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The Blue Dragon Empowerments

©2024 by Saga Ase’ Volve

and Naturopathic and Shamanic Services, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

This is the fifth in the Dragon Knights of the Red Path series.

A Naked Shaman Empowerment

Copyright Warning

This manual is to be provided to people free of

charge with the manual sent or given to them intact,
and without any additions or deletions except to
those people who are enemies of the Tibetan
Kapalika Aghora Path, or who are enemies of good
health for women. Anyone who even attempts to
violate this copyright shall be cursed with poverty
and poor health for the remainder of this lifetime,
and there shall be no mercy!

A Naked Shaman Empowerment

As with all of this Dragon series we have two empowerments for you
here. One is the Dragon of the Waters Empowerment, and the other is
the Ice Dragon Empowerment. Let’s talk a bit about each of them.

Dragon of the Waters

There isn’t much in this world that can live without water, which
makes it and the air we breathe the most essential elements for all of
the earth to have access to if we care about living. Water not only
refreshes and sustains us, but it is also one of the greatest movers
and builders in the world. Flowing water in rivers and streams, and the
waves of the oceans have often sculpted and changed the landscape
in which we live, and they have carried us, our things, and nutrients to
new locations as well as powered industries, dams for generating
electricity, mills to grind grains, and have brought us fish for food.
Water grows our crops, protects us from the more harmful rays of the
sun, helps the plants we need to grow, and fills our lives with beauty.

Water Dragons are found in every stream and river, in the oceans and
seas, and in the clouds above us. They often assist Shamans and Spirit
Keepers in their tasks to help the earth to recover from the ravages of
storms and disrespectful humans who ravage and pollute our world
through ignorance and greed. They need our help to overcome this just
as we need their help.

This picture is in my Temple. We grin at each other a lot!

Ice Dragons
Ice, especially in the form of glaciers that are empowered by Dragons,
grind rocks into dirt, and move it into the rivers and oceans to be
distributed as silt all over the world by the actions of water currents
and waves to nourish and sustain the earth. In this same regard, the
water and fire dragons work together with volcanoes that bring
nutrients from deep within the earth, and these two elements together
with the air spread them over the earth.

Of course, this raises the level of the oceans, and political scientists
(politicians), who often know nothing about real science say the
waters are rising due to fantasies like “global warming”. Every two
days the volcanoes in Iceland also put more CO2 into the water and air
than all of the humans who have ever lived combined have ever done.
But, that information comes from real science, and does not fit with
the current political agenda.

All of this work by Water and Ice Dragons, and the Air Dragons as well,
is done to mitigate the damage done by humans to the earth to clean
up the pollution, repair the depleted and eroded soil, and to stop the
ravages of deforestation, strip mining and the manufacture things like
lithium batteries that cause far more devastation of the earth than the
electric cars that use them will ever prevent. You can see and read
about them here:

Of course Snopes, and other liberal fact checkers try to support the
current political agenda by supposedly refuting the science just as
conservative fact checkers do when they are in power, but Shamans
and Spirit Keepers still work with the spirits of nature to overcome the
evil deeds of the greedy despoilers of the earth no matter what
political affiliations they may claim, or who has been paid off to “like”
them and manipulate public opinions.
However, in the case of Snopes and lithium extraction they could not
find an answer they liked in any forum. But, the Dragons can show us
the best ways to deal with these dangerous chemicals, fossil fuels, or
any other form of pollution if we will simply listen to them and look for
the innovative solutions that we will be shown.

What these Empowerments Do for You

These empowerments help you to form alliances with the Dragons of
Water and/or Ice, and shows you how to work with them for the healing
and empowerment of all of the earth, and will show you things that we
can do to assist them in insuring the best possible future for every
spirit and entity of our world whether they live within the earth, or on
or above it. In essence, they show us the problems, and then assist us
in doing the work in the spirit world on the Web of the Wyrd that will
result in changing the opinions of people who can do something to
stop the harm that is being done to the earth, and who can implement
ways to clean it up.

There is an interesting process known as the “Doctrine of Three’s” in

that problems often come in threes, and so do solutions to problems.
In this case, we do the magical work that seeks solutions in the spirit
realm, and the solutions will be shown to three different people by the
Dragons who will feel motivated to do something to help. Granted.
There is no glory in this for the Shamans who do this work, but we
have the satisfaction of working on the problem spiritually, and then
seeing the physical manifestation of our efforts to save our planet.
That is reward enough!

