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Comprehensive task management

Submitted By

Qurat ul ain Tariq

Alina Arooj
Project Supervisor:

Miss Fatima Yousaf



Comprehensive Task Management

Qurat ul ain Tariq
Alina arooj
A present to the Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan

In partial fulfillment of the degree requirement of

Information Technology
Multan, Southern Punjab, Multan


All thanks are to almighty ALLAH the most beneficial, merciful, and gracious who gave me
the courage to complete the task assigned to me. Thanks, ALLAH; I couldn’t have this
achievement if His kindness didn’t support me. Many people whom I want to pay my thanks
at the event, all my honorable teachers, my parents, and all my friends. I say my special
thanks to my respected Rector Mr. Saqib Nazeer my respected H.O.D. Mr. Malik Mubashir
and my respected supervisor Miss Fatima Yousaf my respected teachers who support me in
this project. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my loving family, especially to
my parents for providing me full support during the project and for all sorts of moral and
social support in life. Their prayers have enabled me to reach this stage.

Student Name
Qurat ul ain Tariq &
Alina Arooj


All thanks are to almighty ALLAH the most beneficial, merciful, and gracious who gave me the
courage to complete the task assigned to me.
Thanks, ALLAH; I couldn’t have this achievement if His kindness didn’t support me. Many
people whom I want to pay my thanks at the event, all my honorable teachers, my parents, and
all my friends. I say my special thanks to my respected Rector Mr. Saqib Nazeer my respected
H.O.D. Mr. Malik Mubashir and my respected supervisor Miss Fatima Yousaf. Finally, I would
like to express my gratitude to my loving family, especially to my parents for providing me full
support during the project and for all sorts of moral and social support in life. Their prayers have
enabled me to reach this stage.

Qurat ul ain Tariq



Alina Arooj



This Project (Comprehensive task management) we’re dedicating to our Loving Parents,
Friends, and Respected Teachers, who prayed for our success, and all our supporting ones
whom we love and respect from the core of my heart.


(Institute of Southern Punjab)

It is declared that I have developed software consisting of modules in which I manage the all
problems that come with the previous Image-based security webapplication for ISP written
this report under the guidance of my project supervisor based on my effort. The report and
the webapplication that we submitted for the completion of the Final Year Project are
investigations and efforts of my own. I understand that deceiving and plagiarism is a serious
contravention of the university governance, which will not only give us a failing grade for
our Final Year Project but also vulnerable to further disciplinary actions.

Signature of Students

Name: Qurat ul ain Tariq

Signature of Student

Name: Aleena Arooj


Chapter 1 Introduction..................................................................................................................9

1.1. Literature/Current System...........................................................................................9

1.1.1. Information engineering (Questionnaire / JAD / Interviews / Research)..............10

1.1.2. Basic diagrams (Use Case and ERD for the current system).................................11

1.1.3. The problem with the Current System...................................................................11

1.2. Comparison Table......................................................................................................12

1.3. Basic Constraints.......................................................................................................13

1.4. Project proposal (including methodology)................................................................14

Chapter 2 Overall Description....................................................................................................16

2.1. Scope.............................................................................................................................16

2.2. Functional Requirements...............................................................................................17

2.3 Use cases........................................................................................................................19

2.4 Activity diagram.............................................................................................................20

2.5 Sequence diagram...........................................................................................................21

2.6. DFD’s...........................................................................................................................22

2.7 ERD’s and Mapping.......................................................................................................23

2.8 Schema diagram.............................................................................................................24

2.9 Non-Functional requirements.........................................................................................25

2.10. Overall constraints.......................................................................................................27

Chapter 3 Webapplication Features and Requirements..........................................................29

3.1 Hardware Requirements.................................................................................................29

3.2 Software Requirements..................................................................................................29

3.3 System Requirements.....................................................................................................30


Figure 1 Use case........................................................................................................................................12

Figure 2 ERD..............................................................................................................................................13

Figure 3 Use case........................................................................................................................................22

Figure 4 Activity Diagram.........................................................................................................................23

Figure 5 Sequence diagram.......................................................................................................................23

Figure 6 DFD (0)........................................................................................................................................24

Figure 9 EDR..............................................................................................................................................26

Figure 10 Schema diagram........................................................................................................................27


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1. Literature/Current system

Our Al Khair Task Management System is designed to streamline task management for both
employees and admins. Admins can effortlessly assign tasks to employees through our platform,
providing clear instructions and deadlines. Employees, in turn, have easy access to their assigned
tasks, enabling them to efficiently complete their work and mark tasks as done. While our
current focus is on optimizing task management processes, we have exciting plans for the future.
One significant enhancement we're working on is the addition of attendance tracking
functionality. This means that alongside managing tasks, admins will soon be able to monitor
employee attendance directly within the system. By incorporating attendance tracking, we aim to
provide admins with a comprehensive tool for managing their teams more effectively. With these
upcoming improvements, our system will offer even greater convenience and efficiency,
empowering businesses to streamline their operations and enhance productivity. We're
committed to continuously evolving our platform to meet the evolving needs of our users and
stay ahead of the curve in workforce management solutions.

