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Named rule of EB8000 version
For example: V2.0.0
The first digit : The project which created or opened by the version is not compatible with old version.
The second digit : Adding New feature or new driver
The third digit : Fixed bugs

Version 3.4.5 2010/4/28

[New Features EB8000]
1. After changing the PLC type in Device Properties in System Parameter Settings, the
objects will be used the same device type automatically.
2. Enable “Automatically using current settings to download after compiling” in Download
function, project will be automatic downloaded to HMI according to the latest downloading
IP address after clicking save and download button.

1. [System tag LB11960~11967]
The LB11960~11967 is able to disable PLC NO RESPONSE message when system is
received interference.
2. When one of PLCs is no communication, it will not lead to the object which using station
variable (var r0~var9) can not communicate.
3. [Macro]
z Fixed when using the same variable with GetData or SetData, a incorrect result may
For example:
GetData(a, “PLC”, X, 0, 1)
HIBYTE(a, b)
Î Variable b can not get the correct result
z The sub function can send the parameter of variable correctly in Macro.
For example:
sub int func(char a, short b, short c), => char a is able to send correctly.
z Select case is able to use case-case as below,
select case a
case 1
case 2
b = 20
case 3
case 4
b = 30
case else
b = 50
end select

INPORT(data[0], “Free Protocol”, 10, return_value)

When time out, return_value and data in INPORT will record the actual byte values and
storage the reading values.
4. [Find/Replace function]
When double click on a selection to find the object, if the object is located over window
255; EB8000 will display the correct window no.
5. [Backup]
Fixed unplug the USB stick during backup; the backup function can not be executed next
6. [XY Plot]
Select “Point” in Maker in XY Plot will display correctly.
7. [Direct Window]
When select trigger mode “OFF” in Direct window property, direct window will not display
after changing full screen window
8. [Trend Display]
Fixed Trend Display object has abnormal display when using Clear function in data log and
Hold function in trend display simultaneously.

[New Features Driver]

1. [MITSUBISHI AJ 71 (Format 4)]

MITSUBISHI AJ 71 (Format 4) driver is available
2. [MODBUS RTU (0x/1x Range Adjustable)]
The MODBUS RTU (0x/1x Range Adjustable) driver is available. This driver is
able to set address range of 0x/1x for those devices which are not response 16 bit
in 0x and 1x.
[Corrections-EB8000 Driver]
Add FL and DT device type in PANASONIC FP.
2. [GE Fanuc 90-30]
The bit device types address ranges are support to read over 255.
3. [LS GLOFA Cnet]
Extend address range to 0~63 for IX and QX device type.

Version 3.4.4 2010/4/7

1. The variable with char format is able to precise calculation in Macro.
2. Macro is able to precise calculation for floating point.
3. In Master-Slave mode, Slave HMI is able to resume communication after Master HMI is
reconnected with PLC.
4. Fixed the project can not correctly decompile when using some non-ASCII characters in
the comment in Macro.
5. The Label Library and Event Log are able to import and export files with Office 2007

[Corrections-EB8000 Driver]
1. [YASKAWA SMC 3010(Ethernet)]
Add device type “D_array”, “R_array” and D_arr_bit in YASKAWA SMC 3010(Ethernet)
2. [YASKAWA SMC 3010]
Add device type “D_array”, “R_array” and D_arr_bit in YASKAWA SMC 3010 driver.

Version 3.4.3 2010/3/30

6. The SetData syntax is able to send more than 256 words in Macro.
7. The Math function is able to make precise calculation over 20000000 of value in Macro.
8. The Memory Map protocol is able to process Master and Slave mode simultaneously.
9. The hardcopy function in PLC control object can be used with Remote Printer/Backup
10. The Data Transfer function is able to send data to Remote HMI.
11. Fixed when using S7-300 MPI driver, the CP343 Ethernet module is not able to use
12. Fixed the Chinese note which follow // in Macro may cause incorrect phenomenon.
13. Add checksum in MITSUBISHI FX3U driver.
14. The Easyconverter tool can converter more than 99999 of value correctly.

[New Features-EB8000]
1. [MACRO]
Add select command
2. [COM]
Support 1200 and 2400 baud rates

[Corrections-EB8000 Driver]
1. [OMRON_CJ1]
EM register is able to be read in OMRON CJ1 driver
2. [HITACHI H Series]
Y register is able to read/write in HITACHI H Series driver

Version 3.4.2 2010/3/18

1. Fixed MACRO abnormal stop.
2. Fixed data transfer object caused the HMI black screen.
3. Fixed hardcopy function can not work in PLC Control.
4. Fixed the circle in shape library can not display completely.

[New Features Driver]

1. Panasonic FP2 (Ethernet)

Version 3.4.1 2010/3/4

[New Features-EB8000]
3. The [select-case] syntax is available in Macro;
select case a
case 1
b = 10
case 2
b = 20
case else
b = 50
end select

Start with the [select case] symbol followed by a variable which is used for case selection
and end with the [end select] symbol.

select case [variable]

[Condition 1]
[Condition 2]
[Condition n]
case else
…. // When all conditions are not matched, macro will execute this line

end select

The [Condition] is start with [case] symbol followed by a constant and end with case;

case [constant]

When [variable] = [constant], to execute [statement]. Otherwise, when [variable]≠ all

[constants], to execute [statement] followed by [case else].

From above example, when a=1, b=10; when a=2, b=20; when a≠1 and ≠2, b=50

4. The array is able to use with mathematical functions such as HIIBYTE, LOBYTE,
For example:

for i = 0 to 10

HIBYTE(a[i], b[i])


15. The INPORT syntax in Macro is able to execute correctly when reconnecting device.
16. In some cases, HMI is not normal when device is disconnection.
17. SIEMENS S7/300 MPI driver is able to apply in Master-Slave driver.
[Corrections-EB8000 Driver]
Add Z register in the Mitsubishi FX3U driver.
MITSUBISHI FX3U is able to communication with X series HMI.
2. SCHLEICHER XCS 20C driver
Re-arrange the order of registers in SCHLEICHER XCS 20C driver.
3. OMRON CJ1 Ethernet driver
OMRON CJ1 Ethernet driver is able to connect more than two HMIs simultaneously.
DD and DF registers are able to read/write correctly.
5. Panasonic FP (Ethernet)
Fixed HMI can not communicate with Panasonic FP-X / AFPX-COM5
6. MITSUBISHI AJ71 driver
correct protocol for A CPU.

Version 3.4.0 2010/2/10

[New Features-EB8000]
1. Add PURGE command in MACRO to clear the input and output buffers associated with the COM

2. Add system tag-LW9576, for count received data from MODBUS TCP/IP Server

3. MODBUS Server is able to use [Turn around delay]

4. [Label Tag Library]

Provides an automatic sorting feature in Label Tag Library.

5. Users are able to apply Language more flexible in Label Tag Library.
For example,
When Language no. is less than 8, the state no. is able to select more than 32 states. (In EB8000,
the maximum of states is 256 for Languages, so if you use 4 Languages, each language is able
to use 64 states. 256 states / 4 language = 64 states for each language.)

6. The Label selection in the object’s property are able to use bitmap font for display Persian and
improve the small size font or display the fonts which are not supported in HMI in previous
EB8000 version.

7. [Alarm (Event) Log]

Provides dialogue for “Copy”,”Paste”,”Insert from copy”,”Delete” and ”Settings” features in Alarm
(Event) Log table and sorting function when click “No.”,”Category”,”Text”,
“Mode”,”Condition”,”Read address”,”Notification address” and “Buzzer”.

8. The System tag is able to use “Multi-copy” function for consecutive addresses setting.
9. Trend Display object is able for users to select the channels which users would like to
10. Add “Project password (MTP file)” in [System Setting] for users to set password (as 10-1)and next
time when opening project; users have to type in password for editing the project(as 10-2).

Before opening project, a pop-up window will ask password for accessing the project.


