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(Foundation and Overlap)

Family and friends

Complete the questions by typing in the answer boxes, which will expand as necessary.

Then fill in the self-assessment form as fully as you can to help you reflect on your work.

Press CTRL+click on the headphones icon to play the audio to answer the listening questions.
If you have any problems, follow the instructions in the audio appendix at the end of the test.

Q1. Family life…

Amandine is talking about her family life.
Choose the correct answer and write the letter in each box.

1 Amandine is jealous of her brother because he ...

A gets pocket money.

B is allowed to go out.

C works well at school.


2 Amandine’s mum never asks her to ...

A babysit.

B cook.

C do the cleaning.


3 Amandine would like her dad to ...

A be more active.

B spend less time at home.

C work less.

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GCSE French (Foundation and Overlap): Family and friends


4 Amandine would like a ...

A cat.

B dog.

C horse.

(Total 4 marks)

Q2 Relationships…

These young people have taken part in a TV dating game show. They are talking about the
people they met on the programme.
What is their opinion of these people ?
Write P for a positive attitude.
Write N for a negative attitude.
Write P/N for a positive and a negative attitude.

Florian P

(a) Laura

(b) Arthur

(c) Lucas

(d) Clémentine

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GCSE French (Foundation and Overlap): Family and friends

(Total 4 marks)

Q3. Ideal partner

A money

B looks

C a sense of humour

D honesty

E height

F intelligence

G being sporty

H kindness

What’s the most important thing in an ideal partner for each person ?
Write the correct letter in each box.

Example: F




(Total 4 marks)

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GCSE French (Foundation and Overlap): Family and friends

Q4 Arguments with parents

A money

B homework

C clothes

D housework

E going out

F friends

G music

What do these people argue about with their parents ?

Write the correct letter in each box.




(Total 4 marks)

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GCSE French (Foundation and Overlap): Family and friends

Q5. Le mariage…
Vous entendez cette personne à la radio suisse parler du mariage.
Complétez les phrases en français.
Répondez aux deux aspects de cette question.

1 Après le mariage de sa tante, elle voulait se

Pour elle, l'essentiel dans un couple c'est


2 Pour rencontrer son partenaire, le mieux c'est de

(Total 3 marks)

Q6 Relations with parents

A Swiss magazine has published an item about young people’s relationships with their

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GCSE French (Foundation and Overlap): Family and friends

Write the name of the correct person for each statement.

1 Someone who does not get on at all with his parents


2 Someone who comes from a large family.


3 Someone who has no brothers or sisters.


4 Someone who would like more freedom.

(Total 4 marks)

Q7. Tweets about marriage

Your French exchange partner has posted a tweet about marriage on Twitter.
Read some of his followers' replies.

What are his followers' views on marriage ?

For a positive view, write P.
For a negative view, write N.
For a positive and a negative view, write P / N.

1 Thomas

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GCSE French (Foundation and Overlap): Family and friends

2 Maeva


3 Louane

(Total 3 marks)

Q8. Family relationships

A French Canadian teen magazine has published an item about family relationships.
Read what these girls from Quebec say about their families.

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GCSE French (Foundation and Overlap): Family and friends

Write the name of the correct person for each statement.

1 Whose sister is helpful ?


2 Whose sister shares the same interests ?


3 Who does not see her mother often ?


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GCSE French (Foundation and Overlap): Family and friends

4 Who shares her concerns with her mother ?


5 Whose relationship with her mother is difficult ?


6 Who is the youngest in her family ?

(Total 6 marks)
Q9. Family
Sonia is describing her family.

Mon père est rigolo et très bavard.

Par contre, ma belle-mère est souvent méchante.

Elle n‛est jamais heureuse.

Mon frère a douze ans.

Read the description. Complete the sentences below in English.

1 Her dad is and very

2 Her step-mum is often and never
3 Her brother is years old.
(Total 5 marks)

Q10. Lifestyles

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GCSE French (Foundation and Overlap): Family and friends

J’habite à Tombouctou au Mali. Comme dans beaucoup

de pays en Afrique, il y a beaucoup de pauvreté chez
nous. Il pleut rarement, donc il est difficile de cultivar les
fruits et les légumes dont nous avons besoin. Mais
heureusement ça commence à changer. Au collège on
a de la chance, car on vient de recevoir quelques
ordinateurs d’un lycée en France et d’une entreprise
britannique. C’est génial, parce que je peux surfer sur
Internet. Ma mère m’a aussi acheté un portable et avec,
j’envoie tout le temps des textos à mes copines et
j’écoute de la musique. J’espère apprendre comment
envoyer des photos.

Moi, j’habite dans l’est, près de Besançon. Mon village

est tranquille et un peu isolé mais je l’aime parce que je
connais tout le monde et j’ai plein de copains pas trop
loin de chez moi. Ça fait deux ans que j’ai un ordinateur,
mais je l’utilise seulement pour participer aux forums où
je me suis fait de nouveaux amis. J’adore faire des
randonnées et, comme on est près des montagnes, je
peux faire des promenades à pied ou à cheval quand je
veux, et faire du ski en hiver. C’est cool!

Choose four sentences which are true.

Write the correct letters in the boxes.

A Aliyah thinks that Mali is different from lots of other countries in Africa.

B Aliyah thinks that life is getting better in her country.

C Other countries are helping Mali to have access to new technology.

D Aliyah has sent photos to her friends on her mobile.

E Didier feels isolated where he lives.

F Didier has no friends apart from those he has met in chat rooms.

G Didier is less experienced with technology than Aliyah.

H Didier has lots of interests.

(Total 4 marks)

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GCSE French (Foundation and Overlap): Family and friends

Audio appendix

Copy and paste the URL into your browser to play the audio file.

Q1. Family life

Q2 Relationships

Q3. Ideal partner

Q4 Arguments with parents

Q5. Le mariage

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GCSE French (Foundation and Overlap): Family and friends

Feedback Form Instructions

When you have answered as many questions as you can, complete the form on the last page
to help you reflect on your work.

How to fill in the form

1 Put your confidence score in Column C. This is not about the number of marks you achieved
but how sure you felt while you were answering the question.

Confidence Definition

0 I didn’t answer this one

1 I guessed the answer

2 I needed help with the answer

3 I understood the question but wasn’t sure about my answer

4 I was fairly confident I would get most of the marks

5 I was sure my answer was correct and I would get full marks

2 Use the mark scheme to check your answers.

Put the mark you think you achieved in Column Mark.

3 Write an overall comment about how you felt each question went.
 If you got help, make a note in the comment box specifying the source: internet,
friend, book, parent or tutor.

4 Complete ‘I can…’ and ‘I need to…’ sentences.

 ‘I can…’ sentences might include the questions you found easiest to answer, got the
most marks for or felt the most confident about.
 ‘I need to…’ sentences might include areas you need to revise, questions you want to
ask your teacher or the next topic or skill you want to work on.

5 Return the form to your teacher.

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GCSE French (Foundation and Overlap): Family and friends

Family and friends

Feedback form Name

C Mark Comment

1 4

2 4

3 4

4 4

5 3

6 4

7 3

8 6

9 5

10 4

I can ……

I need to …….

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GCSE French (Foundation and Overlap): Family and friends

Teacher review
Mark Comment

1 4

2 4

3 4

4 4

5 3

6 4

7 3

8 6

9 5

10 4

You can ……

You need to …….

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