1.1.1. Information engineering (Questionnaire / JAD / Interviews / Research)

Information Engineering (Research)

To ensure the successful development of the Al Khair Task Management System, thorough
research is essential to gather insights into the current state of medicine supply management
within the organization and identify existing inefficiencies. The following research activities will
be conducted:

Questionnaire Surveys
1. What functionalities will the web application offer to employees, such as task
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2. How will the application ensure real-time visibility into task progress and employee
3. Considering the use of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and MySql, how will your
application scale to accommodate future growth and potentially integrate with
existing pharmacy software?
4. How will the application ensure real-time visibility into task progress and employee
5. How will your web application specifically improve an admin's ability to manage
order booking,

1.1.2. Basic diagrams (Use Case and ERD for the current system)

Figure 1 Use case

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Figure 2 ERD

1.1.3. The problem with the Current System

Problem with Current System:

In traditional task management systems within pharmacies, several challenges persist, hindering
operational efficiency and transparency. Primarily, reliance on manual methods leads to
inefficiencies and errors. Admins struggle to coordinate tasks effectively, often resulting in
confusion and delays in task completion. Employees face difficulties in accessing tasks promptly
and may encounter obstacles in accurately recording their work progress. Moreover, without
integrated attendance tracking, admins lack visibility into employee attendance patterns, making
it challenging to ensure adequate workforce coverage and accountability. The absence of real-
time updates exacerbates these issues, as admins are unable to monitor task progress or address
delays promptly. Additionally, security concerns arise with outdated authentication methods,
posing risks to sensitive data. Overall, the current system's shortcomings highlight the urgent
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need for a more comprehensive and automated solution to enhance task management and
attendance tracking processes within the pharmaceutical supply chain industry.

1.2. Comparison Table

Comparison table for a current system and your new system:

Feature Current System Our System

Task Management Manual Automated

Inefficient, prone to confusion

Task Coordination Streamlined, improved visibility
and delays

Task Access Slow, employees may miss tasks Prompt access for employees

Accurate recording facilitated by the

Work Progress Recording Manual, prone to errors

Attendance Tracking Not integrated Integrated, providing visibility

Workforce Coverage and Simplified through attendance

Difficult to ensure
Accountability tracking

Absent, hinders monitoring Enabled, allowing for prompt

Real-time Updates
progress intervention

Outdated authentication
Security Enhanced security measures
methods, data risks

Automated, improved transparency

Overall Efficiency Inefficient, error-prone
and efficiency

Benefits of the New application:

 Centralized Task Management: Tasks within the pharmaceutical supply chain are
managed efficiently through a centralized platform.
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 Enhanced Collaboration: The system facilitates seamless collaboration between

employees and administrators, fostering teamwork and communication.
 Timely Task Completion: Real-time task monitoring and notifications ensure that tasks
are completed promptly, contributing to smoother operations.
 Streamlined Order Processing: The system streamlines order booking and delivery
processes, improving overall efficiency and customer satisfaction.
 Future-Proofing with Attendance Tracking: Planned inclusion of attendance tracking
will further enhance workforce management and resource allocation.
 Scalability and Real-Time Updates: Developed with modern technologies, the system
is scalable and capable of providing real-time updates to users.
 Secure Authentication: Robust authentication mechanisms ensure the security of user
data and system integrity.

1.3. Basic Constraints

 Real-time Task Management:

 Create, assign, and manage tasks for order booking and delivery.
 Track task progress in real-time for both admins and employees.

 User Authentication:

 Separate login/signup portals for admins and employees.

 Secure user authentication protocols (e.g., two-factor authentication).

 Employee Functionalities:

 Access and manage assigned tasks through a dedicated dashboard.

 Update task progress and provide delivery updates.

 Admin Functionalities:

 Oversee all tasks related to order booking and delivery.

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 Monitor task progress and manage workload distribution.

 (Future) Access attendance tracking data (if implemented).

