept constant, thus keeping the firing compressor map that relates the compressor flow, speed, pressure
temperature approximately constant, as in the industrial units. ratio and efficiency. The compressor map used in the LM2500
However, at lower temperatures (<40F) the firing temperature is model for this study is based on the map found in Spector and
reduced since the compressor corrected speed must not exceed a Miller (1983). Once the operating point on the map (i.e. flow,
specified maximum value (Smith, 1991). Between these limits, pressure ratio, and efficiency) is found in each iteration of the
there is a third control limit on the actual compressor RPM engine model, the power used by the compressor can be
(Smith, 1991) (Fogg et al., 1986) (Leonard, 1992). Compressor calculated by the following procedure:
operation and control is more critical for aero-derivative engines First, the isentropic compressor exit temperature is calculated by
than for industrial engines, since on aero-derivatives the applying a polytropic efficiency of 1 to find the temperature rise
compressor shaft is not connected to a generator, and therefore across several (40 steps are used) small pressure ratios until the
spins freely (see Figure 1). final pressure ratio is reached.
The operation of the LM2500 on low-btu fuels depends entirely γ− 1
( )
on what the control system allows the engine to do. The key
Ti + 1  Pi + 1  γ
assumption used for this study is that the control system will be = 
designed to keep the corrected speed, power turbine inlet Ti  Pi 
temperature, and rotor bulk metal temperatures below their
maximum limits, and that an acceptable compressor surge margin
This method is used so that specific heat changes with
is maintained at all times.
temperature and gas composition effects are included. The actual
This paper presents an investigation of the performance of a GE
compressor discharge temperature (enthalpy) is calculated from
LM2500 fired by low-btu biomass-derived fuels. Three different

2 Palmer, Erbes and Pechtl

the isentropic enthalpy calculated above and the efficiency from The combustor exit temperature and composition is calculated
the compressor map by: based on complete combustion of the fuel. A combustion
h2, isentropic − h1 efficiency parameter allows for heat losses or incomplete
h2 = h1 + combustion. Pressure drop is assumed to be a constant fraction
ηcompressor of the inlet pressure. The fuel flow rate into the combustor is
determined by the overall control philosophy chosen - such as a
Power is calculated as this actual enthalpy rise multiplied by the constant rotor inlet temperature, constant power turbine inlet
compressor flow read from the map. temperature or a given turbine exhaust temperature. The

W&compressor = m&1, (map) (h2 − h1 )

combustor module also accepts steam and water injection.

For the LM2500, because the compressor is attached on a free- BASE LM2500 MODEL(S)
spinning spool to the high pressure turbine, the matching With help from GE personnel for some of the internal engine
calculations will equate the power of those two components, with parameters, a base model of an LM2500-PE engine was built,
a shaft mechanical efficiency included. matching published data with its inherent margins (Diesel & Gas
W&compressor = ηshaft W&HP turbine Turbine Worldwide Catalog, 1992). This design case of the
engine was used to calculate the nozzle areas of the turbine
sections as well as set the appropriate pressure ratio, efficiency
Unlike the compressor model, which uses an overall isentropic and flow rate to use as 'design values' for un-normalizing the
efficiency, the expander model in GateCycle uses a quasi- compressor map. The results are presented as case 1 of Table 1.
polytropic efficiency, which is assumed to remain constant. The The PE engine can allow up to 5.04 kg/s (40,000 lb/hr) of steam
map that relates flow, temperature and pressure into the first- injection for power augmentation (Smith, 1991, p.11). However,
stage nozzle of each turbine takes the form: when that much steam is admitted to the gas turbine, the control
 m& T  system decreases the firing temperature of the gas turbine to
Constant = κ  ensure an adequate surge margin. Case 2 in Table 1 shows the
 AP  Nozzle Inlet engine output with 3.78 kg/s of steam injection (30,000 lb/hr).
To allow a high firing temperature along with steam injection,
GE opened the nozzle area of the HP turbine by approximately
Here, the constant κis a very slight function of temperature and 3% and reduced the power turbine nozzle area by approximately
composition when the nozzle is choked (the usual case). When 6% (designated case 4). GE refers to this modified engine as the
the nozzle is not choked, κ is a more complex function of LM2500-PH. The effect of these changes was to allow the
pressure as well as temperature and composition. See Streeter compressor of the PH engine injected with 5.04 kg/s (40,000
and Wylie (1979) for the full equations for choked and unchoked lb/hr) of steam to run at nearly the same operating point that it
flow as well as how to calculate the expansion ratio at which did with the (dry) PE engine. Of course, the trade-off is that the
choking occurs. In the above equations, temperature and dry PH engine (case 3) operates away from the optimal design
pressure are in absolute units. Area refers to the turbine flow area point. Figure 2 shows the operating points on the compressor
(not necessarily the nozzle inlet area). Note that the "shadow map for the four model case results of the LM2500 PE and PH
effect" (Fayrweather, 1992) -- the effective nozzle area changing engines with and without steam injection. Notice how points 1
with corrected turbine speed due to shock wave distortion -- is and 4 are nearly coincident.
not included.
For the LM2500 model, the cooling flow for each turbine is
assumed to be a constant fraction of the nozzle flow, although the LOW-BTU GASES
advanced GT does have options for more complex cooling The two low-btu fuels used in this study are created by an air-
calculations. This is probably a good assumption as both the off- blown biomass gasification process with air supply from the gas
design cooling flow rates and the turbine inlet flows will vary turbine compressor. The first fuel is from a gasification system
linearly with compressor discharge pressure, and thus vary in employing a conventional water wash; the second is from a
nearly constant proportion to each other. The cooling air is system concept with hot-gas cleanup. The composition, heating
assumed to all come from the exit of the compressor, although in value, and required compressor air extraction level needed for the
reality there are cooling bleed ports at various stages along the gasification processes are shown in Table 2
compressor for the different turbine stages.