11. A [Web Bar] in [View] menu which is able to browse Weintek website for easy to check Weintek
product or information on line.
12. Provide two way for triggering [Indirect Window] object. 1. [Trigger:ON] or 2.[Trigger: OFF]

13. Add [Mask] function for ASCII Input object and ASCII Display object.

14. EB8000 supports different DPI(Dot Per Inch) display size.

15. [LB9190] system tag

The register can be used to reconnect to USB PLC automatically.
ON indicates the HMI is trying to reconnect to USB PLC.
16. [LB9191] system tag
The register can be used to indicate the states of communication with USB PLC.
ON indicates the communication is normal while OFF indicates the communication is
disconnected from USB PLC; at this time set the state to ON, the MT8000 will try to connect to
USB PLC again.
17. [LB9192] system tag
The register can be used to disable “PLC NO RESPONSE” message when disconnecting to USB

18. When using [multi-state switch] and the state no. is more than 15, after re-enter the properties
setting of object two times, the state no. is not able to retain.
19. When AUX is selected in EB500, eob file can not transfer to EB8000 correctly.
20. When using [data sampling] object with string format, history data display object / data format tab
is unable to change character no..
21. After decompile xob file included [data transfer time-based] object, [active only when designed
window opened] in data transfer time-based object is designated on [window 1].
22. The setting on [system parameter settings / extended memory] is unable to retain.
23. If numeric input object does not select [use popup keypad], after decompiling this xob file, [use
popup keypad] is selected automatically.
24. When using [screen saver] and [backlight saver] simultaneously, [screen saver] is unavailable.
25. When HMI gets the wrong PLC response, the system tag to be connected with PLC
communication states (such as LB9200) will be set to OFF.
26. Improving the for-loop in the Macro performance.
27. When MACRO executes complex mathematics or logical judgment, the result is incorrect.
28. In the MACRO, when users use DELAY (0), MACRO is unable to execute.
29. In the Option List object, when running off-line simulation, a black on the end of object list will
display on the screen but in the designed software can not visible.
30. X and i series are able to use HP Color LaserJet CP1518ni printer.
31. When changing window and did not close [Direct Window], the object which overlay under [Direct
Window] will be triggered if users click object in [Direct Window].
32. When HMI as a MOBDUS Server and accepting more than 8 bytes of data, LW9570 [received data
count (bytes)] can not read the data correctly.
33. Fixed after changing IP address in the run time, the macro which has to read/write PLC address is
not able to execute.
34. The Trend display / History mode is able to display all day data on the screen.
35. Fixed when using float format in macro, the data is not able to read/write correctly.
For example,
float a[50]
GetData(a[0], "MITSUBISHI FX2n", D, 0, 50)
SetData(a[0], "SIEMENS S7/200", VD, 0,50)
36. Fixed when using address variable in SetData and GetData in Macro, the data is not able
to read/write correctly. If using older version of EB8000 the system will get DBn 10044
data not DBn10022.
short addr = 10022
GetData(a, "SIEMENS S7/300 MPI ", DBn, addr, 1)
37. LB9016 system tag
When all remote HMI disconnected to Master HMI, the LB9016 will be turn OFF; if one of
remote HMI disconnected the LB9016 will not turn OFF.
38. SIEMENS S7/300 MPI driver is able to use Master-Slave driver.
39. LB9068~LB9075 system tag
LB9068~LB9075 will auto. ON when HMI power on for reconnecting remote HMI.
40. The sub function is able to be called multiple times in Macro. The below example, test ()
can be called multiple times.
sub short test(short a)
return a
end sub

macro_command main()
short a = 0

a = test(a)
SetData(a, "Local HMI", LW, 0, 1)

a = test(a)
SetData(a, "Local HMI", LW, 1, 1)

end macro_command

[New Features Driver]

1. Schleicher XCX 300 driver is available.
2. Schleicher XCS 20C driver is available
3. LS GLOFA GM3467 (LOADER) driver is available
4. LS XGL-EFMT FEnet (Ethernet) driver is available
5. LS XGT/XGK CPU DIRECT driver is available
6. LS XGL-CH2A Cnet driver is available
7. Cimon CM1-CP4A/ECO1A driver is available
8. Cimon CM1-SC02A driver is available
9. Danfoss FC Series is available.
10. Kernel Sistemi is available.
11. Parker SLVD Series is available.
12. HITACHI EHV Series (Ethernet) is available.
13. MITSUBISHI Q01U/Q02U (USB) is available.
Note: this driver is not able to use on-line simulation.

[Corrections-EB8000 Driver]
3. [OMRON CJ1/CS1]
The C, C_Bit and C_flag registers can not read/write correctly in OMRON CJ1/CS1 PLC
i series is not able to communicate with MITSUBISHI Q02H/Q06H
HMI is able to communicate multi-MITSUBISHI MELSEC-Q (Ethernet) PLCs
L-bit register can not be used alone without L register in Panasonic FP driver.
BARCODE (i Series) driver supports all major types of barcode.
Fixed MITSUBISHI FX3U driver address of M3100 or higher are not able to read/write correctly.
9. [Allen-Brandley DF1 / Allen-Brandley DF1 (Ethernet)]
Add L register in Allen-Brandley DF1 and Allen-Brandley DF1 (Ethernet) PLC.
10. [Memory Link Server (Extend Mode - Binary)]
When write address is interrupted address, system will send interrupt command.
(The original driver will send command when write address is different from the latest address,
otherwise the system will not send command.)
11. Fixed PANASONIC MINAS A4 driver can not read/write address of Parameter.
12. The registers, I, Q, M, DA, SB, are able to read/write correctly in SC GE Fanuc 90-30 driver.
13. X, Y registers can read/write correctly over 100 addresses in MITSUBISHI FX232/485BD.
14. Correct MODBUS Server driver according to MODBUS protocol.
a. When receiving read command of function code 0x01 and 0x02, points that can be read each
time is not able to exceed 2000(0x7d0) points.
b. When receiving read command of function code 0x03 and 0x04, the data can be read each
time should not exceed 125 (0x7d) words
c. When receiving write command of function code 0x10, the data can be changed each time
can not exceed 120(0x7b) words
d. When receiving write command of function code 0xf, the data can be changed each time can
not exceed 1968(0x7b0) points.
e. The content of sub function of function code)0x8 has to be 0, otherwise server won’t receive
the request.
f. If the server receives the request, but detects the content is not match Modbus protocol,
server will response an error code 0x01.
g. When the amount of data read/write beyond a~d as defined in the size, server will response
an error code 0x02.
h. When command is not supported, server wills response an error code 0x10.

Version 3.3.2 2009/11/10

[New Features-EB8000]
1. Add a new tag : LB9062
disable(set ON)/enable(set OFF) popuping information dialog while finding an USB disk (i
series support only)

1. Fix a decompiler error
PLC’s UDP box is checked incorrectly
2. Enhance screen redraw speed

[Corrections-EB8000 Driver]
1. Change address formats of WX, WY, WM in FATEK driver
2. Mitsubishi FX2n D(bit) driver
After translating EB500 project to EB8000, the Mitsubishi FX2n D(bit) driver
will auto. selected Mitsubishi FX2n driver.
[New Features Driver]
3. Intelligent Servo

Version 3.3.1 2009/10/28

[New Features-EB8000]
1. Add “Name Query” function in Project Manager, this function is using HMI name to
download project to HMI. Please refer to below link for further information.

1. Fixed the problem when select font style in [Scale label] in Meter Display object, the font
style setting is not retentive.
2. Fixed the problem when enable [System tag] of objects, after decompiling the xob file, the
[System tag] is unchecked.
3. Fixed the pop window can not display on (0,0) when Start position is setting (0,0) on the
window settings page.

4. Fixed when using [Window Title] and [Close Window] functions simultaneously, the
system will crash.
5. Fixed Host Link driver.
6. Fixed when click group objects, and select one of objects, if click [Settings..] EB8000 will

Version 3.3.0 2009/10/22

1. Fixed problem that system did not work when using [Time ascending] in Alarm Bar.

2. Fixed problem when using label library in Text object, if select [Blink] in the attribute, only half of
text can be blinked.
3. Fixed problem the system will crash if USB disk is not plug in HMI and EM addresses are used.
Fixed problem that system did not work if using LB9061 for updating password,.