1.4. Project proposal (including methodology)

Our proposed web application aims to address the challenges faced in managing tasks within the
pharmaceutical supply chain by providing a comprehensive platform for real-time task
management and we will also include attendance tracking in the future. Through separate
login/signup portals for employees and administrators, the application will facilitate seamless
collaboration and ensure the timely completion of tasks such as order booking and delivery. Key
functionalities include user authentication, task dashboard, delivery monitoring, supply
distribution coordination, and attendance tracking, all developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
PHP, and MySQL to ensure scalability, real-time updates, and secure authentication. By offering
a centralized digital platform akin to a shared to-do list, our project seeks to enhance teamwork,
promote smoother operations, and ultimately improve the efficiency and reliability of
pharmaceutical supply chain processes.


1. Project Initiation:
o Set up project management tools for collaboration and tracking.
2. Requirement Gathering:
o Conduct detailed discussions with employees to understand their needs and
o Document functional and non-functional requirements.
o Prioritize requirements based on their criticality and impact.
3. Webapplication Design:
o Create a high-level architectural design of the web application.
o Determine the database schema and data model for task management and
attendance tracking.
o User interface design using wireframes or mockups.
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4. Technology Selection:
o Choose appropriate technologies based on project requirements.
o Confirm the use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for front-end development.
o Select MySQL or any suitable database for data storage and retrieval.
o Explore frameworks and libraries for enhancing development efficiency.
5. Development:
o Implement frontend components using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for a
responsive and intuitive user interface.
o Develop backend functionalities for task management, attendance tracking, order
booking, and supply distribution.
o Ensure real-time updates and secure authentication mechanisms are implemented.
o Adopt an iterative development approach, breaking tasks into smaller sprints for
incremental progress.
6. Testing:
o Perform unit testing to validate individual components.
o Conduct integration testing to ensure seamless interaction between frontend and
backend modules.
o Execute system testing to assess the overall functionality, usability, and
o Incorporate feedback from stakeholders and address any identified issues or bugs.
7. Deployment:
o Prepare deployment environments, considering factors like scalability and
o Deploy the web application on hosting servers or cloud platforms.
o Configure monitoring tools for tracking system performance and user interactions.
8. Training and Documentation:
o Provide training sessions for administrators and end-users on using the web
application effectively.
o Document user manuals, technical guides, and troubleshooting procedures for
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o Establish support channels for addressing user queries and resolving issues post-
9. Maintenance and Updates:
o Implement a regular maintenance schedule for monitoring system health and
applying necessary updates.
o Collect user feedback to identify potential enhancements or new features.
o Continuously improve the application based on evolving requirements and
technological advancements.
10. Evaluation:

 Evaluate the success of the project based on predefined metrics such as user satisfaction,
system reliability, and business impact.
 Conduct post-mortem meetings to discuss lessons learned and areas for improvement in
future projects.

Chapter 2 Overall description

2.1. Scope
Our web application encompasses the creation of a comprehensive platform facilitating real-
time task management and attendance tracking for an admin overseeing order booking, and
supply distribution to pharmacies. Employees will engage in operational tasks such as taking
orders and making deliveries, and our system will system their timely completion and
attendance. Languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and MySql will be employed to ensure
scalability, real-time updates, and secure authentication.
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2.2. Functional Requirements

1. Task Management:

 The web application must allow admins to create, assign, and manage tasks in
 Admins should be able to set task deadlines and priorities, and assign tasks to
specific employees.
 Employees must have access to their assigned tasks, including details such as task
description, deadline, and priority.
 Employees should be able to mark tasks as completed once finished.
 The system must provide notifications to admins and employees for task updates
and deadlines.

1. Attendance Tracking:
 The web application should include functionality for tracking employee
 Admins must be able to view attendance records for individual employees and
overall attendance trends.
 Employees should have the ability to record their attendance, including check-in
and check-out times.
 The system must generate reports on employee attendance for analysis and
payroll purposes.

1. Order Booking and Supply Distribution:

 Admins should be able to oversee order booking and supply distribution to
pharmacies through the platform.
 The system must provide tools for managing orders, including order creation,
tracking, and fulfillment.
 Employees involved in supply distribution must have access to relevant order
details and delivery instructions.
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 Real-time updates on order status and delivery progress should be available to

admins and employees.