3 Palmer, Erbes and Pechtl


Case Description Net Power Net η Fuel Exhaust Exhaust Power Comp Comp Steam Corrected Rotor
# Flow Flow Temp Turb Discharge Discharge Flow Speed Temp
inlet Temp Pressure
Units MW - kg/hr kg/hr C C C Bars kg/hr % of ISO C
1 Natural Gas- 21.549 35.1 4639 248117 526 804 449 18.87 0 100.0 1232
LM2500 PE-Dry
2 Natural Gas- 24.314 38.3 4796 268393 488 767 466 20.30 13608 101.5 1167
LM2500 PE-
Steam Inj.
3 Natural Gas- 18.949 34.4 4158 222604 531 804 418 16.30 0 96.6 1206
LM2500 PH-Dry
4 Natural Gas- 26.680 40.0 5040 265860 503 804 460 19.81 18144 99.9 1185
LM2500 PH-
Steam Inj.
5 Fuel #1- 24.013 36.2 48765 267574 521 804 463 20.08 0 100.8 1215
LM2500 PE Dry
6 Fuel #2- 23.081 38.0 43321 262003 523 804 458 19.64 0 100.2 1219
LM2500 PE Dry
7 Fuel #1- 24.241 36.7 48653 253835 543 842 446 18.66 0 98.5 1238
LM2500 PH
8 Fuel #2- 23.263 38.4 43185 248133 546 843 441 18.23 0 98.1 1243
LM2500 PH Dry
9 Fuel #2- 28.295 42.9 46960 279934 501 804 469 20.55 18144 100.0 1174
LM2500 PH
40Klb st. inj.
10 Fuel #2- 24.452 40.5 43045 258928 513 804 448 19.32 9072 98.4 1183
LM2500 PH
20Klb st inj.

Assumptions: ISO ambient conditions: 15 deg C, 60% relative humidity, 1.01325 bar pressure
10 mbar (4" water) inlet and 25 mbar (10" water) outlet pressure losses Natural Gas LHV: 47640 kJ/kg (20500 Btu/lb)
Steam properties: 22.4 bar (325 psia), 357 C (675 F) from (Smith, 1991)


Composition (mole %) Fuel #1 Fuel #2 Fuel #1 Fuel #2

H2 11.86 12.42 Temperature (C) 255 480
CO 17.69 18.55 Calculated LHV, kJ/kg 4890.2 5047.1
(Btu/lb) (2104) (2172)
CO2 11.00 11.62 Required Compressor Air 0.5797 0.5986
Extraction (kg air/kg fuel)
CH4 4.22 4.42
C2H4 0.59 0.62
H2O 15.43 11.29
N2 39.16 41.08
NH3 0.05 2.9e-7

4 Palmer, Erbes and Pechtl


Surge Line
Ratio 9 2
46 5
1 10 1
8 7

Operating 99.8

0.5 Points

% Corrected Speed

0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 1.05 1.1
Normalized Corrected Flow