These empowerments are about serving our Mother Earth. If this is

not good enough for you then don’t receive these energies. There used
to be an Order of the Earth Keepers, but it is obvious that they will
never do anything so the Dragons are taking up their slack along with
those of us who are willing to help them. Thank-you for your service!
How to Receive these Empowerments
There are two empowerments in each manual, and we use two
Surrogates for each one as well as the power of both is too much
for one surrogate to handle at a time. There will be two pictures of
our Surrogates below. Pick the one that you desire to receive the
first empowerment through, and then you will need to use the
second Surrogate for the other empowerment or the energy will not
work for you. So, here they are:

Asian Blue Dragon

Ice Dragon

The Ice Dragon Empowerment

Sit naked in meditation as you look at the picture of your first chosen
Surrogate. Breathe in slowly through your nose, and out through your
mouth as you allow your focus to extend softly beyond the back of the
picture until it is slightly out of focus. Then, contemplate how your
service to the earth works now, and how you desire it to function in
the near future. Know that you will see major changes within the next
few months. unless you choose to stop it before then since you have
free will, and you are in control. Then, either say of think to yourself, “I
call in the Ice Dragon Empowerment prepared for me by Saga Ase’
Volve in the Yab-Yum energy of Jarog Troma Nagmo and the power of
Kali Chamunda to work within me both spiritually and physically
according to my will, and for as long as I desire, and I am grateful for
it!” This energy will then run for as long or short a time as it will, and
will flow into a buffered Orb of Life to be continuously and safely fed to
you until you have manifested all of the changes that you and the
Dragons desire.

The Water Dragon Empowerment

Sit naked in meditation as you look at the picture of your second
chosen Surrogate above. Breathe in slowly through your nose, and out
through your mouth as you allow your focus to extend softly beyond
the back of the picture until it is slightly out of focus. Then,
contemplate how your awareness of the earth works now, and how
you desire it to function in the near future. Know that you will see
changes within the next few months, and also accept that this process
will go on for however long you allow it until you have as much Dragon
sight as you are willing to work with. The transition to seeing with the
eyes of the Dragons is a growing process of expanding awareness that
you have to actively choose to exercise. Contemplate this while
preparing to call in this empowerment.

Then, either say or think to yourself, “I call in the Water Dragon

Empowerment prepared for me by Saga Ase’ Volve in the Yab-Yum
energy of Jarog Troma Nagmo and the power of Kali Chamunda to
work within me both spiritually and physically according to my will,
and for as long as I desire, and I am grateful for it!” This energy will
then run for as long or short a time as it will.

As with your Surrogate choice of which you will use first, you can do
either empowerment first, or if you would prefer to then you can do
only one until you are certain about doing the second one. But, if you
do this then remember which Surrogate you used before as you will
not be able to use the same one for the second empowerment.

NOTE: You would do well to receive these empowerments a few days


After the initial energy from the empowerments has ran its course
then you may feel light-headed, a bit off balance or nauseous. There
are several things that will help this such as drinking a large glass of
water, lying naked upon the earth or a basement floor, walking naked
in a forest, and eating heavy, grounding foods such as meat or cheese.
None of the politically correct vegan “franken foods” grown in labs will
work for this, and they may well make your discomfort worse.

Sharing this Empowerment with Others

You are encouraged to share this manual with anyone who does not
violate the copyright. When you send the entire manual to them then
the Orb of Life carrying the energy will automatically become ready for
them to be able to receive it in the same manner as you have. And,
even if you decide not to do it at all then it will still work for them, and
will follow them to all of their future lives just as all of our other
empowerments and initiations do. Then, it will do so again when they
send it to someone and so forth for as long as this process exists, and
again, it will do so even if someone finds a copy of it a thousand years
from now, and desires to receive it.

NOTE: You must send or give the entire manual to them for it to work
properly without any changes or deletions having been made.

This works with all of our free empowerments whether it is written in

the manuals or not.

In Conclusion
The next empowerment will be with the Mystic Dragons and the
Element of Spirit.


Jai Kali Chamunda

Saga Ase’ Volve

A Naked Shaman Empowerment

Aztec Hermaphrodite Quetzalcoatl

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