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Mastering Her Desires

By Melinda Barron

Resplendence Publishing, LLC

Mastering Her Desires
Copyright © 2012 Melinda Barron
Edited by Andrea Grimm and Venus Cahill
Cover art by Les Byerley,

Published by Resplendence Publishing, LLC

2665 N Atlantic Avenue, #349
Daytona Beach, FL 32118

Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-598-4

Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized

reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work
is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including
infringement without monetary gain, is investigated
by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in
federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

Electronic Release: October 2012

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places

and occurrences are a product of the author’s
imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons,
living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely
For Chet, as always.
Chapter One

“All I said is that not everybody likes cilantro. That’s no

reason for me to lose my job.” Piper Hutchinson looked over
the bar crowd. Her gaze flitted from table to table; anything
to keep from focusing on the frown she knew was on
Cherokee’s face.
That glare had been present for the last two days, ever
since Piper had announced her termination from Table for
Two, one of the newest, and trendiest, restaurants in
Greenwich Village. Piper had counted herself lucky to get a
job there. She hadn’t counted on her boss being a jerk,
“It’s not the herb that got you fired, Piper.” Cherokee’s
voice was soft, even. “It’s your inability to express your
opinion without making everyone else sound like an idiot.”
“I don’t do that!” She focused on Cherokee’s face.
“You do,” Cherokee said, her voice soothing. “I have a
feeling you didn’t say, ‘By the way, Chef, I think there’s a
little too much cilantro in this sauce.’ Did you?”
An image of the chef’s expression on the day of her firing
flashed in Piper’s mind. That nice phrase was nowhere near
her uttered, “That much cilantro in a sauce makes you look
like a kindergartener playing in your mother’s kitchen. You
really should tone it down. I can fix it, if you want.”
Her former boss’s face had turned a molten shade of red
before he’d booted her out the back door with a warning
that when she came to pick up her final check the next day,
she’d better pray he wasn’t around.
Tears stung her eyes, and she did her best to hold them
“Maybe you could apologize,” Cherokee whispered. “Tell
him you didn’t mean exactly what you said. Tell him the
words came out wrong. He’s had you blacklisted all over the
That did it. One tear, then another fell. “I know that,” she
said, her voice just above a whisper. “But, I’m close to
having the money I need for culinary school. The…job…
you’ve set up for me will do it.”
Job? Could she call being a submissive for hire for an
undercover bounty hunter a job? Something told her that
wasn’t exactly the phrase that fit it. Hooker maybe? Or call
girl? She was selling her body for money; no matter what
term she put on it.
Piper wiped away her tears. “Where is this guy, anyway?”
If he rejected her before he even met her that would be the
end of her self-esteem. She would have to crawl into a box
and spend the rest of her life wondering what could have
been, if she could only learn to think before she spoke.
“He’ll be here,” Cherokee replied. “Now, he’s not a Dom
who takes lip. You have to follow his lead and not try to top
him from below, understand?”
“I’m not in this for the sex,” Piper retorted, “nor am I
looking for a full time Dom. I’m doing this for the money.”
There, she’d said it out loud: she was turning herself into a
prostitute just to get the funds she needed to go to culinary
“He’s taking you to a BDSM resort,” Cherokee reminded
her. “That means you’ll be having sex with him.”
Long dark hair floated around her shoulders as Piper
shook her head rapidly. Hearing it put that way pushed her
over the edge. “I’m not having sex with him. I’m not a
“I hope not.” The voice was definitely not Cherokee’s. A
large dark hand pulled out the extra chair at the table and a
huge body sat down. “I’m not looking for a hooker, just a
sub who wants to make some extra cash. It’s a plus that you
have cooking experience.”
Piper bristled. “I have more than cooking experience,
buster. I’m on my way to being a chef.”
A slight smile spread across his masculine face. “On your
way is a good thing, and the name is Sir, not buster.
She could practically feel Cherokee’s alarm at the Dom’s
command, as if Piper had already screwed up what she’d
worked so hard to arrange.
Keep your mouth shut, Piper, just play it cool. “Yes, Sir.
Forgive me.”
“Forgiven.” He studied her intently, and Piper took the
time to return the favor. Cherokee had told her Kenan Snow
was half Cree, and he wasn’t a man to be messed with;
hence his success as a bounty hunter. But he was a hell of a
lot better looking than Cherokee had let on. He looked like a
man who lifted refrigerators for fun, with muscles that
pulled at the seams of his tight T-shirt. His long, dark hair
was pulled back in a ponytail, and his dark, almost black
eyes, seemed as if they could see straight into her soul.
“I’m not going to have sex with you,” she blurted out. She
winced as she watched his expression. One eyebrow lifted
up ever so slightly, and his head cocked to one side.
“Not your type? I thought you were a submissive looking
to make a little extra cash.”
“I am, but I’m not going to take money for sex. I’ll scene
with you at the resort, to make things look real, but you
can’t fuck me.”
“That’s a shame.” He sat back in his chair before he
turned his attention to the waitress that had come up just as
Piper had made her announcement.
The woman stared at Piper as if she’d lost her marbles.
Piper almost expected her to say to him, “You can fuck me,
if you want.”
“Dark beer,” he said to the waitress, “and another drink
for each of my friends, please.”
She left after a nod, and Piper was sure her comment
would become the topic of conversation for the other
servers at the bar: “That woman over there just told that
gorgeous man he couldn’t fuck her, can you believe it?
What a moron.”
“Kenan, Sir, I don’t think I’m making my point very well.”
She opened her mouth to complete her sentence, but he
held up his hand.
“I understand, trust me. You think that if we fuck, you’re
being paid for sex. Since doing a scene doesn’t always
involve sex, you don’t see that as…prostitution.”
Piper sighed in relief. “Exactly.” He understood, but did
that mean she would lose her job with him?
“I have no problem with that,” he said. She smiled, but it
disappeared when he held up his index finger. “However,
you will have orgasms, and I will touch your body. There
simply won’t be any penile penetration, vaginally or anally.
But, you will provide me with climaxes, with your hand and
with your mouth. If you do not agree to this, I shall look for
another submissive to accompany me to Belize.”
Oh crap, Piper thought, why don’t I just agree to open my
legs, too? Despite what people thought, oral sex was sex.
She supposed that would just make her half a hooker. It was
a small price to pay to get the money toward her dream.
Besides, going down on this guy wouldn’t be a hardship. She
was going to be a contracted employee, not a streetwalker
staking out her own corner. At worst, she could call herself a
very well paid call girl.
“Agreed.” He winked at the waitress, who had just
returned with their drinks. Piper wanted to tell him to quit
flirting with the woman when he’d just hired Piper as his
submissive. But she kept her mouth shut. She glanced at
Cherokee, who had stayed silent during the negotiations,
and smiled. Her friend returned the smile, which made Piper
feel good. She’d handled things right.
When the waitress was gone, Kenan turned his attention
to her. “I want you at my house tomorrow evening, six
sharp. Do you understand? When you get there, you will…”
“Tomorrow?” She frowned. “I thought we were leaving
Monday morning. Tomorrow is Friday.”
“Are your questioning my order?”
“No, Sir, I…well, yeah, I guess I am.” Before he could say
anything, she hurried on, “It’s just I’d like to know the
“Which I would have explained, if you hadn’t interrupted.”
“Sorry, Sir.” She lowered her gaze to the table.
There was an uncomfortable silence, and Piper fidgeted in
her seat. Now that they’d made a deal on the sex part, she
didn’t want to screw this up by, as Cherokee would say,
speaking out of turn.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, he spoke again.
“You will spend the time before we leave with me, that way
we will get to know each other a little bit. The cover I’ve set
in place for Belize is that we are a long term Dominant and
submissive. My friend who runs the resort tells me the man
I’m hunting comes to the resort every three or four weeks.
He was just there two and a half weeks ago, which means
he should be back any time.”
“I see, Sir.”
Another silence fell over the table. Finally, he said, “Let’s
go over the plan. You and I will work in the kitchen, myself
as a chef, and you…”
“Do you cook?” Piper lifted her gaze to him, and
whispered, “Sorry, Sir.” She rolled her lips inward in a
gesture that she hoped he would recognize as her saying
she was going to stop interrupting him.
“Do not speak again unless I give you permission.”
“Yes, Sir.” Her gaze went back to the table.
Yet another silence. Unease spread through her when he
didn’t speak again. Zip it, Piper, she whispered over and
over in her mind. Don’t screw this up.
“I do cook,” he said after what seemed like forever, “and I
do it quite well as a matter of fact. Now, when the man I’m
searching for arrives, we will not take him down
immediately. He is extremely dangerous, and I’m not going
to put everyone at the resort in danger by trying to capture
him on my own. He’s killed before, and he won’t hesitate to
do it again, even if it’s an innocent person he doesn’t know.
He has no regard for human life. I have two friends who will
be at the resort to assist with the takedown.”
She must have looked surprised because he said, “I’m not
stupid. This guy is dangerous, and I’m not taking any
“I see.” That made sense, and that was why he wanted
them to spend time together. They would stand out in the
crowd if it looked as if they didn’t know each other. Still, how
well could you get to know someone in two and a half days?
“Are you pierced?” His question came out of the blue.
She nodded.
“Nipples and clit?”
Another nod.
“Anything else?”
Piper pointed to her belly button.
“No labia?”
She shook her head.
“I suppose you can’t have everything.” He pushed a card
toward her. “My address is on the back. Don’t be late
tomorrow, and bring your suitcase packed for Belize. You
won’t be going back to your apartment. When you arrive,
you will find a note with instructions taped on the door.
Follow them to the letter, and don’t speak until I say you
can. Do you understand?”
Since he hadn’t given her permission to speak yet, Piper
nodded. It might have been a while since she’d belonged to
her one, and only Master, but she still knew the rules. She
glanced over at Cherokee. Her friend was grinning, as if she
knew a secret that Piper didn’t. When Cherokee licked her
lips, Piper got it; her friend, more attracted to women than
men, was very attracted to Kenan.
“Very good,” he said, jerking her attention back to him.
She felt a thrill of excitement at his praise. He leaned over
and pressed his lips against her ear. “When I’m gone, you
may speak. Tomorrow, I’ll introduce you to a beautiful
leather strap that might keep you from interrupting me
when I’m talking.”
She nodded again.
“Very nice,” he whispered in her ear, and then he was
A loud exhale escaped her lungs, and Piper gasped for air.
“I think I’m in over my head,” she said to Cherokee.
“Nonsense,” her friend replied. “It’s just been a while,
that’s all. Kenan is a wonderful Dom. He’s given me two of
the best spankings I’ve ever had, all under the guidance of
my Mistress. If there was ever a man who could turn me
straight, it would be him.”
Piper exhaled loudly. The palms of her hands were sweaty.
“Cherokee, am I doing the right thing?”
“Yes.” Her friend patted her hand. “With this money you’ll
be able to go to school, and pay rent and your bills. You
won’t have to work while you’re trying to concentrate on
your classes. This is everything you’ve ever wanted, and it
puts you back onto the path of becoming a chef, something
you veered off of when you were fired. There’s just one
thing I’d do differently.”
Cherokee leaned toward her. “If I liked dick instead of
pussy, I’d let him fuck me.”
She felt like a hooker. Piper tried not to concentrate on
that thought as she packed her suitcase. She put in
underwear, bras, jeans, socks—wait, would she need socks?
She was going to Belize, a tropical country. Would she wear
sneakers? Or sandals?
What do hookers wear? She shook her head. She’d need
both types of shoes—the sneakers for while she was
working in the kitchen, the sandals for other times.
What about tops? What would he expect her to wear?
Something that left things to the imagination or something
more scintillating?
What do hookers wear? Stop it, stop it, stop it! She sat
down on the edge of the bed, one of her sexiest tops in her
hand. There was a huge part of her that thought she was
selling her soul for what she wanted. Kenan had offered her
ten grand for this trip, money she desperately needed.
She’d been saving for culinary school for years, only to have
the rug ripped out from under her.
But was being a submissive for hire the right thing to do?
Even with the no penetration rule in place there would still
be sex. She’d tried not to concentrate on that too much last
night, as she’d thought about her decision. Touching was
still sex, but she would withhold the big one, she’d
She’d hashed out some of this with Cherokee last night.
Her friend had told her she was over-thinking things that
she needed to take the opportunity at hand and run with it,
all the way to the registration table at the school.
When she’d gone to bed, Piper had thought she’d worked
through her issues; yet, they were waiting for her when
she’d woken up this morning, like old friends wanting to
have coffee. And she hadn’t been able to forget them. She
was due at Kenan’s house in two hours, and the address
he’d given her was in Queens. It would take at least an hour
to get there, possibly more depending on the traffic. She
needed to get a move on.
She finished the packing in record time, throwing in a few
more shirts, her toiletries, a brush, and a few books. She
doubted she’d have time to read, but she always took one
with her, just in case the opportunity presented itself. She
was surveying the case, wondering if she’d forgotten
anything where there was a knock at the front door.
Cherokee was spending an afternoon with her Mistress at
the museum where the woman worked. “It gets her off to
know I’m in the building, wandering around with no
underclothes on,” Cherokee had joked before she’d left.
They’d exchanged hugs, and Cherokee had admonished her
to relax and enjoy herself and put her worries about being
“a call girl” behind her.
The knock came again. Piper stared out of her bedroom
door, looking toward the front of the apartment. It was a
third-floor walkup, with no doorman. Still, visitors had to be
beeped into the building, although the device wasn’t always
working. If she remembered right, though, it was working
last night when she came home.
Someone had buzzed in a salesman, she decided as she
turned back to her packing. She had to get a move on, or
else she was going to be late, and that wasn’t the way to
start her new job. Thinking of it as a job brought up the
same argument she’d been having with herself since she’d
met Kenan.
The suitcase seemed to have everything it needed. She
was just flipping the lid onto the case when she heard the
unmistakable sound of the front door opening. Her blood
froze in her veins. Cherokee always announced her arrival
with a loud, “Lucy, I’m home.”
Piper waited, but no greeting came.
“Cher?” The cold in her veins intensified as the door
I need a weapon. They had a baseball bat, but it was in
the living room, where she’d left it after their last day of
softball in the park. Why wasn’t she neater than this? If she
had that gene, the bat would be in her closet, and she would
be able to—
“Oh crap.”
Footsteps, coming across the living room—heavy ones,
like a man’s gait.
Her breath seemed to freeze in her lungs as she thought
about what she could use: hairspray in his eyes, but that
product had already been packed; keys between the fingers,
but those were on the kitchen counter; or maybe…the rock
she kept on her desk to hold her bills in one place. Her
former Master had given it to her just days before they’d
split. At the time he’d told her she was dumb as a rock,
since she didn’t follow orders very well. She’d kept it to
remind herself that nobody, Master or not, talked to her that
way. Now, it seemed it would come in handy.
It wasn’t that big, but if she aimed it right at his temple,
she could definitely do some damage. Piper held it close to
her breast as the footsteps continued to progress through
the house.
She looked at the rock in her hand, and then glanced at
the cell phone on her table. What the hell had she been
“I’m calling the cops,” she screamed out.
“Go ahead.” The voice came from her doorway. “Response
time being what it is, I’m sure I could have you out of here
before they arrived.”
She dropped the rock on the floor. “Damn it, Kenan. Are
you trying to scare the hell out of me? What are you doing
here?” Piper glanced to where he lounged in the doorway,
one shoulder resting against the jamb.
“You’re late.”
“I am not.” She pointed at the alarm clock by her bed. “I
have little more than an hour to go.”
He chuckled, and it sounded almost evil. “You’ll never
make it to my house before your arrival time. You should
have allotted yourself more, shall we say, wiggle room.”
“How did you get in?”
He shook his finger at her like she’d been a bad girl.
“You’re talking.”
“Damn right I am. This is my house, and you just broke
into it.” She put on her best mad stance, hands on hips, feet
apart, eyes narrowed.
When he held up a key, she groaned.
“Cherokee gave it to me earlier. She was afraid you would
need a little prodding. If that’s the case, we need to discuss
the entire arrangement. I don’t want you doing something
you’re not comfortable with.”
“I’m fine,” she said quickly. “I have no trouble with
“You’re positive?”
“One hundred percent.” She relaxed her stance and
batted her eyes at him.
He watched her for a few seconds, and she wondered if
she seemed too relaxed, as if it were all an act.
“You won’t have any trouble proving it to me, will you?”
“No.” It may have been a while for her, but they were in
Dom/sub mode now. She spread her legs, clasped her hands
behind her back and lowered her gaze to the floor. “What
shall I do for you, Master?”
“For one thing, I’m not your Master. I’ve never cared for
that term. You will call me Sir.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“The first thing you’re going to do is sign a contract and
pick out a safe word.” He pulled a sheet of paper from his
back pocket. “Read it first.”
She looked it over. It said she’d be paid the sum of ten
thousand dollars in her role as “his assistant”. It didn’t
surprise her that the wording was so vague. She crossed to
her dressing table. She kept pens and paper in the top
drawer. After signing it, she handed it back to him.
That disappeared into his pocket and another reappeared.
“Standing Dom/sub contract. You agree to obey; I agree to
be your Dom.”
She’d heard of contracts before, but she’d never signed
one. She looked over the terms. It gave him complete
control of her body. In return, he would care for and nurture
her. There would be spankings, bondage, and other BDSM
play, but nothing that would permanently harm her.
The clause that stuck out was one that said, “safe, sane,
and consensual”. All play stopped when the safe word was
He’d already signed it. She scrawled her signature on the
line provided and handed it to him.
“Safe word?”
“Not sure,” she said with a shrug.
“How about cilantro, since it seems to be your favorite
Her lips seemed to draw in of their own accord. Damn
Cherokee and her big mouth.
“On your knees.”
Once she was in position, she could hear him moving
across the floor. Her heart seemed to sync with the
movement of his steps. He stopped in front of her, and she
tried not to groan as she heard the sound of a belt buckle, of
a button sliding through fabric, of a zipper going down.
“I need to know you’re not going to balk at any sort of
physical contact between us because if you are, then I need
to search for another submissive, and I need this weekend
to do it.”
Her chest rose and fell rapidly because she knew what
was about to happen. Would she be able to submit to a man
she’d known less than twenty-four hours?
You’re already doing it, she said silently. You’re on your
knees, awaiting his instructions. He stroked her hair, and
she fought the urge to lift her gaze to what she knew was
right in front of her.
“Suck my dick.”
Chapter Two

