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Date: 09-01-2023

Class: SS 2
Subject: Geography
Theme: Human Geography
Unit topic: Agriculture in Nigeria
Lesson topic:Definition of Agriculture
Time: 8:40-9:20am and 11:10-12:30pm
Duration: 40minutes and 80minutes
Period: 2nd period and (5th and 6th periods)
Instructional Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Define Agriculture
2. State and explain the types of Agriculture.
3. Explain the Importance of Agriculture in Nigeria.
4. Highlight the Problems and Solutions of Agriculture.
Instructional Resources: Pictures of agricultural farm presentation to students.
Step 1 Introduction: Identification of prior knowledge. The students have been
taught about environmental conservation.
Mode Whole class
Teacher’s activities: The teacher asks the students questions based on their
previous knowledge.
1. Define environmental conservation
2. Explain the need for environmental conservation.
Student’s activities: The teacher guides the students to review their precious
Step 2 Exploration
Mode Entire class
Teacher’s activities: The teacher presents the pictures of agricultural forms to
Student’s activities: The students observed the pictures
Step 3 Discussion
Mode Entire class
Teacher’s activities: The teacher asks the students to define Agriculture, state
and explain the types of agriculture in Nigeria and Importance of agriculture in
Nigeria and highlight the problems and solution of agriculture in Nigeria.
Student activities: The students make attempts. The teacher guides the students
to define agriculture as the cultivation of crops and rearing of animals for man’s
use. The types of agriculture are: (a) Plantation (mechanized) (b) Pastoral
farming (c) Crop rotation (d) Mixed farming (e) Shifting Cultivation (f)
Subsistence agriculture (g) Intensive agriculture. (a)Plantation (mechanized): is
the process of using agricultural machinery to work in the farm (b) Pastoral
farming: this is also known in some regions as (ranching livestock farming or
grazing) it is a form of agriculture aimed at producing livestock rather than
growing crops. (c) crop rotation: is an example of intensive agriculture, crop are
rotated in sequence year (d) mixed farming: this system involves the cultivation
of crop as well as the rearing of animals on the same piece of land. Crops
mainly grown are rice, maize, yam, cassava etc while animals reared, may be
cattle, sheep poultry etc. (e) shifting cultivation: this involves the movement of
the farmers and his family from one piece of land to another when the land is no
more fertile (f) subsistence agriculture: this process is mainly for family
consumption, it requires small area of land. (g) Intensive agriculture: this can be
referred to as market gardening or truck farming. Importance of Agriculture in
Nigeria are: (1) Agriculture is one of the major sector which contributes to the
economic development of Nigeria (2) provision of food: it provides food for
human consumption (2) Agriculture provides employment for over 60% of
Nigerians (3) provision of raw materials for industries e.g. cocoa, rubber cotton
etc are required by industries for various purpose (4) sources of income: sales of
agricultural products like yam, meat, egg, sales etc enable farmers to earn some
income (5) provision of market for industrial goods: e.g. fertilizer, herbicides,
farm machines and implement. The problems of agriculture in Nigeria are:
1. Lack of finance or credit facilities
2. Poor transportation network
3. Unpredictable climate
4. Lack of storage and processing facilities
5. Inadequate agricultural education and extension services.
1. Loans should be given to the farmers
Storage and processing facilities should be provided at reduced rate.
2. Farmers should use irrigation system in period of drought
3. Modern farm implements like tractors plough ridges harvest etc should be
4. Road should be constructed to rural areas with urban areas
Basic amenities should be provided to discourage rural-urban migration
Step 4 Application
Mode whole class
Teacher’s activities: The teacher asks the students questions on agriculture.
Student’s activities: The students respond accordingly
Step 5 Evaluation
Mode Individual based
Teacher’s activities: The teacher evaluates the lesson by asking the students
indentify some agricultural products in their locality
Student’s activities: The students participated fully in responding to the
Assignment: Highlight five problems and solution of agriculture.
Reference: Essential Geography for Senior Secondary Schools by O. A Iwena
Comprehensive Geography for Senior Secondary School by P.O.S
Exam Focus

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