OPERATION ON LOW BTU GAS design) case 1. The quasi-bulk metal temperature is calculated by
Operation of the LM2500 on low-btu gas is analogous to assuming a constant cooling effectiveness, ε, of 0.53, where:
operation under high-steam injection conditions in that a large
mass flow from an external source enters the gas turbine. This
Trotor − Tbulk
has the effect of "crowding out" compressor flow in the first stage εcool =
turbine nozzles. The resulting combination of a rise in Trotor − Tcooling
compressor pressure ratio and decrease in compressor flow
reduces the compressor surge margin. In the case of a natural- (Cohn and Waters, 1982) This simplification approximates the
gas-fired steam-injected engine, GE's recommended solution is to method GE would use to pick a new base firing temperature for a
substitute a LM2500-PH engine. GE would probably also re-designed control system.
recommend the same solution for a non-steam injected low-btu The reported heat rate (efficiency) for both low-btu fuels is not
application, because of the increased fuel mass flow. However, based on a 'true' energy balance. It is calculated using the
in the present study, substantial compressor bleed requirements traditional method of ignoring the sensible enthalpy of the fuel.
increase the available surge margin. So both engines were Because of the high temperature of the biogas used, this method
investigated. is not appropriate when comparing the performance of the low-
The model predictions for operation on low-btu fuels 1 and 2 btu engine to the natural gas engine. The GateCycle model was
are given in Table 1 as cases 5-6 (PE) and 7-8 (PH). For both run using a range of fuel temperatures, so that the engine
fuels, the engine performance (power and efficiency) increased performance could be corrected to the same standard for the
relative to natural gas firing due to the extra fuel mass flow. different fuels. Figures 3 and 4 show the variation in the engine
Figure 2 shows that the compressor surge margin was not performance versus fuel temperature for natural gas and low-btu
significantly reduced for any of these cases. This implies that the fuel #2. Notice how over a 400C fuel temperature change, the
required compressor bleed is large enough so that the PE engine natural gas engine fuel flow (traditional heat rate) changes by
need not be de-rated. Notice that use of the PH engine allows a ~3.5%, whereas the low-btu engine changes by ~13%. This
higher firing temperature; the output and efficiency are therefore strong sensitivity to fuel temperature for low-btu fuel operation
better than for the PE engine. The firing temperature (gas underscores the need for careful design of the gasification,
temperature at the first rotor inlet) was selected to maintain a cleanup, handling and fuel transmission systems in order to retain
constant (quasi-) bulk metal temperature as compared to (the the sensible energy in the fuel stream.

5 Palmer, Erbes and Pechtl

Correction 45
Factor Efficiency
1.02 Fuel #1 - PH
1.01 35
Corrected Heat Rate Fuel #1 - PE
1 30 Nat. Gas - PE
Power Power
0.99 Heat Rate
(1/efficiency) 25 Fuel #1 - PE Fuel #1 - PH
0.98 MW
Nat. Gas - PE
Fuel Flow 15
0.96 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
Inlet Temperature (C)
-100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Fuel Temperature (C)
When considering operation over a range of ambient
Correction temperatures, firing with low-btu gas has the effect of shifting the
Factor points where the different control limits take precedence. Figure
5 shows that the point where the power turbine inlet temperature
1.15 Fuel Flow limit shifts to the corrected compressor speed limit occurs at a
higher ambient temperature for the PE engine (from 9 to 12
1.1 degrees C). Note that the performance of the PE engine on low-
Heat Rate btu fuel #1 is still better than the natural gas engine over the
1.05 whole range. The PH engine does not reach the corrected speed
limit until the ambient temperature drops below 0 C. Given the
wider range of conditions at which the PH engine can run at its
0.95 Corrected Heat Rate rated firing temperature, the PH engine would probably be the
preferred configuration for this low-btu fuel; however, the surge
0.9 margin should be analyzed before operating the engine at these
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 lower temperatures.
Fuel Temperature (C)

