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2023 Eng.

Almonzer Jabbora


Prepared By:
Eng. Almonzer Jabbora
Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

After completing this unit you will be able to:
• Present the definition of ethics in general and business ethics in
Present particular.

• Recognize the need for a code of ethics that is upheld

Recognize especially by setting the right “tone at the top

• Understand the board’s role in setting the company’s ethical

Understand codes

• Recognize the benefits of and need for an ethical workplace


• Identify incentive programs and their roles in promoting an

Identify ethicalworkplace.
Eng. Almonzer Jabbora
Business Ethics are set that a follows organization.

Moral exercise are given by believe, loyalty

and with the best thinking’s that is on top of profit.

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

Does the moral practice hamper

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

Moral practices on short term read will hamper a business
profit, however, it is that moral practices believed are for each
business fruitful in future.

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

The difference between morals and ethics

• •

• •

Business ethics

The first and most vital level of the pyramid is a
company’s economic responsibilities. As a
fundamental condition for its existence, a
company must be profitable. If this requirement is
not met, the business cannot survive, and as a
result, the company will not be able to move on to
the other levels of the pyramid.
Eng. Almonzer Jabbora
After satisfying its economic responsibilities, companies must
ensure that their business operations are within the confines of
the law. At this level, organizations must fulfill their legal
requirements. Like the economic requirements, if legal
requirements are not met the company’s survival may be at
stake, preventing them from moving on to other levels of the
pyramid. These legal requirements include, but are not limited
to, employment, competition, and health and safety laws.

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

The next level of the pyramid is the company’s
ethical responsibilities. In this stage, the company
goes beyond legal requirements by acting morally
and ethically. In other words, the company makes a
conscious decision to “do the right thing.” For
example, in an attempt to reduce waste, some
coffee shops have started offering discounts to
customers who bring their own reusable cups.
Eng. Almonzer Jabbora
Once the economic, legal, and ethical
foundations of the pyramid have been built, the
company can move on to the final level of the
pyramid philanthropic responsibilities. At this level,
the company goes beyond its ethical
responsibilities by actively giving back and making
a positive impact on society. For example, financial
giant Wells Fargo donates 1.5% of their revenue to
various housing, disaster relief, and military-
focused charities. Eng. Almonzer Jabbora
Pyramid business
The pyramid is a simple framework that helps
organizations argue how and why they could
and should meet their social responsibilities. It
attempts to balance the self-interests of
businesses (profit) with its wider, more
virtuous goal of being socially responsible.

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

Pyramid business

They assist those businesses maintain an

improved reference to their stakeholders

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

Business selling Management defines Business has
many majors to hunt, such as:
1. Accounting,
2. Economics,
3. Administration,
4. Marketing,
5. International business,
6. Entrepreneurship, and
7. Management.
Eng. Almonzer Jabbora
Ethical marketing is a type of
marketing that focuses on ethics
What is and principles of marketing efforts.
Ethical marketers evaluate their

Ethical decisions from both a business and

a moral perspective. They highlight
a company’s values and the benefits
Marketing? that a product provides to customers
and society. Ethical marketing is a
way to reach target audiences with
similar principles and promote a
positive impact.
Eng. Almonzer Jabbora
Ethical Marketing

For example, some companies communicate

their business ethics in marketing materials to
reach target audiences with similar principles.

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

Ethical Marketing

Every company ought to have its own ethical

principles and tips.

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

Ethical Marketing

 Following business ethics has a lot of edges

than you think. It will assist you to stay and
attract workers, customers, and investors.

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

Ethical Marketing

 Contemplate that you simply area unit

associate in a nursing energy drink producing
company and you have declared on the labels
and advertisements that you simply do not add
any preservatives to the drink, then you ought
to adhere to the claims you have created.