Panic seized Piper as Kenan’s words flowed over her. This

was like a pop quiz, and she was going to fail miserably. She
took several deep breaths, trying to find the courage to suck
a man she’d just met. It wasn’t like she was a simpering
virgin. But she knew the men she slept with; knew them
One more deep breath and she opened her mouth and
prepared to take Kenan into her mouth, only it was too late.
He’d taken a step back, was putting his hard cock back into
his pants and zipping up.
“Wait,” she exhaled loudly. “You just caught me by
surprise; that’s all. I’ll do it.” She reached out and lightly
traced the outline of his dick. “Please, Master?” Piper
gasped at her mistake. “I mean, Sir.”
“No.” He crossed the floor and sat down in the chair she
kept in the corner. Her former Master had put it there, so
she could kneel on it, her nose against the wall while he
wielded a belt against her ass. She loved that chair.
“Come to me,” he said.
Piper dropped to all fours and hurried toward him. When
she was close, he spread his legs, and she stopped between
them. Her gaze fastened on his crotch. He was still hard.
“You’re looking at this the wrong way.”
She dropped her gaze to the floor.
“That’s not what I meant. I’m talking about our
arrangement. You’re hung up on the sex part. What you
need to realize is that you’re going to help me catch a killer,
one who has taken the lives of two people, spent a
whopping one whole day in jail, and never seen the inside of
a courtroom.”
His words made her shiver.
“That was a year ago,” he continued. “His family has
wealth and power, and they convinced a judge to grant him
bail. My boss was dumb enough to write it, and as soon as
the ink was dry, the asshole was on a private plane for parts
unknown. It’s taken me this long to find him. I need to know
you can work with me, help provide me with a cover, so I
can put him where he belongs behind bars.”
He grunted. “That’s putting it mildly. I trust Cherokee
that’s why I took her suggestion that you could work with
me. I hope she’s not wrong.”
Piper watched as Kenan opened his pants and took out his
cock. “Now, suck my dick. Show me you can follow orders.”
This time she didn’t hesitate. She took his thick length
into her mouth, sucking him as deep as she could. He put
his hand on her head, grasping a handful of hair and guiding
her up and down.
“Much better,” he groaned, “suck me hard.”
She licked the ridges of his cock, the salty, masculine
taste intoxicating. Damn it, she loved dick, and it had been
so freaking long. She wanted to sit on him, take him deep
inside her, and fuck him until they both came.
“Cherokee told me you had a talented tongue,” he said
She pushed against his hand, his cock popping away from
her mouth. “She told you I’m bi? What else did she say?”
“Did I tell you to talk or suck cock?”
“I can’t believe she told you!” She started to stand, but he
put both hands on her shoulders, keeping her in place.
“We’re going to have some trouble with your temper I can
see.” There was a short pause. “Look at me.”
She gazed into his dark eyes.
“Answer the question I asked you.”
The urge to tell him to go to hell was strong. She didn’t
like it that he and Cherokee had been discussing her like she
was a piece of meat. Finally, she said, “You told me to suck
“That’s right, and for disobeying me you’re going to get a
few licks with my belt. Go to the bed, take your jeans down
to your knees, and bend over with your head on the
mattress, your ass high in the air.”
No, no, no! “Yes, Sir.” Piper followed his instructions,
excitement fighting with dread as she followed his
directions. After she’d lowered her jeans and panties, she
rested her head on the bed. She clasped her hands behind
her back and spread her legs.
“I guess you can follow directions,” he said.
A gasp escaped her lips as he reached between her legs
and cupped her bare mons. His fingers pushed aside her
labia, and he explored her expertly before he found her
slave ring. He tugged on it, and Piper groaned. She loved
that deep sharp stab of pain that shot through her.
She rolled her hips, and his hand left her immediately.
“How dare you?”
“Sir? Did I do something wrong?
“Trying to get pleasure from my fingers with your
movements. In the future, you will stay still unless I give you
permission to move. Now, I’m going to whip you. Count the
strokes, but don’t ask for another, and don’t thank me until
the end.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“When you count, do it loudly and clearly. If you mess up
in any way, I start over. This is the way it will always be. I
don’t expect to give instructions on it again, so tell me
exactly what you do when I whip you.”
Piper repeated his directions. For an answer, he put a
knee on the bed and put his body over hers. He laid the belt
on the bed, right next to her head.
He asked if he needed to secure her hands behind her
back, and she told him she would stay in position. After that,
he instructed her to kiss the belt, to accept her punishment.
The leather was warm against her lips.
She did as he instructed.
“Once more.” After she’d kissed it a third time, he grasped
the belt in his large hand. He pulled it backward, and she
watched as it snaked toward the end of the bed.
She bit her lip when she felt the leather on her ass, but it
wasn’t a strike. He had obviously grasped one end in each
hand and was now rubbing it back and forth to warm up her
ass. That was a good Dom, she knew, someone who made
sure the sub was ready for what was about to happen.
She was just relaxing into the feeling when the first strike
came. The sharp pain stole her breath, and she almost
forgot to count. She’d barely said, “One,” when the second
one landed, and then the third. By the time they’d reached
seventeen, she didn’t miss a beat in getting out the words.
Each strike brought new sensations, new feelings of
pleasure that soaked into her. If this were his idea of
punishment, she’d make sure she was punished as often as
possible while they were in Belize. If there was one thing
Piper loved, it was the hard strike of leather against her ass
and thighs. Unfortunately, he kept the belt trained on her
When they reached twenty-five, he stopped.
“Suck me off,” he demanded, and Piper dropped to her
knees, taking him as deeply as possible, sucking and licking.
She came up for deep breaths of air before diving back in.
He wove his fingers into her hair, using his hold to guide her.
The contact sent delicious chills through her body, straight
to her nipples and clit.
The sounds of slurping and sucking filled the room. It
fueled her desire to take him deeper, taste what he would
give her at the end. It didn’t seem to take that long. When
the salty tang hit her tongue, she put her hands on his
thighs and drank him down.
His deep groans of appreciation let her know she’d
pleased him. She moved her mouth away from him slowly,
then lowered her gaze to the floor. What would come next,
she knew, were instructions for her to play with her clit, to
come for him. But no such commands came.
“Cherokee was right,” he finally said. “You love to be
spanked. If you think that was punishment, you’re mistaken.
Your punishment will be denial. No orgasm for you until
tomorrow. Now, get up and finish packing. We need to run a
few errands, and then we’ll go to my house.”
Anger surged through her again. What else had her
roomie told the man who had hired her? There was no
telling what exactly he knew about her desires and what
fueled her sexually. Actually, she thought as she stood up, it
seemed he knew quite a bit.
“Don’t take long,” he said from the doorway, “and change
into a dress, no panties. You may not be allowed to come,
but that doesn’t mean I can’t get pleasure out of watching
you play with your pussy while we’re driving around town.”
Piper wasn’t exactly his type; he liked his subs a little
more compliant, more willing to do without hesitation. Of
course, that’s what made her perfect for this job—he wasn’t
worried about her behavior in the long run, just as to how it
affected him for the next few weeks. Physically, she was
exactly what he wanted, a woman who looked like a woman,
not a stick-figure model they used as a hanger at fashion
But she would take a lot of training to undo some bad
habits, such as speaking out of turn, she’d obviously picked
up from her former Master. But he didn’t have to worry
about that. He just needed to make sure she would fit into
his plan in the here and now.
“Lift your skirt,” he said.
He heard the rustle of material as she followed his
instructions. He kept his eyes on the road and let silence
rule in the car. When they’d started out, he’d told her to
remain silent until given further instructions, and she’d
complied. Now, she’d followed two instructions without
question, a definite step in the right direction. They didn’t
have time for a long-term “courtship”. This had to be a
three-night get-to-know-each-other-immediately
“Spread your legs, and then tell me how you like to be
“We’re not going to fuck, remember?”
Kenan sighed. “You were doing so well, and you just blew
“I just don’t see why I have to tell you about something
this has nothing to do with…”
“Because I told you to, that’s why. What’s your favorite
position? Do you like it doggy style? Or do you like to ride a
dick? Or take it up the ass?”
Her swallow was audible before she said, “Doggy.”
“Yeah, most women like that. Goes in deeper.” He took the
freeway exit that would lead to his favorite grocery store.
They had some shopping to do, and he wanted her
uncomfortable in the store, to see how she reacted to him in
“Tell me about the first time you were tied up. How did it
make you feel? And I want more than a one word answer.”
She fidgeted in her seat. “An old boyfriend of mine tied
me to the bed, spread-eagle. He ate my pussy, and then he
fucked me.”
“Sounds delicious. Was he a Dom?”
“No, Sir.”
“Just a vanilla experiment, huh?” He pulled up at a light,
right next to a cop car. In his larger SUV, there was no way
the officer could see inside, so he wouldn’t know Piper’s
pussy was exposed.
She glanced at the official vehicle, put her hands on her
skirt, and pulled it down.
“Did I give you permission for that?”
“But Sir, I—he—can see.”
“Put it back up.” He glanced at her. “Now.”
The seconds ticked by as he waited for her to respond,
one, two three, all the way to twelve before she did as he’d
ordered. The light had already changed, and the cop had
taken off as soon as it had. He was going to have to figure
out a punishment that would make her obey quicker.
“Tell me how he was going to see in this car, when we are
in an SUV, much higher than his vehicle?”
“I’m just nervous,” she blurted out.
“And nerves give you the right to disobey me?”
“No, Sir.”
Kenan waited for her to apologize, and when she didn’t,
he turned into the nearest parking lot. It was an empty
office building, and he drove to the back of the lot and put
the car in park. He turned his gaze to her. “Who’s in
“You are, Sir.”
“Am I?”
“Yes, Sir.”
His eyes narrowed just a little. He slowly moved his hand
over to her thigh, and then up to the V between her legs.
She was wet. Good. He found the ring and moved it very
“If I was in charge, you would never speak out of turn, or
pull down your skirt when I told you to put it up, or question
what I asked you to do.” She opened her mouth, and he
held up his hand to stop her. “We’re going to the grocery
store to get some ingredients for this weekend. We’re going
to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, learning each other’s
cooking rhythms. While we’re in the store, you will not
speak unless spoken to, and you will follow my instructions
to the letter. Any variation and you go back to your
apartment in a cab.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Kenan spread her labia with the thumb and forefinger of
his right hand. With his other forefinger he rubbed her clit,
which rested in the middle of the slave ring. The air in the
car grew heavier, and his cock, so perfectly sated by her
blowjob, throbbed with need. She was going to have to suck
him again. Maybe he should make her do it here, or in the
parking lot of the store. Public sex always provided him with
a little thrill.
He wondered what she would look like when she came,
when the flush of orgasm spread through her. She would be
beautiful he was sure. Tomorrow morning he would find out.
Tonight, though, he would torture her with need, keep her
right on the edge. He pinched the little bundle of nerves.
Piper cried out, just as there was a knock on the driver’s
side window. Kenan glanced in the rearview mirror to see
red and blue lights flashing. Holy crap, he’d allowed himself
to be distracted. This wasn’t good.
Kenan kept the fingers of his right hand in place. The
officer shined the light in the car, and Kenan knew full well
the cop had a perfect view of Piper’s pussy.
“Open the window,” the man ordered, and Kenan obeyed.
“Evening, Officer. Nice night for a fuck, isn’t it?” He felt
Piper tense under his fingers. The cop still had the light
trained between her legs.
“Hardly the place for it,” the cop replied. “Ma’am, are you
here of your own free will?”
“Yes, Sir.”
He wondered about the expression on her face, but he
watched the cop, who in turn watched Kenan’s fingers as he
played with the slave ring.
“We were just a little eager,” Kenan said. He pinched on
her clit one more time. Despite the fact he hadn’t told her
to, Piper’s hand moved to his thigh, and then slid over to his
crotch where she massaged his length.
“So it seems,” the cop said. “I’d like to see some IDs,
Kenan moved his hand from between her legs to reach for
his wallet. He noticed her hand on her skirt, as if she meant
to pull it down. He shook his head ever so slightly, and even
in the dark of the car, he could see her flush. She reached
for her purse at the same time he gave the officer his
One glance back at her showed she hadn’t moved the
material, although it had shifted on its own when she’d
moved. He still had just a peek at her bare mons.
This just might work after all, he thought to himself as he
took her license and passed it through the window. As the
man examined the documents, Kenan gave her an
approving look. She nodded ever so slightly, and then she
smiled. His fingers dipped down between her legs again. Her
nervous gaze shot to the window. He didn’t have to look
back to know the cop was watching them again.
“You should watch yourself, Ms. Hutchinson,” the officer
said. “You never know what trouble this one is going to get
you into.”
The change in her expression was priceless, going from
nervous and excited to pissed off in zero point zero seconds.
Kenan laughed as he held out his hand for the IDs.
“Thanks a lot, Mick. Say hi to your wife for me.”
“Will do. We’re doing a scene at the club tomorrow night.
Want to come and watch?”
“What time?”
“Around midnight, after I get off and change. I’ve got
some new ropes I want to try out.”
Kenan pinched her clit one more time. This time she
shoved away his hand before she lowered her skirt.
“Looks like you’ve got your hands full with this one,” Mick
said with a laugh. “Maybe I need to loan you some of the
“I’ve got my own,” Kenan growled out. “We’ll be there.”
“See you then.” When Mick was gone, Kenan glared at
her. “What the hell was that?”
“You let me think he was a stranger? You…you…” She let
out a howl of frustration.
“Do you think I would finger you in front of a cop who
might throw us in jail for public indecency? And how could
you not think I know all the police around here? I’m a bounty
hunter. I work with them on a regular basis.”
“I just…this isn’t going to work. Take me home, please.”
He straightened back up and started to put the car into
gear. Before he could, she put her hand on his arm.
“Wait, I’m sorry. I don’t want to go.”
“Be more specific, please.” He took his hand off the
“I don’t want to go home. It’s just been a while, and—I’ll
be better after this weekend, I swear it.”
Kenan thought about what sort of story he could tell Doms
at the resort about his disobedient submissive. Would she
help him or hinder him?
“We’ll see how the grocery store goes, but we’re making
one stop before then. Not one word out of you unless
directly spoken to. Got it?”
“Yes, Sir.”
She lowered her gaze, and he appreciated the wonderfully
submissive gesture. “Finger your pussy while I drive, get
yourself nice and wet for me.”
He exited the parking lot, turning left instead of heading
right as he had been before. Why was this so difficult?
He should have thought about it more before he’d come
up with this plan, but it was all set into place now. If he went
to the resort on his own, he would be expected to play with
the subs that were there. That wasn’t something he wanted
to get into. They might prove to be clingy and want him to
claim them. He’d thought taking his own playmate, one who
knew he had other priorities, one who didn’t want a bond,
would be the perfect solution.
But he hadn’t expected one who challenged him at every
turn. He wondered if Mick’s former sub, Chasity, was
available. She’d always had eyes for Kenan and was one
hundred percent obedient. But then again she would expect
more out of him than he was willing to give, and he didn’t
want someone clinging to him when they returned home.
This was a work proposition, clean and simple.
The sound of Piper’s fingers sliding in and out of her
wetness was a distraction as he drove, but he kept it on the
straight and narrow and soon pulled into his favorite sex
“While I’m inside, put the seat down all the way and lay
on your belly.” He exited the car and then hit the alarm so
he could hear if someone bothered her while he was inside.
He found what he wanted quickly. As he paid, he ignored the
flirtatious looks from the clerk.
She handed him the bag after he’d pocketed his change.
“Lucky girl you’ve got there,” she said, her voice deep. “If
you want one more, I’m available. I’m sure the two of us can
please you.”
“I’m sure you could,” he replied, “but at the moment I’m a
one-woman man. Thanks anyway.”
Back at the car he found Piper in the exact position he’d
ordered her into. He lifted her skirt and slapped her ass.
“Good girl.” Then he set about opening packages and
inserting batteries. He used the cleaner he’d bought to
make sure the item was nice and sanitary, and after he’d
dried it, he placed it at the opening of her pussy.
“Lift your ass up.” She wiggled to obey him, her rounded
bottom enticing him. He couldn’t tell in the dark if she still
had a few marks from the spanking he’d given her earlier.
Either way, he planned on spanking her again tonight at the
club. It would be the perfect way to see how she reacted to
public play.
He pushed the bullet inside, thrilled when no sound
escaped her lips. She was so beautifully pliant, both in her
submissiveness and her physicality. It slipped into her
wetness easily. He slapped her ass one more time, then hit
the remote. Her deep groan was muffled, and he wondered
if she’d bit her lip to keep from crying out or buried her head
in the seat. Either way she’d fought to remain silent.
One more slap to her ass as a reward for good behavior.
“Excellent. Now, let’s go shopping.”
Chapter Three

There was nothing like trying to be an innocent shopper

when there was a vibrating egg going off every few seconds
inside your pussy. Piper reached for a bunch of radishes,
biting back a groan when the bullet went off.
Okay, so he didn’t want radishes. This would have been
much easier if he’d given her a list, or at least told her the
foods he wanted to work with this weekend. Instead, he’d
said they’d shop together, and she could pick out the
ingredients—sort of. He would let her know when she wasn’t
picking things he wanted to eat, or cook with, by turning on
the toy he’d bought during their stop.
So far it had gone off four times, and they weren’t even
out of the produce section yet. She moved her hand away
from the radishes, letting it gravitate toward the broccoli.
The egg stopped moving inside her, and she selected
broccoli stocks that looked the best to her.
After she put them in the bag, she examined the other
things on the shelf. Cauliflower? No, something told her he
wasn’t a cauliflower man. She moved away from that
section, and the item inside her remained quiet. Good, she’d
made the right decision. The broccoli would go well with a
steak and some potatoes. She had a wonderful potato
recipe he would love. She could make the marinade tonight,
and cook it for dinner tomorrow before they went to the
club. Maybe they could have a veggie salad for lunch. Or
would salad fill him up? He seemed more a meat and
potatoes guy to her, what with his size. A Panini would work
well, maybe a chicken one. She didn’t want to serve red
meat twice in one day.
Still, they’d need a salad. She reached for some lettuce,
and the bullet went off. This would be so much easier if he’d
let her talk to him. She stared at the different offerings in
front of her. Maybe it wasn’t lettuce he was objecting to, but
the type she’d selected. Perhaps iceberg wasn’t to his liking.
Another groan threatened to escape her mouth as she
reached over the iceberg and picked up some romaine. The
vibrator switched off. Thank heavens for that. By the time
they left the produce section and she’d picked out apples—
Granny Smith, not Honey Crisp—oranges, grapes, and
bananas, her clit was on fire. If she didn’t come in the
middle of the dairy department trying to figure out if he
wanted cream with his coffee and what type, it would be a
At the meat market, he leaned over and whispered she
could talk to the butcher. She ordered two flat iron steaks, a
chicken with the backbone cut out, and some fresh Italian
“How are you feeling?” he asked while the butcher filled
her order.
“Like a thanksgiving turkey,” she retorted. “I’m in the
oven and have a meat thermometer inside me, one that’s
on remote control.”
His chuckle sent shivers up her spine. “Just remember
you’re not ready to come out of the oven, so to speak, until
the indicator comes out, in this case when you have
permission. I have a few things I want to pick up. You seem
to be doing fine on your own; just keep shopping and I’ll
meet you in the bakery.”
Piper watched him leave, her gaze glued to his
wonderfully formed ass. It wasn’t until the butcher said,
“Hey lady, pay attention to my meat, not his,” did she
realize she’d been staring for a while, and those around her
noticed. She received knowing smirks from a few women,
and a few condescending frowns from others. She took her
order from the butcher; he winked before turning to his next
She hurried off before her face could redden anymore. Let
them think what they would, but she didn’t want her flush to
give credence to their suspicions. She gathered a few more
items, not wanting to get too much since they would be
leaving on Monday.
It was while she was examining loaves of bread that the
egg inside her buzzed.
“Oh crap,” she muttered, putting her hand on the glass
case to steady herself. Damn, that felt good. It made her clit
pulse, and the urge to put her hand inside her pants to
make herself come was strong.
“I know what you’re thinking,” Kenan said from behind
her. “Bad, bad Piper.”
He dumped a few things in the cart and then nodded to
the bread. “Hurry up, I’m hungry.”
She selected a ciabatta roll and a rye loaf. After she’d put
them with everything else, she eyed his selections, a set of
wooden spoons, a spatula made of hard rubber, and a bag
full of ginger.
“Are you telling me you want Asian food? Because if you
do, I need to get a few more things.”
His grin was almost evil; she quaked because he looked so
damn sexy. “Silly Piper,” he leaned close to her. “The ginger
is for your asshole.”
Kenan had a kitchen most cooks would kill for. A huge
island contained a stovetop with enough space next to it for
chopping and dropping; on the far wall were two ovens and
another stovetop. The amount of counter space was
tremendous, and all the appliances were stainless steel.
Piper salivated as she studied the environment.
“I didn’t design it,” he said in answer to her unspoken
question. “I bought it this way. I think the couple who lived
here before threw a lot of parties. There’s a pantry that
could hold enough groceries for a year.”
“It’s a big house for one person.” She blinked at him.
“I liked it,” he replied. “The bottom floor is perfect for a
public face, and the top floor is great for my bedroom and
three different playrooms, all with lots of fun equipment for
your submissive enjoyment.”
“Three? Seems a bit excessive.”
A look of displeasure clouded his features, and she knew
she’d opened her mouth without thinking.
“I’m sorry, Sir.” She turned her gaze back to the kitchen.
His frown reminded her she needed to watch her mouth.
“Which room I use depends on my mood. There’s a room
for spanking, a room for bondage, and a room for…other
She wasn’t sure she wanted to know the purpose of the
“other” room. Something told her this Dom was very
creative and had the toys to prove it. It was best to keep
things on track, or else she’d be forgetting the “I won’t have
sex with you” part of their deal.
You’ve already forgotten it, a voice whispered inside her
head. Just remember, no penetration.
“Would you like me to start dinner?”
“What’s on the menu?” His gaze raked over her, and her
nipples tightened.
“I thought I’d make a goulash; that way there will be
leftovers for Sunday evening, after the special brunch I have
The look on his face showed he wasn’t impressed. “You
want to be a chef, and you’re going to fix me goulash for
your first offering? Not very impressive.”
“Mine is,” she said, her back stiffening. “I got an A on it
during Home Ec. class.”
Dork! she screamed at herself. You sound like an idiot.
“Well, then impress me. I’ll bring in the groceries while
you look around the kitchen, familiarize yourself with where
everything is.”
She once again let her gaze sweep across the large space.
She’d been impressed with the house when they’d pulled
up. It was a detached, single-family unit, with a garden in
the front and a swing on the front porch. It gave every
appearance of being a normal home, and not one where a
bounty hunter lived. She wondered if his neighbors knew
about his dangerous job.
The kitchen was painted a lemony yellow, and she
wondered if that was a left over from the previous owners,
or if he’d picked the color himself. It didn’t take her long to
find what she needed—a large skillet, pasta pan, and a
baking dish. The utensils were in a large crock-pot near the
stove on the center island. He was definitely a man who
knew how to organize.
Before long he was back, putting the sacks on an empty
counter near the sink.
“Before I start, do I need to be naked, Sir?”
He gave her what she figured passed for a grin in his
world. “That’s a nice idea, watching you prance around here
in the nude. But cooking without clothes on can be
dangerous. Oil can splatter and hot foods can fall on body
parts. I’d rather have you clothed and ready to be played
with later in the evening.”
“Thank you, Sir.”
“You’re welcome.” He thumped a sack. “Take what you
need, and I’ll put the rest up.”
Piper grabbed the lamb stew meat the butcher had cut for
her, an onion, carrots, and potatoes. She put them down
before going back for tomatoes, green peppers, celery, and
the few spices she’d bought. She needed to get the lamb
going, or else dinner would be very late.
Once the meat was browning in oil, she found a knife and
started to dice the vegetables. She could hear him moving
around, putting things up. Then came the unmistakable
sound of a bottle of wine being opened. A glass of the white
liquid soon appeared before her. He pulled out a bar stool
across from where she worked and sat down.
“Tell me about yourself, and before you start, you should
know I don’t want to know how you became a sub. That’s a
trite question, if you ask me. Obviously someone proposed
the idea, and you enjoyed it. What I want to know about is
your family. Part of our cover is that we’ve known each other
for quite some time, and that means I know your history,
and you know mine. You go first. And for this exercise we’re
just two people getting to know each other. This is valuable
research for our work next week.”
Piper stirred the meat in an effort to gather her thoughts.
How could she tell him her life story without sounding
pitiful? Unless she lied to him. No, that wouldn’t do. Best to
keep things on the up and up.
“I grew up in Trenton. My parents never married, and I’ve
never even met my father. My mother is a…well, she’s a…”
“She likes to party?”
“Yes.” Tomatoes, she needed tomatoes. She never went
for the canned ones. Why hadn’t she picked them up when
she’d been gathering ingredients? Because your arms were
already full, she answered. A glance around the room
showed he’d put them in a bowl not far from her. She
walked slowly, picking out four when she arrived.
“Go on.”
“With what? I just told you I never met my father, and my
mother’s a hound dog. She had a different man in her bed
as often as she could.”
She went back to her workstation and slapped the
tomatoes on the counter. Maybe she should ask for a mallet,
and she could pound them into pulp instead of cutting them
up and mashing them with a fork.
“Only child?”
She glanced at him. Instead of a glass of wine, he had a
beer bottle in front of him.
“No, I have two younger sisters, and before you ask, we
all have different fathers. None of them stuck around to
perform their duties, other than providing sperm.”
Piper waited for the inevitable “I’m so sorry” she usually
heard after she’d told people her life story. She was thrilled
when it didn’t come.
“So you cooked for them?”
“It was either learn to cook or walk to the nearest fast
food restaurant and get our meals there. Hamburgers and
fries get old, real fast. One thing I can say for Mom is she
did work. She always left money for us, so we could eat. She
just wasn’t there to prepare it.”
She took a drink from her glass, setting it down gently.
Sometimes when she thought about her absent parents, she
got so angry she thought she should break things. At least
her mother had stopped at three.
“So your love for cooking came out of necessity?”
“I suppose so. I figured out I had a talent for it and made
sure I signed up for Home Ec. every chance I had. The
teacher recognized my ability, and when I’d taken all I could
for credits, she asked me to be her aide. She taught me
more about cooking than my mother, who always said, ‘Mac
and cheese is fine for dinner tonight’. Of course, she meant
the box kind.”
She looked up to see the one eyebrow lift.
“You don’t do box dinners, do you?”
“Not anymore.” She added the veggies she’d cut up to the
meat and started to dice the tomatoes. “Mrs. Kirk gave me a
delicious recipe for mac and cheese that served perfectly. It
wasn’t as if there was a shortage of money. When I was
fourteen, I convinced my mother to take me to the market
each week. I told her I would cook, and eventually she even
stayed home to eat. And then she’d head out to the bar.”
She pushed the tomatoes off to one side of the cutting
board. “I’m going to need some of this wine to deglaze the
bottom of the pan.”
Kenan retrieved the bottle, pushing it across to her before
he took his seat again.
“What about you? What got you into bounty hunting?”
She poured the wine as she scrapped the pan. The liquid
sizzled as it hit the cookware. The delicious aroma of wine,
meat, and vegetables mixed together filled the room, and
his murmur of approval made her smile. This was one of her
most popular dishes amongst her friends; it was definitely a
good choice for her to make first.
“I had a normal childhood,” he replied after he’d taken
another sip of his beer. “I’m one of five children, of which
I’m the youngest. My father is full-blooded Cree Indian; my
mother is a mixture of several different things. My dad’s an
Army major and we lived all over the world. I did a stint in
the army, in the Rangers.”
Piper stopped moving the spoon. “Any exciting stories you
could tell me?”
“I could, but then I’d have to kill you.”
Oh good Lord, he actually smiled, and what a smile it was.
It made her knees go weak.
“When I got out, I went into law enforcement, but it was
too structured for me. I needed a job where I could set my
own hours and decide exactly what I wanted to do. Bounty
hunting fit right in.”
She continued to work on the food. “Can I ask a personal
“This house is huge and very nice. You’re in your thirties…
How the hell do you afford it?”
“When I was in the Army, I banked all my money. When I
started in law enforcement, I had to tap into it because cops
don’t make near enough. But bounty hunters,” he rubbed
two fingers together, “they get quite a bit, if they know what
they’re doing, and I know.”
“How much?”
“Ten percent of the bond,” he replied. “And I’ve captured
four high dollar bonds, which gave me enough to make a
good down payment on this house.
“Enough about me.” Another swig from the bottle. “Let’s
talk about you. What about your sisters?”
“Karen got out as soon as she could.” Piper added the
tomatoes to the pan. “She married her high school
sweetheart, and they moved to Albany. They live paycheck
to paycheck, but I think she’s happy. Katrina still lives with
Mom. She says it’s to take care of her, but I think they enjoy
partying together.”
Piper went to work mushing the tomatoes into sauce.
“This is going to have to simmer for about an hour. Then I’ll
cook the pasta to go with it.”
“It certainly smells delicious.” He inclined his head. “You
made a good choice.”
“Thank you.”
“Welcome.” He took another deep pull on the bottle
before he tossed it into the trash. “Now, tell me about that
mouth of yours. I know it’s good for giving head, but I hear it
gets you into a great deal of trouble, too.”
“You try growing up with kids calling your mom a whore all
the time. It tends to make a person defensive, and it’s just
carried over.”
He was staring at her now, and it made her want to
scream at him. “That’s not a good thing, especially when it
costs you jobs, and possibly the dream you’ve been living
“You don’t know crap about me.”
The look he gave her said otherwise. “I’ve met people like
you before. You use your anger at your mother as a defense
and blame everything on her.”
“Bullshit.” She slammed her fist against the counter.
“No? You rebel against authority because you were in
charge of yourself and your sisters for so long you think
nobody can do it right. You know best. You’ve never had a
Dom for very long for the same reason. You want someone
to take care of you, but you want to tell them how to do it.”
Oh crap, was he right? Nobody had ever tried to
psychoanalyze her before, especially after being acquainted
for such a short amount of time. Piper shook off the feeling
that he was speaking the truth. “You’re full of it.”
“Don’t think so, but your attitude is going to work
perfectly for our cover. Part of your punishment for
disobeying me, and you will, I’m sure of it, will be lots of
public humiliation, which will keep us in touch with who’s at
the resort. It’s perfect.”
That confused her. “So you want me to talk back in
“Oh yeah, I want you to be a brat, a big one. Can you do
She cocked her head and frowned, and then she smiled.
“Yes, I can. In spades.”
Chapter Four

