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Teacher: Mhaya Boulanouar High School

Class: 2 year
Level: Intermediate
Time: 60mins
Aim By the end of this lesson, Sts will be able to use the second conditional in a
speaking about dreams
Assumptions Sts are familiar with first conditional
Anticipated Problem Common mistake: Sts use ‘would’ in if clause.
Pictures, worksheets

Stage Time Interactions

Warm up
T shows two pictures, one about Maldives islands and one about Taj Mahel. Then T
writes a question on the board: “ What would your ideal vacation destination be? If
you had a week off”
Sts give possible answers. T writes them on the board.
T shows other pictures, one about a person taking photos and one about a beach. 5mins T-ss
Then T writes the question on the board: “ What would you do if you were in
Sts give possible answers. T writes them on the board.

-T checks Ss understand the use of the second conditional in the context by
asking sts to read the examples written on the board.
-T uses the questions to establish that the situation is not real and not probable.

-Ask Ss to read the sentences more carefully and then, in pairs, they are to
compare the verb forms. 20mins T-ss
- T asks sts about the form of verbs. T underlines these verbs.

--To elicit the rule of the second conditional, go through the questions with the
whole class:
-What tense is used in the if clause?
Answer: Simple Past
-What form is the verb in the result clause?
Answer: would + stem
Now together with Sts elicit the rule :
The unreal conditional clause is formed with if+the Simple Past
tense. In the result clause, we use the auxiliary verb would+stem.
Would can be shortened to ‘d.
1.Give Exercise 1. Ask Ss to do this orally in pairs.
2.Exercise 2: ask Ss to do this on their own and then compare with 10mins Ss-ss/Ss-T
a partner. Check the exercise with the whole class.
-Exercise 3: Ss do it on their own. Elicit answers in open class. -
Exercise 4: Ss do it individually as well. Elicit answers in open 10mins Ss-ss/Ss-T
-Exercise 5: Ss take it as homework.

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