4. Fixed problem that libraries can not be compressed in CMP file if picture or shape library are not in
the library directory.
5. Fixed problem that libraries can not be compressed in CMP file if picture or shape library
are not in the library directory.
6. Fixed the pie picture is not able to used in shape library.
7. Cancel the [Scan Time] and [Delay time when power on] options in Alarm(Event)Log for
improving the performance of event log.

[New Features-EB8000]
1. After compiling the project if there is an error message in the compiling window, users can
double click the error message to modify the attributes of relative objects.

2. [Back Up Object]
Users are able to open historical file with Excel without EasyConverter tool when back up
history data to CSV format.

3. [LB11960~11999 disable PLC No Response dialog.]

If LB11960~11999 is used, HMI will not display [PLC No Response] when PLC is

4. [LB-9062 open system setting dialog.]

Set LB-9062 ON, the system setting dialog will pop-up on the HMI screen.
5. [LW-9530~9537 VNC server password]
LW-9530~9537 (8 words): Set the VNC server password for users to log in VNC server.

6. [LW-9570, 9572, 9574 received data count]

When HMI set as MODBUS server, received data counter from COM port.

7. [PLC Control Object]

Add backlight control function in PLC control object.

8. [Data Transfer (time based) Object]

Data Transfer (time based) object is able to transfer multiple bit addresses to PLC which
supported MODBUS RTU Protocol. (Use 0x_multi_coils device type and 0xf code)

9. Add [Hide button when HMI starts] in Fast selection button.

If [Hide button when HMI starts] is selected, when HMI starts, the fast selection button will
be hided and user is able to set OFF to LB9015 for show the Fast selection window.

10. The System Parameter Settings dialog is able to set [System setting] as below list.
z Setting the language to display on HMI after redownloading project to HMI
z Execute initial MACRO when power on HMI
z Setting the logout time when use does not operate the HMI for longer than the
setting time, the system will automatically logout.
z Hide mouse cursor and system setting bar
z Enable/Disable VNC server and setting password for VNC server
z For users set the LW protection range to forbid changing the values from COM port
or Ethernet
z For users set the RW protection range to forbid changing the values from COM port
or Ethernet

11. [Add All Non-ascii fonts] in the [Font] / [System Parameter Settings]
For users set the line space when using over two lines in the object.
12. Add upload function for data log, event log and EM in the Project Manager. Data log and
event log are able to upload as CSV format and users can open CSV file with Excel

13. This function is able to set the order of display items and display chars for each item and
follows the [Display order] to display in the HMI screen.
This function is applicable for [Event Display], [Alarm Display] and [Alarm Bar].

14. Event Log object supports Multi-watch function: user can use the syntax to embed up to 4
PLC data in the content of an event log.
15. Add [Scale label] in Meter Display object

16. Add [user-defined radius] in Meter Display object, so that user can adjust the value of
radius for displaying

17. Users can translate project from MT510T Portrait mode to MT8100i/6100i Portrait mode
18. Support PNG file format. The PNG file format is able to display transparentcy.

19. Add three font styles, “Weintek MT500 8p”, “Weintek MT500 16p”, “Weintek MT500 24p”,
for compatible MT500 project.

20. When translating MT500 project to MT8000, user can check [Use MT500 ASCII font files],
so that displaying result of ASCII character may exactly same as MT500

21. When using Function Key object / [Display popup window] mode, user can select style of
“no title bar” or “with title bar”.
22. Add [Transparent] in JPG file format

23. When user opens the project which was built with older EB8000, EB8000 will auto. backup
the project and create a bak in the file name for older project.
For example:
The original file name is xxyyxx.mtp, and backup file name will be xxyyxx_bak.mtp.
24. Add scale in shape library
25. The LW10050~LW10209 are renamed to ”IPx of the HMI connecting remote PLCx”. This is
used to display the HMI IP address which is connected a remote PLC and using Ethernet

Add LW10300~LW10459 to display remote PLC’s IP address when remote PLC is using
Ethernet interface.
Note: Above settings are available after HMI is restarted.

[Corrections EB8000 Driver]

1. Fixed problem that SEW can not read/write negative value.
2. Fixed the TC register can not write correct with OMRON Host Link protocol.
3. Fixed Han Young Series driver.
4. Improved SIEMENS S7/300 MPI communication performance.
5. SIEMENS S7/200 is able to use MB, VB, VW_Odd and VD_Odd registers.
6. Add S, SM and D_Bit device types in Mitsubishi FX3u driver.
7. Mitsubishi FX2N driver supports to set baud rate to 19200.
8. Fixed Mitsubishi Q00J driver communicate problem.
10. Add HR(Force Set/Reset), IR(Force Set/Reset) and LR(Force Set/Reset) device types in
OMRON C/CQM1 Series driver.

[New Features Driver]

1. YAMAHA ERCD driver
2. LingYan BMS driver
3. F930GOT Server
4. Master as Computer Server
5. LS MASTER-K10S1 driver
6. TECO Inverter driver
7. HUST driver
8. Altus ALNET-I driver
9. Mitsubishi A1S driver
10. TAIAN TP02 Series driver

Version 3.2.1 2009/8/27

[Corrections EB8000]
1. Fixed problem when using EM address and save data in USB disk or CF card, if USB
disk or CF card does not plug in HMI, HMI will crash.
2. Fixed problem when using label library in Text object, if select [Blink] in the Text, only half
of text can be blinked.
3. Fixed problem when objects linked to label library, font size will be limited to 16 size.
4. Fixed computer as master server does not work correctly.
5. Fixed problem when updating password with LB9061, gui will crash.
6. Fixed problem when using alarm bar and selecting time [Time ascending] to display the
records, the HMI will crash.
[New Features EB8000]
1. SIEMENS S7/300 MPI driver is able to select different PLC and HMI station no.
2. USing LB11960~LB11999 to disable PLC NO RESPONSE message function.
For example, if LB11960 set ON, HMI will not display [PLC NO RESPONSE] message
when PLC is disconnected.
LB 11960 COM 1
LB 11961 COM 2
LB 11962 COM 3
LB 11963 Ethernet 1 and so on.

[Corrections EB8000 Driver]

1. Fixed the TC register can not write correct with OMRON Host Link protocol.
2. Fixed the communication problem between MT6050/6056i and HITACHI PLC

[New Features Driver]

1. F930GOT Server is available.
2. YAMAHA ERCD driver is available.
3. LingYan BMS driver is available.

Version 3.2.0 2009/7/21

1. Speed up page response time.
2. When using Label Library in the objects of [Animation], [Moving Shape], [Word Lamp],
[Multi-state] and [Option List], the maximum of [No. of state] is up to 32 states.
3. Fixed the problem of i series HMI can not save the values of EM0~EM9 to SD card.
4. Fixed when using Historical data display object on HMI, if user does not select storage of
history file in Alarm Event Log which will cause the HMI crash.
5. Fixed when synchronizing the RTC frequently, it could decrease system performance.
6. Fixed when use variable as address in Macro, it can not use with station no. variable
(Var0~Var15), for example
7. SetData(5, “MODBUS RTU”, 4x, var1#addr, 1)
8. var1: Station no. variable
9. addr: variable, for assign specific address
10. Fixed EM(Extended Memory) device type can not save to SD card or USB disk correctly in
MT8000 X series.
11. In [Option List Object]/[Mapping]/[Value] is able to use negative digits.

[New Features_EB8000]
1. Project protection function:
User’s project can be restrained and executed on specific HMI (only for i series HMI).
Project key can be set at EB8000’s system parameter setting. Please refer to the picture

Users can use LW9046~LW9047 (32-bit) to set the [HMI key]. The value is unable to be
read or written into this two word registers even by remote HMI. While using this function,
the user can set the password (project key’s password range: 0~4294901750), and the
XOB file can only be executed on specific HMI whose [HMI Key] must be the same as
[Project key]. If the [Project Key] is different from the [HMI key], the system will turn ON
LB9046. HMI needs to be rebooted while setting [HMI key] every time.