Piper slathered a mixture of butter, cinnamon, and sugar

on the dough laid out on the counter. She’d heard Kenan
moving around upstairs, so she knew that he was now
awake. It was perfect timing as far as she was concerned.
Her cinnamon rolls would soon be in the oven, and she’d get
on to cutting up fruit for a salad, a mixture of something
healthy to go with the decadence of the pastry.
She wondered if they would play today, or if they would
continue talking. Not long after he’d made his
announcement about her playing the part of a brat, he’d
received a phone call and excused himself for a “work
The urge to ask to ride along had been strong. Wouldn’t
helping him capture a fugitive be training for their job in
Belize? But he hadn’t offered, and she’d kept her mouth
shut. Before he’d left, Kenan had told her to make herself at
home, giving her permission to explore everything except
the playrooms.
Disobeying him had been another impulse she’d had to
ignore. She wanted to see what he had to offer in those
three areas of his house. Instead, she’d glanced into his
bedroom, filled with dark wood furniture and deep green
bedding. The bathroom was enormous with a walk-in shower
that looked as if it would accommodate half a football team
at one time.
To keep her mind off exploring the forbidden spaces, she’d
continued to search the lower level until she’d found a stack
of books, mystery novels of the hard-nosed variety. She’d
selected a Raymond Chandler and settled on the couch. At
some point she’d fallen asleep. When she’d woken that
morning she’d been covered with a thick quilt, and the book
was sitting on the floor next to the leather couch. Kenan was
nowhere to be seen, but she knew he was there because
she hadn’t had the cover when she’d drifted off.
She’d just slipped the pan of rolls into the oven when he
appeared in the doorway, sans shirt. His jeans hung low on
his hips, and her mouth watered at the idea of going down
on him. Her brave words about not having sex with him
were long gone and could not compete with the memory of
his dick in her mouth last night. Maybe he would tie her
hands behind her back first.
“Good morning, Sir.”
“Good morning, brat. It smells delicious.”
“Thank you, Sir.” She set the timer. “Thirty minutes to
He moved a few chairs away from the kitchen table.
“Come here and bare your ass.”
So much for slicing fruit and making icing. She did as he
asked, pushing her jeans and panties down to her ankles.
“Take off your shirt and bra.” When she was naked, or as
naked as one could be with their jeans around their ankles,
she trained her gaze on the table. She knew her plus-sized
body was not as svelte as most men liked, but she hadn’t
heard him complain. The sound of a belt buckle being
undone made her breath catch in her throat.
A morning spanking. Her pussy watered at the idea.
“Hands behind your back.” He used the belt to secure
them together. After that, he gently pushed on her
shoulders, and she understood the command to bend over
the table. The wood was cold against her skin, and she
gasped softly.
“In restaurants, instead of saying you’re welcome, the
servers always tell the customers, ‘My pleasure’ in response
to thank you, or make some sort of special request. Those
are your new words. You will say them to me at the
appropriate times. I won’t tell you what they are because
you already know.”
“My pleasure, Sir.”
“Excellent. Let’s start the day with a good hard spanking.
That’ll put you on the right track.”
Her clit tightened in anticipation and she murmured, “My
pleasure, Sir.”
“It will be.” He moved away from her, and she soon heard
him turning on the water. “I bought this for you last night.
It’s silicone and should provide a nice sting.”
Piper thought about the spatula that looked like rubber. If
she didn’t tone down her anticipation, she was going to
come before he even started.
“Spread your legs wide.” She moved them apart until the
jeans around her ankles prevented her from moving farther.
“You have such a nice ass, Piper. It makes me think that
something is missing from this spanking. Don’t you think,
Only that you haven’t started, she thought as she tried to
wrap her mind around what he meant.
Finally, she said, “I don’t think I’m following you, Sir.”
“What did we buy last night?”
Duh, food. She thought about the things she’d put in the
cart, and then she gasped slightly. “Ginger.”
He unbound her hands. “Go and get it from the fridge.”
“My pleasure, Sir.” Since he hadn’t given her permission
to right her clothes, she shuffled slowly across the kitchen.
The bulb of ginger look innocuous on the shelf, but she
knew once it had been peeled and inserted in her ass, it
would burn like hell. She picked it up, and after closing the
refrigerator door, started back toward the table.
“My pleasure, Sir.”
“Peel it.”
From using the spice in her cooking, she knew the easiest
way to take off the skin was with a spoon. After collecting
the utensil, she went to the sink. As she started the process,
she examined the food. He’d selected a large piece with
several small fingers coming off it. She took off the fingers
and left the larger, thicker root. When she was done, she
held it up for his inspection.
“Very good. Come back to the table and assume the
It was a slow walk, and when she’d arrived, she handed
him the ginger. He nodded at her before she bent over the
table. When she was in place, he rebound her wrists.
Piper’s heart raced as he ran his hands over her bare ass.
He gave her several light slaps, and then parted her cheeks.
“My dick’s jealous that the ginger gets to fuck you. You’ve
got a very fuckable asshole.”
“Thank you, Sir.” She tensed a little when he pressed his
thumb against her. He wouldn’t go against her wishes for
sex, would he? She trusted him because Cherokee knew and
trusted him. Still, she didn’t know him…
“The only thing going in your ass is the root, though, and
it’s going to burn like crazy. I’m going to love watching your
squirm.” He released her cheeks, and seconds later she
heard him walking across the floor. There was the opening
of a cabinet, the rattling of dishes, and then the cabinet
closed. Next came the sound of water running.
Moments later, she turned her head to watch as he placed
a bowl of water near her body.
“I’ve brought a knife with me to make very small incisions
in the root to release the juices. Then I’m going to soak it in
the water for a few minutes before I put it in your ass.”
“It’s going to be cold,” she whispered.
“Initially,” he replied. “But the juices will soon take over.
Then you’ll get a good whipping, which will double the
He sat down across from her. Piper watched as he
carefully shaped the finger into something that resembled a
butt plug. He made little notches in different areas, and then
cut a ring around it, talking as he worked.
“This will keep it in your ass. Don’t squeeze too hard,
though, because it can come apart. You have to control your
urges and keep yourself nice and still while I play.”
“My pleasure, Sir.”
He held it up for examination before he placed it in the
bowl of water. “One time I’ll place it in a container of iced
water before I put it in you. That will be fun to watch.”
Piper swallowed hard and stared at the bowl. This was all
new to her. After the root had soaked, he picked it up and
made his way around the table.
“Eyes on the wall, but you may groan all you want. I like
to hear you make noise.”
“My pleasure, Sir.”
“Yes, it will be.” He slapped her ass.
Piper tried to relax, but the anticipation was getting the
best of her. The smell of baking cinnamon rolls filled the
room, and she tried to concentrate on that. But when the
wet finger touched her anus, she jumped. He responded
with a sharp slap.
“Be still.”
“My pleasure, Sir.”
She bit her lip as he started to work the cold root inside
her. Her muscles contracted in an effort to keep the intruder
out, but his patience won out. Soon she had an inch, and
then two of the ginger in her ass. The frigid feeling wasn’t
pleasant, but it lasted only a few moments.
When the juices of the ginger seeped into her skin, a
sharp burn spread through her, and it wasn’t one she
“No,” she moaned. “Don’t…”
“Yes.” He twisted it just a little. “Feel those hot juices
soaking into that tender skin.”
The bite spread through her ass, and Piper gasped for
breath. He worked it in slowly as her eyes watered.
“Please, no more.”
“I think I might have found a way to punish you.” His voice
was gravely, and she knew this was turning him on. “The
effects of ginger don’t stick around for long, but if I soaked a
butt plug in ginger juices, put it in, and made you stand in
the corner, it would be punishment, wouldn’t it?”
Piper nodded, which earned her another slap on the ass.
“Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.”
The hot tingling in her ass intensified for the few moments
he was gone, but it soon began to lessen. Had he gone to
get a small piece of root to replace the old one? She hoped
He wasn’t gone long, and when he came back, he twisted
the root, which released a new batch of juice. The burning in
her ass started up again, and she gasped when something
cold touched her pussy. The burn started there, too, as he
massaged a slice of ginger into her folds.
Kenan knelt down next to her. His fingers parted her flesh,
and he expertly found her clit. He pinched it hard, and then
rubbed the ginger against it vigorously.
“Ouch, oh pain.” But it wasn’t a pain she minded too
much. The sensation was overwhelming, and her clit
tightened with the need for release.
“Sweet pain.” He moved it faster, and Piper could swear
she was going to come.
“Sir, may I…please?”
“You may not.” He rubbed her clit harder; then he
released it. Before she knew what was happening, he
worked the root out of her ass, and then walked away from
her. Her lower region was on fire, but the pain had turned
into pleasure, and she wanted more. Much more.
When he returned and dropped several small pieces of
ginger into the bowl, she knew he was going to use it on her
after the whipping. He left again, and she heard the
refrigerator open, and then rattling of ice.
He returned and dropped the cubes into the water.
“Now for the spanking,” he said as if he were talking
about something as simple as going to the store. “Let’s
redden that ass.”
Piper groaned as he ran the silicon over her skin. It was
amazing to her how weak her mind and flesh were when it
came to things like this. Her skin still pulsed from where
he’d rubbed it with the hot ginger juice, both inside and out.
But the anticipation of being spanked was overwhelming.
She wanted it…needed it and—“Yes!”
The first few strikes landed hard, two on each cheek.
There was a short pause. Then he got down to the matter at
hand, spanking her with gusto, the spatula landing on
different areas before it strayed back to where it had hit
before, the sting against the previous swat so beautifully
She didn’t keep count, and he hadn’t asked her to.
Instead, she settled her body against the hard wood under
her and enjoyed the feel of his “punishment”. It mixed
perfectly with the pain from the ginger juice. Would it,
though, if he’d soaked a plug in juice and used it as penance
as he’d said he might? Something told her she wouldn’t
enjoy the harsher sentence.
Her ass cheeks were pounding, and she hoped the
spanking would end soon. The dinging of the bell let her
know the rolls were finished. She’d forgotten all about them
as she’d settled into the spanking.
“I’ll get that.” He placed the spoon on the table, and she
listened as he worked behind her. The smell of cinnamon
grew stronger, and she wanted to tell him they needed to be
iced, as quickly as possible, but she bit back her words.
When he was back beside her, he caressed her fiery cheeks.
“A few more, I think.” He picked up the spoon and started
to spank her again.
After the short break, the swats hurt harder than before,
and she groaned and cried out, not because she knew he
enjoyed it, but because it hurt like hell. There were pleas for
him to stop, cries about how much it ached, and appeals to
be let free.
He ignored her, and by the time he gave her three of the
hardest slaps he’d given her, there were tears in her eyes.
Kenan rested the spoon on the small of her back before he
reached into the bowl.
When he pressed his body against hers, she bit back a
groan of pleasure at the feel of his hard body. Then he
pressed the ginger against her clit. He rubbed it as hard as
he had before.
“Come,” he whispered in her ear.
He didn’t have to tell her twice. Her abused ass pulsed as
he pounded against her as if he were fucking her. Her clit
tightened and Piper soared, harder and higher than she ever
had in her life.
“Sir! Sir! Sir! More, oh.” Piper pressed her lips together to
keep from asking to be fucked.
“Say it, keep talking like a nasty little sub.”
Damn, but she wanted to. Unfortunately, she was afraid if
she did, she would scream that if he didn’t fuck her, she
would die right on the spot.
“I…I…feels so fucking good.”
His snort made her smile.
“That was fairly lame,” he said, his tone making it sound
as if he were smiling. “I prefer the screams for more.”
He removed his hand. If he wanted cries for more, he’d
get them.
“Don’t stop! I’m begging you, I can’t…I need…” How much
lamer would it sound if she said she couldn’t live without
him touching her clit? “Please touch me again.”
“You can’t need?” He sat down in a chair at the end of the
table. “You’re going to have to work on your begging
because I like to hear subs beg.”
“May I stand, Sir?”
“You may.” She felt awkward as she stood. Heat coursed
through her, not only from the spanking, but also from the
ginger, although that part was fading fast.
“May I get dressed, Sir?”
“Not yet.”
She glanced over to where he studied her. Was she
supposed to offer a blowjob? A hand job? Or was she
supposed to stand there and wait for him to tell her what to
do? Something told her it was the latter, so she remained
Finally, he said, “I’m going upstairs to work. Please finish
the rolls, then come up and see me.”
“With food?” she asked after he’d stood and headed
toward the door.
“Did I say with food?”
“No, but that would make sense. If you’re upstairs, I
should bring your meal up there. It would save me some
His eyes narrowed, and she returned the glare. “You said
to be a brat. I think I’ve been pretty good this morning, so
I’m practicing for Belize.”
She’d hoped for a smile. She didn’t get it.
“That’s your excuse for taking back to me?”
“I think it’s a pretty good one.” She crossed her arms over
her naked chest.
“I said to be a brat in Belize, not here.”
“I’m practicing.” She began to straighten her clothes,
knowing he hadn’t given her permission and it would piss
him off.
They both remained silent as she pulled and tugged her
bra and panties back into place.
“If you’re this way after an orgasm that leaves you
screaming for more, I hate to see what sort of a brat you’ll
be when I deny you.” He left the room.
Piper stuck her tongue out just as he came back into the
room. “We’re going to have to work on your begging skills.
They’re sorely lacking.”
Once more he left, and then returned. “If you stick your
tongue out at me again, I’ll give you something to do with it
that you won’t like.”
He left once again, and she waited a few moments to see
if he would return. When he didn’t, she stuck out her tongue
and wiggled her head from side to side.
“I heard that,” he yelled out. “Finish your food, then get
up here, pronto.” His tone of voice told her she’d pushed
him far enough.
She turned to the kitchen and went back to work.
Kenan sat behind his desk and tried to concentrate on the
papers in front of him. He had to file them today, so he
could get paid for last night’s capture. One of his informants
had called to tell him a low-level drug dealer who had
skipped was at a bar, hawking his wares. The idiot hadn’t
even seen them coming. In seconds, Kenan had him on the
ground and in cuffs.
After he’d delivered him to the police department, another
hunter had asked for Kenan’s help on a different capture.
He’d earned a cool grand for doing the favor, but that one
had taken longer. He hadn’t come home until after three,
and finding Piper passed out on his couch had made his dick
swell. He’d wanted to wake her up, tie her up, and fuck her.
Or have her suck him off. She had a talented mouth, and it
would have helped to put him to sleep last night. But he
didn’t want to push things too far, too fast.
He’d thought they were going to have to do intense
training, so they would be comfortable together in Belize.
But then, the idea of her playing the part of a brat,
something that would come quite naturally to her, had
wormed its way into his plan. Her behavior would keep them
in the public eye at the resort, which would give him time to
observe people, while she was tied to posts, or in other
positions of punishment.
Of course, it all depended on how she reacted to this
weekend. So far things were going according to plan. She’d
come hard from the ginger and spanking. He’d never soaked
a plug in juice and used it on a sub’s ass, but he wanted to
try it with her. He imagined her tied to a post, her ass full as
he flogged her. His dick pulsed with the need to fuck her,
and he shifted in his chair. He’d get an orgasm in a little
while, but it would be self-induced.
Before that, he had to punish her for the tongue incident,
and he knew just how to do it. His cock throbbed again, and
he fought back the urge to call her up and tell her to go
down on him.
“Finish your paperwork,” he muttered just as a noise
sounded at the doorway. He turned to find Piper, totally
“Breakfast is ready, or technically it’s lunch, I think, since
it’s almost noon. Still, the first meal of the day is breaking
the fast. Shall I feed you, Sir, or will you use your own
One hundred percent brat, he thought as he held back a
chuckle. First, she puts her clothes on when she doesn’t
have permission. Then, she takes them off without being
told. “Fix a plate and bring it up here. You can feed me.”
“My pleasure, Sir.” She turned and wiggled her ass at him
before she left the room. This time he did chuckle, but he
made sure it was low. There were some pretty red stripes on
her bottom. She was definitely a handful, and not his usual
cup of tea. He had friends who liked those who were a little
bratty. The way she made him smile right now gave him
some insight into why.
She was back moments later with a tray full of cinnamon
rolls and a large bowl of fruit salad. She set it on the desk,
and he examined the offerings. The pastries definitely
smelled delicious.
“No coffee or juice?”
“It would be my pleasure to get it for you, Sir.” She turned
quickly, and when she walked—no, flounced—toward the
door, he watched her ass appreciatively. Maybe he should
have fucked her.
At the doorway, she turned. “Please don’t eat until I get
back, Sir. I would like to fulfill my duties as I’ve been
He was definitely going to have to concoct some
interesting punishments for her, since spanking wouldn’t
work. Standing in the corner would get old, and denial, well,
since she wasn’t planning on having sex with him in Belize,
that wouldn’t work. He knew she was angry right now
because he’d said he was going to fuck her, and then
changed his mind.
Truthfully, he’d done it just to see what her reaction would
be, and it was turning out exactly as he’d expected.
When she returned with another tray, this one with a
coffee pot, two mugs, sugar, cream and two glasses of
orange juice, he knew exactly how the first punishment
would go.
“How do you take your coffee, Sir?”
“My pleasure, Sir.” She poured him a cup, then picked up
the second one.
“Did I give permission for that?”
She stopped before any liquid escaped into the second
cup. “Excuse me?”
“For your coffee. Do you have permission?”
A nice, red tint colored her cheeks. “Sir, may I pour myself
a cup of coffee?”
“You may.” He watched as she poured the liquid, then set
down the pot. She reached for a packet of sweetener, then
glanced at him.
“May I?”
“Yes.” Oh yeah, this was the ticket, her having to ask for
permission to do things. It grated on her nerves, and it was
the perfect punishment. She threw the trash in the bin next
to the desk before she picked up the cream and started to
“Do I need to remind you?”
The look on her face was priceless. “May I have creamer,
“You may, as long as you ask.”
Once she’d finished with the coffee, she picked up a plate.
“One roll or two, Sir?”
“Two, please.”
She filled the plate, and then reached for the fruit, pulling
her hand back at the last minute. “Would you like fruit, Sir?”
Oh, this was fun. Another idea popped into his head. “Yes,
please. And when you’re done, empty one of the trays, then
set it on my lap. You may kneel before me and cut up the
roll, so you can feed me.”
She didn’t say a word as she did what she was told, but he
could see from the way she held the knife and fork that a
part of her wanted to stab him with the utensils. After she
put a piece of roll on the fork, she offered it to him.
The taste of warm cinnamon, butter, and dough filled his
mouth, sending warmth through him. This was definitely
one of the best pastries he’d ever had.
“Very good,” he told her. “Your talent in the kitchen is
The frown that had been on her face disappeared, and she
smiled broadly.
“My pleasure, Sir.” She seemed shy now, very aware of his
scrutiny of her work. “Would you like to taste the fruit,
He nodded, opening his mouth as she offered a bit with
banana and strawberry. He’d expected the same old taste of
fruit salad, but this one had a tang to it. He chewed slowly
as he tried to figure out what she’d used. “Powdered sugar,
a hint of lemon, and a cream cheese sauce. Very nice.”
The flush on her face deepened. “Thank you, again, Sir.”
“You’re welcome. You may continue to feed me, the roll
first, then the fruit. I’ll take care of the beverages. When you
see my hand reach for a glass, you will wait to offer me
another bite of food.”
“My pleasure, Sir.”
They ate in silence. Kenan watched her as she fed him;
she was a little disconcerted at first, to have the roles
reversed, but it didn’t take long for her to settle in. That was
good. She picked up on things fast and went with the flow.
“While we’re in Belize, we’re going to use a ‘tip’ system
for your punishments. That will stick with the food theme.”
She lifted her eyebrows in question.
“You tip a server at a restaurant. In this case, you’re going
to rack up tips that will lead to spankings, which you love, or
some form of punishment, yet to be decided.”
Her smile was bright. “I like it.”
He finished his food, then sat back in his chair. “Now, as to
you sticking your tongue out at me.”
“I’m playing the part,” she reminded him.
“Then we’ll practice punishment, since I’m still looking for
just the right thing.” He stood. “Stay in place.”
He didn’t look back as he left the room. When he got back,
he’d know whether or not she’d followed his instructions.
Details were one of the things that never escaped him,
including a person’s position in the room. It was one thing
that helped him succeed in his profession.
It didn’t take him long to go to one of the playrooms and
retrieve the item he thought might be best used for
situations where his new sub was being reprimanded. It was
a marble dildo, seven inches long. This would be an
interesting experiment.
He was almost back to the office when the phone rang.
Now he had a dilemma: should he ignore it and play, or see
if it was a chance to make more money? He’d check the ID
to see who it was, and decide from there.
A quick glance at Piper showed she’d stayed in place, her
hands at her sides. She looked bored, and it made him
smile. After a quick trip to the desk, he picked up his phone.
One glance told him this was a call he had to take.
“Leo, what’s up?” He listened, and then growled softly.
“Thanks for the call.”
He put down the phone and the dildo. “Get dressed and
pack your bags. We’re leaving tonight.”
Chapter Five