1. Technology Stack:
 The web application will be developed using languages and technologies such as
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and MySql.
 HTML and CSS will be utilized for designing user interfaces and ensuring a
responsive layout.
 JavaScript will be employed for client-side interactivity and dynamic content
 MySql will serve as the database management system for storing and retrieving
data related to tasks, attendance, orders, and employee information.
 The application must ensure scalability to accommodate growing user bases and
increased data volume.
 Secure authentication mechanisms must be implemented to protect user accounts
and sensitive data.
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2.3 Use cases

Figure 3 Use case

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2.4 Activity diagram

Figure 4 Activity Diagram

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2.5 Sequence diagram

Figure 5 sequence diagram

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2.6. DFD’s

Figure 6 DFD (0)

Figure 7 DFD (1)

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2.7 ERD’s and Mapping

Figure 8 EDR
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2.8 Schema diagram

Figure 9 Schema diagram

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2.9 Non-Functional requirements

1. Performance: When we talk about performance, we mean how fast and efficient the app
works, especially when many people are using it at once. It should handle tasks quickly
and smoothly, without any noticeable delays or glitches. To achieve this, the app needs to
be optimized to process user interactions and transactions efficiently. This involves using
techniques like caching frequently accessed data, optimizing database queries, and using
efficient algorithms. During peak times when many users are active, the app should
maintain its responsiveness and ensure minimal downtime.
2. Scalability: Scalability refers to the app's ability to grow along with the increasing
demand for its services. As more users join and more data is generated, the app should be
able to handle the increased workload without sacrificing performance. This involves
designing the app with scalability in mind from the beginning, using techniques like
horizontal scaling (adding more servers) or vertical scaling (upgrading existing servers).
The app should also be able to adapt to changing business needs without hitting
architectural limitations that could hinder its ability to scale.
3. Reliability: A reliable app is one that users can count on to be available whenever they
need it. This means minimizing service interruptions and ensuring high uptime. To
achieve reliability, the app should be built with fault tolerance and redundancy in mind.
This could involve deploying the app across multiple servers or data centers so that if one
fails, the others can continue running without disruption. Additionally, proactive
monitoring and automated failover mechanisms can help detect and mitigate potential
issues before they affect users.
4. Security: Security is crucial for protecting sensitive information and preventing
unauthorized access or data breaches. The app should implement robust security
measures such as encryption to protect data both in transit and at rest. Authentication and
authorization mechanisms should be in place to ensure that only authorized users can
access certain features or data. Access controls should be enforced to limit privileges and
prevent unauthorized actions. Regular security audits and updates are essential to stay
ahead of emerging threats and vulnerabilities.
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5. Usability: Usability refers to how easy and intuitive the app is for users to navigate and
interact with. A user-friendly interface with clear menus, a consistent layout, and helpful
feedback can enhance usability. Accessibility features should be incorporated to
accommodate users with different levels of technological proficiency, ensuring that
everyone can use the app comfortably. This might include features like resizable text,
keyboard navigation, and compatibility with screen readers for visually impaired users.
6. Accessibility: Accessibility ensures that the app is usable by all individuals, including
those with disabilities. This involves adhering to accessibility standards such as the Web
Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), which provide guidelines for making web
content more accessible. The app should be designed and developed with accessibility in
mind, considering factors like keyboard navigation, alternative text for images, and color
contrast for readability. Testing with assistive technologies and incorporating feedback
from users with disabilities can help identify and address accessibility barriers.
7. Maintainability: Maintainability refers to how easy it is to keep the app running
smoothly over time. This involves having a well-organized codebase with clear
documentation that makes it easy for developers to understand and update. Modular
architecture allows for changes to be made to specific components without affecting the
entire system. Version control practices ensure that changes are tracked and managed
effectively, facilitating collaboration among developers and enabling rollback to previous
versions if needed. Automated testing and deployment pipelines can streamline the
process of deploying updates while minimizing the risk of introducing bugs.
8. Data Integrity: Data integrity ensures that the information stored in the app remains
accurate and reliable. This involves implementing validation checks and error-handling
mechanisms to prevent data corruption or loss. Data validation rules should be enforced
to ensure that only valid data is accepted and processed. Regular backups and disaster
recovery plans help mitigate the risk of data loss due to hardware failures or other
unforeseen events. Additionally, audit trails and logging mechanisms can be used to track
changes to data and detect any suspicious activity that may indicate a security breach.
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2.10. Overall constraints