2. MT8000X series is able to use Data Transfer to change system time.

3. Users is able to use LW9134 in Macro for changing languages.
4. Add new functions: SYNC_TRIG_MACRO and ASYNC_TRIG_MACRO
[SYNC_TRIG_MACRO() function]:
Trigger the execution of a macro asynchronously (use macro_id to designate this macro) in
a running macro. The current macro will pause until the end of execution of this called
[ASYNC_TRIG_MACRO() function]:
The current macro will continue executing the next instructions after triggering the
designated macro; in other words, the two macros will be active simultaneously.
5. Add [Transparent] in [Bar Graph]: Allow displaying Bar Graph without frame.
6. Add [RW protection] in system parameter/Security. For users set the RW protection range
to forbid changing the values from Remote-HMI.

When [Disable RW remote-write] is checked and set the protected range in [RW range],
user can not modify the values of protected RW via Remote-HMI.

7. In [System Parameters]/[General]/[Event] is able to enable LW9450~9455 for Event Log’s

time tag.
LW9450: Time tag of event log – second
LW9451: Time tag of event log – minute
LW9452: Time tag of event log – hour
LW9453: Time tag of event log – day
LW9454: Time tag of event log – month
LW9455: Time tag of event log – year
8. Add [Window Bar] function in [Function Key Object].
9. Shape Library and Picture Library are able to save in any directory.
10. After clicking [Download] icon, the [Font files] is able to uncheck for saving downloading
11. After clicking [Compile] icon, if the content of label did not modify, the [Build font files] is
able to uncheck for saving compiling time.

12. In [System Parameters]/[Device]/[Settings..] is able to check [Use UDP] (User Datagram

Protocol) for Ethernet interface drivers.

13. Numeric Input and ASCII Input objects support [Bit control] mode, no need to touch
objects, using [Allow input bit address] for enters input state when turning ON the
designated bit register, and ends input state when turning OFF.
14. Add [System Pipe] in Shape Library.

15. Add [Grayed label when disables] in Security of Objects, when using [Interlock] and
objects are disable, to display gray color of text on the objects. This function is available for
[Set Bit], [Toggle Switch], [Set Word], [Multi-state], [Function Key], [Option List], [Function
Key], [Backup] and [Trigger-Based Data Transfer].
16. Add LB11900~LB11906: PLC10~PLC16 (Ethernet), set ON to retry connection.
17. LB9460~LB9469 show the state of storage device for Extended Memory.
When bit ON, SD card does not exist.
18. LB9470~LB9479 show the state of storage device for Extended Memory.
When bit ON, USB1 disk does not exist.
19. LB9480~LB9489 show the state of storage device for Extended Memory.
When bit ON, USB2 disk does not exist.
20. When Users log out, B9050 Set ON, the password will auto. set to 0 to the LW9220~9221.
21. In Event Log, the message content is able to input over three lines for displaying more
messages in the Alarm/Event display objects.
22. When MT500 project ‘s RTC source is using Local Word, after converting to MT8000, the
time tag of Event log will read from LW9450.

MT500 project

MT800 project
23. When convert MT500 project to MT8000, the LW9010~9015 (External clock source) in
MT500 will convert to LW9450~9455.
24. Support HP DJ 2560/2568 printer.
25. Add LB9047 and LB9048 for reboot HMI. When LB9048 state is ON and LB9047 state set
ON, HMI will reboot.

[Corrections-EB8000 Driver]
1. [IDEC Micro driver]:
Fixed the Data Transfer object can not send over 2 words simultaneously.
2. [SIEMENS S7/300 MPI driver]:
When HMI connect with PLC which using S7/300 MPI driver, it is able to connect others
PLC simultaneously.
3. [SIEMENS S7/300 MPI driver] : The station no. of PLC and HMI are able to set 0~255.
4. [Master-Slave driver]:
Improve communication speed.
5. [SEW Movilink driver]:
Fixed the SEW PLC can not auto. reconnection.
6. [SIEMENS S7/300 and SIEMENS S7/300 Ethernet driver]:
Fixed the problem of read/write DBnBit address.
7. [MODBUS Server driver]:
The MT8000 responses format the same as the MT500.
8. [KOYO Ethernet driver]:
Improve communication speed.

[New Features_Driver]
1. Thinget driver is available.
2. LS MASTER-K MODBUS RTU driver is available.
3. GE FANUC CMM driver is available.
4. DANFOSS ECL APEX20 driver is available.
5. Add DBnBit device type in SIEMENS S7/300 MPI driver.
6. Add WM, WX, WY device types in FATEK FB driver.

Version 3.1.1 2009/6/24

[Corrections EB8000]
1. HMI can not recovery communication with some PLCs after reconnection.

Version 3.1.0 2009/6/9

[Corrections EB8000]
1. The CUBERT function is able to execute correctly when uses a float-type variable in

[New Features EB8000]

1. [Option List Object] is able to use the dates of historical records (data logs and event logs)
as selection items in the list.
2. LW9080: backlight saver time (unit: minute). When LW9080 is 0, the function of backlight
saver is disabled.
3. LW9081: screen saver time (unit: minute). When LW9081 is 0, the function of screen saver
is disabled.
4. When LB9033 is set to 1, XOB upload function is disabled. This function is available only
for i series HMI. When change LB9033, it is necessary to restart HMI for activating the
new setting.
5. Support a new function - “Decompilation is prohibited” when compile a project.
6. Add Security/Interlock function in Bit Lamp, Word Lamp, Numeric Display and ASCII
7. Portrait mode is available for i series HMI.
8. Connect SIEMENS S7/300 directly without a MPI cable via a serial port COM1 or COM3
(use 187.5k baud rate) with SIEMENS S7/300 MPI driver. (The MT8070iH and MT8100i
which has sticker on the rear panel support this function.)

[Corrections EB8000 Driver]

1. Add MW, T, C device types in SIEMENS S7/200 driver.

Version 3.0.2 2009/5/19

[New Features EB8000]
1. The Ethernet UDP for Free Protocol is available.
2. MODBUS Server supports the Function Code 0x08 of MODBUS RTU protocol.
3. LB9045 indicate the communication status in Memory Map (When LB9045 ON, after
sending order, HMI can not get the response from external device.)
4. HMI check the storage space every 15 minutes, it could prevent the HMI freeze from
storage space insufficient.

[Corrections EB8000]
1. Set Bit and Toggle Switch objects are able to response the real press times.
2. When use Macro with Memory Map driver, it is able to run two sequent SetData syntax.
3. MODBUS TCP/IP server is able to response the command of client.
4. Label Tag library is able to export label with Excel file.
5. User is able to select the external storage, SD, USB1 and USB2 in MT8000X series.
6. V3.0.1 is able to decompile the xob file which is created in old version of EB8000.

[New Features Driver]

1. Samsung SPC-10 driver
2. GE Fanuc 90-30 driver
3. FUJI NB driver
4. Taian TP03 driver

[Corrections EB8000 Driver]

3. The address range of DT register has extended to 99999 in Panasonic FP PLC driver.
4. Add DBnBit device type in SIEMENS S7/300.

Version 3.0.1 2009/5/5

[New Features Driver]
1. GE Fanuc Series 90-30 (Ethernet)

[Corrections EB8000 Driver]

1. OMRON C/CQM1 Series auto change PLC from Run mode to Monitor mode.

Version 3.0.0 2009/4/21

[New Features EB8000]
1. Multi-State object add Value mapping function.
2. Event/Data log list can double click item to open edit dialog directly.
3. Users must click “Set…” to open Password dialog for input XOB password in Compiling
4. Option list object is available.
5. Add function of “Duplicate these attributes to [Every language], [Every state], or [All] in
Label tab.
6. “AXIOHM_A630” printer driver is available.
7. Project Manager is able to download startup screen. (i series HMI support only, O.S image
version must be 20090415 or newer.)
8. Add Hard Copy screen to USB disk. (Function Key and PLC Control object)
9. Alarm Bar/Alarm Display/Event Display object add “Transparent” for background color.
10. Add system tag LB11900~11922 for display PLC10~32 communication status.
11. When the object is disabled by interlock function, the object label will use gray color.
12. When the object is disabled by Security, the object label will use gray color.