“Explain this to me one more time, please.” Piper tugged

on her seatbelt and then reached for her drink. She’d never
been a very good flier, and this was the third one for the
day. The original plans had been for a flight from New York
to Miami to Belize, where they would take a boat to the
resort island. But because their plans had changed, they’d
had to take what they had, which meant they’d gone from
New York to Dallas, and then to Miami and were now on
their way to Belize. She wasn’t even sure what time it was.
All she knew was that it was dark, either late evening or
early morning.
“One more time. Leo runs the resort. My mark is coming
on Tuesday, instead of next week. I want to make sure we’re
in place before he gets there.”
One more sip from the glass. “I understand that part. Tell
me once again about this Carlton guy.” She felt Kenan
stiffen, and she wondered if it was because she’d asked for
an explanation, or if he was angry about speaking about his
“Carlton Stein is from a rich family from Boston, but he
lives in New York.”
She nodded when he fell silent, afraid to say, “Go on.”
“His family is very rich, and Carlton is very greedy. Both
his parents are dead, but to get to his money, all his money,
he and his brother had to kill off an accountant and three
family members—two aunts and an uncle.”
Bile rose in the back of her throat. “That’s disgusting. I
don’t understand people who kill for money.”
“The district attorney in Boston discovered the whole
thing after the hit men were arrested. The brothers were
indicated and jailed, but released on bail by a judge who
was sure the DA had it all wrong. After all, they were pillars
of the community. They would never run.”
“When did all this happen?” The plane rolled a little, and
she grabbed the arm of her chair.
“Relax, we’ve only got an hour left, and then it’s a boat
ride. You don’t get seasick, do you?”
She shook her head. “How long ago was this?”
“Eight months. Carlton’s brother, Stephen, has already
been captured, in London. The only reason we caught wind
of Carlton was his need for sex, BDSM sex.”
“Your friend Leo called?”
“Yup. Carlton’s a well known Dom.”
She shivered. “A cruel one, I’m sure.”
“Leo says there’s never been any complaints against him.
I think the only time he’s dangerous is if you’re standing in
the way of what he wants. He’d kill someone to get away
from us, I’m sure of that.”
She shook her head. “If he’s on the run, he can’t get the
His laughter was soft. “He already has the money. Before
the murders, the brothers worked with a shady bank
employee. Each quarter the banker would skim off a little bit
of the trust fund, some for each of them. About a year and a
half ago, the accountant who oversees the books noticed
some funds missing. He monitored the accounts, and
figured out what was happening. He was the first to die after
Carlton overheard him talking with the uncle. The next day,
the employee transferred all the funds, and the relatives
were murdered a day after that.”
Piper shivered as she thought about the four people who
were dead because of greed. “That’s despicable. I can’t
believe a bank employee would do that.”
“Bad seeds turn up in good pods,” Kenan replied. “The
best part is the bank employee found the hit men, and he
had to find them fast. That’s where they screwed up. He
talked to his friends about it, and after the murders, one of
them went to the cops. The only evidence they have on the
brothers is his testimony and that of the triggermen.”
“So they have no real evidence against the brothers?” She
frowned at him. “What if they’re innocent?”
The look he gave her made her want to back away.
“That’s for a jury to decide. They were arrested after a
warrant was issued, they were brought before a judge, they
were released on bond, and then they fled. One of them has
been found. My job is to bring the other one back, so they
can stand before the jury. His guilt or innocence is not my
“That’s cold.”
“That’s life.” He looked unconcerned. “The judicial system
has many parts, but only a jury can decide guilt or
She waited a beat before she said, “So you don’t think
he’s guilty.”
“Of course he’s guilty.” He pushed the button for the flight
attendant. “His brother gave a full confession after he was
caught. What I’m trying to say is I don’t think about
innocence or guilt when I go after a skip.”
“That’s not true,” she replied as the attendant came up.
She waited while Kenan asked for another bottle of water
before she continued. When the man had retreated, she
said, “You said he was guilty, so obviously you do think
about it.” She arched her eyebrows at him, waiting for his
Instead of an argument, he said, “He’s not someone to
mess with, so be careful around him.” He pulled a photo
from a file.
“I’ve seen it already.”
“Leo says he’s bleached his hair, and he’s wearing colored
contacts that turned his eyes green. Memorize his nose, and
his chin.”
She almost laughed out loud, but knew that would be
pushing things. “Isn’t Leo going to point him out to you?”
“I want you to be able to identify him on sight.”
“Do I get to slap cuffs on him?”
“What do you think?”
“I think it might be kinda fun.” She smiled at the
attendant as he brought Kenan his water. “I’ve always been
the cuffee, not the cuffer.”
Oh heavens above, he was sexy when he was trying not to
He got it under control and said, “Don’t get distracted.
Don’t interact with him too much. Hopefully, I can find a way
to take him down before he’s been there very long. I
promised Leo we wouldn’t make a scene because it would
be bad publicity for the resort.”
She could understand that. “What are you going to do,
sneak him out in the middle of the night?”
“Exactly.” This time his smile was snarky. “You’re a quick
“You haven’t seen anything yet.” She finished off her drink
and thought about ordering another one. But she knew they
were close to their destination, and her in-fight drinks had
already made her tipsy.
“If you see him, and we’re not together, which is unlikely,
then come looking for me.”
She saluted him. “Yes, Sir.”
She touched her empty glass against his water bottle. “At
your service.”
Her reluctance was disappearing, and she wasn’t sure if it
was the alcohol or the excitement at doing something so out
of the ordinary. Either way, even without sex, this was going
to be a fun job.
“He’s going by the name Jim Carlton.”
Piper stared at the man sitting across from her. She knew
interrupting probably wasn’t the best idea she’d ever had
but… “Do they call you Leo because of your hair, or is your
name Leonard?”
Oh crap, she’d pissed off the boss. His tone was so deep
she was pretty sure that if there had been explosives
nearby, the room would have it up.
“It’s just I’ve never seen a guy with hair like that. It’s
kinda like that actress from the seventies, what was her
name?” She snapped her fingers as if it would help her
remember. “You know the one on the cop show with the
other two women. Anyway, your hair is long and flowing like
hers, like a lion’s mane. I figured that’s why they call you
“We call him Leo because he’s fearless, like a lion,” Kenan
put his hand on hers and squeezed. “Now, be quiet.”
She gazed at the handsome man in a different light.
“You’re a Ranger?”
“Former.” He looked at her as if she were a puzzle he was
trying to put together. “She’s not your usual type, K. She’s
spoken more words in the last ten minutes than I heard from
Alice in a year.”
“Who’s Alice?” She turned her head to Kenan, and she
wasn’t surprised when he ignored her.
“I did a lot of thinking on the ride down,” he said, his gaze
still turned in Leo’s direction. “I’ve decided to nix the
kitchen idea, for me at least. Piper will work in the kitchen,
and I’ll work in the rooms, if there’s a spot.”
She frowned at him. “Why?” When he ignored her, her
temper started to build.
“There’s always a spot for you,” Leo replied. “My female
subs will be over the moon. Leticia swears you were born
with a riding crop in your hand.”
“It’s settled, then. If anyone asks, Piper is a sub I’ve taken
under my wing for some discipline.”
“This sucks,” she said, steam building inside her. “I
thought we were a cooking team. You liked what I fixed you,
didn’t you?”
“It’s not your cooking.” This time he looked at her. “It’s
how fast this came together. I wanted more time together,
and it seems to be as if the smartest thing would be to act
like a Master with his new sub. I’ll be able to wander the
rooms and keep track of people, see where Stein is.”
Leo sat back and put his legs up on his desk, crossed at
the ankles. “He’ll be here tomorrow, and he’s coming alone.
He’s asked me to find him a sub to play with for the week.”
“Have you found one?”
“Yes, Victoria, my switch. She’s the only one who could
hold her own with him in case things get ugly. I’ve filled her
in. She thinks it’s an adventure.”
Piper slapped her hand against the desk to get their
attention. “Forget Victoria. Why am I basically being
dumped in the kitchen?”
Her internal organs seized when Kenan turned an angry
gaze her way. She’d never seen anyone look that pissed.
“Don’t ever do that again.”
It would have been best if she’d kept her mouth shut at
that point, but silence had never been her strong point. “Do
what, complain that the plan is changing, again? First, I’m
supposed to be meek and mild. Then, it changes to me
being a brat. Now, I’m just supposed to chop vegetables
while you’re out playing. I think I have a right to be mad.”
“And I think you’re an employee who should know when to
follow directions. We’re not here for playtime, remember?
We’re here to capture a skip, a dangerous one. I hired you to
be a cook and a sub. The only thing that has changed is that
I won’t be in the kitchen.”
“Working the rooms will give you more freedom,” Leo put
“Maybe he’ll find one to fuck,” she fired back. The air in
the room grew still and she realized that, once again, she’d
gone too far.
Crap. There was a long, drawn out silence before Kenan
said to Leo, “Do you have a chastity belt?”
“Would you like leather, or metal?”
“Metal.” Kenan stood. “Nice and heavy, so she knows it’s
Piper kept her gaze trained on the floor, but she had the
distinct impression he was staring at her. “Strip.”
“I’ll go and get it,” Leo said as he stood. She heard the
door open, then close.
“I said strip.” She didn’t like the harshness of his words,
but she’d brought it on herself. She stood before she pulled
her shirt over her head.
“I’m sorry.”
He shook his head, as she reached behind and undid her
bra. “I don’t want to hear your apologies. I brought you
along as part of my cover, and I decide how it’s set up, not
you. Since you insist on no sex, you’re going to wear the
belt, to which I’ll have the key.”
By the time Leo returned, she was naked. He handed the
item to Kenan before sitting behind his desk, his feet
propped up. She was sure he was looking forward to the
“If you didn’t like it so much, I’d give you a few good licks
with my belt first.”
“My kinda woman,” Leo said with a chuckle. “If you’d like
to put her in the stocks while we finish out conversation, I
have a new design I’m testing.”
“Show me.”
Leo picked up the phone on his desk. “Victoria, bring the
new stocks to my office.”
Her heart raced, but she kept her mouth closed. It had to
be some sort of record, she thought as she glanced between
the two men. No words were spoken until there was a knock
on the door.
“Come,” Leo commanded, a smile twitching at the side of
his mouth. “I think you’re going to like this, K. I designed it
to keep a sub in place, and on display.”
“Excellent,” Kenan said. “I’ve yet to find a punishment
that works with her. I hope this works.”
Piper watched as a woman came in the room. She wore
tight jeans and a T-shirt that hugged her generous curves.
Her dark hair was cropped; her large dark eyes seemed to
take in every aspect of the room as she entered. She
snapped her fingers, and two men came in pushing what
looked to be a large wheel of cheese.
They placed it in an area near the desk, and Piper’s mouth
went dry. It was unlike any stockade she’d ever seen. It was
obvious from the footholds that she’d mount the wheel,
then the top part would lift off. Her head and wrists would
go through the provided holes, and then the top would be
put back in place. There were leather straps in the leg area
that would keep her secured to the apparatus.
She should have kept her damn mouth shut.
When it was in place, the two men knelt before the
woman and kissed her feet before leaving.
“So obedient,” Victoria said. “They’re my darlings. May I
play with her, Milord Leo?”
“Not this time.” He wiggled his fingers at the door. “Go
find another pussy to torment. Or play with the boys. Get
nice and hot, and I’ll use the cane on your ass in a little
“Thank you, Milord,” she said breathlessly before she left.
“I think it’s fairly self-explanatory,” Leo said as he
caressed the wood. “Shall I lock her up, or would you like
“Be my guest,” Kenan said. She glared at him.
“Doesn’t look too bad.” She hoped the bravado in her
voice came through because if there was one thing she
hated, it was to be bound and on display, especially on this
thing. Maybe if he thought she didn’t care, he wouldn’t
leave her in there too long.
“Then climb aboard,” Leo said, humor in his voice. “Let’s
see how you like it.”
“It doesn’t look like it would hold me.” She crossed her
arms over her chest.
“It will.” Leo patted one of the places for her to put her
knee. “I’m not used to giving directions more than once.”
“Directions or orders? There’s a difference.”
The man who had seemed so open and amused earlier
frowned at her. “We have a boat leaving in an hour.” He
turned his head toward Kenan. “Would you like her to be on
“Okay, okay,” she said quickly before Kenan could reply.
Nerves threatened to overtake her as she approached the
wheel. The footholds didn’t look too large, and she had big
feet. She put her hand in one of the wrist holds to steady
herself as she climbed aboard.
Neither of the men offered encouragement, and she
wanted to scream at them for it. The least they could have
done was tell her it was going to be okay.
When both feet were on a peg, Leo went to work. He
bound her legs, starting at the thighs and working his way
When her ankles were secure, he lifted the bar off the top
of the wheel.
Once more there were no instructions, and she bent her
head so that her neck lay in the opening. She did the same
with her wrists, her body shaking. When the wooden block
came over her, she was thankful Leo had bound her legs
because she would have tried to bolt and would have
probably hurt herself.
She looked at Kenan, as if she expected him to show her
some mercy. Instead, he looked amused. She’d show him,
she wouldn’t say…panic swept through her. “You’ve proved
your point. I’ll be quiet. Unlock it, please.”
“I think we’ve stumbled onto something that will prove
very effective.” Kenan sounded pleased. “Does it spin?”
“Of course.” Leo grasped a handle on the back, and just
as she said, “No!” he tugged it. The wheel started to spin,
and Piper thought she was going to throw up.
It went around twice before he stopped it. “My idea, of
course, is that you could use a cat on a sub while they were
spinning, but I haven’t figured out how to protect the head.
I’m still working on that.”
“Please let me go.”
“Give her another few spins,” Kenan said. “I think we’ve
found the perfect punishment for her.”
Kenan toyed with the chastity belt on his lap. He’d told
Leo about the no sex part of his work with Piper, who had
remained silent after the last few spins. Yes, he’d definitely
found the perfect thing to use as punishment.
Leo was on the phone now, talking with a distributor from
the sounds of it. Kenan put the belt on the chair next to him.
Then he stood and walked to Piper. He gently touched her
behind, and she yelped softly.
“Like this?”
He moved to the other side, so he could see her face to
face. “You know what’s going to happen if you disobey me?”
“Yes.” She nodded as best she could, and he could see the
fear in her eyes. “I’ll behave. Please let me go.”
“I want you to listen carefully.” He kept his voice deep and
even. “The next time you have an outburst, your
punishment will be the wheel, in public. I will allow whatever
Dom or Domme around to use a cat on you for as long as
they like. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, Sir.” She tried to nod once more. “My pleasure, Sir.”
“I hope so.” He ran his finger down the slope of her nose.
“I rather like this toy.”
He stared at her, his cock swelling as she licked her lips.
He’d love to feel those things wrapped around him again.
He needed to push that idea out of his head. Just because
Stein wasn’t here didn’t mean Kenan could take his head
out of the game. If he thought too much about blowjobs, he
was likely to get sloppy.
“The wheel tilts,” Leo’s voice seemed to float across the
room. “You can put her on her stomach, or move it enough
to put her mouth in the right position for your dick. Giving a
blowjob from that position would be uncomfortable, I’m
“She gives good head,” he said, keeping his gaze on her.
She batted her lashes, and he stroked her cheek in reply.
“How are you feeling?”
“Like a tub of jelly,” she said. “Please.”
“Please what?”
“You know what.” Her rapid breathing told him she was
more than a little upset with her position.
Kenan stroked her soft cheek one more time. “I want you
to relax, to breathe deeply. Do you need to use your safe
“No,” she moaned out, the sound very soft. “I just…this…
scares me.”
He continued to stroke her cheek, trying to calm her
down. Some buried emotion had brought on what he could
only think was a panic attack, but it would be better to work
through it, rather than release her immediately, unless she
used her safe word. He waited a few more beats, but she
didn’t say it.
“What’s bothering you the most?” She hadn’t minded
when he’d bound her hands before. Did the wheel bring
back some memory that caused her to panic?
“I just don’t like it.”
He watched her face to see if she would give away some
hint of emotion other than fear. There was something more
than just not liking it. When she didn’t expand on her reply,
he tilted the wheel until it was flat. Then he undid the latch
and lifted the top of the wheel off of her neck.
An audible sigh of relief filled the room.
“I’m going to undo your legs. Stay where you are until I
say otherwise.”
“My pleasure, Sir.”
It didn’t take him long to undo the leather, and when her
body was free, he gave her a swift slap to the ass.
“I’ve found the perfect punishment for you, obviously. Any
more outbursts and…”
“There will be no more, Sir.”
“Good news, because now that I’m on staff, I’ll be able to
hook you up any time of the day or night. Think about that
before you open your mouth.”
It was on the tip of his tongue to tell her to stand, but he
didn’t, and she stayed in place. “If there is something I need
to know, you need to tell me now.”
“There’s nothing.” She glanced at him. “May I stand?”
“You may.”
She scrambled off the wheel, and instead of leaning
against it for support, she crossed to a chair and sat down.
He wanted to tell her she’d done it without permission, but
that wouldn’t help matters.
Different emotions roiled inside him. He didn’t like the fact
she had a deep secret that could show itself like it just had.
He wanted to ask more questions, but he also needed to
keep his head in the game.
The wheel would be a last resort as a punishment, so they
didn’t have a repeat of her trembling hands.
He glanced at Leo, who frowned at him, but didn’t speak.
It was obvious his friend also noticed her reaction to what
should have been a very simple thing for an experienced
sub to endure.
Maybe bringing her with him hadn’t been such a good
idea after all.
Chapter Six

Piper ran the towel over her wet head as she came out of
the bathroom. Their room was spacious with lots of toys,
including adjustable hooks on the walls where a sub could
be bound for her Dom’s pleasure. Seeing them reminded
her of the wheel and she shuddered.
Damn Barry Bartlow to hell. She’d thought she was over
the hell he’d put her through, but this morning’s events
proved she wasn’t. Being his “sub” had proven to be a
horrid experience. He’d bind her and leave her hanging for
hours, sometimes leaving the house and coming back to
stand in the doorway and laugh at her as she cried to be let
In response, he’d beat her ass until she screamed. Then
he’d leave again. After the third time, she’d broken down in
front of Cherokee one night. Cher had told her Mistress, who
had confronted the “wannabe who didn’t know shit” and
told him that if he ever went near Piper again, he’d be tied
up, and his dick would be lopped off.
That had been three years ago, and Piper had participated
in bondage scenes since then. But this morning, after she’d
been lashed to the wheel and they’d ignored her to talk, her
mind had worked through terrible scenes. What if they left?
What if they beat her the way Bartlow had? The panic had
set in, and she hadn’t been able to stop it.
The way Kenan had stroked her, had tried to calm her
down, told her he was a better Dom than the ass. She
should have told him the truth when he’d asked her what
was wrong. Hadn’t that been part of the contract she’d
signed, that communication was key and he expected her to
be honest with him? Yes, it was, but showing her feelings
was something she’d always found problematic.
“Nobody gives a damn what you think, Piper.” Her
mother’s words rang in her mind. “Just do what I say, and
things will be fine.”
A shudder pushed the memory away, and she glanced
around the room for her suitcase. She pushed open the
closet and found Kenan’s sitting there. His clothes had been
hung up, but hers were nowhere to be seen. There was a
small dresser next to the closet. An examination showed it
was full of his clothes, but nothing of hers.
“What the hell?” She swung around and looked over the
room again.
One king sized bed, two chairs and a table, the “play
wall”, a spanking bench and a small cot against the far wall.
If he thought she was sleeping there, he was full of it. The
bed was plenty big enough for the two of them.
Then she spotted it, sitting next to the cot—another
dresser. She crossed to it, and after opening the drawer,
uttered another cuss word. More crops, cats, and ropes.
She imagined a Dom calling the front desk and saying
he’d forgotten to pack his favorite nipple clamps.
“Did you check the dresser, Sir?” the attendant would ask.
“It’s fully stocked for your pleasure and your sub’s pain.”
“See anything you like?”
She pushed the drawer closed before she turned to Kenan.
“Where are my clothes?”
“I’ve got your uniform here.” He held up a bag. “When
you’re not at work, I’ll give you what you need.”
Bullshit, she thought as she glanced around once more.
Maybe the suitcase was under the bed. She dropped to her
knees to pull up the bedspread. All she saw were ropes
attached to the bed legs.
“Seeing you on all fours gives me ideas.” His voice was
low. “You’d better stand up before I decide you need a good
“Pussy or ass?” She glanced over the bed at him.
“Both.” He wiggled his brows. “I might even use my
tongue. Stand up.”
“Yes, Sir.” She walked to him slowly. As she’d advanced,
he’d dropped the bag on the table. Now he was rooting
around in it, and he pulled out the chastity belt.
“You’re not serious about that.”
“I am.”
“What if I have to pee?”
The grin he gave her made her shiver. “Then you’d better
find me, and don’t wait until you’re doing the jig, or you’ll
have to take a shower.”
“That sucks.”
“I could use some good head,” he said. He dropped the
belt on the table and crossed to the curtains. He opened
them with a quick flourish. They revealed a sliding glass
door that opened onto a courtyard. Several people were
milling out, guests in leather, lace, ropes, and chains. There
were a few who were nude. Several wore collars and had
leashes controlled by the Masters/Mistresses.
He opened the door, and a cool breeze filtered into the
room. “Clean off the table.”
Piper shouldn’t be shocked that he was going to make her
blow him where others could watch. Public scenes were
nothing new to her, so this would be easy. It didn’t take long
to transfer the items from the table onto the bed. As she
worked, she realized it was a table that could be unfolded
and used as a sort of massage table.
Without asking for help, he moved it in front of the doors.
Several people had stopped to watch, probably anticipating
a good scene, she thought. He unfolded it and locked the
pieces into place, including a headrest. He stood near the
top of the table before he moved to adjust the legs. He did
this several times, and she knew he was making the table
just the right height, so she could suck him while she lay
“Climb up,” he said as he patted the surface.
Aware they were being watched, she inclined her head,
“My pleasure, Sir.” After she’d lain down, he crossed to the
small dresser. She heard him rooting around. He returned
with nipple clamps, which he expertly applied. The sting
spread through her, and she moaned softly. He rubbed her
clit before he moved aside her slave ring. This clamp was
tight, and she lifted her hips a little, hoping to convey to him
that it needed to be loosened.
He ignored the signal, and within moments he was
standing at her head. She watched as he undid his jeans
and slid them down. Commando, she noticed as he
straddled her head.
“Lick my balls.” She did as he asked, thrilled that he
shaved. His skin was salty yet sweet. She continued to
bathe him, getting him nice and wet. When he moved back
slightly, she opened her mouth to accept him, even at this
weird angle.
“Lick my dick.” She did the same to his shaft. After a few
moments, he moved to where his balls were on top of her
mouth again. “Suck and lick.”
This command produced a cry of approval from those
gathered in the courtyard. Piper worked his balls swiftly;
sucking and licking them as she listened to him pump his
shaft. She wanted to scream at him that he’d said
something about good head and sucking balls wasn’t giving
But after this morning, she didn’t want to cause a scene,
or didn’t she? Wasn’t she supposed to act bratty?
She moved her mouth away from his balls. “I want dick.”
Kenan slapped her thigh sharply. “Don’t talk with your
mouth full. I said suck my balls, brat.”
“I want dick!” she screamed out. Another harsh slap made
her groan. The clamps were becoming uncomfortable, and
she wiggled her hips. “Take the torture instruments off and
let me suck your cock.”
The crowd was really getting into it now with comments
ranging from, “Let me whip it out of her for you,” to “She
can suck my sub’s cock.” They laughed and roared out their
approval when Kenan slapped her thigh again.
“Suck my balls or face the wheel.”
Damn it! She filled her mouth again, and the gathering
laughed. She could hear him working his cock again, and
she wondered where he’d gotten the lubricant for it.
However he was managing it, she heard the roar of approval
as warm cum hit her chest.
She licked and sucked him swiftly as he came.
“Would you like my little bitch to clean her?” a Domme
“Yes,” Kenan replied. He kept his balls in front of her
mouth as a tongue worked her chest. With her face between
his legs, she couldn’t see who came forward. Someone’s
mouth closed over first one nipple, then the other. The
clamps were incredibly painful now, and when the mouth
was gone, someone—she expected Kenan—pulled them off
her throbbing nipples with no warning. She cried out, the
sound muffled against his skin.
The crowd laughed as someone tugged the one on her
clit. It was released with a little more ease, but as the blood
rushed back to her aching clit, the urge to come almost
overwhelmed her.
Someone’s mouth closed over the nub and sucked.
“Bite her so she’ll come,” Kenan commanded and pain
shot through her harshly treated flesh. As teeth continued to
work her clit, she exploded, her cry once again muffled by
the balls that still lay on her mouth. The unknown sub
continued to chew and suck until Kenan ordered him or her
to stop.
Her hips arched as the mouth left her. She wanted more, a
great deal more.
“Thank you, bitch,” Kenan said.
A deep male voice mumbled, “You’re welcome, Sir.”
“Kiss his dick to thank him for letting you clean up his
cum, you little idiot,” a Domme cried out.
There was a pause, then a grunt of pain. “Lick the tip
clean,” Kenan commanded, and she imagined Kenan holding
the man by his hair as he tongued the end of Kenan’s dick.
“Now, get away.”
“Thank you once again, Sir,” the man said.
She heard the shuffling of feet, but still Kenan stayed in
place. “Thank you all for watching. My sub can be a little
brat sometimes and needs to be put in her place.”
The gathering responded with shouts of, “What better way
than with your balls in her mouth, unless it’s her tongue up
your ass,” to “Any time,” and “Can’t wait to see what’s
He moved away from her before he commanded her to
stand. “Close the door and curtains,” he ordered as he
started to fold up the table.
When they were behind the drapes, she turned to him.
“How’d I do?”
“Excellent.” He actually smiled. “You earned a good
spanking tonight with the implement of your choice.”
Need coursed through her. “With a whip?”
He put the table in its place then turned to her. “There’s
no room in here for a good whip session. It would have to be
in public.”
“I don’t mind.”
“You’d be tied between columns.” He lifted his brows, and
she knew he was questioning what had happened this
“Yes, Sir.”
“Are you ready to explain your panic attack to me? Can I
expect it again tonight?”
“No, Sir.” She swallowed hard. “It was nothing. I just didn’t
like the wheel.”
A long pause made her feel uncomfortable.
“I’ll get the truth sooner or later. And a word of warning,
whipping a sub makes me hard. If I can’t fuck you, your
mouth’s going to be full again.”
“My pleasure, Sir.”
“Then let’s get you dressed and in the kitchen. I want you
out in public as much as possible.”
Chapter Seven

