Billboard 2

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Uswa Hanif

ENG 393
Professor Justice
Rhetorical Analysis : Saving Black businesses
An enormous billboard that appears quite simple at first glance, but which tells

the story of Baltimore's history and the ongoing struggle for black people's equality,

which has continued for years, is located deep within the city, particularly in the

downtown area. Diversity in venture capital funding has always been an issue. Venture

capital is a type of equity financing that provides funding to entrepreneurs before they

begin making profits. Historical disparities in community wealth, along with limited

exposure and possibilities to secure finance, have resulted in a paucity of funding for

black founders. Black founders, in contrast to their white colleagues, confront particular

difficulties because they are marginalized voices in the community trying to secure

essential functions.

Baltimore has already displayed billboards and placards criticizing the

disproportionate wealth gap that exists between the black and white communities. Since

1990, African Americans have been battling for this portion of the riches. I've included a

picture of this particular billboard above for you to examine and learn about the various

components of rhetoric. The billboard's proximity to some overgrown grass and its

relative height from the ground are two of the first things that catch your attention about

it. The grass is moving closer to the billboard. The billboard features a background of all

sepia colors and a partially obscured image of several buildings behind the words. The

structures in the background have a deeper, almost hidden significance; they stand for

expansion and advancement. Another is that modern buildings signify economic

stability and success, suggesting that by partnering with us you will thrive as well. The

font is white and in bold, with quotations around it, but no images popping out at you. In

a somewhat larger font size is the name of the person who said the quote. The unique
red-brown background helps make the words pop out more, but at the same time grabs

the attention of the reader and lets their eyes read the billboard comfortably.

This Baltimore billboard is full of techniques for rhetorical analysis. The tone of

the board is one of the obvious instances that you would notice right away. The text's

fairly plain typeface, which is also apparent in that it isn't cursive or otherwise "playful"

or unserious-looking, gives the impression that it is extremely formal. Rather, the

typeface was carefully picked to make sure the message could be understood and that

the reader could read it with ease. The tone of this billboard is honest and optimistic.

Comprehending the identity of the speaker offers us additional insight and

background information that enhances our comprehension of the message. It's simple

to identify the specific speaker of a passage enclosed in quote marks, and in this

instance it would be Lenora T. Felder. According to my study, she is a active supporter

of Baltimore and has strong views on youngsters. She wants to play a significant part in

environmental justice because she believes that young people should grow up in a

healthy environment where they may develop. Lenora doesn't have to spend time

describing the billboard how everyone knows that wealth inequality exists in Baltimore.

This gives her the ability to simply put a fact on the billboard, grabbing the reader's

attention and almost making them question how such a thing is possible.

The audience of this billboard is obviously the people in Baltimore. What's

interesting about this billboard is that even though it's mainly targeting young black

people, anyone who sees it will be able to further educate themselves about the topic. It

is offering hope to the people of Baltimore that there are opportunities out there to

financially get help. Imagine strolling down the busy streets of Baltimore, your mind
buzzing with ideas to create a business. Yet, as quickly as the idea blooms, the harsh

reality of financial constraints threatens to snuff it out. Just as hope begins to dim, your

eyes are drawn to a towering billboard, its luminous message cutting through the urban

chaos like a beacon of opportunity. With its promise of financial support, it breathes life

into your wildest aspirations, offering a chance if you are willing to take it.

The location in Baltimore has already been mentioned; however, it’s noticeable

that there is background graffiti near the billboard. It appears from this that the billboard

was situated in a poorer region of Baltimore, possibly even a ghetto, rather than in one

of the city's "rich" neighborhoods. It makes sense in this instance since you want to

draw in minorities who are more vulnerable and would value the chance more. You may

argue that, in a wealthier neighborhood, the billboard could still provide assistance, but

that would be less of a target audience and less of a concern. So we can appreciate

that the target audience is black minorities who are in need of financial help for their


Another feature to note that demonstrates the high caliber of the billboard is that

the URL itself ends in ".org," which is generally connected to charitable or non-profit

institutions. These organizations are more trustworthy because they serve a purpose

other than making money. Another is that people are naturally biased to believe that an

organization is committed to doing good and serving the public good when they see the

".org" extension. As a result, many believe the material to be trustworthy and


In conclusion, the Baltimore billboard stands as a stark testament to the enduring

struggle for racial equality and economic justice faced by the black community. Through
its clever design and choice of message, it not only exposes systemic disparities in

venture capital funding but also offers a ray of hope through initiatives like the Kiva

lending program. By strategically placing the billboard in an underserved area, it targets

those most in need of support while inviting broader awareness and engagement.

Ultimately, it serves as a rallying cry for collective action and a reminder of the ongoing

fight for a more equitable and inclusive society.

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