[Corrections EB8000]
1. Copy object and paste, the duplicate object position may out of the window area.
2. When using multi-line texts, the row space can display the same between EB8000 and
3. The text’s width can display correct when setting different zoom level.
4. The HMI can’t save setting of language mode (LW9134).
5. MT500 eob file translates to MT8000 mtp file, Siemens S7-200 VW address be changed to
VD address type.
6. Create Numeric or ASCII objects, the length of the characters may out of the width of the

[New Features Driver]

1. MITSUBISHI FX3U baud rate 9600~115200 bps is available.
2. MODBUS RTU 4x_bit and 3x_bit support Notification function.
3. TAIAN TP03 driver is available.
4. The check sum function is available for HAN Young driver by setting parameter 1=1.
[Corrections EB8000 Driver]
1. MEMOBUS can display data of ML and MF correctly.
2. When SIEMENS S7-200 at Run mode, the scan time is too long to communication with

Version 2.1.2 2009/4/9

[New Features Driver]

[Corrections EB8000]
1. Update com for improve communication speed.

[Corrections EB8000 Driver]

1. Memory Map MW address range.
2. MODBUS TCP/IP (zero-based addressing) V 1.10 correct address range.
Version 2.1.1 2009/4/1
[New Features Driver]
2. KORENIX 6550
4. Memory Map

[Corrections EB8000]
1. Correct MT8000i Moving Shape ratio attribute problem.

[Corrections EB8000 Driver]

1. Parker Compax3 V1.70

Version 2.1.0 2009/2/25

[New Features EB8000]
1. Ethernet pass-through is available.
2. Macro, data log and event log’s PLC name will be changed when user change PLC name
in device table.
3. After import Tag library to a new project, if Tag’s PLC name is different with new project,
warning message will pop-up.

[New Features Driver]

1. Memory Link Extend ASCII Server

[Corrections EB8000]
1. Keyboard is able to transfer correctly when EB500 project transfer to EB8000.

[Corrections EB8000 Driver]

1. MITSUBISHI FX2n is able to read/write S address.
2. MODBUS TCP/IP is able to use 6x and 6x_bit registers.
3. MODBUS TCP/IP Zero Based is able to use 6x and 6x_bit registers.
Version 2.0.0 2009/2/2
[New Features EB8000]
4. Using different font size with 8 languages in label library is available.
5. In Trend Display/General/X axis time range/ select “Time” and then go to “Trend”/ Enable
Grid/ Time Scale is is able to display time scale on the screen.
6. In Slider object / Outline / Low High limit is able to be control by dynamic address.
7. In Bar-Graph object/Outline/Zero and Span is able to control by dynamic address.
8. Media Player (Support MT8000X Series only) is available.
At the first time of using Media Player on the MT8000X series, Users have to download
their project to the HMI via Ethernet for automatic installation of the Media Player driver.
9. The CUBERT in MACRO for “cube root” function is available.
10. High/Low byte selection in ASCII Input/ASCII Display for reversing string’s data is
11. Window copy is able to copy multi-windows and PLC control, Alarm(Evnet)log, Schedule,
Data transfer and Data sampling simultaneously.
12. In Edit/ Find/Replace is able to fine addresses which in the PLC Control, Data Log and
Event Log.
13. The window preview is able to select in window tree area.
14. The Shape, Bitmap, Label, Tag library in EB500 is able to import or converter to EB8000
15. The group object is able to adjust size by drawing the object.
16. The address format note is displayed below every data type.
17. System tag LB10070~LB10099 set ON are able to reconnect PLC4~PLC33.
18. The RW / RW_A / Evnetlog / Data log data is able to backup data to Remote printer
server through Ethernet in Backup object.

[New Features Driver]

1. Memory Link driver is available.
2. DL-BCM Server driver is available.
3. Han Young Series driver is available.

[Corrections EB8000]
1. External device is selected as the clock source, MT8000 will read the clock data from
external device after starting project to synchronize the internal clock. Once the
synchronization procedure is done, MT8000 will refer the local clock addresses.
2. MT8000 won’t misunderstand the mouse position when pressing two mouse buttons
simultaneously (with a physical mouse connected).
3. [Data-Sampling & Event-Log]
Old MT8000 won’t crash due to the incorrect clock value (from external device) because
of data logging feature of Data-Sampling and Event-Log objects.
4. [Backup]
The “P roject Not Found!" will not appeared after downloading project when Touch-trigger
BACKUP successes in MT8000X series.
4. [Numeric-Input]
The Numeric-Input (16-bit unsigned, 2 digits) is able to display 9.70.
5. [Trend-Display, Data-Display & Event-Display]
While daylight-saving time is checked on PC, the time data displayed in Trend-Display,
Data-Display & Event-Display objects will correct to display on the PC.
6. [Event-Display (History mode)]
When change the date to display records, the records are able to display.
7. In non-100% mode, the copied object size will the same as original object.

[Corrections EB8000 Driver]

1. MITSUBISHI FX2n is able to read/write S address.
2. MITSUBISHI QJ71E71 is able to read/write X address.
3. MITSUBISHI AJ71 is able to read/write address which is greater than 1023.
4. GE FANUC SNP X is able to resume communication after reconnecting.
5. SIEMENS S7/200 Ethernet is able to read/write VD address.
6. SIEMENS S7/300 and SIEMENS S7/300 Ethernet are able to write DB99, and read/write
is greater than DB100’s addresses.
7. SIEMENS S7/300 is able to use DB_String and DBDn_String.
8. Add U-Bit data type in LS XGB/XGT and expended address ranges.
9. Add U-Bit data type in LS XGB/XGT FEnet (Ethernet) and expended address ranges.
10. YOKOGAWA FA M3 is able to read/write data correctly.

Version 1.34 2008/11/6

[New Features EB8000]
1. To modify Remote PLC’s IP address (LW10050~)
2. Offering MAC information (LW9135~LW9140)
3. The LB9020 is able to show or hide system setting bar on HMI
4. Adding “GetDataEx()” and “GetError()” commands in Macro.

[New Features Driver]

1. Adding “S” “GX” “GY” “Timer” “Counter” addresses in KOYO Direct driver.
2. The BCC checksum is available for Allen Bradley DF1 driver.
3. MITSUBISHI QJ71E71 driver is available.
4. Parker ACR9000 driver is available.
5. MODBUS TCP/IP (zero-based addressing) driver is available.
6. LoXin driver is available.

[Corrections EB8000]
1. Print function can be print to PDF file.
2. Korean fonts are able to display correctly in HMI.
3. EM value is able to save in USB Disk immediately.
4. EB500 label library is able to transfer to EB8000 correctly.
5. Macro is able to use driver which driver ID greater than 256.
6. In Vista-simplified version is able to display Chinese font.
7. The DELAY() command is workable in Macro.
[Corrections EB8000 Driver]
1. Siemens S7/200 driver is no limit to connect to station no.2 only.
2. The DANFOSS driver is workable.
3. Adding “reset” and “register” addresses in COPLEY driver.
4. Parker Compax3 driver is able to support RS485 interface.
5. Speed up communicating speed of Unitelway driver.
6. Speed up communicating speed of KEYENCE KEV-1000.

Version 1.33 2008/10/17

New Features
1. Add system tag to modify Remote PLC IP address (LW10050~)
2. Add MAC information (LW9135~LW9140)
3. Add LB9020 show/hide system setting bar.

1. Correct print function can not use Acrobat pdf format.
2. Correct Korean can’t display normal at HMI.
3. EM data revised and stored on USB Disk are unable to store immediately (must wait for
40 seconds)
4. Tree bar ACK information error
5. Correct unable to translation label library of EB500 correctly.
6. Correct Macro unable to use the driver that driver Id is greater than 256.
7. Correct EB8000 can't show Chinese under Windows VISTA Simplified Chinese version.

New Drivers
1. KOYO Direct driver add S, GX, GY, Timer and Counter address type.
2. Allen-Bradley DF1 (BCC) driver.
3. MITSUBISHI QJ71E71 driver
4. Parker ACR9000 driver
5. Modbus TCP/IP (zero-based addressing) driver.