She’d like to be able to do something besides chop

carrots, but she supposed she had to earn her stripes, so to
speak. This was her second day in the kitchen, and when
Chef Farley had asked about her skills, she’d told him she
was very good at sauces and would love to work as a sous
chef. Instead, he’d placed her at the prep table where she
chopped, and chopped, and chopped.
The woman working with her, Emily, was very meek, and
responded with yeses and noes. Piper had given up on
trying to start a conversation with her. She hadn’t been
formally introduced to the others. Farley had called for
attention the night before and said, “Piper is joining us, now
everyone get to work. We have meals to prepare.”
She supposed she shouldn’t be upset about working
because for all his words about taking her out in public,
Kenan had left her in the room that morning. He hadn’t even
been in the room when she’d gone to sleep the night before,
and she wondered what he’d been doing, but she hadn’t
asked this morning.
After they’d woken, he’d opened the curtains so the
people in the yard could watch as he bent her over the bed
and took a belt to her ass. She’d put on her best bratty
behavior, screaming and crying and calling him names.
Then she’d pretended to fight, as he made her kneel and
give him a blowjob.
“She doesn’t deserve my cock in her pussy or ass,” he’d
told the crowd. “Maybe some other time she will have
earned it.” There were several offers to help, but he’d told
them it was best to do it on his own.
Although she’d enjoyed the spanking, she’d reminded him
that he’d promised her a whipping the night before.
“All in good time,” he said. “Something came up, and I
thought I’d save it for tonight.” She’d been irritated, until
she realized Stein was arriving tonight, and this would be
their first public display. A good session with the whip would
attract his attention, unless he decided to spend the time
alone with Victoria.
She finished her batch of carrots and reached for a bag of
Brussels sprouts. One of the sous chefs had ordered the
tasty little buds halved, so he could mix them with a sauce
he was preparing. Piper wasn’t sure if she’d been out of line
when she’d asked what was in it, but he’d happily told her it
was lemon, fresh dill, and mustard seeds with some toasted
almonds sprinkled on top.
It sounded divine to her and made her wish once again
she could be at his station instead of standing there with a
knife in her hand. She was almost through with the bag
when a man appeared next to her.
“Master Dyson is looking for his sprouts,” the man
“Almost done,” she replied, shifting on her feet. They had
great flooring in here to help cushion the soles of those who
had to stand for their jobs, but she’d been working for two
hours without a break, and she needed to pee.
Thinking about the bathroom reminded her that she’d
have to hunt down Kenan for the key to her chastity belt.
She hated the metal monstrosity he’d strapped her into last
night and this morning. At least he hadn’t made her sleep in
She finished the sprouts and handed the bowl to the man
waiting for them. As he took them, he winked at her and
said very lowly, “Your pussy tastes good, so does your
Master’s cum.”
Piper stared after him as he walked away. The man who’d
provided her orgasm yesterday was the size of a
professional football player, and it made her wonder what
he did for a living. Were he and his Mistress here for a
working vacation like her and Kenan? She wished he’d
stayed around so she could ask, but she knew he had work
to do, as did she.
A glance at her table, though, showed it was empty. She
wiped her hands as she looked around for Chef Farley. He
was near the door, talking with Leo. Today, the resort
owner’s long blond hair was tied in a cue down his back. He
wore low-slung jeans and a tank top that showed off
muscles and tattoos.
He held his hand and indicated she should come to him.
“Yes, Sir?” Victoria had called him Milord, but she wasn’t
sure if it would be bad form for her to do the same.
“You’re off the clock,” Farley said. “Leo informs me you’re
only part-time in the kitchen from three to five. The rest of
the time you’ll spend waiting on people in the dining room.”
“What?” Oh, hell no. She hadn’t signed on to be a
waitress. “I’ve never waited tables. I’ll probably spill soup on
someone or drop a tray.”
“You’ll have time to practice,” Leo told her. “Kenan informs
me you’re clumsy, and he’s set up a training session, right
after he collars you.”
Her hand went to her neck. She hadn’t worn a collar in
years, and she hadn’t thought about it for this trip, although
she wondered why. He hadn’t mentioned it, though, so
maybe she thought it wasn’t necessary. She glanced at the
staff and saw almost half of them wore collars. They
probably wondered why she wasn’t.
“Are you questioning me?” Leo glared at her.
“No, Sir…”
“Milord,” he corrected.
“No, Milord.”
“I think you are, and as Master of this resort, I have the
right to correct your behavior. Take down your pants.” He
pointed at one of the dishwashers, coming through the room
with a load of pans in his arms. “Bring me a wooden spoon.”
“Yes, Milord.” The man hurried to put down his load and
quickly returned with the spoon.
Piper stared at him, her mouth partially open
“Are you deaf?”
She shook her head and with fumbling fingers undid the
buttons of her pants. She let them drop and heard several
gasps. Was she the only one here forced to wear a chastity
“Bend over and touch your toes,” Leo commanded.
She obeyed immediately. The belt was basically a thong,
with a single strap of metal in the back. Leo smacked her
bottom a few times with the spoon, and she knew the swats
were meant to do nothing more than warm her up.
She grunted when he tugged on the belt and started the
spanking in earnest, slapping her ass harder and harder.
She closed her eyes and refused to cry out, or was she
supposed to? She wished she had more of an idea on this
bratty behavior. Finally, she decided it wouldn’t do for her to
remain silent.
“Do you have permission from Sir Kenan for this?”
The gasp from the kitchen told her she’d hit the bratty nail
right on the head. Leo said nothing, but the swats grew
harsher, and she cried out twice for him to stop. Of course,
he ignored her. Her ass burned by the time he finally ended
the whipping, pushing on her shoulder, indicating she
should go to her knees.
“I remind you, brat, that I own this place and everyone
here answers to me. That includes you. Now, we shall go
find your Master, so I can discuss your attitude with him.
Crawl behind me, pants down.”
Her face flushed at his command. Now everyone in the
resort would see her belt and see her crawling behind the
head honcho. They would know she’d blundered in the worst
sort of way, and she would be a laughing stock. And all
before Stein arrived. Maybe he’d want to hear more. If he
did, maybe he’d want to watch one of her morning blowjobs
or request to see her in the dining area.
Her legs were already like jelly from standing for her
spanking, and crawling through the room trying to keep
from leaving her pants behind was no easy task. She worked
her muscles as she crawled, and Leo’s long legs meant his
stride was fast. She worked hard to keep up, but twice she
had to stop to awkwardly pull her pants back up.
Along the way, people stopped and stared, some pointing
and laughing. By the time they entered a room where she
saw Kenan standing near two posts, she was sure her face
was as red as her bottom.
“I had to warm her ass up for you,” Leo reported. “She’s
got quite a fresh mouth.”
“Up,” Kenan said. She stood and saw the look of fury on
his face. Her insides quivered as he narrowed his eyes at
her. “You don’t deserve a collar.”
“You can put a training chain on her, like you would a
dog,” Leo retorted. “I think that would be perfect.”
“As do I.” Kenan snapped his fingers and a woman
appeared, her head bowed. “Get me one.”
“Yes, Sir.” She scurried away, and Piper wasn’t sure she
would like what was about to happen. There was no one
standing behind him, and when she caught his eye, she
mouthed, “I have to pee.”
His look told her that announcement didn’t go over well.
He took the key to her belt from his pocket and undid the
lock. He removed the lock and undid the latch. “Strip and go
pee,” he announced. “Then, you’re going to taste the whip
for the way you treated Milord Leo.”
Her humiliation turned to anticipation. This was the
whipping he’d promised her. To everyone else, it would be
punishment. To her, it would be sheer pleasure. She asked
Leo where to find a bathroom, and he pointed back the way
they’d come. She ran from the room, trying not to notice the
number of people gathered to watch her whipping.
Once she was in the bathroom, though, her ideas about
the whipping took a different form. Her behind ached from
Leo’s spanking. The feel of the whip on top of it wouldn’t be
as pleasurable as she usually experienced. How could she
relay that information to Kenan without those filling the
room hearing? If she acted bratty enough, would he
postpone the whipping all together?
Something told her no. There was no way he was going to
change his mind, and her ass would be paying the price for
the rest of the day. After she’d finished her business, she
washed her hands and made her way slowly back to the
gathering room. A low rumble of voices filtered into the
hallway, but when she entered, the voices quieted.
The walk toward Kenan seemed to take forever. A piece of
chain dangled from his hand, the type pet owners would use
to make a choke collar for dogs. She didn’t like the looks of
that, but it was too late to turn and run.
She reminded herself she was his employee, and she’d
signed on for this job to earn money for culinary school. She
could handle the collar and whipping; but why wouldn’t he
use a regular leather collar? She wasn’t into oxygen
deprivation, and he’d never said anything about it.
“Get over here, brat.” He pointed to a spot in front of him,
and she hurried her step.
“Hands behind your back.” Piper did as he asked,
spreading her legs once her hands were clasped together.
“Maybe there’s hope for you after all.”
He held up the chain. “This is a training collar. If you
behave, you can graduate to a regular one.”
“My pleasure, Sir.”
“Your pleasure to do what?”
“To serve You, Sir.” The crowd murmured their approval.
Kenan snaked the collar over her shoulder and around her
neck. He brought the two edges together, leaving a length
of it hanging down her chest. He held it together with one
hand while he took a lock from Leo with the other.
Once he’d snapped the lock into place, he pulled on the
reserve chain. “Who are you?”
“I’m Your brat, Sir.”
“You’re a nasty little brat, aren’t you?”
“Yes, Sir.” Her earlier thoughts about the whipping being
too much after the spanking drifted away. She wanted to
taste the leather.
“What happens to nasty little brats?”
“They get whipped, Sir.”
Kenan released the chain. “Bind her between the
Two huge male subs grabbed her arms roughly and
dragged her toward the columns at the front of the room.
They tied her hands to the ropes attached to the steel
beams, then bent to do the same to her legs. She couldn’t
help but smile in anticipation; happy her back was to the
Kenan appeared in front of her, a long bullwhip in his
hands. She almost came at the sight.
“Kiss it,” he demanded, placing the handle in front of her.
Her lips touched the soft leather, and she moaned softly.
“Try to pretend like you’re not enjoying it,” he whispered
in her ear. “Brats fight their whippings. Use that voice you’re
so famous for.”
What the hell was she supposed to say? She thought and
thought and then blurted out, “Better the taste of the whip
in my mouth than your dick.”
The crowd gasped and Kenan’s eyes widened in surprise.
Then they narrowed in anger. “You little slut.”
“Fuck you!”
His face blazed with anger, and he stood back. “Bring me
a gag.”
One of the male subs ran to do his bidding. Piper shook
her head from side to side as the sub tried to fit the ball into
her mouth. Finally, the second sub came up and held her
head still while the first fit the gag into place.
When they were gone, Kenan said, “Since your ass is
already warmed up from Milord Leo’s spoon, we’ll get right
to it.”
He moved behind her quickly. Her body trembled, both
from eagerness and from the way her arms and legs were
lashed to the columns.
The first stroke caught her by surprise, and she screamed
against the gag. The crowd clapped as a second then a third
fell. Her ass, already on fire, burned against the bite of the
leather, but by the time he made it to seven, she wanted to
scream for more.
Eight, nine, ten…damn, she needed to come. She swayed
as much as she could. The crowd saw this as her trying to
get away from the lash. They cried out in pleasure at her
pain, and she felt like a gladiator during Roman times. All
that would be missing at the end was the thumbs up or
down by the emperor.
Fourteen, fifteen, sixteen. Fuck, but he was good with the
whip. He never hit the same area twice. Three different
times he’d strayed to her thighs, which provided a delicious
Twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five.
“Look at these beautiful welts,” he said to the crowd as he
grasped her ass and jiggled it.
More clapping and roars of approval.
“That’s enough on the ass, I think, for now. Someone bring
me a cat, so I can mark her breasts and cunt.”
He was in front of her now, the whip exchanged for a cat.
He placed it in front of her mouth and demanded homage in
the form of a kiss.
“Oh wait, you can’t because you have a big mouth, and
it’s already full.” The taunts from the crowd made her want
to spit. Kenan pulled on the chain so that their faces were
inches apart.
“I’ll make sure I hit your clit. Come as much as you want.
The gag will keep the crowd from knowing it’s pleasure
you’re feeling.”
He backed up and flicked the lashes across her breasts. It
was made of rubber, and the bite was harsh. The feeling
spread through her as he moved it over her stomach and
down between her legs. The strikes started out as horizontal
then went to vertical. He hit the front of her thighs, and
Piper danced against her bindings. She wanted to, no
needed to, come.
Her pussy dripped with need, making her folds wet and
swollen. It didn’t take long for the bands to spread her lips.
A few of them hit her clit, and she soared, screaming
against the gag. He continued to pummel her pussy with the
cat, and seconds later she came again, the feeling so
overwhelming she felt as if she would black out.
“Enough,” he said, dropping the cat at her feet. He undid
his jeans. Was he going to make her suck him off here? She
wasn’t sure her mouth would work right after being held
open for so long.
Once his dick was out, he pointed to a sub standing
against the wall. The woman wore a red corset, and Piper
vaguely remembered that being the sign of a sub who was
open for play.
“Suck my dick,” he commanded the woman, and she
immediately fell to the task. Kenan’s gaze locked on Piper as
the woman’s mouth worked his cock.
“This could be yours, if you learned to obey,” he said
angrily. He grasped the woman’s hair and thrust hard, a
guttural growl sounding low in his throat. “Very good.” This
time his voice was soft, and he stroked the woman’s cheek.
She looked up at him in adoration, and Piper wanted to
scream at her to leave him alone, that he belonged to her.
The woman kissed his thigh, then moved away. Kenan put
himself away, then nodded at the two male subs. “You can
take her gag out when she’s bound to the wall in my room.”
He handed them the corset. “Put this on her before you
If it hadn’t been for their arms, she might have collapsed
onto the floor. They lifted her between them and marched
toward the door. Doms and Dommes sneered at her as she
walked past. As they neared the back, Piper lifted her head
to look at a few, hoping to keep her bratty behavior in tact.
Her breath caught in her throat as her gaze raked the
crowd and stopped on one man…a blond with a nose,
cheeks, and chin she recognized.
Carlton Stein, and his gaze followed her with rapt
Chapter Eight

