Updated HHW Letter With Order Form - 2024

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Bloomfield Hall School

26 April 2024
Dear Parent/Guardian

Holiday Homework will be available in a booklet form for Reception Class to Class 6 at the school office.
To place your order, please complete the box given below and return it to the school office along with
the price of the booklet as stated below.

Please note the following prices.

Reception – Class 2: Rs 350

Class 3 - Class 6: Rs 450

Please note that the booklets will be available only to those parents who confirm their order latest by
10th May 2024.

All exercises included in the Holiday Homework for each class are based on the work done by the
students during the year and provide revision.

In addition to the above, parents are requested to urge their child(ren) to read books (storybooks etc)
on a regular basis.


Admin Office

Order Form for Holiday Homework Booklet (Reception Class – Class 6)

Student name: ________________________________________________ Class _________

I, the parent/guardian of the above-named wish to get the Holiday Homework booklet for the class
stated above.

I enclose the following amount as payment for the booklet.

Rs 350 [ ] Rs [450] [ ] (tick as appropriate)

________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Parent/guardian’s signature

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