1. Resource Constraints: Limited availability of human resources, budgetary constraints,

and time limitations impose restrictions on the scope, scale, and pace of the project
2. Technological Constraints: The project must adhere to technological limitations,
including compatibility with existing infrastructure, software dependencies, and hardware
3. Regulatory Constraints: Compliance with regulatory frameworks, industry standards,
and legal requirements, such as data privacy regulations and healthcare laws, constrains
the design, development, and deployment of the webapplication.
4. Organizational Constraints: Organizational policies, hierarchies, and cultural factors
may influence decision-making, stakeholder engagement, and project execution,
impacting the project's timeline, scope, and outcomes.
5. External Dependencies: Dependencies on external stakeholders, vendors, or third-party
systems introduce risks and dependencies that may affect project timelines, deliverables,
and outcomes.
6. Geographical Constraints: Geographic dispersion of stakeholders, users, or
infrastructure may pose challenges in communication, coordination, and logistics,
affecting project planning and execution.
7. User Constraints: Variability in user preferences, technical expertise, and adoption
readiness may influence user acceptance, training requirements, and webapplication
usability, requiring tailored strategies for user engagement and support.
8. Risk Constraints: Identified risks, uncertainties, and unforeseen events may impact
project timelines, budgets, and deliverables, necessitating risk management strategies,
and contingency plans to mitigate adverse impacts.
9. Quality Constraints: Quality standards, performance metrics, and user expectations set
constraints on the project's deliverables, requiring adherence to quality assurance
processes and continuous improvement efforts.
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10. Ethical Constraints: Ethical considerations, including data privacy, security, and
fairness, impose constraints on webapplication design, development, and usage, requiring
ethical guidelines and safeguards to protect stakeholders' rights and interests.
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Chapter 3 Webapplication Features and


3.1 Hardware Requirements

The hardware requirements for the Al Khair Services Management system are essential to ensure
seamless operation and performance. The system demands reliable hardware components
capable of supporting its functionalities effectively. The following hardware specifications are
recommended for optimal performance:

 Central Processing Unit (CPU): A multi-core processor with sufficient processing

power to handle concurrent tasks efficiently. A minimum of Intel Core i5 or equivalent
processor is recommended.
 Random Access Memory (RAM): An adequate amount of RAM is crucial for smooth
operation. A minimum of 8 GB RAM is recommended to ensure responsiveness and
handle data-intensive operations effectively.
 Storage: Sufficient storage space is required to accommodate the system software,
database, and associated files. A minimum of 256 GB solid-state drive (SSD) or
equivalent storage capacity is recommended for optimal performance.
 Network Interface: A stable network connection is essential for accessing the web-
based platform. Wired Ethernet or Wi-Fi connectivity options should be available for
seamless communication.
 Display Monitor: A high-resolution display monitor is recommended to ensure clarity
and ease of use for system users. A minimum screen resolution of 1920x1080 pixels is
recommended for optimal viewing experience.

3.2 Software Requirements

The software requirements for the Al Khair Services Management System encompass the
necessary software components to support its functionalities effectively. The System relies on a
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robust software infrastructure to ensure reliability, security, and compatibility. The following
software specifications are recommended for optimal performance:

 Operating system: The system is compatible with modern operating systems such as
Windows 10, macOS, or Linux distributions (e.g., Ubuntu). The operating system should
be regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest software components.
 Web Browser: A modern web browser with support for HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript
is required to access the web-based platform. Recommended web browsers include
Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Safari.
 Database Management System (DBMS): A reliable DBMS is essential for managing
the system’s database efficiently. PostgreSQL or MySQL are recommended DBMS
options due to their reliability, scalability, and open-source nature.
 Web Server: A web server is required to host the web-based platform and facilitate user
access. Apache HTTP Server or Nginx are recommended web server options known for
their stability, security, and performance.
 Development Tools: Development tools such as Integrated Development Environments
(IDEs), text editors, and version control systems are necessary for software development
and maintenance. Commonly used tools include Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, Git,
and GitHub.

3.3 System Requirements

The system requirements for the Al Khair Services Management system encompass both
hardware and software components necessary for its successful implementation and operation.
The following system requirements outline the collective specifications required to support the
system effectively:

 Compatibility: The system should be compatible with modern hardware and software
components to ensure seamless integration and operation.
 Scalability: The system should be scalable to accommodate future growth and evolving
requirements. Scalability ensures that the system can adapt to increasing user demands
and data volumes without significant performance degradation.
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 Reliability: The system should demonstrate high reliability to minimize downtime and
ensure uninterrupted service delivery. Robust hardware components, redundant system,
and proactive maintenance practices contribute to system reliability.
 Security: The system should prioritize security to safeguard sensitive data and prevent
unauthorized access or breaches. Implementation of encryption protocols, access control
mechanisms, and regular security audits are essential to maintain system security.
 Performance: The system should exhibit optimal performance to meet user expectations
and deliver timely responses. Performance optimization techniques, such as caching,
query optimization, and resource management, are employed to enhance system
 Accessibility: The system should be accessible to authorized users from various locations
and devices. Compatibility with different web browsers and devices ensures that users
can access the system seamlessly, promoting user adoption and satisfaction.

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