Correct Drivers
1. Correct Siemens S7-200 allow change PLC station no.
2. Modify DANFOSS driver.

New utility
1. PLC Address Viewer

Version 1.32 2008/9/22

New Features
1. Master_Slave driver is available
2. BAUMULLER driver is available
3. COMPAX3 driver is available
4. HENGYUAN SENSOR driver is available
5. SEW MOVITRAC driver is available
6. S7-300 increase DBn range to 0~255

1. Korean font can be select in Vista and display in HMI.
2. Slide object can increase the addresses when using multi. Copy.
3. When object’s width size is match the window size, the copy and paste function is
4. Using label library if create the same Label tag name on the same time, the warning
message appeared.
5. When select system parameter / Security / user, user1’s password can not remember the
settings after checked other user’s box.
6. When select system tag in Data transfer (time and trigger based), the address and no. of
word can remember the settings.
7. Numeric input address and data format can be set correctly.
8. Print icon on EB8000 can print out correctly.
9. Select an object to use copy and paste, other objects on the screen will not be selected
and pasted along with the original object.
10. The vertical or horizontal lines can be selected by dragging around it with the mouse.
11. GUI misunderstands the mouse position when pressing two mouse buttons
simultaneously is fixed.
12. In animation object, try making 1 column of 9 points with the X or Y axis coordinates, the
dots will display on the screen.
13. Some old project with data transfer function can download to HMI without error message.
14. Device has not connect with HMI the PLC no response can be appeared.
15. AB DF1 can be written in F8:16 (0x10)

Version 1.31 2008/8/1

New Features
1. LS XGB/XGT FEnet is available
2. Scheduler object is available
3. Data Transfer (time-based) / interval up to 0.5sec
4. Data Log / Sampling time interval up to 0.1sec
5. PLC Control and Data Transfer (time-based) can active only when designated window
6. Function Key / ASCII/UNICODE mode allows to use non-ascii characters
7. ASCII Display and ASCII Input objects support UNICODE mode for display non-ascii
8. SetDataEx is available in MACRO. This command keep running macro even PLC no
9. Adding station no. reserved addresses (var0~var15, LW10000~LW10015), allow user to
use var0~var15 to set the station no.
For example: var0’s value is read from LW1000, when LW10000 is 32, that means
var0#234 = 32#234 (the station number is 32)
10. Providing the EasySimulator.exe for user to use on/off line simulation with PC which has
not install EB8000
11. Trend Display to display (YY/MM/DD) is available
12. Adding system reserved addresses,
LW9041 touch status word (bit 0 on = user is touching the screen)
LW9042 touch x position
LW9043 touch y position
LW9044 leave x position
LW9045 leave y position
13. Adding system reserved addresses
LW9032~LW9039(8 words) folder name of backuping history files to CF card or USB
memory stick
14. MACRO and Remote HMI allow system reserved addresses to use as following list.
LB 9013 FS window control
LB 9014 FS button control
LB 9015 FS window/button control
LB 9018 disable mouse cursor (set ON)
LB 9019 disable/enable buzzer
LB 9034 save event/data logs to HMI, USB disk (set ON)
LB 9042 acknowledge all events (set ON)
LB 9050 logout
LW 9134 language mode
LW 9219 user no
LW 9220 user password

1. The registers, CIO_Bit, W_Bit, H_Bit, D_Bit, can display correct states in OMRON CJ1
2. MACRO is available to use character variable, for example: data[5] = ‘A’
3. MACRO can set the negative value, for example: short data = -1
4. Event log save in HMI memory and almost full of space, the communication still can goes
5. After change data format in data sampling the data can be save correctly (no need to clear
data log file).
6. All MT8000 models have added new keypad in template file
7. After translate MT500 project to MT8000, the beep sound can be display
8. MACRO’s SetData and GetData commend can use int type
9. Use left or right arrow keyboard to move object position, object can move in the valid area

Version 1.30 2008/6/23

New Features
1. Metronix AnyPack driver is available.
2. Yokogawa FA-M3 driver is available.
3. OMRON CJ1/CS1 Ethernet driver is available.
4. MT6056T/MT6104T and MT8104X models are supported.
5. MACRO provides INPORT/OUTPORT command for control COM or Ethernet ‘s input and
6. MACRO provides SQRT, SIN, CON, BCD2BIN, BIN2BCD, DELAY, RAND, …command.
7. Alarm display/Event display can be displayed multi-line text
8. Event log can be used multi-line text. Go to alarm (Event) Log/Setting/Message/Text, use
“Ctrl+Enter” to next line.
9. Remote HMI auto-reconnect is available.
10. Preview Library is available. Go to library/Select Library/Click library file for preview in the
dialog box.
11. Allow “Keyboard” can directly display on the screen without frame and title. (The keypad
has to select “Use external keyboard” in Numeric or ASCII input object/ General/Keyboard
to enable this function.)
12. The object can be resize to smaller one when change the project to smaller model.
(Edit/System parameter/Model/HMI model)
13. Adding checking picture function to avoid EB8000 crashed when open unacceptable
14. Add help file in MACRO dialog box.
15. The keyboard for Numeric/ASCII input can be translated correctly when EB500 project
translate to EB8000.
16. A warning message to alert user when closing EasyPrinter deletes any remaining queued
jobs. When delete print data from EasyPrinter, the data can be removed from preview and

1. Data block pen color can be displayed correctly.
2. The text position can be set correctly in different display mode, like 125%,175%...
3. After decompile the XOB file which includes COM3 of PLC setting can be decompiled
4. Tend Display’s dynamic limit can save the value correctly.
5. Shape library manager can display system shape correctly.
6. In A-bus PLC use off-line simulation will not display ”PLC no response” message.
7. Indirect/Direct window can be used nested.
8. Object/Label/Attribute/Color can be set correctly.
9. Object/Label/Movement/Direction can move object’s text.
10. MACRO can use “while” command correctly.
11. MODBUS RTU driver can read/write 5x address correctly.
12. MACRO can control barcode device’s FLAG address when use COM 2 and COM 3.
13. SAIA PCD S-Bus driver can be write value to PLC correctly.
14. MACRO can use short data[2] = {-1, 2} correctly after compiling.
15. Mitsubishi Q02H and Q06H Max.-write command size is 2 words.
16. MT500 translate to MT8000, the system tag can be translated correctly.
17. The keyboard is extended to 32 pcs in Edit/System parameter/General/Keyboard.
(The original max. keyboard’s default is 10 pcs.)
18. The & sign can be display in EB8000.

Version 1.20 2008/5/2

New Features
1. Provisor TC200 driver is available.
2. Memobus (Yaskawa MP Series Controllers) driver is available.
3. MODBUS RTU (Adjustable) driver is available
MODBUS RTU (Adjustable) driver use parameter1 to adjust the value of address offset.
This driver combine “Modbus RTU” and “Modbus RTU(zero-based addressing) and
controlled by parameter 1. (the real address is the import address to decrease parameter1)
[System Parameter Settings/Device Properties/ COM Port Settings/Parameter1]
For example:
a. When parameter1 is setting 1, MODBUS RTU (Adjustable) driver and MODBUS RTU
driver have the same corresponding address.
b. When parameter1 is setting 0, MODBUS RTU (Adjustable) driver and MODBUS RTU
(zero-based addressing) driver have the same corresponding address.
4. AB DH485 driver is available.
5. LS XGB/XGT driver is available
6. XY Plot object is available.
7. The setting Zero and Span of [Trend Display] object can use Dynamic limits.
[Trend Display Object/Trend/Limits (Dynamic Limits)]
8. It can supply ASCII display clearly aimed miniscule at the ”SongTi” font of simplified
(Chinese) character. (font size 9, 11, 12)
9. The event log object can use to not only import and export EXCEL file, but also edit event
log through EXCEL directly.
10. One S7-300 PLC can communicate with multiple HMIs.

