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Technology & Innovation Mangement Presentation Topics

Generative AI
Web 3 & Metaverse
Application of AI in Marketing
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare’s ‘Swasth Bharat’
Digital India
Application of AI in HR
Application of AI in Finance
Application of AI in Manufacturing
Health care Innovation in India
Quantum Computing
AI for agriculture: How Indian farmers are harvesting innovation
Responsible Innovation
Upskilling & Reskilling the workforce
Diversity & Inclusion in Innovation
Sustainable Technologies
Data- driven innovation
Radical Innovation examples in India
India: The golden bird of frugal innovation
Internet of things
mHealth and wearable health technologies
Analytics & Predictive Technologies
Block Chain Technology
Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023
Financial Innoations- Crowdfunding
Entrpreneurship & Innovation
Design Thinking & Human centred designs
Open Innovation
Disruptive Innovations
The need for a culture of innovation
Agile innovation
Digital Literacy
Cleantech & Sustainability
India's creative economy
Fostering Creativity: The Next Step in India's Education System
Platform Challenges to Creative Industries in India
Rote Learning and the Destruction of Creativity
Role of Creativity and Technological Innovation in Achieving Entrepreneurial Success

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