Kenan found her lying on the bed, ass up, despite his
public orders to tie her to the wall. Leo had snuck into the
room after the two subs had left and released her, as Kenan
had asked him to do.
“Please tell her that I’ll be there shortly, and she deserves
a bonus.”
He stuck around the room long enough to see if Carlton
Stein would talk to him, and he did, putting out his hand for
a shake before Kenan left the room. It was all he could do to
be civil to the man, but he’d smiled and answered questions
after the initial introduction with a “like-minded individual”.
It had taken all of his willpower to not tackle the asshole
and put him in cuffs. But his backup wasn’t here yet, and
too many people could be placed in danger if he followed
through on his instincts. He was confident in his abilities, but
he wasn’t dumb enough to take bad risks. So, he’d gritted
his teeth and hoped it looked like he was enjoying their
No, he hadn’t had his sub long. They were still in the
training process. Yes, she was quite cheeky and needed a
firm hand, which he would give her. Sure, he’d let “Jim”
know when the next public session would be. The brat
worked in the kitchen, and Kenan could be found there.
Now, Kenan studied the marks on Piper’s ass and thighs.
The welts looked painful to him, but he knew she’d come
hard while he’d been whipping her pussy. He put his hand
on her thigh, and she groaned.
“How are you feeling?”
“Floating,” she whispered.
A smile tugged at his mouth, and he went into the
bathroom and retrieved a bottle of lotion. He sat down
cross-legged on the bed and began working the cream over
her ass.
“Nice,” she murmured, her voice sounding as if she were
almost asleep.
“You did excellent,” he said as his hand strayed to her
thighs. “He’s here.”
“I saw him.” It was almost as if she talking in her sleep.
“Different hair color, same chin, nose, and cheeks.”
Kenan chuckled. “Good for you.” He patted her bottom.
“We’re staying in the rest of the night. I want to leave him
wanting more.”
“That’s creepy,” she replied. “I mean that he talked to you
about me.”
“So did three other Doms and one Domme, all wanting to
know if they could test their whip skills on your ass.”
She turned to look at him over her shoulder. “What did
you say?”
“That I don’t share.” He winked at her, an action that took
him by surprise. “Except maybe with Leo, but they don’t
have to know that.”
“No sex, remember?”
“I remember.” He patted her bottom. “Roll over.”
When she was on her back, he continued his massage,
rubbing the soothing moisturizer into her breasts and belly.
She moaned softly, and his dick hardened. Not fucking her
was going to be harder than he’d thought. Right now, his
cock wanted to find a home in between her plump pussy
He let his fingers drift into her slit where he toyed with her
slave ring.
“Stop that,” she said, with no real energy behind the
“Make me.” He gave it a good tug, and her groan made
his prick throb. “Would you like a bonus orgasm?”
“What you got in mind, sailor?”
“A licking for a licking?”
Her eyes had been closed. Now, they popped open. “A
licking from who?”
“You hiding someone in the bathroom? I thought it was
only the two of us in here.”
Her look of utter shock made him laugh out loud.
“You’re a Dom, and you’re going down on me?”
“It’s not unheard of, you know. I like to reward good
behavior, and if I’m eating you, I can control your orgasm. I
like pussy. Does that shock you?”
She shrugged against the mattress. “I just never knew a
Dom who gave head.”
“Your pussy belongs to me, and right now, I want to snack
on it. Spread your legs.” She obeyed, and he thought that
she was perfect when she was doing as she was told. Oh,
who was he kidding? She’d been perfect all fucking day. He
pulled his shirt over his head before tossing it aside. Then
he settled himself between her legs.
He teased her at first, rubbing his finger along her slit.
“Tell me how many Doms have owned you.”
Her body stiffened and she tried to close her legs.
“Don’t move, or I tie you to the bed. Answer my question.”
There was such a long beat he thought she was going to
refuse. Either that or she’d fallen asleep. Finally, she said,
“One?” That shocked him.
“Yes. I’ve only had one true relationship with a Dom.” He
could tell by the way her body shifted she’d turned her head
toward the wall. “Playing doesn’t count.”
“Tell me about him.” Her legs moved so fast he thought
she was trying to place him in a headlock. He rolled off the
bed, crouching into attack position. She stood on the other
side, her hands on her hips.
“Listen, nobody said we had to play ‘this is your life’. I’m
playing a brat for you to attract your prey’s attention, but
my personal life is none of your business.” Gone was the
lazy, half-asleep tone she’d had before. Now, she sounded
as if she could spit nails.
“Left a good impression on you, didn’t he?”
“That’s none of your fucking business.”
Kenan sat down on the bed. He worked to keep his temper
in check, but it was hard. He took several calming breaths
before speaking again, hoping the silence made her
uncomfortable. But with Piper, he never knew. “Don’t forget
who has the key to what you’re wearing. That means you
belong to me. Watch your tongue.”
“I don’t want to talk about…him.” She sat down next to
him. “You can just give me another orgasm, and we can go
to sleep.”
He laughed in derision. “That time is long past. You lost
your bonus.”
“That sucks.” She lay back down. “Can I go to sleep, then?
My ass hurts.”
“It’s only ten o’clock. I thought we’d take a walk through
the rooms.”
“With me on a leash?”
“You don’t have to worry about any more playtime
tonight. This is strictly observation.”
“Can I wear clothes?”
“You can wear your chastity belt and a big smile.” Almost
as an afterthought, he said, “And a chain between your
nipples rings.”
“You want to check on Stein, right?”
He nodded. “I’m going to ask you to stay silent unless I
give you permission, can you do that?”
He studied her. “Somehow I doubt it, but we’ll give it a
The playrooms were busy, but Kenan only had one thing in
mind—finding Carlton Stein and seeing what he was doing.
He wanted to keep an eye on the ass, but he didn’t want to
make it seem as if he were doing so. That took a certain
amount of talent. The best thing to do would see if Stein
was participating in a scene in one of the rooms, then
watching the scene next to it, his gaze straying occasionally
to his prey.
Three days, that was all he needed. His backup had
rearranged plans and would be here by then. He and Leo
had talked during the afternoon and decided the best take
down strategy would be at night when Stein was sleeping.
They’d go into the room and whisk him out under cover of
night. He’d be back in New York by Saturday, behind bars,
with no bail.
Kenan tugged on the leather in his hand, which earned
him a rebuke from Piper.
“Watch it,” she said. “You don’t want to choke me before
you have a chance to whip me again, do you?”
“Hush brat, or I’ll chain you to the wall in the room and
come back and play on my own.”
All color seemed to drain from her face, and she nodded
very slowly. “Sorry, Sir.”
Her actions made him wonder about her past. She’d
freaked at the wheel, yet when he’d chained her in the
playroom she’d been all for it. When threatened with being
left alone while bound, she looked like she’d faint. This
unknown Dom who had collared her at one point must have
been a real piece of work. He needed to talk with Cherokee,
see what was what.
That’s not why you’re here, a voice inside his head
whispered. Remember, you hired a sub so you didn’t have
to worry about emotional things. You just wanted someone
to play with who would attract Stein’s attention, keep him
Of course, she didn’t need to worry about being left alone
while bound. It was a dangerous thing to do, and he’d never
put a sub in harm’s way. That was why he’d had Leo release
her after this afternoon’s session.
He tugged on the leash. “Do you need a gag?”
“No, Sir.” She shook her head.
“Then I don’t expect to hear another word come out of
your mouth until the morning.”
She nodded. The movement made her bare breasts jiggle,
and the chain between her nipples caught his eye. He’d love
to sit and play with her, pulling on the chain, watching her
eyes widen as the clamps pulled at her nipples.
One shake of his head broke the spell, and he turned to
scan the crowd again. There he was, standing near where a
Domme was torturing her sub’s cock and balls. He held
Victoria’s leash. She was on all fours, which made her look
like his pet.
The sub lay on a table, his stiff cock wrapped in rubber
bands. The Domme attached several clothespins to his balls
then snapped her fingers.
Victoria stood and carefully mounted the table, lowering
herself onto the sub’s dick. Humiliation for the male sub,
Kenan thought as he watched Victoria start to bounce, being
forced to fuck a sub while he was in so much pain.
“Hey, Kenan.” The hail caught him by surprise. He’d been
watching the scene and had failed to see Stein look around.
“Come and join us. Your sub can go next.”
“Don’t offer my bitch’s cock without my permission,” the
Domme said.
Kenan looked at the sub’s face and realized it was the
same one who had cleaned up his cum before sucking
Piper’s clit. His face was contorted into a mixture of pain
and pleasure, and Kenan realized he was working hard not
to have an orgasm. It was probably difficult, since Victoria
was bouncing up and down on him like he was an exercise
“Mistress,” the man whispered. Kenan recognized the
tone: I can’t hold it anymore. Please let me come.
The Domme stroked his hair. “You can wait.” She smacked
Victoria’s ass. “Faster.”
“If I can’t offer his dick, you can’t hit my sub.”
Kenan held back a groan at Stein’s schoolyard taunt.
“I’ll do anything I want while she’s fucking my bitch.”
“What are we, in grade school?” Kenan asked. “Keep it up,
and the floor manager will kick you both out.”
Stein’s snort revealed everything Kenan knew about him,
as if he were saying, “I can do whatever the fuck I want. I
got away with murder. Let him try to kick me out.”
“They’re pretty strict,” Kenan went on. “I know the owner,
and he doesn’t put up with what he considers bad
Another snort. “Hey, cunt, get off the dick.”
Kenan cringed. Calling a sub a cunt, as if that was what
you’d named her, was beyond the pale as far as he was
concerned. But Victoria took it like a pro. She climbed down
and went to her hands and knees in front of Stein.
“Your friend trains the toys well.”
Another cringe and Kenan realized that it wasn’t the words
that pissed him off. It was the speaker. Stein could say the
sky was blue, and Kenan would want to deck him.
“Let’s go find something more interesting,” Stein said. He
leaned over and picked up Victoria’s leash before jerking it.
The switch groaned, and Kenan stepped between the two.
“Don’t you want to see how this scene ends?”
“Who cares?” Stein shrugged. “My sub fucked his rubber-
banded prick. It didn’t give me the thrill I though it would.
I’m bored.”
Kenan looked at the Domme. “What’s your name?”
“Lady M,” she replied. “And you?”
“My friends call me K. Would you like the brat to jerk him
“That would be lovely to watch her play with him.” She
slapped his dick. “He’s all yours, brat.”
Piper glanced at him in a questioning manner, and he
shook his head. “I’ve forbidden her to speak until morning.
But it doesn’t take a mouth to do what we want. Get to
work, brat.”
He watched as Piper stroked the sub’s dick. Lady M
instructed her to pop the rubber bands a few times, and to
“make the session last”.
Piper followed her instructions while Lady M stroked her
sub’s head, cooing words to him that Kenan couldn’t quite
make out.
“Treats him like she likes him,” Stein said.
Kenan got his emotions under control before he asked,
“You don’t like the subs?”
“They’re toys, and they allow themselves to be
manhandled. Who cares what they like and don’t like. What
matters is what I want.”
“I disagree,” Kenan said, wishing he could bite back the
“You’re kidding me? After the way you used the whip on
your cunt? I thought you were a fellow believer who thinks
some subs are coddled like the ass on the table there.”
“She’s not a cunt. Her name is brat.” Fuck, here he’d
thought Piper would screw it up, and it was him who was
saying all the wrong things.
The grunts and groans of the room filled the space
between them. Kenan could hear the snapping of the rubber
bands against the sub’s prick.
It seemed to take forever, but finally Stein laughed.
“Nobody gets to piss on her, but you, is that it?”
“Exactly.” Thank God, he’d misinterpreted Kenan’s words.
“Glad to know you’re not a pussy.” He tugged on Victoria’s
leash. “Let’s have breakfast tomorrow, and the bitches can
eat each other out for our entertainment.”
“Fine,” Kenan replied. “I plan on staying in for a while. Say
around eleven?”
Stein left without another word, and Kenan figured that
meant he’d accepted the time. He heard deep groans, and
he turned his attention to the table in time to see the sub’s
cock erupt. He cringed at the sight of the hard length of
him, purple from the rubber bands. The look of sheer joy on
the sub’s face, though, said the man had loved his torture.
“Are you done with her?”
“Yes,” Lady M replied. “Thank you for our time with the
“You’re welcome,” Kenan replied. “Blowjob in the morning
as usual, if you’d like to watch.”
“Looking forward to it,” the Domme’s eyes sparkled. “See
you then.”
He started to lead Piper from the room. She caught up
with him and flashed him a look that conveyed the fact she
didn’t quite understand.
“Time for bed, or at least alone time. If I spend any more
time with Stein, I might kill him before I get him back to New
York, and then we’d both be out money.”
Amusement colored her features, and he started for the
hallway again thinking, three more days, three more days,
three more days…
Chapter Nine

“I thought we were sleeping in.” Piper glanced at Kenan as

he came out of the bathroom.
Water clung to his muscular body, and the urge to take
him in her mouth again was strong, even if she had just
sucked him off a half-hour ago. This not having “sex” with
him thing was harder than she’d thought. The urge to fuck
him had been strong last night when they’d returned to the
room, and it was stronger now.
“I said we were staying in; there’s a difference.”
“Whatever.” She shrugged. Quit looking at his dick. “So,
how do you think it’s going so far?”
“Good.” He sat down on the bed, leaning back on his
elbows. “You’ve done exactly as I asked, been very bratty.
You’re earning yourself a bonus.”
How about a fuck? She shook her head to clear the
thought. “Glad to hear it. How much do you get on this
“Ten percent of the bond.” He gave her a deeply sensual
look that said he knew what was on her mind. “Quit looking
at my prick like you want to play with it. I’m likely to take
you up on the suggestion.”
“Don’t flatter yourself.”
Deep laughter filled the room. “Right. Since you’re not
wearing your belt, if I got up, flipped you over, and stuck my
cock in your pussy or ass, you’d scream for more.”
“Would not.”
He pushed up and she backed away. “What are you
“Testing your theory. Bend over the bed.” His cock was
hard now, jutting upward as it had just a short while ago.
She remembered the taste of him in her mouth.
“We said no fucking.”
“You’re off the clock in the room. Come on, just a taste.”
He stroked himself and Piper’s knees went weak. “You told
me you’d like it up the ass. We can do that.”
Another sensual laugh filled the space between them.
“Afraid that once you get a taste, you won’t be able to
resist, and you’ll want more and more, my hard prick in your
mouth, pussy, ass, making you come harder than ever
Yes. She laughed to try and ease the tension filling her
body. “You have an overinflated sense of your abilities as a
lover, I’m sure.”
“Nope. Your nipples are hard, and I can smell your
wetness, and I know I’m good. I can send you into sub space
really fast.”
“Doubt it.” She frowned. “You haven’t done it yet.”
“Is that a challenge?”
“Nobody’s ever been able to make me fly.” She sat down
and averted her gaze from his length.
“Tonight.” He stood in front of her. “Suck me.”
“I already have.” A look upward showed those words
didn’t go over well.
“Suck me.”
“You suck me,” she replied calmly. “I didn’t get my head
last night.” Crap, when would she learn to keep her mouth
“Corner.” He pointed to one near the bathroom. “Get on
your hands and knees.”
That was easy. Who gave a damn about some silly
punishment like standing in a corner? Once in place, she
almost heaved a sigh of relief. At least she didn’t have to
stare at his hard cock and wonder what it would feel like
inside something besides her mouth.
“Hands behind your back, nose to the floor, ass high in the
Okay, this position wasn’t so easy. She turned her head
once, to lay her cheek down on the carpet, and received a
sharp slap on the ass. “Is that your nose?”
“Does it look like it?”
One sharp slap, then another. “Get back into position.”
She definitely didn’t like this, but she did as she was told.
She stayed in place, even when she heard him move away.
He was back a few minutes later. He held the egg he’d used
on her in the grocery store in front of her face.
“Recognize this?”
“Yes, Sir.” She relaxed her muscles as he worked it into
her pussy. He walked away as soon as it was inside. She
could hear him rummaging inside the drawer. More
footsteps and then the sound of water running. When
something cold pressed against her anus, she froze.
“Just some gel so I can work the plug in.”
She groaned a few times as he inserted the hard plastic
into her ass. It was long and thick. Piper had never cared for
anal plugs. She’d much rather have the real thing, but that
wasn’t a possibility now.
When he was done, he slapped her ass. “Stand up.” When
she was on her feet, he handed her the chastity belt. “Put it
Once it was in place, he snapped the lock shut.
“How long do I have to wear the plug?”
“Until I say so, or until you go to work, which ever comes
first.” He crossed the room. “Come here.”
Walking was uncomfortable, but she tried not to grimace.
It was better not to let him know how much she didn’t like
the plug. When she was beside him, he snapped a leash
onto her collar.
“When someone greets you today, you’re to say, ‘I’m a
mouthy little brat, and my Master filled my ass with a plug
to punish me for my verbal diarrhea. Would you care to see
it?’ If they say yes, you bend over and spread your cheeks
so they can see your ass.”
Embarrassment flooded her, and she hadn’t even had to
do it yet. “I’m sorry, please don’t punish me this way.”
“Time to go.” He gave the leash a tug. “Do you need to
rehearse your lines?”
“Please, I’m really sorry.” She put her hands on his chest
and realized that sometime while she’d been on her hands
and knees with her nose to the floor, he’d dressed in jeans
and a T-shirt. Had his cock deflated because of her behavior,
or had he taken matters into his own hands?
“Say the words.”
“I hate you.”
A look of utter indifference came over his features. “Say
“Fine, I’m a mouthy brat, and my Master filled my ass with
a plug.”
“Wrong.” He pulled on the leash. “Try again.”
It took three different times, and with each wrong
utterance, he tightened his grip on the leash. Finally, she
got it right and they headed toward the door.
“Listen carefully,” he said, hand on the knob. “Each time
you mess up the words, it’s ten minutes on the wheel
tonight. There will be no negotiation on the matter.”
“You don’t believe I’m sorry for what I said?”
“I do, but it’s sort of like someone committing a bank
robbery, then going before the judge and saying they’re
sorry and asking to be let go. There have to be punishments
for your actions.”
Anger filled her and when he opened the door, she
grabbed the leash with both hands and tugged backward.
The shocked look on his face was priceless.
“We need to talk about a few things. Like, why just a little
bit ago you said I was off duty in here, and now I’m being
treated like I’m being lead to an execution for something I
said.” She let her words settle, since he didn’t seem inclined
to answer. “I’m just a little confused, that’s all.”
“We’re back at work,” he said after a long pause. “We
have things to do today.”
“And you want me good and riled, is that it? Is there a
A very small shake of his head. “Just the words I gave you.
Otherwise, follow my lead.”
“Yes, Sir.” She fell into step behind him after he’d opened
and closed the door. No one looked their way in the hallway,
but once they’d reached the dining room, he turned on the
egg in her pussy, and Piper thought she would go crazy. She
was already turned on from seeing him naked, and the
vibrations against her inner walls were not helping.
The desire was a little tempered, though, by the idea of
embarrassing herself the first time someone greeted her for
the morning. And wouldn’t you know it was Leo. Her face
grew red as he walked toward them, his mane of hair
flowing down his back.
“K,” he nodded in her direction, “and brat. Good day to
you both.”
Her hands shook, and she remained silent. Kenan wiggled
her leash. “Do you have something to say?”
“Good morning, Milord Leo. I’m a mouthy little brat, and
my Master filled my ass with a plug to punish me for my
verbal diarrhea. Would you care to see it?”
“I would.” The smile on his face was wide.
Piper turned and bent over. The back part of the belt was
thin, so she knew he had a good look at the base of the plug
fit firmly between her buttocks. Her face grew hot. The
sound of chairs scooting back said others were coming to
have a look.
The blood pounded in her head as several hands caressed
her bottom. What the hell happened to not sharing, she
wanted to scream.
“You may stand,” Kenan finally said, and she turned back
to them. “Thank the people for sharing in your punishment.”
This was worse than any physical penance he could have
thought of. The real Piper would have told them all to go to
hell. But she was on duty now, out in public where she was
supposed to act like a brat, and she would do just that…
except it would bring about more things she didn’t care to
take part of.
“My Master tells me to say thank you, so that’s what I’m
saying.” The snarky tone of her voice wasn’t missed by
those around her. She glanced at the gathering and was
shocked not to see Stein. Wasn’t he supposed to meet
Kenan now?
Kenan’s eyes flashed in annoyance, and he snapped his
fingers for a waiter. When the man came over, Kenan
whispered in his ear. The waiter left and she had to wonder
what was happening. When he came back with a bar of
soap, it was her turn to be shocked.
Surely he wouldn’t…
“Bite it,” he said, putting the soap in front of her mouth.
When she didn’t move, he took a step close to her. “Bite it
or face the wheel.”
No way in hell. The bitter taste filled her mouth. Murmurs
of approval filled the room as she took it out and offered it
back to Kenan.
She hoped her look said what she wanted, which was “Are
you fucking kidding me?”
His lifted brows told her he understood, but she’d better
do as she was told. She took a second bite. If anything, it
tasted worse than the first. After she took it out of her
mouth, Kenan indicated the tray the waiter still held. She
put the bar on the tray before the waiter disappeared.
The audience started back to their seats.
“May I have a glass of water?”
“Not a good idea,” Kenan answered. “When we get
outside, make sure you’ve spit out any big pieces, then take
a drink, and wash out your mouth. Don’t swallow until
you’ve done that a few times.”
“Yes, Sir,” she said when what she really wanted to utter
was, “You suck for making me do that.”
“I’m supposed to meet Jim Carlton here,” Kenan said. She
noticed he used Stein’s fake name.
“He’s outside with Victoria,” Leo replied. “I need to talk to
you about another matter, though. Will you come with me to
my office?”
The two men joked as they walked, and she went behind
them, not that she had a choice since she was still on a
leash. When they were in the office, Kenan handed her the
“Stein is bored,” Leo said. “The last time he was here, we
had pony races and a few other things that kept his
attention. He told me he’s leaving tomorrow.”
“What the fuck?” Kenan stood, hands on hips.
“We need to figure out something to keep him here,” Leo
continued. “I thought Victoria would keep him amused, but
obviously not. He’s more interested in…” The sentence
ended abruptly, and she watched as they both turned to
“No, no way. Please, I…”
“Relax.” Kenan put up his hand. “I won’t let him touch
It amazed her that he’d gone from pissed to so calm in
such a short amount of time.
“We need a backup plan.”
“Casino night,” Leo said. “Leave it to me. We’ll do it
“Run it for me.”
Piper listened as Leo lined up a game night, where the
players won chips that were used for a sub auction at the
end of the night.
“He wants your girl,” Leo said. “I say we let him have her,
but before anything happens, you and your guys bust in and
take him. End of story.”
“I like it.” Kenan glanced at her. “You trust me? You trust
us all?”
“Yes.” He might piss her off, but she had no doubt that he
wouldn’t let harm come to her.
“Let’s do it, then. Where is Stein?”
“He’s near the pool with Victoria.” Leo picked up the
phone on his desk. “Suggest a day trip to the Mayan ruins.
Tell him you and your girl are going. Hopefully, that will keep
him entertained today.”
“Sounds good,” Kenan said as he picked up her leash.
“Boat leaves at one,” Leo called out. “The captain will
have return times for you.”
When they were in the hallway, Kenan led her to their
bedroom. Once inside, he turned to her. “You sure you’re
okay with this?”
“Once again, let me take the lead. I hadn’t expected you
to be so closely associated with the take down.”
“The guy’s an ass.” And more so, she thought. “If I can
help put him behind bars, I’m all for it.”
“Let’s go meet him then, and we’ll do a little sightseeing.”
This place was like paradise. When they’d arrived at the
resort, it had been dark, and she’d spent so much time
inside she hadn’t really noticed the outdoors. There were
large expanses of forest with huge beautiful trees. She
hadn’t even noticed the ocean view that was almost outside
their bedroom door. How could she have missed such a
beautiful sight?
Because you had a cock in front of your face every time
the curtains to the room were opened, she thought. But she
didn’t have one now, as she stared at the glorious pyramid
in front of her.
“Let’s go up,” Victoria said in her ear. “Anything to get
away from the monster for a little while.”
“Is he that bad?” She and Victoria started to walk toward
the ancient structure.
“He’s a wannabe, in my opinion,” Victoria replied. “He
doesn’t give a shit if the sub enjoys the scene, as long as he
gets his rocks off. He used a whip on me two days in a row.
By the time the second one was over, I thought I’d never be
able to sit down. Of course, I had to make him think I
enjoyed it. Oh please, Master, more, more, more. He bought
every word of it.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“I told the boss I could handle it, and I can.” They’d
reached the base of the pyramid. “Normally, when things
like that happen, I just go to Milord Leo, and he kicks the
guy or girl out. But these are special circumstances.”
“Leo runs a tight ship, huh?”
Victoria’s face flushed, and Piper smiled. “Does he know
you care about him?”
“Nope.” They started to climb. “Leo’s a great Dom, and he
works wonders with his resort. Unfortunately, he doesn’t
take time out for himself. He works, works, works, and every
once in a while, he’ll call me into his office for a good whip
and a fuck. He has the most amazing dick.”
“Not overly long, but thick. When he takes me up the ass,
I swear I feel him so far inside me it’s like he’s part of me. I
love it. What about Kenan?”
“He’s built,” Piper replied, reluctant to talk about the cock
she’d had nowhere, but inside her mouth.
“You two are perfect together.” Victoria laughed. “He’s
been here several times, once with his sub Alice, and she
was so meek you’d swear she was a mouse. I’ve never seen
him more animated than with you. You’re good for him.”
“It’s business.” Piper cleared her throat. Then, not able to
help herself she asked, “When was he here with Alice?”
“About a year ago. They broke up not long afterward.”
Victoria shrugged. “Who knows. He came here about a
month afterward, but he didn’t play with anyone. I offered,
but he turned me down.”
Piper tried to remember what Kenan had told her about
himself, that his subs had always been extremely
submissive. But it obviously hadn’t been perfect, or else he
and Alice would still be together.
She looked down to where he and Stein stood, their heads
close together as if they were discussing state secrets. What
were they talking about? Were they discussing the casino
night? Kenan had been very clear about not sharing her, so
how was he going to explain his change of heart? And when
he did, would Stein accept the explanation at face value, or
would he be suspicious?
The last thought didn’t hold water. Stein thought he was
above the law, no one knew where he was, and he’d gotten
away with murder. How sad for those people and for his
brother, too, who sat in jail rotting while Stein lived the good
life. Of course, his brother deserved to be in jail, since he
was just as guilty as Carlton.
She needed to think of something else, something that
would take her mind off the murderer. “Did you come here
with Leo?”
“Yup. He opened the resort and asked me to come. I said
yes. Who wouldn’t want to live in paradise?”
“I like New York.” Piper thought about the restaurant she
would open one day. “This is beautiful, but I’m partial to the
crowds and a place where I can spend my day in the kitchen
or at the market buying things to cook.”
“At least you know what you want,” Victoria said. “I’m
going to the top. You coming?”
“In a minute.” She continued to stare at Kenan. Did she
know what she wanted? Cooking school and a restaurant
were on the list, but what about her personal life? She
wanted a man, but she couldn’t find one that wanted her, or
one that suited her, she should say.
What would it take to have a relationship with this man?
He was definitely someone she would enjoy being with, and
something told her that if he fucked her, she would soar to
the moon. Why had she insisted on the no fucking clause of
her work contract? Right now, she could use a good fuck, a
good hard one from the bounty hunter who stood at the
bottom of the pyramid.
As if he knew she was thinking about him, he scanned the
pyramid, lifting his head in acknowledgement when he saw
her. She waved before she looked away. It wouldn’t do for
Kenan to see her studying him.
Maybe when this was all over, she could suggest they
meet for a scene or two. She would love to feel his whip
again, that was for sure. And after she wasn’t his employee,
he could fuck her. Hard. She imagined him standing over
her, hard cock at the ready.
“Pussy or ass?”
“Where ever it pleases you, Sir.”
“Good answer. Now bend over.”
And she did.
“After I win your slut, you’re going to have to take that
fucking belt off her, so I can get my dick in her ass.”
Kenan stiffened, his hand forming into a fist. “Afraid not,”
he said when he had his need to strike under control. “She’s
being punished. No cock for a week. You’ll have to settle for
her mouth—if you win her.”
“Bullshit.” Stein’s laugh brought back Kenan’s anger. “She
needs to be backhanded for that mouth of hers, and part of
the joy of winning her is fucking her. I’m going to do both. I’ll
talk to Leo about it. He’ll help you see that she’ll be mine for
the night, and I can do whatever the fuck I want.”
Like killing innocent people? “You know your problem,
Carlton?” He’d almost said Stein. He had to make sure he
didn’t slip up like that, and his anger made it hard to do.
“You don’t give a shit about anybody, but yourself. I saw
you this morning with Victoria, using her as a footstool while
the fucking machine pounded her ass and pussy. How long
had you been using her that way?”
From the look on Victoria’s face, when they’d found the
two of them at poolside, it had been a while. She was on all
fours, the machine working dildos in and out of her ass and
pussy while Stein rested his feet on her back. Her face had
been drawn, as if she were experiencing pain that didn’t
bring her any pleasure.
“Did you lube up her ass this morning, or did you just stick
it in her?”
Kenan had made sure Piper was greased before he’d put
the plug in her that morning. He’d taken it out before they’d
left, but told her it was at the ready the next time she
disobeyed. There was a huge part of him that wanted the
next time to come as soon as possible.
“I don’t have to explain myself to you,” Stein replied.
“She’s disposable to you.”
“That’s right. There’ll be another one I can use after her
and another one after that.”
Motherfucker, Kenan thought. If I killed him right here, I’ll
still get the bond, and Victoria wouldn’t have to suffer
“You don’t see her complaining, do you? She loved it, but
not as much as she loved having my dick up her ass last
night. She moaned and groaned and begged for more. Of
course, I gave her a good whipping first. Tonight, I’m going
to use a cane on her, make sure she feels it for days
The thought of Stein caning Victoria didn’t make Kenan
happy; even worse, though, was the idea of Stein trying to
backhand Piper. If Kenan killed him now, that wouldn’t
happen. Stein would be dead, and the world would be a
better place for it.
Kenan tried to get a tighter grip on his emotions. It wasn’t
for him to decide whether Stein should live or die. That
would be up to a jury. He’d told Piper that, and he’d meant
Piper. Thinking about her with Stein made him see red.
The little brat had wormed her way into his subconscious
and was quickly working toward the front part of his brain.
He never knew what she was going to say, or do, and when
this whole thing had started he’d thought that would piss
him off. Now, though, it made him hungry for more of her.
The urge to fuck her was strong, but he’d sworn he
wouldn’t give into it. She thought being paid to fuck would
make her a prostitute. What he knew was that he wanted to
fuck her just because it would fulfill a desire that had started
to build the minute he’d laid eyes on her in that bar.
She was so different than Alice. All this time he’d been
searching for another sub, who would have thought it would
be someone like Piper? Of course, she might not be
interested in being his sub. There were lots of things he
needed to find out about her, like why she’d freaked out
that day on the wheel, but had taken everything else as if it
were a walk in the park.
There was definitely something in her past that had
brought about that reaction, and he needed to know what it
Quit thinking about it, he chastised himself. You’re here to
work, not to find a sub.
“So what do you do, Kenan?”
Stein’s question broke him out of his trance. “Former
Ranger,” he said with pride. Funny how when you said that,
they never realized you’d said former. Once a Ranger,
always a Ranger.
“Ah, military,” Stein said. “No wonder you think there’s so
many rules to follow. Slip the leash, my friend, and you’ll
find out there’s a whole new world out there.”
“Is that so? What do you do, Jim?”
“Poor little rich boy looking for fun,” he replied with a
shrug. “The last time I was here it was great. This time, not
so much. Hopefully, the casino night will perk things up. If
not, I’m leaving.”
“For where?” Kenan hoped the question sounded like he
was really interested.
“Where the wind takes me. I’m going to the top, in my real
life and on the pyramid.”
Kenan watched as Stine approached the structure. “The
only place you’re going, buddy, is a six by six cell for a long,
long time.”
Chapter Ten