1. HMI is able to connect two barcodes scanner device at same time.
2. HMI is able to connect two AB DF1 PLC via Ethernet IP interface.
3. It is able to delete the data log file in HMI when used LB9026 (delete all data sampling
4. When MT500 translate into MT8000 project, the broadcast station won’t be
checked.[System Parameter Settings/Device/Device Properties/Use broadcast command]
5. The function [watch line] address of [trend display] object is able to select the tag library
6. When zoom in to 200% or 150%, the drawing tools can use accurately.
7. Macro can use the Logic operators and comparison operators.
8. The SetData and GetData can use variable to instead the address in Macro. SetData (a,

Version 1.11a 2008/3/31

New Features
1. Adding SAIA PCD PGU driver
2. Adding SAIA S-BUS driver
3. Adding LENZE dirver
4. Changing PLC’s IP address in the HMI. (LW9600~9659)
5. Changing HMI’s IP address in the HMI. (LW9800~9899)
6. Adding resize project function when change mode.
7. Adding Slide object. (S0802-003)
8. Adding channel of Data Display from 8 to 20 channels.
9. Adding Jumper Control in Trend object for selecting time easily.
10. HP Laser Jet printer supported.
11. Adding zoom levels: 50%, 75%, 100%, 125%, 150%, 175%,200%

1. Correct outlay of API in the MACRO setting window.
2. Modifying font style for MACRO.
3. Correct gray and color setting in the [Hard Copy] of function key.
4. Correct when label content has text and does not use it, the width size can not reduce.
5. Increase the EM address range from 0~9999999 to 0~ 2147483648 (2G) words.
6. The [tracking] of label can be setting alone.
7. Correct decompile function.
a. Correct Trend object can not be decompiled completely.
b. Correct GIF can not be decompiled completely.
c. Correct Message of Event log can not be decompiled completely.
d. Correct the XOB file which created before version 1.0.6d can not decompiling.
8. Correct MACRO can not execute the negative integer.
9. Correct when select ”Right alignment” in ASCII Input, the text display abnormal.
10. Correct [General PLC Control] of PLC Control transmit incorrect.
11. Correct to display decimal point in History Data Display object.
Version 1.10a 2008/1/30
New Features
1. Adding CPU Loading function. (LW 9025) (S0712-001)
2. Adding decompile functions,
a. Can decompile Chinese font.
b. Allow window name of Chinese to decompile.
c. Allow PLC name of Chinese to decompile.
d. Allow MACRO note of Chinese to decompile.
3. Adding S、TfnSV、TfnCV、CfnSV、CfnSV device type in AB DF1(driver version:V1.80) and
Ethernet Net IP(driver version:V1.60) (S0801-002)
4. Adding a bit device DM_bit in Keyence KV-16(driver version:V1.20) and KEYENCE
KV-1000(driver version:V1.10) (S0801-007)
5. Adding Trend display channel up to 20channels (S0801-001)
6. AddingSIEMENS S7/200 driver(driver version:V1.30)VW_Bit force bit, to improving
communication speed. (R0712-013)
7. Adding ASCII server driver(driver version:V1.00) (R0710-007)
8. Adding bitmap in text object for display small size of font. (for example: font size is 8)
9. Adding print server function. Using remote printer server, HMI can print data of screen via

1. Improving SIEMENS 200/300 communication speed.
2. Correct EB500 MODBUS RTU project translating to EB8000, bit address translate incorrect.
3. Correct when using RS485 with multiple slaves when one of them no function, the error
message (PLC no response) appeared intermittence. (R0712-012)
4. Correct Station no. of modbus can not copy by multi. Copy object. (B0801-005)
5. Correct HMI crashes when data block is triggered for redrawing and user is changing
window simultaneously. (B0801-002)
6. Correct abnormal communication with Unitelway PLC after long time connecting.
7. Correct MT8000 (MODBUS Server) can not connect more than 2 unit.

Version 1.0.6d 2007/12/26

New Features
1. Adding device type 6x in MODBUS_ASCII driver.
2. Adding GE Fanuc SNP-X driver (V1.00).
3. Adding grayscale mode when use color printer for Screen hard copy, to speed up when
during printing.
4. Adding “Decompile” function.
5. Adding “Decompile password”.
- Before execute decompile function, need to check the password first.

1. Correct KOYO DIRECT driver (V1.10)
- To delete unnecessary debug information.
2. Correct MITSUBISHI RS232 BD driver (V1.10).
- V1.0 can not active in HMI
3. To speed up Macro command.
4. Correct the error message when HMI is MODBUS Server
- When HMI read more than one MODBUS Server, sometime can not read correctly station
5. Correct when using “Data Transfer”, it cause over loading in communication.
6. Correct Trend display can not display value of floating.
7. Correct MACRO command “GetData” and “SetData” can not use bit address in English.
For example, GetData(data, “Local HMI”, RW_Bit, 100a, 1)
The “100a” can not be compiled.
8. Correct during compile MACRO command, over 65536 address can not be complied
9. Correct Font style when during compiling.
For example, if use “Courier”in the project, after compiling, the font style changed to
“Courier New”.
10. Correct number of category, it can be set over 512 items.
11. Correct when connect to Remote HMI, it can not display disconnecting status.
12. Correct FATEK driver. (V1.10)
- V1.0 DRC address read/write error.

Version 1.0.6c 2007/11/19

New Features
1. Adding 4 arm styles in the Meter-Display object.
2. Adding AIBUS driver.

1. Correct AB DF1 when reading T4SV, T4PV, C5SV, C5PV with serial address over 13
addresses, HMI has “PLC no response” error message.
(Driver V1.70)
2. Correct when using data sampling, if value record data is over PLC max. read command
size, it might cause the HMI unusual status.
3. Correct when sending mass data from PLC, it may cause HMI unable normal operation.
4. Correct EB8000 fast selection button setting dialog error.
5. Correct MODBUS RTU driver to support multi-devices connect when using RS485 serial
interface problem.
6. Correct following PLC when reading data, it might read error value with double 10(for
example: 0x1010)
a. ALLEN-BRADLEY DF1 (Driver V1.70)
b. MITSUBISHI Q02H (Driver V1.20)
c. MITSUBISHI Q06H (Driver V1.20)
d. SIEMENS S7/300 (Driver V1.60)
e. UniTelWay (Driver V1.10)
Version 1.0.6b 2007/11/1
New Features
1. Adding LB9042 for Acknowledge All (when set-on)。
2. Adding LB9043 for indicate the Event of unacknowledged status,if so the state is on, if not,
the state is off.
3. To hide or display “Scroll Buttons” on the Trend Display object.
4. Adding Data Block Display object.
5. Adding Interlock function:Enable when Bit is ON/OFF。
6. Adding two arm styles in the Meter-Display object.
7. Adding to select the color or frame of the arm in the Meter-Display
8. When saving Sampling-Data, it will save to Data Series Name simultaneously, after using
EasyConverter, it will display on the same time.
9. Adding numeric-adjusting function in the EasyConverter, it can adjust position of dot and
scale of original data.
10. Adding OMRON EC5N driver.
11. Adding UniTelway driver.
12. Reading the address after SD8256 in MITSUBISHI FX3U
13. Adding S and D_bit device type in MITSUBISHI FX2N

1. The Header row will display when no data in the Data-Display object.
2. No tracking button in History mode in the Trend-Display object.

1. Correct AB DF1 unable to use Ffn, Bfn and N14 device type. (driver version V1.40)
2. Correct AB DF1 Ethernet-IP unable to use Ffn device type.
3. Correct MATSUSHITA FP’s range of address.
4. Correct SIEMENS S7-300 can not use Systeme Helmholz MPI cable. (driver version
5. Revise EB8000 while compiling, it is unable to carry out normally to cause movements of
compiling by the fact that there are too many warning messages

Version 1.0.5 2007/9/29

New Features
1. When MT506 eob file convert to MT8056, Window size can change to 320x234
2. While using Multi-language, can set the position for different languages.

The older version can not open the V1.0.5 project.