Part Load Conditions

FIGURE 4: FUEL TEMPERATURE EFFECTS - FUEL #2 Figure 6 shows how key engine parameters vary when the
engine operates between 30% and 110% load at ISO conditions
A 'true' energy accounting around the engine would penalize the using fuel 1 in the PE engine. This variation with load is not
fuel sensible (temperature-related) enthalpy and credit the significantly different than that for natural gas (Figure 7). Note
compressor bleed leaving the LM2500 that actually comes back that the actual values of the parameters would be different
into the gas turbine cycle during fuel gas production. The because the point used as the 100% power point is case 1 for
'corrected' heat rate shown in the fuel temperature curves show natural gas and case 5 for fuel 1.
that there is very little real thermodynamic effect of fuel
temperature on engine performance inside the engine. A more
complete study of energy flows in the system would also need to Steam Injection with Low-Btu Fuel
account for effects such as the additional fuel compression With natural gas, steam injection is best utilized with the
needed to go through the gasification process as well as the fuel LM2500-PH engine, as the engine firing temperature need not be
nozzles. decreased. For steam injection using gas 2, the same conclusion
can be made. The main consideration is how much steam can be
injected safely, as some of the excess flow that the increased
NON-REFERENCE CASE OPERATION turbine nozzle area allows has been taken up by the increased
low-btu fuel flow. With natural gas, a steam injection level of
Non-ISO Conditions 5.04 kg/s (40,000 lb/hr) is permitted. The compressor map in
figure 2 shows that injecting this much steam while firing on

6 Palmer, Erbes and Pechtl

Fraction behavior and control limits is critical. The accuracy of the
of 100% load value performance predictions for operation under extreme off-design
1.2 conditions is related closely to the accuracy of the compressor
1.1 map, and this data is nearly impossible to get from the engine
1 vendors. It is sometimes difficult to get 'average engine' data for
0.9 the statepoints through the engine at one operating point.
0.8 However, a good basic knowledge of gas turbine engines can
provide a starting point for these types of studies.
Comp Discharge T (K/K)
Analysis tools such as the Advanced GT model in GateCycle
Exhaust T (K/K) provide a convenient framework for these calculations, since a
0.5 Efficiency sophisticated basic knowledge of gas turbines is built in.
0.4 Comp Discharge P Applying this tool to study the performance of a LM2500 fired
Fuel Flow
0.3 by specific low-btu fuels, the following conclusions can be made:
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
%Load (ISO conditions) 1) The temperature of the low-btu fuel has a substantially greater
effect on engine operation than does the temperature of
natural gas fuel because of the increased mass flow. Thus,
FIGURE 6: PART-LOAD OPERATION - FUEL #1 measures should be taken in gasifier design to reduce heat
2) The required compressor bleed from the compressor (for
production of the biomass fuel) alleviates most of the
of 100% load value
potential surge margin problems. However, the maximum
1.2 allowed steam injection is limited.
1 3) The ambient temperature at which the compressor control
limit shifts from power turbine inlet temperature to corrected
speed increases. This effect might influence the design of
potential inlet air heaters or chillers and may also lead to use
0.7 of the LM2500PH configuration instead of the PE engine.
0.6 Comp Discharge T
Exhaust T 4) The normalized variation of engine parameters (such as
0.5 Efficiency compressor discharge pressure, discharge temperature and
0.4 Comp Discharge P turbine exhaust temperature) with load is approximately the
Fuel Flow
0.3 same when firing on natural gas as when firing with low-btu
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 fuels. Note that the absolute performance values are, of
%Load (ISO conditions) course, different. This means that one could probably be
reasonably accurate when applying design point correction
curves starting from off-design points.

low-btu fuel could lead to an unacceptably low surge margin ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

(case 9). Operation under these conditions would have to be The authors wish to acknowledge the advice and encouragement
reviewed with the engine manufacturer. Using an adequate surge received from Dr. Gary Leonard of the Marine & Industrial Gas
margin (approximated by operating the engine along an Turbine Division, General Electric Aircraft Engine Business in
imaginary line parallel to the surge line through the STIG point - Cincinnati, Ohio. The Technical Research Centre of Finland
case 4) it appears that approximately 2.52 kg/s (20000 lb/hr) of provided the full financial support for this study. The GateCycle
steam injection would be appropriate for this fuel. This operating analysis program was developed by Enter Software under the
point is denoted as case 10. The effects of increased firing sponsorship of EPRI, the Electric Power Research Institute.
temperatures were not investigated for this case.

CONCLUSIONS Becker, L.J., Nobe, J.A., and Watson, R.W., 1986, "Design and
The most important factor affecting the accuracy of predictions Comparative Economics for a 10MW Biomass-Fired, Combined-
of gas turbine performance on low-btu fuel is the availability of Cycle Cogeneration Plant," Industrial Power on the Rebound,
good information about the engine under study, as well as ASME Pwr-Vol. 1, pp. 97-103.
understanding and justifying all the assumptions used. As this
study has shown, a thorough understanding of the control system

7 Palmer, Erbes and Pechtl

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8 Palmer, Erbes and Pechtl

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