“Collar, check.” Kenan tugged on the chain around her

“Chastity belt, check.” He wiggled the apparatus she’d
come to think of as part of her.
“Cane, check.”
Her eyes widened at this last comment. “Excuse me?”
“A cane to mark your pretty little bottom.”
She glanced around, but didn’t see the item he’d
mentioned. “Where is it?”
“In one of the playrooms, where we’ll use it.”
The idea sent a thrill through her. The day had been
uneventful after the fun of being at the ruins the day before.
They’d climbed the pyramid then studied the other
structures that surrounded it.
There had been a heated discussion about the Mayans
and what they had contributed to their society. Stein had
said they were “nothing much”, but Kenan had reminded
him that without the civilizations that had come before
them, they wouldn’t have as much as they had now.
“Like what?” Stein had asked in derision.
Kenan had gone on to name things like wheels,
advancements in astronomy, food, and other things we took
for granted.
“Bullshit. We did all that stuff.”
Later, Kenan had told her he’d wanted to ask Stein if he
was using the royal we, or if he was just talking about the
current civilization. “I get real pleasure out of the idea of
him spending the rest of his life in jail.”
“Unless he gets away again,” she said.
“Then I’ll recapture him with even more pleasure.”
But first, they had to finish this job, she thought as she
watched him pick up her leash. “So, I get a caning for a little
relaxing fun?”
“Yup.” He gave her an evil grin, and her clit tightened in
Damn it, she needed to stop thinking about what it would
be like to have sex with him.
“I have a treat planned that I think you’re going to enjoy.”
You going to fuck me? “What’s that?”
“It’s a surprise.” He attached the leash to the makeshift
collar. “Leo’s having a little get together in his private
dungeon, and we’re invited.”
“Just the three of us?”
“We’re late,” he said without answering her question.
“Let’s get going.”
She followed him into the hallway. They started toward the
public rooms, but where they would generally go left to play,
he took a right, exiting a door into the warm, humid night.
They walked in silence, the lights illuminating the way
along the sidewalk. In time, the sidewalk gave way to a
gravely path, which ascended a hill. By the time they got to
the top, her breathing was labored.
He stopped without saying anything.
“I’m out of shape,” she said.
“We can work on that in New York. For now, just catch
your breath.”
His response surprised her. It was almost as if he expected
to still have contact with her once the job was over. She’d
been just as winded yesterday while climbing the pyramid,
but he hadn’t said anything about helping her to get into
shape. Did he really expect them to remain friends?
Playmates? Or would there be something more.
Don’t over think it, she said to herself as they started to
climb stairs to a house on stilts. “Is this Milord Leo’s home?”
“Yup.” Once on the deck, Kenan knocked on the door. Leo
answered it. As usual he wore jeans and no shirt. His hair
hung around his shoulders.
“You’re late,” he said by way of greeting. “We started
without you.”
When they were inside, Kenan removed her leash.
“They’re waiting for you in the kitchen, brat. Go and find
Kenan pointed to the left. “Go.”
Piper didn’t wait for an explanation. She hurried across the
room. Cheerful noise filtered across the open area, and
when she found the kitchen, she beheld a sight that made
her giggle. Three subs, bitch and two women, were cooking.
They were laughing and giggling as they chopped and
“Brat,” bitch said when he saw her. He hurried over and
hugged her. “I’m so glad you’re here. Come in and meet
everyone. This is saucy, and this is kitty.”
“Hello,” Piper said.
“Hi, brat,” they said almost in unison.
“We’ve been waiting for the chef,” saucy said. “Milord Leo
told us to chop vegetables until you got here. What do we
do next?”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re the chef.” She turned toward Kenan’s voice. He
stood in the door, smiling. She’d never seen him smile
before, and it made butterflies flutter in her stomach. “You
have one hour to prepare our meal. If it gets the thumbs up
from all five Doms, then you get a good caning. Thumbs
down, and you go to bed without.”
Excitement soared through her. “Let’s get cooking,” she
said, turning back to her sous chefs. “What do we have to
work with?”
It didn’t take her long to decide on a menu. She put saucy
to work on curried potatoes, a dish that Piper loved to eat.
Kitty made fast work of chopping fruit for a trifle, and Piper
and bitch got to work on the main dish, chicken and beef
kabobs. She made a fast marinade of yogurt and Indian
spices, coating the meat and putting them in the
refrigerator. Ideally, she would have rather had twenty-four
hours to soak the meat, but she would make do with the
time that she had, and it would be delicious.
They found wooden skewers in the drawer and soaked
them in water before building the kabobs. Piper had bitch
start the grill on the deck outside the house. When she put
the first skewer on the grill, the sizzling sound made her
laugh. She loved to cook, and doing it outdoors was a treat
for her. Soon, the tangy smell of the meat filled the air. This
was definitely something they could all feel pride about.
The trifle went together easily with some sponge cake she
found in the panty that bitch said he’d stocked for the
occasion. They made homemade whipped cream with a
wonderful taste of vanilla, and when it was all done, she
thanked bitch for his help.
“Milord Leo told me to make sure there were plenty of
things for us to use. I hope I did well.”
“You did excellent, bitch.” She gave him a hug. “What’s
your real name?”
“I’m Lady M’s bitch,” he replied. “There’s no one else I
want to be.”
A stab of jealously filled Piper, but she quickly pushed it
away. What would it feel like to have that sort of
commitment to someone, whether or not it was a BDSM
relationship? She didn’t even have a bond with her mother.
She loved her sisters, yes, but they didn’t spend a lot of
time together anymore. Seeing each other brought back
memories of their less than perfect childhood.
I’m Sir Kenan’s brat, she said in her mind as she examined
the meal they were about to serve. That has a nice ring to
it. The offerings were perfect, and they had ten minutes to
spare. But then a thought hit her.
“Appetizers,” she said with a start. “We didn’t fix any hors
Crap, there wasn’t much time to spare, and her mind was
fuzzy as she tried to remember the things that were left.
Finally she turned to bitch. “What do we do?” The idea of a
caning was fast going out the window. She really wanted to
feel that cane. Think, she commanded herself, but nothing
came to mind, at first. Then she thought about one of her
favorite snacks.
Hummus would go perfectly with the meal. “Are there
chick peas?”
“Yes,” saucy replied. “There’s also pita bread. Kitty and I
will slice the bread while you and bitch make the hummus.”
Ten minutes later, it was ready with carrots and celery on
the side. And it was none too soon.
“Time’s up,” Leo said from the doorway. “You cook
clothed; you serve naked. Everyone strip and prepare your
owners a tray of food.” A woman appeared at his side. “This
is bunny. She’s been preparing drinks and will serve my
Piper couldn’t help but think it should be Veronica with
them, but she pushed the thought aside. She needed to tell
Kenan how Veronica felt about Leo, and then he could tell
his friend. Maybe something good could come out of this
whole affair.
She watched as bitch helped bunny prepare a tray. When
they were all done but her, she stripped down to her
chastity belt and prepared Kenan’s food. She couldn’t wait
for him to taste it, to see what she could come up with in an
The other subs left the kitchen before she did, and she
watched as saucy knelt in front of a woman, bitch went to
Lady M, kitty to a dark-headed man, and bunny went to Leo.
Kenan watched her expectedly as she crossed to him. Her
stomach, already in knots, grew even tighter. She knelt in
front of him and offered the plate.
“I’ve cooked for you with pleasure, Sir Kenan. May I feed
He didn’t smile as he had before, but he gave her a nod of
approval that made her toes curl. “You may.”
She dipped pita into the hummus and offered it. “My
pleasure, Sir.”
Kenan’s soft moan of appreciation let her know he thought
she’d done well. When she offered the kabob, and then a
taste of the curried potatoes, he nodded as he chewed. After
he’d swallowed, he looked down at her. “You’ve earned the
Excitement spread through her, and she wanted to
scream, “Now, do it now.” Instead, she continued to feed
him until the plate was empty.
“You’ve all done very well,” Leo said. “I think our chef led
a very talented staff to create a wonderful meal. Clap if you
think she’s earned her whipping.”
Applause filled the room and Piper blushed.
“First, let them eat and clean, and let the food settle. Then
Kenan will work his magic on her behind.”
Piper was too excited to eat much. She took one bite of
chicken and a few potatoes, but spent the rest of the time
pacing the kitchen and helping with the cleaning.
“Is your Master as good with a cane as he is with a whip?”
bunny asked her. “If so, I wish I was you right now.”
It was on the tip of her tongue to say she didn’t know, but
she quickly realized she would be revealing the truth about
them, that they barely knew each other. She gave the other
sub a knowing smile and said, “He’s very talented.”
Her nipples tightened as the words left her mouth. She’d
never been this excited about a caning before. The jerk had
given her one, and the swats had been hard, but strangely
unsatisfying. This one would be different, simply because of
who was wielding the cane.
“Time to play,” Leo said from the doorway. “Everyone in
the playroom, except brat.”
They all hurried from the room, and when they were gone,
Leo stepped inside. He held up a key. “I’m going to take off
your belt, and then you’ll follow me. Inside the room, you’ll
kneel in front of each of my guests and invite them to
witness your caning, even though they’re already there.”
“Yes, Milord Leo.” Her excitement switched to nerves.
Would Kenan bind her, or would he expect her to stand and
take it? She wished she had more direction before she went
into the room.
Leo undid her belt, and it fell to the floor with a clank.
She’d become so used to the heavy thing it seemed like a
part of her. He left the room without giving her any more
instructions, and as usual, she walked behind him. He went
down the hallway to a doorway at the end. After she’d
stepped inside, she was reminded of Kenan’s three rooms at
home. Were his like this one? It was cavernous and filled
with lots of BDSM play toys, including special tables and
chairs. The walls were covered with crops and whips, and
one wall, was home to ropes—lots of them.
So, Leo’s into bondage in a big way, she thought as she
glanced around again. Every Dom was staring at her, and
she realized she was supposed to greet them and issue a
personal invitation. She started with Lady M and worked her
way from there, telling each of them she was happy to see
them and would love it if they would stay to watch her
Master use a cane on her bottom.
Of course, they all said yes. Kenan stood in the middle of
the room, but instead of a cane, he held a cat. To her, it
looked like the same one he’d used the other evening,
although she was sure this one was from Leo’s private
collection. For the first time, she thought about what he
wore—a pair of blue jeans and a black button down shirt.
She wondered if she’d seen him in anything else, and then
remembered the times he’d worn a T-shirt it had also been
She walked to him, and when she was near, his gaze
dropped to the floor. She understood and obeyed, dropping
to her knees.
“You’ve been a good brat tonight.”
“Thank you, Sir.” She glanced up at him. “If I’ve been
good, why aren’t you holding the cane I was promised?”
“What did I tell you?” Kenan said, his voice tinged with
humor. “Cheeky.”
The gathering laughed, and Piper tried to catch Kenan’s
attention. He flicked the cat next to him then snapped his
fingers. “Bring in the chair.”
Bitch and saucy left the room, and Piper frowned up at
Kenan, who now looked directly at her. “I like to change
things up a bit. We’re using a rattan chair, which is the cane
in this little scenario.”
Disappointment ran through her. She’d been looking
forward to feeling the hard bite of the cane against her ass.
Instead, she would get the cat, which felt good, but wouldn’t
give her the intensity she craved.
The subs returned, carrying a large chair between them. It
was so large it looked as if it could fit two people. It was tall,
larger than a barstool. There was no seat on which she
could sit. She frowned as they set it down next to Kenan.
“Hop on,” he said.
“How?” She stood and examined the equipment.
“There are boards for your legs, and two at the back for
you to sit on.” He pointed the cat at the board. “There’s also
a place for your feet.”
She leaned toward him. “This won’t hold me.”
“Climb on.” She studied it before she gingerly put one foot
on the base and climbed up. The chair didn’t wobble, which
let her know it was sturdier than it looked. She placed her
ass on the board and grasped the handrails before she sat
down totally. This wasn’t going to be as bad as she thought.
As she settled in, bitch and saucy bound her ankles to the
legs with soft, satiny ties. They did the same to her wrists
then tied a length of cord around her middle as if it were a
seatbelt. As they’d tied her legs, she realized her legs were
spread wide open, which meant she could get a good pussy
Vulnerability is the name of this game, she said to herself
as Kenan circled the chair. She was on display, so everyone
could see her attributes. He pushed the cat against her
shoulder, and the strands tickled her breasts.
“Sit up straight, brat. If you slouch even a little, you’ll
regret it.” He leaned in closer. “By the way, you’re off the
A dark, sensual look overcame him as he stepped back
and started to tease her with the cat, slowly at first, the
strands tickling her breasts, pussy and legs. She wiggled in
the chair to try and feel it better, but when she did, he
moved to the back, the cat coming through the two slats
there, kissing her back as gently as they had her front.
Piper jiggled as he teased her, the need for more surging
through her. “Whip me,” she yelled, and the gathering
laughed. Kenan ignored her and continued to torment her,
the strikes even softer than they had been before.
The gentle strikes drove her insane, much more than any
harsh ones ever did. They tormented her with promises of
more, a vow that seemed as if it would go unfulfilled.
Then, suddenly, the intensity changed. The cat bit her
hard, the force behind them growing with teach strike. They
slapped against her thighs, bit into her pussy and breasts,
and slapped against the part of her ass that wasn’t against
the canes.
The wonderful sensations she always felt during a
whipping were taking hold, and then a few of the bands
slapped against her pussy, parting her wet lips. The rubber
smacked against her sensitive folds and hit her piercing.
Sweet, wonderful ripples of pleasure shot through her, and
the urge to climax took over.
“Yes,” she cried out.
“Don’t you dare,” Kenan countered, his stern tone
ratcheting up the craving soaring through her body.
“I’ll stop,” he growled. “I’ll leave you hanging.”
Piper sucked in a deep lung full of air in an effort to get
hold of her senses, but it was hard. Every nerve ending,
every fiber of her being, danced under the feel of the cat,
which he applied expertly to her body.
Emotions she’d never felt before were taking over,
squeezing her fingers and toes, making her head pound as if
it would explode. She’d never been down this road before,
and with each strike she went a little further, her body
seeming to lift from the chair, her mind swirling around the
room at breakneck speed.
She thought she cried out, could have sworn she heard
Kenan say something, but damned if she knew what it was.
Her body jolted, her heard pounded, and then suddenly she
rocketed, her body jerking against the bonds as wave after
wave of desire took over. It was a hunger that could never
be quenched, and she never wanted it to be. She wanted to
stay here forever, feel it for the rest of her life.
“Come back to me,” a voice whispered in her ear, but she
shook her head, sobs rising up in her throat.
She managed to croak out, “More, please, Sir,” the words
stilted and low.
“Enough for now,” the voice replied. “It’s enough to know
I sent you soaring into sub space for the first time. There will
be many more after this, I promise.”
He stroked her hair as he held her face against his chest.
“Did you like your pussy whipping?”
Piper managed a nod, or at least she thought she did. Her
chest heaved as her body began to come back down from
where she had been. He kissed the top of her head, and
emotions she’d told herself she’d never feel came front and
“Kenan.” She pulled against the ties in an effort to touch
him. “Fuck…please…I…want.”
“Yes, sweet brat. I’ll fuck you tonight and many more
nights to come.”
He took a step back and she focused on him. Sweat
glistened on his forehead, and the look of absolute hunger
on his face made her clit quiver. Bitch and saucy were
untying her. Both of them remained silent as they helped
her to stand. Her legs wobbled, and she held them closed as
she tried to steady herself.
Not that it mattered. Kenan bent and put his shoulder into
her stomach, picking her up as if she were a sack of
potatoes. The party cheered as they started to walk. He
took a right, then a left and unceremoniously dumped her
onto a bed.
It was dark in the room, but the moonlight filtered in from
the open window, showcasing him as he stripped out of his
clothes. She’d seen him naked many times now, but tonight
seemed like the first. His muscles were rock hard, almost as
if they were made out of granite. His cock jutted upward as
if it were pointing to heaven, the place it wanted to take her.
After he dropped the clothes, he walked into an adjoining
room. When he came back, she could barely make out his
hand as he stroked himself.
Condom, she thought as he stood at the end of the bed.
“Spread your legs, brat.”
“Yes, Sir.” She saluted him. He was on top of her and
inside her before she knew it. The desire she’d felt earlier
pulsed through her again as he started to pound into her,
taking her as if there were no tomorrow.
Piper wrapped her legs around him, holding him close as
he fucked her. She closed her eyes and gave herself up to
the most decadent feeling she’d ever experienced. Her clit
tightened, and she knew she was about to explode again.
“Kenan,” she screamed. “May I? Please, Sir, please…”
He pushed her into the bed, thrusting into her even
harder. She took that as a yes and allowed her orgasm to
overtake her. Her walls tightened around his rigidness, and
he muttered something she couldn’t understand.
When the feeling left her, her legs fell back onto the bed.
“Bad brat,” he said, his voice heavy with exertion. “I
wasn’t ready for that to be over.”
He dropped down next to her on the bed. “We’ll learn
each other’s rhythms, and you’ll learn to ask permission.”
“But I did,” she said, her chest heaving as much as his.
“You didn’t wait for the answer.” He reached down and
cupped her pussy. “Who does this belong to?”
It was on the tip of her tongue to say her. Instead, she
whispered, “What are you asking?”
“I’m not asking, I’m telling you this pussy is mine. As is
your ass, your tits, all of you, including that big mouth and
that brain that doesn’t seem to be able to follow directions.
When we get home, I’m replacing your training collar with a
real one—after a suitable training period, of course. If you
have a problem with that idea, speak now.”
“No problem,” she managed to say. He wanted to collar
her? It was like a dream come true.
He cupped her pussy and squeezed it again. “Answer my
“It belongs to you, Sir.”
“On your knees.”
“My pleasure, Sir.” Piper’s brain turned to mush as he
pushed one finger inside her. He slowly ran it in and out.
She could swear he slowed his pace with each swipe, until it
was almost like he was going in slow motion.
Kenan continued to stroke her. In her mind, his fingers
morphed into his dick as he fucked her with leisurely
strokes, as if he would stay inside her for the rest of their
lives. Her clit pulsed with need, and the desire to burst built
inside her.
Piper rolled her hips gently. The movement earned her a
sharp slap on the ass.
“Hold still.”
“It’s your fault!” She wiggled her hips as he continued to
tease her. “You’re the one fingering me. Quit with the soft
stuff and make me come.”
Did he just laugh? She wasn’t sure, but it sort of sounded
like it.
“A month ago, if someone had said my sub would have a
smart mouth, I would have said bullshit. But now, I know it’s
going to be fun dealing with your comebacks and your
inability to follow rules.”
“Follow this.” She thrust herself onto his fingers, moving
so fast she almost came, until he pulled his fingers away.
He stood so quickly she wondered how he managed it.
“Hey!” Piper turned to face him. “Get back to what you
were doing.”
“You’ll pay for that later. Right now, I’m going to get your
belt. I like the idea of you wearing it. Then I’m going outside
to speak to Leo. You stay in here until I get back, then we’ll
go to our room, and you’ll be back on the clock.”
“My pleasure, Sir.”
“Don’t move an inch,” he said from the doorway. When he
returned, he watched as she put on the belt, then he
snapped the lock into place. Piper lay back down as he
strode from the room. She had a Master, someone who
wanted her despite her tendency to say things that weren’t
appropriate. She needed to talk to him about that and more.
They had a lot of things to discuss.
She rolled onto her side and sighed with pleasure. She
wasn’t sure how long she’d lain there before footsteps
sounded in the hallway. The bed dipped and a hand
caressed her side.
“Nicely fucked,” a voice said, and her body froze. She
turned to see Stein, his eyes full of hatred. “One word and
you’re dead, and all your friends out there will follow suit.”
Piper nodded as he stood and took a gun from his
waistband. “You’re coming with me, and I’ll teach you some
manners before it’s all over.”
Chapter Eleven