1. May copy the same component repeatedly while using the window copy function in
2. Mitsubishi Q02/06H driver when HMI reset the initial communication maybe error.
3. MT8000 use Modbus Server might send wrong 0x, 1x data when the client read 1byte
4. Revise AB Ethernet/IP DF1 driver.
5. Revise the number of state of backup object.
6. Revise backup object display confirmation request max. waiting time will be set to 0.
7. Correct the Barcode driver unable to judge correctly terminator.
8. Correct LS GLOFA Cnet driver IX, QX problem.

Version 1.0.4e 2007/9/17

New Features
1. Add online modify PLC com parameters.
2. Add backup object, LB9039 backup status bit.
3. Add LW9060~9059 to change Ethernet IP and port no.
4. Add Modbus ASCII driver.
5. Data Sampling object add Days of storage duration function.
6. Alarm Log object add Days of storage duration function.
7. Add Backup object. During backup, do not unplug the CF card; otherwise, the HMI will
8. Add System Tag LB9034 force save the data from RAM to flash memory.

1. Correct Set Word Notification address can not use system tag and user-defined tag.
2. Update LS Master K300S driver.
3. Update AB Ethernet/IP driver.

Version 1.0.4d 2007/9/3

New Features
1. Add Siemens S7-300 driver IW, QW, MW word address type.

1. Update Siemens S7-300 driver to V1.20, correct I, Q, M address type write problem.

Version 1.0.4c 2007/8/31

New Features
1. Add AB Ethernet/IP (DF1) driver.
2. Add History Data Display object.
3. New Security function, 12 users and 6 classes.
4. Add PLC Control / Screen hardcopy function.
5. Add AB CompactLogix/FlexLogix DF1 driver.
6. Add LW9070~9078 System Tag, manager storage memory.
7. Add LB9018 disable mouse cursor.
8. Event Log able to multi-select item then delete. Category add “All” to show all item.
9. LB-9200~9807 PLC status system tag add set off to stop the communication. Before stop
the communication must set auto. connection off.
10. Add MITSUBISHI AJ71 driver.

1. Correct the MITSUBISHI QJ71 input negative double words problem.
2. Correct the Project Manager Recipe download problem.
3. Correct the Macro can not use Chinese device name.
4. Correct the Siemens S7-200, S7-300 Data Transfer problem.
5. Correct the Alarm Bar display problem.
6. Correct the Macro integer variable use left shift (<<) HMI will hold.
7. Update the MITSUBISHI Q02H, MITSUBISHI Q02H reconnect will faster.
8. To modify a display error for alarm display object, this error is that an alarm list’s content
is disorderly while canceling an alarm.
9. Add a min. value protection of the turn-around delay in a device’s COM port setting for

Version 1.0.3 2007/6/23

New Features
11. Add Mitsubishi Q02H/06H driver.
12. Add SIEMENS S7-300 driver.
13. Add Barcode scanner driver.
14. Add VIGOR driver
15. Numeric Input object able use external keyboard.
16. Overlap several Meter display objects able to display correct.
17. Time-base Data transfer and Manual Data transfer object able to use Remote HMI’s data.
18. Bar Graph object able to set bar width and float mode.
19. Add more client connect to HMI.
20. Select the 32 bit System Tag, Numeric display/input object will auto select 32-bit
Unsigned format.
21. Able to delete the Shape and Picture library special status.
22. Able to insert new picture into Picture library.
23. EasyBuilder8000 tools bar add CF card/USB key download icon.
24. EasyBuilder8000 tools bar add EasyConverter.exe icon.
25. Able to change communication parameter at application mode.
26. Able to change Modbus server station number.
27. Add EPSON ESC/P2 and SP-M,D,E,F printer driver.
28. Add TOSHIBA VF-S11 driver.
29. Add Recipe/Extended Memory Editor.

1. Correct System shape display differ one pixel between PC and HMI.
2. Correct Numeric display/input object engineering convert error.
3. Correct multi-object use text blink and overlap the HMI will hold.
4. Correct Event display object can not display label library and Chinese.
5. PLC control object can not select Macro.
6. moving shape object can not use size ratio.
7. Correct the Event log can’t use Label library.
8. Correct the Numeric input can not input number when the register still change value
9. Trend display display wrong date when use history mode.
10. Correct the several same shape object will display error background.
11. Correct connect remote HMI will double connect problem.
12. Correct the Line object when vertical and horizontal only can set the thickness to 1.
13. Correct the vertical and horizontal line object can not snap to grid.
14. Time-base data transfer and manual data transfer object can not correct transfer the
Siemens PLC data.
15. Correct the GIF animation can not display according the file setting.
16. Correct the FATEK driver communication error.
17. Correct Online Simulator can not change the system time.
18. Correct HMI connect multi-HMI will hold.
19. Correct Toggle switch momentary mode can not use interlock function.
20. Correct AB DF driver F8 data type problem.

Version 1.0.2 2007/4/18

New Features
1. “Make Same Color” tool.
2. Improve the PLC communication speed.

1. Correct the EB8000, when delete the Datalog item.
2. Blink text overlaps others object display abnormal problem.
3. Bit Lamp object doesn’t select graph but use blink text will make the screen looks up.
4. EasyConverter.exe can’t converter Chinese.
5. Mitsubishi FX3u driver, SM address read/write error.
6. Converter EB500 eob file, text align, system shape convert error.
7. Line can’t move to screen edge.
8. Create Shape will error when include a line with width is not 1.
9. Shape library dialog can’t display correct shape.

1. Change the Keypad use bitmap or shape for display the keypad faster.
2. Change button1 picture library to bitmap format.

Version 1.0.1 2007/3/19

New Features
1. Macro function.
2. Rectangle object support round setting.
3. Set Bit able to trigger Macro.
4. Set Bit add back light trigger mode.
5. Set Word add back light trigger mode.
6. Multi-State Switch add cyclic mode.
7. Function Key able to trigger Macro.
8. PLC Control object add Macro control type.
9. Trend Display object History mode add Watch function.
10. Print preview function.
11. Sound Library and play Wave file.
12. Translate MT500 eob file to MT8000 mtp.
13. System Message object can use Label Library.
14. Support MT8056 and MT8070 model type.
15. Offer the interface language to choose.
16. Device List add the device alias.
17. Offer the PLC max. read/write command size.
18. Project compress include the Sound library.
19. Tag Library support Export and Import CSV file.
20. Extend Memory function.
21. Add “Password Protected! Access Denied!!” Dialog(Window 7)
22. Import Bitmap can select transparent color by click the picture.
23. EasyBuilder8000 add icon for create download project, data to USB stick or CF card.
24. Add IDEC Macro3 driver.
25. Add build-in Modbus RTU TCP/IP server. The TCP port same as MT8000.
The Modbus addresss mapping to LB, LW and RW.
0x, 1x 1~9999 => LB 0~9998
3x, 4x 1~9999 => LW0~9998
3x,4x 10000~65535 => RW0~5535

1. Traditional Chinese fonts can not display.
2. Some format GIF file can not display.
3. Picture Library and Shape Library can’t delete item.
4. PLC communication can’t use 57600 and 115200 baud rate.
5. PLC Control and Alarm Log object can’t play wave.
6. PLC Control object can’t select System Tag.
7. Bar Graph object’s shape, picture and bar display order.
8. When setting the RTC, the communication will short period stop.
9. After a lot change window time, the HMI will hold.
10. Correct EasyBuilder8000 device table PLC name.
11. When “Internal of block pack” set to 0, the communication slow.
12. In EasyBuilder8000 Meter Display object can’t hide “Scale”.
13. Numeric Input and ASCII Input object overlapping, sometime can’t popup the keypad.
14. One Data Log object maximum data record number is 86400.
15. Correct the Shape Library can’t import the Rectangle with rounded corners.
16. Correct if the device table has Ethernet device can’t add COM1 device.
17. Data Log and Alarm Log record time has the wrong time because the different time zone.
18. Correct the password protected Numeric Input object can’t display alert dialog.

Version 1.0.0 2007/1/17

New Features
1. Add MITSUBISHI FX 232/485BD driver.
2. Add Modbus RTU Server driver.
3. Add Sound Library function.

Unready Function
1. Portrait mode.
2. Print function
3. Rounded rectangle drawing object
4. MACRO function.
5. Advanced objects.

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