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

Business marketing management
• There are several tasks that are used daily in business management.
Such as,
 Coordinating and being concerned with promotional activities.
 To boost products or services direct or facilitate selling ideas.
 Value money aspects, to boost client satisfaction.
 Conduct an inventory to explain product and repair offerings.
 Direct hiring by coaching and looking at future staff performances to assist them
in understanding what to try and do once they enter the sector so that they will
facilitate improved services.
 Communicate with vendors to boost distribution.
 Conjointly they analyze data, build crucial business choices, and supervise one

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

Business marketing management

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

Business marketing management
There are several skills that are needed in business management: such as:

• Active learning,
• Active listening,
• Essential thinking,
• Reading comprehension social
• Perceptiveness,
• Speaking,
• Judgment and higher cognitive process,
• Monitoring,
• Persuasion and in conclusion complicated drawback resolution.

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

Work Ethics

• Work ethic refers to a set of moral principles,

values, and attitudes that govern a person's
behavior and approach toward work. It is a
fundamental aspect of an individual's character and
influences how they handle their responsibilities,
interact with colleagues, and contribute to the
overall productivity of a workplace.

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

Work Ethics

• Different people and cultures may have varying

perspectives on what constitutes a strong work ethic,
but some common elements include:

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

Work Ethics
The common elements that constitute a strong
work ethic?
1. Diligence: A strong work ethic
involves being diligent and
industrious in carrying out tasks. It
means putting in the effort required
to complete assignments thoroughly
and efficiently.

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

Work Ethics
The common elements that constitute a strong
work ethic?
2. Reliability: Individuals with a
good work ethic are reliable and can
be depended upon to fulfill their
obligations. They are punctual,
meet deadlines, and follow through
on their commitments.

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

Work Ethics
The common elements that constitute a strong
work ethic?
3. Discipline: Work ethic often involves a disciplined
approach to tasks. This includes self-control, time
management, and the ability to stay focused on the job at
hand without succumbing to distractions.
4. Responsibility: A strong work ethic includes taking
responsibility for one's actions and tasks. This means
admitting mistakes, learning from them, and actively
seeking solutions to challenges.
Eng. Almonzer Jabbora
Work Ethics
The common elements that constitute a strong
work ethic?
5. Initiative: Individuals with a strong
work ethic show initiative by taking
on tasks without being explicitly
instructed to do so. They are
proactive and look for ways to
contribute to the success of the team
or organization.

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

Work Ethics
The common elements that constitute a strong
work ethic?
6. Professionalism: Work ethic
extends to professional behavior.
This involves maintaining a positive
attitude, treating colleagues with
respect, and conducting oneself in
a manner that reflects well on the

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

Work Ethics
The common elements that constitute a strong
work ethic?
7. Adaptability: A good work
ethic includes the ability to adapt
to changing circumstances and
embrace new challenges. This
flexibility is essential in dynamic
work environments..

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

Work Ethics
The common elements that constitute a strong
work ethic?
8. Continuous Improvement:
Those with a strong work ethic
are often committed to personal
and professional development.
They seek opportunities to learn,
grow, and enhance their skills.

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

Work Ethics
The common elements that constitute a strong
work ethic?
9. Teamwork: Collaboration and the
ability to work effectively with others
are crucial components of a strong
work ethic. This includes
communication skills, cooperation,
and a willingness to support

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

Work Ethics
The common elements that constitute a strong
work ethic?
10. Integrity: Upholding
ethical standards and
maintaining honesty in all
professional dealings is an
integral part of a strong work
ethic. This includes being
truthful, transparent, and

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

Work Ethics

In summary, work ethic encompasses a combination of

values and behaviors that contribute to an individual's
overall approach to work. It is a key factor in personal and
professional success and is highly valued in a variety of
industries and organizational settings

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

Work Ethics
Interpersonal skills
Interpersonal skills, also known as
people skills or social skills, refer to
the ability to communicate, interact,
and work effectively with others.
These skills are essential in both
personal and professional settings
and are critical for building positive
relationships, collaborating in
teams, and navigating social

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora


Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

What are the main structure of Pyramid
Business Ethics?

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

Eng. Almonzer Jabbora

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