“Are you telling me you’re going to get down on one knee

and give her a ring?”
Kenan took a drink of his beer, swallowed, and waited a
full beat before answering. “What I’m saying is she’s going
to get down on both knees, and I’m going to give her a
Leo gathered his hair into a big ponytail and began to
wrap it with a band he kept around his wrist. Kenan could
see he was trying to decide what to say. “You’ve only known
her a week. Don’t get me wrong I think she’s a great chick.
But, I repeat, you’ve only known her a week.”
“Which is why it’s not a ring.” Although he could see
giving her a ring. There was something about her that made
him smile, even when she was opening her mouth when she
“You didn’t even collar Alice, and you guys were together
for almost a year. What does that say?”
Dear, sweet Alice, who obeyed every command no matter
what it was. Kenan had thought that was what he wanted,
but the longer they were together, the more bored he
became. He’d tried another sub, and another, and finally
found out he quickly became bored with them. He’d thought
it was him; that he just wasn’t ready for a commitment. And
then he’d met Piper.
“It shows I knew something wasn’t right,” he replied after
a few minutes. “Piper fascinates me, and I don’t think I’ll
ever be bored with her.”
“You got that right.” Leo took a drink from his own beer
before he continued, “Have you told her about this
“Yup.” Kenan looked toward the house. “She’s sleeping off
her first experience with sub-space. I want her legs to work
for the walk back to the resort.”
“You going to make her carry you or something?”
Kenan snorted out a laugh. “No, I’m testing out something
for tomorrow night. I kept thinking about her being alone
with the ass, and I didn’t like it.” Truthfully, the
protectiveness he felt toward her was one thing that showed
him she was more than just someone who was helping him
with his capture.
“I didn’t like the idea of her being with him, even if we did
know where they were. I don’t trust Stein further than I
could throw him. So I put a small tracking device on her
belt. I’m going to test it on the walk back. The signal goes to
my phone. I’ve used it lots of times in takedowns by putting
it on the cars of people I knew would be around my
suspects. But there are numerous cell towers there, and
only one here. I hope it works.”
Leo sat forward. “Show me.”
You can take the man out of the Rangers, but you can’t
take the Ranger out of the man, Kenan thought as he pulled
out his phone. Even if his friend didn’t admit it, he was
excited about tomorrow night’s action. Playing with the
tracker was just an appetizer.
Kenan accessed the app, and a small red dot appeared on
the screen. “See, here’s the house, and here’s the resort.”
He pointed to small squares before thumping the dot. “This
is Piper.”
A frown marred his face as he studied the phone. “She’s
moving. What the hell?”
“Maybe she decided to go back to the resort,” Leo
Kenan watched the dot as it blipped across the map. “No,
she’s moving away from it, going north.”
“North?” Leo took the phone from him. Kenan stood and
headed toward the house. No one but Leo noticed. The rest
of the gathering was in the pool, where the subs were
playing a game of tag.
As he entered the house, he could her Leo’s footsteps
behind him.
No answer.
“Piper, where are you?”
He went to the bedroom. In the middle of the bed, where
Piper should be, was a laptop. He picked it up and scanned
the screen. It was open to the bail bonds office site. The
picture was the takedown he’d participated in before they’d
come to Belize. Someone had used a marker to circle a
person in the background. He pulled the screen closer.
“Mother fucker.” He dropped the laptop on the bed. “He
“How?” Leo picked up the computer. His muttered, “Fuck,”
showed he’d seen the same thing Kenan had—Kenan’s face,
slightly blurry, but still unmistakable.
“He’s got her.” His hands balled into fists, and he wanted
to smash the walls. “Son of a bitch.”
Stay calm, he repeated to himself. One thing he’d learned
in the service was that panicking would not do any good.
Right now it was hard, though. He’d promised Piper he
would take care of her, and the first time he’d left her alone,
Stein had struck.
“He has to have a boat to get off the island.” He turned
his gaze on Leo. “Where else besides the resort could he
find one?”
He could almost see the wheels turning in Leo’s mind as
he mapped out the small space they were on. “One place in
that area. One of my managers and his wife live up there.
They have a boat. He and Stein have played up there the
few times he’s been here. I’ll call them. You go and start the
Kenan sprinted for the garage. Once inside the SUV, he hit
the button to open the door before he flipped down the visor
and the keys fell into his hands. He’d just started the car
when Leo took the passenger seat. He had two revolvers in
his hands.
“Go. My manager’s at the resort. He’s going to join us as
soon as he can. I told him to bring cuffs since I didn’t want
to take the time to grab some. We should have Stein
cornered by the time he gets there.” Kenan drove in the
direction of the blip. Beside him, he heard the click of
machinery as Leo checked the rounds in the guns.
“I swear to God I’ll kill the bastard if he hurts one hair on
her head.” Fury filled Kenan as he pushed down harder on
the gas.
Piper wanted to vomit. Stein sounded so damn smug as
he told her about how he monitored websites, so he could
see who was searching for him. He found the photo of Kenan
by accident.
“Gives you a thrill, doesn’t it, to see your name as the
number one target of bounty hunters?”
“Cool, huh?” His laugh made the urge to puke even
stronger. “I have to hand it to your boy, though. I never
expected them to find me here. He’s good.”
“You’ll never get away from him.” She jingled her wrists,
trying to think of a way to get her hands out of the cuffs
he’d snapped on her.
“Watch and see, bitch. I get away from them all.”
“Not this time.” Piper glanced out the window. Darkness
surrounded them; the ride was very bumpy, and Stein
navigated the unfamiliar terrain slowly. Could she get the
door open and jump out at some point? She doubted it, and
even if she did, where would she go? There was no telling
what was in the jungles. While she was running, he could
catch up with her, and this man was capable of anything.
“First thing after we make it to the mainland is to find a
way to get that fucking belt off you, so I can stick my dick
up you ass. You’re going to love it. Hell, I’ll give you the ass
whippings you want and more. That dick bounty hunter
won’t even fuck you.”
Kenan, she screamed inside her head. Get your ass over
here and save me! She told herself not to panic, that she
could figure out a way to disable the bastard before he
found a way off the island.
“You missed the big picture, don’t you?” She moved
toward her door. Had he locked it when they’d come inside?
“Kenan and I are partners, not lovers. The only reason we’re
here is to take your sorry ass back to New York.”
“We’re going to South America,” he said with a chuckle.
“Lots of places to get lost there. Pay them enough and the
natives look the other way.”
“Is that where you’ve been hiding since you escaped?”
“Yup.” He turned his head enough to wink at her, and
Piper could see his need to brag, to show her how good he
“You killed your relatives for money. You’re sick.”
“Oh, please,” he spit out. “You’d do the same for the
amount of dough I got. Besides, it wasn’t the first time.”
That was unexpected. “You ordered someone else killed?”
“Nope, Stephen and I did it ourselves. We wanted to test
the waters, see if we could get away with it. We pushed one
of the maids down the stairs a year ago. I broke her neck
first, though, just to make sure she didn’t survive.”
The need to puke returned. He talked about the woman as
if she didn’t matter at all, didn’t have a family, a life of her
own. Of course, in Stein’s world the only thing that mattered
was him. He didn’t even care his brother was in jail.
“The cops took it as an accident,” he continued. “Stephen
and I talked about it and decided that, even though it had
worked, the police wouldn’t accept two accidents. That’s
when we came up with the other plan.”
His boasting was making him sloppy. The car was going
faster, and he wasn’t paying any attention to her since he
was lost in his own “I’m so good” world. Her options were
bleak, she knew. If they made it to wherever they were
going, Stein would have the upper hand. She had to stop
him here, where she could run and hide and hope no nasty
snakes or other animals got to her in the jungle before
Kenan found her.
“You’re going to love my dick,” he said, turning to look at
her. The leer on his face pissed her off, and she reacted
without thinking. She grabbed the wheel and jerked it to the
right. The car lurched and felt as if it might tip over, but
then it righted itself.
Stein had pressed hard on the gas; his gaze focused now
on the area in front of the vehicle. Piper let go of the wheel
and smashed her hand into his face, praying the metal of
the cuffs would do some damage. His muffled scream of
pain let her know it had done some injury. He kept one hand
on the wheel and tried to push away her hands as the car
came to a stop.
Time to go all out, she thought as she leaned closer and
sank her teeth into his cheek. This time the howl was loud.
He let her go, pushing her away as he pawed at the teeth
Piper took advantage of the moment and opened the car
door, falling onto the rough grass and rocks as she tumbled
She heard his car door open as she scrambled to her feet
and started to run as fast as she could. It wasn’t fast
enough, though. Stein tackled her, and she fell onto the
hard-packed dirt. They wrestled around, and she tried to
kick and claw at him, but his larger size gave him the
Soon, he was on top of her. He had her hands pinned to
her stomach, making it difficult to breath.
“I was going to let you live for a while,” he managed to
say despite his labored breathing. “But now, looks like
you’re going to be number four.”
He let go of her wrists and put his hands around her neck
and started to squeeze. Dark spots danced in front of her
eyes. She thrust her hands upward into his stomach. His
hold loosened as he tried to catch his breath.
She tuned out his cussing as she did it again. This time
one of his hands went to his stomach. It was the opening
she needed. Her hands shot upward and connected with his
jaw. The sounds coming from his mouth were a mixture of
pain and outrage. Something warm dripped on her, and she
imagined blood coming out of his mouth. Had he bit his
tongue? She hoped so.
He rolled off her, and she scrambled to her feet.
“You don’t live in New York without taking a self defense
class,” she screamed. Then she fell onto his prone body and
drove her knee into his groin.
This time the sound was more of a whimper, and she
clambered off him and started to run back toward the car.
She was vaguely aware of lights heading her way.
She stopped as the car pulled up next to her.
She grinned like crazy, and Kenan hurried from the car
and took her in his arms.
“Are you hurt?”
“Mildly,” she replied, then she glanced up at him. “What
took you so long?”
“Mouthy to the end,” he muttered he tightened his grip on
“Where is he?” Leo’s question filtered into her
“Behind us,” she said. She could hear him moving off as
Kenan stroked her hair.
“Ouch,” Leo said, and both she and Kenan laughed.
“I think I hurt his mouth with the cuffs, well, before I put
my knee into his nuts.”
“Good for you,” Kenan replied. He kissed the top of her
head. “Since you did the take down, I think I’m going to
have to offer you half of the money.”
“I’ll save it toward opening a restaurant.” Another car was
pulling up. A man got out that she didn’t recognize.
“Over there,” Kenan pointed behind them and the man
sprinted off.
She heard Leo say, “Looks like he bit off part of his
Their bodies shook with Kenan’s chuckle. “You did
excellent, brat.”
She burrowed into his chest. “Does this mean I get a real
collar instead of a training one?”
“You’ve earned your bounty hunter stripes, but you still
have to earn your collar. Don’t worry, there’s plenty of time
for it once we get home.”
Home, she thought as he kissed the top of her forehead
and moved toward were Stein lay. She liked the sound of
“Where is he?” She was afraid her voice shook. She didn’t
want Kenan to hear her fear, to know that she was shaken
up by Stein’s words, by his threat to use her and then kill
When they’d arrived back at the resort, Kenan had
squeezed her shoulder and told her to go to their room.
She’d soaked in the tub, and now she was in bed, sans her
collar and chastity belt. He hadn’t mentioned them to her
when he came in a few minutes earlier.
“He’s in one of the many cages at the resort,” Kenan said
with a chuckle. “It’s the first time they’ve been used for an
actual fugitive. I think Leo likes the idea. He wants Stein to
try and escape, so he can see if the bars hold.”
Kenan might have thought it was funny, but she didn’t.
Before she could voice her objection, though, Kenan said,
“Don’t worry. My friends arrived, and they’re sitting with
him. We leave tomorrow around noon on a private plane.”
“It’s not yours, is it?”
“No.” He laughed. “The plane belongs to a friend of Leo’s.
I thought taking Stein on a commercial flight might turn
He started taking off his clothes, starting with his boots.
He let each article of clothing drop where he stood, and
soon he was gloriously naked. “Come here,” he commanded
as he stroked his prick. “Let’s work off some of that nervous
energy that’s flowing through your veins.”
“Yes, Sir.” She crawled toward him. He was hard now, the
tip of his cock pulsing, and she wondered if he felt the same
nervous energy she did right now. When she was at the end
of the bed, he cupped her pussy and Piper groaned.
“Tell me what you want.”
“Me?” She frowned.
“You’ve earned it. Would you like to eat some pussy? Or
have yours eaten? I remember Cherokee telling me you
rather enjoy it.” His words made her think of Victoria, and
she asked how the switch was doing.
“He left her tied to the bed in his room. The ropes were
too tight, and they cut into her skin a little. Leo is taking
care of her.”
“She’s in love with him,” she blurted out.
“I know,” Kenan replied. “Try and convince Leo of that,
though. He doesn’t believe in love, only sex.”
He shrugged. “We all have our secrets.”
“What’s yours?” She leaned forward and kissed his dick.
“You might find out one day, but not now. When you’re my
sub, we’ll talk, and about more than just me.”
A jolt of pleasure ran through her. She liked that idea.
“Does that mean we’re going to have long candlelit
“It means we’re open and honest with each other. I’m not
talking about flowers and candy.”
Piper laughed. “Leo’s not the only one who doesn’t believe
in romance.”
“Would you like flowers? A rhinestone-studded collar?
Perhaps some chains to run between your piercings. Or a
new chastity belt?”
That got her attention. “Excuse me?”
“Oh yeah, I rather like it. Of course, you can’t wear it while
you’re in class because of the bathroom issue, but while
you’re at home, yeah, you’re going to wear it. And I’m going
to enjoy it.”
Class. She’d almost forgotten she’d done this whole thing
for money, so she could go to culinary school. “Do I have to
cook for you?”
“Every night.”
“Slave driver.” She smiled at him, shocked when he
returned it.
“You have no clue how true those words are. It’s going to
be fun teaching you the definition of slave driver as it
applies to me. Starting when we get back. Tonight, I’m going
to fuck you. Right after I eat you.”
He pushed her backward on the bed. The mattress rocked
under her, and before she knew it he was over her,
spreading her legs. His mouth went to work immediately,
devouring her pussy, licking and nibbling on soft flesh until
she writhed under him.
Piper closed her eyes and let him feast. His tongue moved
inside her, at first just the tip, then a little more, and a little
more. To keep from grasping his head, Piper clutched the
It was obvious he was dragging it out, keeping her on the
edge. He lapped up one side of her labia and down the
other, and finally, as her body felt like it was goo, he ran his
tongue over her clit. He flicked his tongue against the
hardened bud before he took the slave ring in his mouth and
“Oh, fuck.” She was right on the edge. Fire burned in her
veins when he dropped the ring and sucked her clit back
into his mouth. There was not enough pressure for her to
climax, but his gentle movements kept her floating near the
Until he stopped and didn’t start back again.
Piper thrust her hips up into his mouth, but he pulled
“Hey, brat, I’m in charge, even when it’s just sex. Lie still.”
“No.” She wiggled. “Suck my clit again.”
He stood, wiping the back of his hand over his mouth.
“Those are fighting words. You will lie still and take what I
give you.”
Piper knew she should obey, but her body was on fire,
stoked from everything that had happened tonight. Her
hands dipped into her pussy, and she found her clit, pulling
on the slave ring that pretty much kept her in a constant
state of arousal anyway. She came hard, her hips shooting
up as she screamed out for Kenan to fuck her.
“Nobody gives orders but me,” he said as he flipped her
onto her stomach. She groaned as he gathered her wrists
together over her head. “Not tonight, but soon I’ll remind
you that handcuffs can bring pleasure, too. Right now, I’m
switching targets.”
In her position she couldn’t see what he was doing, but by
the sounds she could guess, the tearing of a package, the
click of a bottle. At some point while she’d been playing with
her pussy, he’d retrieved what he’d needed.
“Fully dressed, and I’m coming in.” He pressed the head of
his cock against her anus. Something cold and wet coated
the condom, and with one hard push, he was inside. She
groaned a little at the pain, but it was sweet and welcome.
He stopped at the entrance. “Where’s my dick?”
“In my ass.”
He pulled it out. “Excuse me, brat? Would you like to try
that again?” He fed her the head again, then pulled back
“Put it back in my ass!”
With his free hand, he slapped her cheek. “Who does this
ass belong to?” Once more the head popped in, then back
Piper’s body was on fire, her need strong. She looked at
him over her shoulder. “With my pleasure, Sir, my ass is
yours to do with as you please.”
“I like that.” He gave her the head again, leaving it there
this time. Piper closed her eyes and savored the feel of him
inside her. He entered her slowly, inch by glorious inch. Each
time he stopped he slapped her ass and asked what she
She replied, “With my pleasure, Sir, I ask for your dick in
my ass.”
Once his body was flush against hers, he moved slowly,
working his cock in and out of her until a delicious soreness
spread through her. Her nipples burned from rubbing
against the blanket, and her clit throbbed with the desire to
When he let go of her hands, with an order to leave them
above her head until he said she could move, he grasped
her hips and lifted them up, increasing the tempo, fucking
her with a power she’d never felt before.
He stopped long enough to move so that they were on
their sides, one of her legs over his thighs. He had one arm
under her and used his large hand to grasp her hands
together in front of her. With the other, he tortured her clit,
pulling and pinching until she was right at the edge, then
stopping. When she screamed for more, he would start
again, fucking her ass slowly as he teased her with release.
When he finally allowed her to come, her body seized, and
she felt him do the same inside her. She collapsed in his
arms, their sweaty bodies slick against the sheets.
“Definitely the belt,” he whispered in her ear. “If you don’t
wear it while we’re out, I’ll be wanting to bend you over at
every opportunity.”
She could still feel him pulsing inside her. “With my
pleasure, Sir, and with yours, you can bend me over
Chapter Twelve

Four months later

Piper checked the spareribs in the oven, turning them

over before she added a little more liquid to the roasting
pan. She’d been out of class for an hour and had hurried
home to make sure tonight’s dinner was on track.
Everything looked perfect.
She shut the door and made her way up the stairs,
opening the door to playroom number three. Kenan was due
home in twenty minutes, and she was running a little
behind. She stripped off her clothes before she folded them
carefully, placing them on the chair next to the doorway.
Once she was naked, she crossed to the fucking machine
and mounted the bench before she carefully placed herself
in front of the dildo Kenan had attached to it that morning.
She played with her nipples and clit, thinking about Kenan
and his whip, his cuffs, his crops. Most of all she thought
about his dick, and how wonderful it felt when he fed it to
her mouth, her pussy, her ass. Her lips plumped up and
wetness made her slick.
She gently worked the dildo inside her; then she turned on
the machine. It started to slide and in and out. A groan
escaped her lips. She wished it was Kenan’s cock inside her
and not the fake one.
Don’t get greedy, she thought. You’ll get what you want
soon enough.
She’d just switched the speed to high when she heard the
front door open and close.
Kenan was home. She thought back to the night of Stein’s
capture, of how Kenan had fucked her until her legs were
like jelly. Then he’d taken her to the hot tub at the resort
and let her soak.
They’d talked. She’d told him about Barry Bartlow, and
how he’d tied her and left her alone, making her think he’d
never come back. Kenan had told her she never had to
worry about that with him.
“A good Dom never leaves a sub alone when she’s bound.
If I see him, he’s toast.”
“Cherokee’s Mistress took care of that,” she’d replied.
He’d told her about Alice, that he thought she was the one
for him at first, but things had not turned out.
She’d told him she was glad, because if they had, she and
Kenan would have never met.
Now, he was moving around downstairs.
Piper cupped her breast as she thought about the coming
weekend. It was a holiday, and they both had several days
off. They were headed back to Belize where Kenan would
replace her training collar with a real one. He’d even shown
her the black velvet choker he had for her to wear in public.
“Some people will think it’s jewelry, but others will know
the truth, that it means you’re mine.”
She let go of the remote for the fucking machine. She
rested her shoulders against the bench as both hands went
to her pussy.
From the doorway, she heard his soft, “Tsk, tsk, you don’t
have permission to play with yourself. And here I was going
to give you a good spanking before I fucked you. Oh well, no
spanking for you.”
“Sir, please.”
“Maybe tomorrow, or maybe I’ll make you wait until we’re
back in Belize.” He was taking off his clothes, and she
allowed her eyes to ravish his perfect body. His cock was
rock hard. He went to the table. She watched as he covered
himself with lube.
“Position,” he said, and Piper wiggled away from the
machine. She turned so she was on her hands and knees. It
took a few moments to work the fake cock back inside her.
When she was full again, he swung his leg over her and
pressed his cock against her anus. The dildo continued to
work its way in and out of her pussy. He pressed inside her,
opening her slowly.
“Sir,” she whispered as he started a rhythm with the
machine, his cock working into her ass as the dildo worked
its way out of her pussy. He stopped his movements then
started again, and she knew it could go on this way for a
long time.
Her Master liked to draw things out, especially when his
dick was up her ass. She gasped when he reached around
and pinched her clit.
“Mine,” he said.
“Yes, Sir.” She turned to look at him. “All yours.”
He pumped her ass then stopped. “I’m going to fuck you
until you can’t sit down.”
A grin spread across her face. “My pleasure, Sir. And
yours, I hope.”
He pinched her clit harder, and she came, her orgasm
surging through her body as he pounded into her. He
pinched her again, and she felt his body tense as he gave
her everything he had.
Definitely his pleasure, she thought as he pressed his face
against her shoulder. “You came without permission,” he
said against her ear. “What am I going to do with you?”
“Fuck me? Whip me? I have all sorts of suggestions. Would
you like me to write a list?”
His chuckle sent wonderful chills up her spine. “No, brat,
no writing. I want to hear every last thing you have to say
until I fill your mouth with my prick.”
“I’ll keep it open for you, Sir. With pleasure.”
About the Author

Melinda Barron loves to explore Egyptian tombs and

temples, discover Mayan ruins, play in castles towers, and
explore new cities and countries. She generally does it all
from the comfort of her home by opening a book.

Melinda loves to lose herself between the pages of a book.

The only thing she loves more is creating stories from the
wonderful heroes and heroines that haunt her dreams and
crowd her head. She believes love is for everyone, not just
those who are a size 2. Her books are full of magic,
suspense and love, in all sorts of shapes and sizes.

Mel currently lives in the Texas Panhandle, with two cats,

and a file stuffed with new ideas to keep her typing fingers
busy, and your heart engaged.

Melinda loves to talk to her readers and can be found at
Also available from
Resplendence Publishing

Transparent Illusions by Melinda Barron

Freelance writer Saffron Tyler needs work. When she offers
her journalistic skills to Steele Publications, they suggest
that she spend two weeks as a submissive at Fingertip
Fantasies, an exclusive BDSM resort that caters to the
ultimate fantasies of any customer willing to pay for the
high-end service. She’s been tasked to come back with a
titillating exposé guaranteed to enthrall the readers of
Steele’s underground magazine, Salacious.

But when Saffron arrives at the resort, she realizes nothing

is as it seems, from the fact she doesn’t know where the
resort is located, or anything about the man she is
submitting to—except she’s to call him Master, with a
capital M.

What starts out as an undercover assignment soon becomes

so much more. Immersed in the lifestyle, Saffron finds
herself no longer acting the role of the submissive, but
actually wanting to be the perfect sub her Master believes
she can be. When all is said and done, will Saffron take her
experience and her story and never look back? Or will she
choose to stay with the man who commands her mind,
body, and soul.

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her new life, is on the fritz and stalling in the sweltering
heat. With no cash to pay for the costly repairs, Phoebe
would sooner take her chances and keep on driving than
become a charity case for the hottie mechanic trying to
keep her safe.

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garage in the deathtrap she calls a car. It’s too hot and too
dangerous for the stubborn beauty to be stranded on the
side of a desolate highway, and he’ll be damned if another
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When Jenn finds a BDSM book and a flyer for a local sex club
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Jackson always trusts his gut instincts. The ultra sexy

woman sprawled on the floor is a sexual submissive. How
intriguing that the all-business, sensible shoe-wearing office
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nothing good in his future. In fact, his betrothed, Gerda,
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